Brianna White

Staff member
Jul 30, 2019
Rebecca Brindley, Experience Manager of Digital Channels at DigiTech, NatWest, is a finalist in Outstanding Transformation at the Women in Technology Excellence Awards.
I was always interested in coding, computers, and design - I was told I couldn't do both Art and Math - but I did! I started building websites on the family computer. One reason I'm so passionate about Code Clubs and supporting STEM Ambassadors is that you can always learn from anywhere.
I got into tech by chance: I was messing around with computers and found them interesting. I did a degree with a bit of experience design, computer science and engineering. The path has not been straight, and at one point I almost quit computer science as I didn't understand the classes - it felt like everyone was talking a foreign language. But, I kept asking (what I was told was) the stupid questions until things started to click. Then I kept learning, looking to understand how things worked on the internet why and people used what seemed strange behaviors.
I don't believe there is one route in tech, we need all experiences. One thing that helped was my diagnosis as dyslexic - it helped me understand myself so I could understand what the world was showing me (reach out to me if you need any support or advice!).
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