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Blockchain technology could be the future of all technology

The dreaded ‘brain drain’ that has been affecting the island, and accelerated by Hurricane Maria, has seen the population decrease drastically, with over 70% of its college graduates leaving the island. Is there an antidote for this?
Shirley McPhaul-Castro believes that there is. McPhaul-Castro is the Director of CryptoCurious, an educational initiative from the Puerto Rico Blockchain Trade Association (PRBTA) that aims to bring Web 3 technology to the island in an accessible way.
November 11 marks the start of the Web 3 Hackathon 2.0, held by the PRBTA and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Blockchain Initiative, where participants will design and develop products to solve pressing issues — all using blockchain technology. Puerto Rico’s crypto and blockchain community has been steadily growing and is seen by many as the island’s golden ticket to improving its global position in tech and bringing high-paying jobs.
“Since Hurricane Maria, more than 90% of my friends have left. The island has become a lonely place,” said McPhaul-Castro in an interview with THE WEEKLY JOURNAL. “We can seize this opportunity to create high-paying jobs so our artists and engineers can stay and so that the diaspora will come back. No one leaves home because they want to, [you] migrate because you don’t have a choice. As Puerto Ricans, we want to change that, get our hands dirty, and get the work going. Hopefully more people will join us.”
Continue reading: https://www.theweeklyjournal.com/business/blockchain-technology-could-be-the-future-of-all-technology/article_cf2f28bc-5d93-11ed-a8f2-2b43b4a47245.html


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Blockchain as a resource; how the technology can bring about a new definition of Enterprise Resource Planning

As blockchain-based applications evolve it is believed that technology’s decentralized and distributed ledger protocol can help with enterprise resource planning (ERP), which refers to the integrated management of main business processes. According to Ultra Consultants, a business management consulting firm, business value addition of blockchain is expected to exceed $176 billion by 2025, and will go past $3.1 trillion by 2030.
Insights from Fortune Business Insights, a market research-based company, showed that the global blockchain-as-a-service (BaaS) market size stood at $1.90 billion in 2019 and has been projected to reach $24.94 billion by 2027, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 39.5%. 
“Many companies use ERP systems to streamline their business processes. Blockchain and ERP combination carries the potential to eliminate the trust gap between siloed ERPs while providing visibility throughout the system. Blockchain could be effective not only in terms of record keeping but for automating transactions through smart contracts,” Pratik Gauri, founder and CEO, 5ire, a blockchain-based platform, told FE Blockchain.
Continue reading: https://www.financialexpress.com/blockchain/blockchain-as-a-resource-how-the-technology-can-bring-about-a-new-definition-of-enterprise-resource-planning/2777052/


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How To Break The Leadership Glass Ceiling In The Biotech Industry

Of every hundred entry-level men promoted to manager positions, only eighty-seven women receive promotions. Because of this, significantly more men than women are involved in leadership, and the inequality does not seem to be reducible, according to the latest Women in the Workplace report from McKinsey, in partnership with LeanIn.Org.
The glass ceiling is a well-known barrier limiting women’s workplace advancement. But what about the leadership glass ceiling? This is a term used to describe the lack of women leaders in specific industries, which initiatives such as Estée Lauder’s Emerging Leaders Fund help to rectify, by nurturing the next generation of female entrepreneurs.
Biotech is one such industry where women are still underrepresented in leadership roles. According to the third annual, ‘Measuring Diversity in the Biotech Industry’ report, only 34% of executive teams and 20% of CEOs are reported to be women.
Leen Kawas, the co-founder and managing general partner at Propel Bio Partners, said, “if we don’t like the statistics of women-led companies, it is upon us to make a change,” in an email. She proposed four key strategies that will help break the leadership glass ceiling in biotech.
1. Increase funding for women-led companies
There is a clear correlation between the amount of funding a company receives and its success. However, “Funding for female-founded companies has not improved in recent years and has, in fact, decreased,” said Kawas—who, according to Business Insider and GeekWire, was the first woman to take a company public in 20 years in Washington state, one of only 22 female founders and CEOs to lead their company to an IPO—in an interview. “Only 2.0% of venture capital went to these companies in 2021, down from its height of 2.8% in 2009,” she added. Kawas continued, “Only 12% of decision-makers in investment firms are women, and 65% don’t have any women in their senior leaders and decision-makers.” This lack of female representation among investors may be of the main reasons why women-led companies receive less funding.
2. Eliminate hidden bias
The first step in addressing bias is acknowledging that it exists. According to a study published by Harvard Business Review, hiring an equal number of women to men in an organization will not stop bias against women. In fact, even when more women are present, prejudice against women continues because it’s ingrained in the system. These biases can manifest themselves in several ways. For example, another study published by Harvard Business Review concluded that when VCs evaluate companies, they pose different questions to male and female entrepreneurs: men typically receive questions about the potential for gains, while women are asked about the risks. Giana Eckhardt, professor of marketing and vice dean at King’s Business School at King’s College London, believes that one way to eliminate hidden bias is by using explicit, inclusive criteria to assess individuals. “Women are judged to have less leadership potential than men, even though they consistently have higher performance ratings,” Eckhardt said in an interview. Her view aligns with new research conducted by McKinsey, which identifies that women are switching jobs at the highest rate in years, making it, according to Eckhardt, “imperative upon biotech companies to combat unconscious biases in the promotion process or lose their female talent.”
  Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/benjaminlaker/2022/11/05/how-to-break-the-leadership-glass-ceiling-in-the-biotech-industry/?sh=4117eabd2878


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Report: Many women in tech face harassment and inequality in the workplace

Ensono’s Speak Up survey also finds that many of the respondents say they have been discouraged from pursuing STEAM careers. Learn how to reduce the barriers for women in tech.

A significant number of women working in tech experience physical and verbal harassment in their careers, and nearly half (44%) in the U.S. have seen an increase in workplace sexual harassment over the last five years, according to a new report from managed services provider Ensono.
The company surveyed 1,500 women evenly divided across the U.S., U.K. and India this year to better understand the experiences of women working in the tech industry, examining topics such as learning and career development, workplace harassment and gender equality.
The third annual Speak Up survey released Thursday found that one in five women (22%) from the U.S. and India report experiencing verbal abuse at work, with the U.K. following closely at 21%. In the U.K., women reported more subtle forms of discrimination, such as microaggressions (23%) or being dismissed in group settings (25%).
Further, 91% of Latina women and 72% of Black women said they’ve experienced discouragement or setbacks in their careers, compared to 64% of white women.
“For our Speak Up initiative this year, we chose to focus on what is changing for women pursuing tech careers and the unique needs and experiences of women across the globe,” explained Meredith Graham, chief people officer at Ensono, in a statement. “It’s clear there is still a lot of work to be done to promote and enact real change for women in the workplace, especially in technology, which is a predominantly male industry.”
Continue reading: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/report-many-women-tech-face-harassment-inequality-workplace/


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10 Vital Leadership Qualities for The Age of Artificial Intelligence

The very nature of labor will alter due to AI and automation. CEOs mustn’t overlook this AI- and data-driven change, or “intelligence revolution,” as we like to refer to it, or permit other executives to do so. The primary concerns for business leaders of today and tomorrow include figuring out how to use AI, dealing with people-related difficulties, avoiding the ethical hazards of AI, making sure you have the correct technology in place, and others.
What kind of abilities are we referring to? The ten leadership abilities listed below must be developed for success in the intelligence revolution:
1. Agility
The rate of change is astounding, especially with AI. Therefore, leaders must be able to welcome and accept change (including new technologies). And, most significantly, they must perceive change not as a burden but as an opportunity for personal and organizational innovation and growth.
2. Emotional Intelligence
Softer qualities like emotional intelligence and empathy will be more important for human workers as the workplace becomes more automated. And it makes sense that leaders should act in this way if we want the workplaces of the future to value these human skills.
3. Cultural Sensitivity
Future workplaces will be considerably more diverse, international, and dispersed than those of the present. Effective leaders will be able to respect and get along with people from various walks of life, even when they have different worldviews. They will also be able to recognize and capitalize on the differences that people bring to the table.
Continue reading: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/10-vital-leadership-qualities-for-the-age-of-artificial-intelligence/


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Artificial intelligence: 3 ways to prioritize responsible practices

The question of how to use artificial intelligence (AI) tools responsibly and without bias remains largely unanswered. As you develop your AI strategy, consider these ethical best practices.
The question of how to use AI responsibly has been a hot topic for some time, yet little has been done to implement regulations or ethical standards. To start seeing real industry change, we need to shift from simply discussing the risks of unbridled AI to implementing concrete practices and tools.
Here are three steps practitioners can take to make responsible AI a priority today.
1. Check for model robustness
AI models can be sensitive. Something as minor as capitalization can affect a model’s ability to process data accurately. Accurate results are foundational to responsible AI, especially in industries like healthcare. For example, a model should understand that reducing the dose of a medication is a positive change, regardless of the other content presented.
Tools like CheckList, an open source resource, look at failure rates for natural language processing (NLP) models that aren’t typically considered. By generating a variety of tests, CheckList can generate model robustness and fix errors automatically. Sometimes it’s as easy as introducing a more pronounced sentiment to training data – “I like ice cream VERY much” instead of “I like ice cream” – to train the models. While different statements, the model can be trained that both are positive.
Continue reading: https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2022/11/artificial-intelligence-prioritize-responsible-practices


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The Biggest Opportunity In Generative AI Is Language, Not Images

The buzz around generative AI today is deafening.
Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence that can generate novel content, rather than simply analyzing or acting on existing data. No topic in the world of technology is attracting more attention and hype right now.
The white-hot epicenter of today’s generative AI craze has been text-to-image AI. Text-to-image AI models generate detailed original images based on simple written inputs. (See here for some examples.) The most well-known of these models include Stable Diffusion, Midjourney and OpenAI’s DALL-E.
It was the sudden emergence of these text-to-image AI models over the summer that catalyzed today’s generative AI frenzy: billion-dollar funding rounds for nascent startups, over-the-top company launch parties, nonstop media coverage, waves of entrepreneurs and venture capitalists hastily rebranding themselves as AI-focused.
It makes sense that text-to-image AI, more than any other area of artificial intelligence, has so captivated the public’s imagination. Images are aesthetically appealing, easy to consume, fun to share, ideally suited to go viral.
And to be sure, text-to-image AI is incredibly powerful technology. The images that these models can produce are breathtaking in their originality and sophistication. We have explored text-to-image AI’s tremendous potential in previous articles in this column, last month as well as in early 2021. Image-generating AI will transform industries including advertising, gaming and filmmaking.
But make no mistake: current buzz notwithstanding, AI-powered text generation will create many orders of magnitude more value than will AI-powered image generation in the years ahead. Machines’ ability to generate language—to write and speak—will prove to be far more transformative than their ability to generate visual content.
Language is humanity’s single most important invention. More than anything else, it is what sets us apart from every other species on the planet. Language enables us to reason abstractly, to develop complex ideas about what the world is and could be, to communicate these ideas to one another, and to build on them across generations and geographies. Almost nothing about modern civilization would be possible without language.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/robtoews/2022/11/06/the-biggest-opportunity-in-generative-ai-is-language-not-images/?sh=197a8815789d


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Organizations are far more likely to realize value from AI when their workers do

Workers who derive at least moderate value from AI technology are more likely to be satisfied in their jobs, according to new MIT/Boston Consulting Group Research.
A new report from MIT Sloan Management Review and Boston Consulting Group finds that despite the commonly held belief that artificial intelligence-powered automation can take workers’ jobs, 60% of employees view AI as a coworker and not a job threat.
Furthermore, organizations with employees who derive value from AI are 5.9 times as likely to see significant financial benefits from it than organizations where employees do not get value from AI, according to the report Achieving Individual—and Organizational—Value With AI.
What does it really mean to use AI?
The research, based on a global survey of 1,741 managers and interviews with 17 executives, finds that individuals derive personal value from AI “when using the technology improves their self-determination, which encompasses their competency, autonomy and relatedness,” the report said.
The report discusses what “using AI” really means and defines it as “a broad range of applications in which AI may be a more or less prominent component.” Citing Salesforce’s customer relationship management software Einstein as an example, the report explains that the tool is used for classic AI tasks: to predict customer behavior, understand customer sentiment and automate client services.
However, end users might not be aware or care that AI is behind the product’s performance.
“Many technologies have embedded, even hidden, AI components that workers may not even be aware of,” said Sam Ransbotham, professor of analytics at Boston College and guest editor for the MIT SMR Artificial Intelligence and Business Strategy Big Ideas research initiative. “When everyone is using AI to some degree—and getting value from it—familiar tropes become problematic.
Continue reading: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/organizations-workers-realize-value-ai/


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The people building artificial intelligence are the ones who need AI the most

There are many interesting use cases for artificial intelligence, from drug discovery to autonomous transportation. But the people seeing the most benefits from AI technologies to date are technologists themselves -- automating their operations and quality assurance, enabling faster application development, greater network optimization, and eliminating manual task work.
That's the word from a recent survey of 7,502 IT executives and professionals around the world, commissioned by IBM's Watson group. Overall, 35% of companies now report using AI in their businesses -- up from 31% a year ago, with an additional 42% exploring the technology. It's being applied through off-the-shelf solutions such as virtual assistants, as well as being embedded in existing business operations -- especially IT processes. 
The irony, of course, is that the people charged with building out AI-driven applications and systems -- IT teams -- need AI the most to support their efforts. This isn't totally surprising, as AI development and implementation makes things much more complex, requiring greater levels of automation. 
About half of organizations are seeing benefits from using AI to automate IT, business or network processes, including cost savings and efficiencies (54%), improvements in IT or network performance (53%), and better experiences for customers (48%). 
Continue reading: https://www.zdnet.com/article/the-people-building-artificial-intelligence-are-the-ones-who-need-ai-the-most/


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11 AI Marketing Tools That Are Powerful in Digital Economy

The digital economy is booming, and with it, the use of AI marketing tools. These tools can penetrate the user’s psyche and help understand their wants and need to deliver the right content at the right time. Additionally, AI marketing tools can automate tasks and processes, making them more efficient and effective.
In this post, I’ve compiled a list of 11 effective tools in the digital economy. So if you’re looking for ways to reach your target audience more effectively, consider giving one or more of these tools a try!
1. Browse AI
Browse AI is a website scraping tool that makes extracting and monitoring data from any website easy. You enter the URL of the page you want to scrape, and the tool will automatically start collecting information and putting it into a spreadsheet. You can also use Browse.ai to extract data from social media pages, blogs, or other websites.
This is a great way to get information about your webpage traffic and see how it’s changing over time. You can also use this data to improve your webpage content or design or analyze your website’s customer behavior. In short, Browse AI is an invaluable tool for anyone who wants to make sense of their online data!
2. CoSchedule
Headlines are the deciding factor in the opening rate. You have to come up with catchy, attention-grabbing subject lines for your emails can be a daunting task — but don’t worry, Coschedule is here to help!
Using AI, this site can predict how effective email subject lines will be based on factors like the recipient’s email address and past interactions with similar emails from you or your clients. This means that you can confidently write subjects that are sure to get the attention of your target audience — without having to worry about wasting time testing them out on a small scale first.
3. Tidio
Tidio is a powerful, all-in-one customer service tool that uses AI to help customers quickly and affordably. It offers several features that make it one of the most popular chatbots on the market, including:
  • A chatbot that can handle multiple languages and dialects, including Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Brazilian Portuguese, and Japanese.
  • A chatbot that can understand complex questions and queries.
  • A chatbot that can answer customer questions in real time.
  • A chatbot that can offer solutions to common problems (like lost luggage or missed flights).
  • A chatbot that can provide recommendations for future visits or purchases
Continue reading: https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/11-ai-marketing-tools-that-are-powerful-in-digital-economy-85fff049533b


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The Silent Quantum Threat To Web3 Cyber Resilience

If you are worried about DeFi’s war with cyber-hackers and the cyber-marauders at the gates of Web3, take a deep breath. Quantum computing is coming and could render today’s digital cryptography used in DeFi and Web3 useless.
The emerging generation of quantum computers currently under development will have the potential to hack Web3, very quickly. The cybersecurity and financial consequences of this could be unprecedented. The solutions are not straightforward and forthcoming and require complex work and most importantly, community consensus.
The Next Generation Of Computing - Quantum
Quantum computing is the next generation of computing machines and techniques that are very different from current computers, known in the jargon as classical computers. Quantum computers are more powerful for certain calculations. This means that calculations that would take thousands of years on today’s supercomputers are accomplished instantly by quantum ones.
Amongst these calculations are very useful applications like simulating drugs and their effect in organisms over time avoiding lab tests, financial forecasting and better predicting market behaviors to better avoid crises, and many innovations across business and society.
Nevertheless, the most attractive application to cyber-criminals and the most concerning to society, is the capacity of these computers to hack the current cryptography of the Internet, telecommunications, and blockchain networks, jeopardizing our Web3 identities, digital assets, and their stores of value.
What Makes Quantum Computers So Different And Powerful?
Today’s classical computers are binary because their basic units of information are bits which can be either in a 0 or 1 value. The equivalent in quantum computing is quantum bits, or qubits, a basic unit of information. Qubits leverage two phenomena from quantum physics: entanglement, and superposition, and are used to do parallel computing exponentially faster than a classical binary computer.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/lawrencewintermeyer/2022/11/03/the-silent-quantum-threat-to-web3-cyber-resilience/?sh=594d51872274


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The Effect of Blockchain on Businesses

In the field of information technology, blockchain is a technology which has emerged as a very promising element. It’s a type of public ledger that can be viewed by several parties which have a part in the transaction and serves as a central repository for all transactions between them. One of the primary factors driving market expansion is the growing popularity of bitcoin throughout the world. When it comes to the impact of this ground-breaking technology on marketing and advertising, newbies and even blockchain specialists have a lot of doubts. In the realm of marketing, blockchains have the potential to make a huge impact.
What Is Blockchain?
Blockchain is a decentralized type of decentralized database, meaning it is governed by a community of users rather than a single central entity. Encryption protects the data. It can’t be changed or removed. Going by the basic blockchain idea, any file or data may be stored in chain blocks. The technique is used in a variety of fields. Commercial transactions, financial data, and health data are everlasting in the blockchain system. As a result, this technology offers a fresh, open, and safe tool for businesses in advertising.
Blockchain in Advertising
Blockchain is built on distributed ledger technology, which has enormous potential to impact several aspects of the marketing value chain. Smart contracts between agencies and companies and micropayments that reward consumer engagement have the potential to transform marketing. There are more than 200+ businesses that allow blockchain to be used in marketing initiatives. Everyone participating in a start-up or a new firm needs marketing. Here is how blockchain technology is affecting marketing –
Continue reading: https://martechseries.com/mts-insights/staff-writers/the-effect-of-blockchain-on-businesses/


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How to Find Your Community in Web3

I’ve been writing about Web3 – a term broadly used to describe the next phase of the internet – exclusively for over a year now, and one thing I’ve noticed is the emergence of empty buzzwords to describe vague concepts. But one of those buzzwords – “community” – is central to the mission of builders and investors in the space. Even when my screen-induced dopamine reservoirs evaporate, I still believe in the Web3 community, vibes and all.
This is a good thing because as a journalist I am decidedly now a part of the Web3 community. Some may poke fun at our frequent use of Twitter Spaces and proclivity for shorthand slang – “gm” is a catchall greeting you’ll likely see splattered across crypto Twitter at any given time. But beneath the Ape profile pictures and fast-paced hype cycles is a collective of people all contributing to the formation of a decentralized, blockchain-driven future.
Along my Web3 journey I’ve met interesting people, gained relevant career skills and fostered meaningful professional relationships. As the development of Web3 continues to expand, so too have the ways in which people can connect and form communities.
If you’re looking to find your place in the ever-evolving world of Web3, here are some ways to connect with like-minded individuals, pulling examples from my own experiences along with insight from industry professionals.
Explore social platforms
As communities continue to pop up across a fluid Web3 landscape, there are several platforms known for attracting large numbers of crypto enthusiasts.
Evolved from its early days as just a platform for short streams of consciousness, Twitter is now a popular platform for people to share news, create dialogue and find community. This is particularly true for the crypto-curious and Web3-native crowds, who have embraced functionalities like Twitter threads and Twitter Spaces to engage in dialogue with a global audience. Twitter Spaces can be especially useful for people who want to listen in on a conversation before diving in – the Clubhouse-style audio tool is a mix between an expert podcast and a multiway phone call with your peers.
Continue reading: https://www.coindesk.com/learn/how-to-find-your-community-in-web3/


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AI ethics: 5 key pillars

As artificial intelligence (AI) gains momentum in mainstream business operations, CIOs must consider these ethical guideposts in their strategy
Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML), often imagined as self-driving cars or human-like robots, are flourishing at the enterprise level as practical business use cases increase. Many companies rely on AI/ML to expedite internal processes, automate mundane tasks, and reduce human error.
But some businesses fail to consider that AI ethics are essential to ensure that the technology is used appropriately and securely and that it does not pose risks to businesses.
The growing importance of AI in nearly all enterprises brings into question how CIOs can ensure that the processes align with ethical and responsible AI. Because AI will likely continue to pave the way for additional technological advancements and is crucial to ensuring efficient and effective internal processes, CIOs and business leaders must pay attention to the following key pillars of ethical AI.
1. Accountability
The first pillar of ethical AI is accountability. Relying on AI can speed up internal processes and ensure faster workflows, but only if it is accountable and dependable. The AI/ML must be trustworthy, based on the processes it’s designed to complete, to be valid.
If AI is not accountable for completing tasks, then its use cases essentially go out the window. CIOs should continuously check on AI to evaluate success rates and ensure that business processes operate correctly.
Continue reading: https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2022/11/ai-ethics-5-key-pillars


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How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming Out-Of-Home Advertising For Small Businesses

In the early years of the 21st century, there were significant concerns about robots replacing humans in the workforce. Although the protest remains unsettled, it was more terrifying then than now, mostly because the concept of robotics wasn’t very clear.
The International Organization of Standardization didn’t help when it defined a robot as an “automatically controlled, reprogrammable manipulator.” By that definition, an ATM is a robot, and bank tellers were in serious trouble. At least, they thought they were.
As we familiarized ourselves with artificial intelligence (AI), we began to understand that actual robots are analytical brainchildren with the ability to make sense of available data and influence decisions accordingly. It turns out that marketers are harnessing this analytical superpower far more than banks could ever use ATMs.
By 2028, the AI marketing industry could be worth over $100 billion, thanks to digital advertising giants (like Google and Meta) making AI marketing accessible to everyone. For this reason, many have resolved that the outdoor marketing components are too traditional to be effective.
Well, that’s not true. Like almost every part of our lives, AI is transforming out-of-home advertising. Now, it could be a more efficient alternative for small businesses, especially brick-and-mortar companies. How?
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2022/11/03/how-artificial-intelligence-is-transforming-out-of-home-advertising-for-small-businesses/?sh=725b6ef5cd21


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Top 5 Online Blockchain Courses For Beginners

Blockchain has registered formidable levels of growth and success over the course of the last decade. With new dApps, smart contracts, and many other blockchain-based applications making an impact, blockchain courses can guide people through the mazes of this new technology. People want to learn blockchain and use its different traits to create new projects or build their careers in the blockchain. 
However, it is difficult to find courses for beginners, especially considering the fact that they are completely new to blockchain. How can you find training courses suited to beginners? The following post guides you through the details of five important online courses tailored for beginners.
Beginner-friendly Blockchain Training Courses for You
Blockchain is a global industry with the value advantages of consistent innovation introducing new solutions with each passing day. As a result, interest in online blockchain courses has been soaring profoundly. Here are some of the top choices in blockchain training courses you can choose for a beginner.
1. Cryptocurrency Fundamentals, Trading, and Investing
The first entry among blockchain courses for beginners offers a flexible resource for learning about the basics of cryptocurrencies. You can learn how cryptocurrencies are associated with blockchain, especially with the example of Bitcoin. The course also offers training on different technical factors associated with crypto trading, such as important tools. Furthermore, you can also find practical examples for learning about crypto investment best practices.
2. NFT Fundamentals
The NFT Fundamentals training course is one of the top blockchain courses online for figuring out how NFTs work. The course includes almost everything you need to know about non-fungible tokens. It focuses particularly on challenges for the mass adoption of NFTs alongside the best practices for accessing NFT marketplaces and wallets. The NFT fundamentals training courses also focus on different methods for creating, purchasing, and selling non-fungible tokens. 
3. Tokenization Fundamentals
Beginners in the field of blockchain should also enroll in the Tokenization Fundamentals training course. It is one of the promising blockchain courses for developing an in-depth understanding of blockchain basics and its uses in trading. The training course also covers the significance of tokenization in driving the growth of alternative finance. The tokenization fundamentals course also outlines details of financial structures and models you can use in tokenization. 
4. Introduction to DeFi
Decentralized finance, or DeFi, has been developed with the objective of simplifying access to financial services. The “Introduction to DeFi” course will help you learn how you can use DeFi. In addition, you can develop the skills for explaining DeFi to your team members, clients, and decision-makers. You can also find important pointers on becoming a DeFi expert without pursuing the role of a trader. 
5. How to Build Your Career in Enterprise Blockchains?
The “How to Build Your Career in Enterprise Blockchains” training course is one of the trusted blockchain courses for beginners to avail of career guidance. Learners can use the course to learn about career opportunities in the field of blockchain. You can also learn about blockchain skills required for becoming a full-fledged professional.
Final Words 
The courses for blockchain beginners have one common theme, i.e., emphasis on blockchain fundamentals. Beginners could use the insights on blockchain basics to understand how blockchain helps tokenization, creation of NFTs, or crypto trading and investing. However, the selection of blockchain courses online can be a tough challenge for many newcomers. 
As a beginner, you must stay away from fraudulent courses which can dupe you of your money. Try to study the details of a course, such as the topics covered in it and the learning objectives of the course. You may be a beginner today. However, that does not hold you back from taking the first step in learning blockchain.           

"I got into tech by chance" - Rebecca Brindley, NatWest Women in Tech Excellence finalist

Rebecca Brindley, Experience Manager of Digital Channels at DigiTech, NatWest, is a finalist in Outstanding Transformation at the Women in Technology Excellence Awards.
I was always interested in coding, computers, and design - I was told I couldn't do both Art and Math - but I did! I started building websites on the family computer. One reason I'm so passionate about Code Clubs and supporting STEM Ambassadors is that you can always learn from anywhere.
I got into tech by chance: I was messing around with computers and found them interesting. I did a degree with a bit of experience design, computer science and engineering. The path has not been straight, and at one point I almost quit computer science as I didn't understand the classes - it felt like everyone was talking a foreign language. But, I kept asking (what I was told was) the stupid questions until things started to click. Then I kept learning, looking to understand how things worked on the internet why and people used what seemed strange behaviors.
I don't believe there is one route in tech, we need all experiences. One thing that helped was my diagnosis as dyslexic - it helped me understand myself so I could understand what the world was showing me (reach out to me if you need any support or advice!).
Continue reading: https://www.computing.co.uk/sponsored/4059120/tech-chance-rebecca-brindley-natwest-women-tech-excellence-finalist


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Artificial Intelligence Is Reshaping How We Shop

It sounds odd, but some folks are much better at Googling than others. They find the link first, whether it's tickets for a show, a niche answer to a trivia question or a pair of shoes you've lusted for since you saw them on TV. They've been raised by search engines, but they aren't intimidated by the vastness of an open-ended search. They're master keyword manipulators.
And in the era of search engine optimization, there's less chance involved once you type in a high volume keyword: there's a company out there tailoring its content to your chosen search, and a million others chasing its tail. When you search "boots for men," for example, you'll probably run into Gear Patrol's boots buying guide. It's there for good reason, too — it's comprehensive, informative and flooded with stylish boots for men. This time, Google worked — it took you to content that matched your query. But what if your search was a little more abstract, like a description of the type of boot you wanted?
Try "Boots that are Yellowstone rancher meets Ralph Lauren," for example. Google probably won't get what you mean. If you take it to ASOS, you'll get no matches; same on Nordstrom — or even Amazon. Even Instagram, which has been trying to pivot to e-commerce for months now, won't fetch you the proper results, if any products at all.
Continue reading: https://www.gearpatrol.com/style/a41843710/artificial-intelligence-shopping/


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Some of the Biggest “AI in Marketing” Trends

Artificial intelligence has already changed the way businesses communicate with customers and how marketing plans are implemented. It’s impossible to forecast what the future holds in such a fast-changing world, but there are some things as to what we might expect in the near future…
Importance Of Artificial Intelligence
The significance of artificial intelligence and its following components has long been recognized. AI is viewed as a tool and method for making the world around us a better place.
These machines can speed up your operations and processes while maintaining precision and accuracy, which makes AI a helpful and crucial instrument. AI technologies and apps are not only relevant to our general and daily lives but also make the world a place that is free from errors through their easy and everyday ways. It has an influence on and is important in other areas as well.
For marketers, AI holds great importance. Marketers may use AI to better understand their consumers and improve their experiences. Marketers can make use of AI-powered marketing to generate a predictive customer analysis and construct a more focused and individually designed customer journey, effectively increasing ROI on each customer encounter.
Marketers can use AI to get deeper consumer insights, group them, and guide them to the next stage to provide the best experience possible.
Marketers can increase ROI by studying consumer data and knowing what customers want rather than spending money on ineffective other forms of marketing, which can prove ineffective. They can also stay away from types of advertisements that force away clients.
Continue reading: https://martechseries.com/mts-insights/staff-writers/some-of-the-biggest-ai-in-marketing-trends/


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How to Incorporate Drones Into Farming Operations

As unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), or RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems), capabilities improve and costs come down, having a drone on the farm is becoming more appealing. In addition to useful imaging and remote sensing capabilities that can help with crop management, drones can allow mid- or late-season pesticide applications or cover crop broadcasting without wheel track damage. They are also more maneuverable than airplanes and helicopters, especially for small, irregularly shaped fields.
Extension agronomists Heidi Reed, Casey Guindon and Dwight Lingenfelter say before you make the leap and buy a drone, make sure you consider current federal and Pennsylvania regulations around UAV flight and pesticide applications.
Drones weighing under 55 pounds at takeoff are regulated under 14 CFR part 107. Each drone pilot must have a current part 107 remote pilot certificate. First-time pilots must be at least 16 years old, be able to read, speak, write and understand English, be in physical and mental condition to safely fly a drone, and pass an aeronautical knowledge exam. The required steps for prospective pilots to register with the FAA, register for the knowledge exam, and complete the application for the certificate are outlined in detail on the FAA website.
Existing part 61 certificate holders can also get the part 107 certificate following the completion of an online training course. Once the certificate is obtained, it must be easily accessible by the remote pilot during all drone operations. Maintaining the certificate involves continued training courses to keep their aviation knowledge up to date. At this time, an online course is required to be completed by all pilots within 24 calendar months to maintain their remote pilot certificate.
Continue reading: https://www.lancasterfarming.com/farming-news/field-crops/how-to-incorporate-drones-into-farming-operations/article_afe20781-3354-5803-a4b7-629597db2c74.html


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How To Start A Professional Drone Business

If you enjoy using your drone for recreation, you might be interested to know that you can turn your hobby into a business. The drone market is substantial across the world. Whether you’re starting a side hustle or completely entering a new career, your passion for drones can help you get there. 
There is a universal love for drones. China’s drone revenue was around 1.27 billion dollars in 2022 alone. In other countries, such as the U.S. and France, revenue came in at around 1.24 billion and 150 million dollars, respectively. 
With the knowledge that the drone market is hot right now, you might feel uncertain about how easily you can break into the market for your own business. Believe it; it’s not as difficult as you might think! If you’re interested in starting your drone business, consider DroneFlyer and the information below. 
What Is A Drone, And What Can It Accomplish? 
Before you begin, familiarize yourself with the terminology. Drones are a type of UAV that can come in handy in various industries. For example, those in photography might use drones to take birds-eye-view images. Drones are also a resource for hospitals in undeveloped areas. Consider the industry you’ll enter, and how DroneFlyer might inspire your drone business ideas.  
Continue reading: https://techbullion.com/how-to-start-a-professional-drone-business/


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How to take back our identities in a Web3 world

We’re a quarter of a century into an era of digital feudalism.
The feudal system is a medieval construct: serfs work the land to create value, and landlords confiscate most of that value.
Today, instead of farm produce, the asset class is data—created by us, but captured by digital landlords such as social media and other Web2 applications. “Surfing the internet” has become “surfing the internet,” with users yielding intimate details of their lives for the internet lordships to aggregate, expropriate, and monetize. 
This is important, because personal data isn’t just the by-product of your labor. It is the stuff of your identity in the digital age. It constitutes a digital version of you, that remembers everything you did online, everyone you interacted with. 
There are obvious problems with this arrangement. Notably, we can’t we can’t use our own data to plan our lives. It’s stored in other people’s silos, which we can’t access—but third parties like Cambridge Analytica can, often without our knowledge. Meanwhile, we enjoy none of the rewards of this third-party data usage, yet bear most of the risk and responsibility for its clean up in the event our digital lords lose or abuse our data. And finally, we can’t make money from the data ourselves, but are forced to watch as companies get rich from these valuable assets.
Continue reading: https://fortune.com/crypto/2022/11/01/how-to-take-back-our-identities-in-a-web3-world/


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Should we create roles for women in STEM?

HSBC and Computing event Stem at the Source brought together a range of speakers from different specializations including engineering, recruitment and entrepreneurship, to discuss the tangible measures that technology leaders can take to diversify what remains an industry predominantly run by men.
The session which most engaged the audience was an interactive thinktank on the many aspects of creating roles for women in STEM. The session provided an opportunity for the airing of some diverse views on whether roles could - or should - be created specifically for women.
The panel for the thinktank comprised Jen Goodison, CTO Engineering Platforms, HSBC, Joseph Castle, CEO of IT Solutions Partner Tecnologika and Lisa Holmes, Director at specialist tech recruiter Uniting Ambition . All expressed doubts about creating roles specifically for women, certainly within their own organizations.
Joseph Castle was keen to emphasize the importance of merit, and recruiting the right person for any given role.
"I feel uncomfortable trying to find someone from a certain demographic because my whole career I've been about attaining a certain position or goal by merit - having the right attitude and the skills to do it."
Continue reading: https://www.computing.co.uk/news/4059453/create-roles-women-stem


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Fifteen curious and little-known uses of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is constantly advancing and becoming more and more a part of our lives. Progress that feeds all sectors of our economy. We see it in large companies and in big projects, but artificial intelligence is also being felt in the small, less tangible uses, which also do not bring benefits on a day-to-day basis.
AI is behind many small advances such as optimizing the ripening of fruit, an artificial sense of smell, a system that improves student performance, learning more about Don Quixote or creating a doll to accompany our elders. 
These are curious and lesser-known examples of how artificial intelligence can be applied to our benefit on a smaller scale. Fifteen examples of this are worth mentioning.
Agricultural maturation 
The Tekniker technology center, located in the Basque Country, has developed a tool to detect characteristics or defects in bananas and optimize their ripening through image processing based on artificial intelligence. 
Image processing based on neural networks is an artificial intelligence technique that can help develop solutions for sectors such as the food industry to identify errors in production and processing and improve product quality. 
By means of a Deep Learning model, it detects features or defects in images (more than 2,000) through artificial intelligence-based image processing. 
The results of the work have made it possible to optimize the banana ripening process in order to offer the best quality product at any time of the year. 
Continue reading: https://www.telefonica.com/en/communication-room/fifteen-curious-and-little-known-uses-of-artificial-intelligence/


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