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How Will AI Impact The Jobs Of Digital Marketers?

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We've been hearing about how artificial intelligence (AI) could steal jobs. It's a concern that many people have as AI technology continues to evolve, particularly for digital marketers. Is this worry based on reality, or is it just a result of sensationalized headlines?

With 10 businesses under my belt, including a comprehensive digital marketing agency, I have gained extensive experience using AI-powered tools. Let's take a closer look at whether or not AI truly poses a threat to digital marketers.

AI’s Role In Digital Marketing​

Simply put, AI uses complex algorithms to analyze large amounts of data, identify patterns and make predictions based on what it has learned from the past.

AI has proven to be a valuable tool for marketers, saving time and money while providing many benefits. Recently, my team and I had the opportunity to work with a client in the automotive industry, and we decided to use an AI-powered tool to help optimize their digital advertising campaigns.

We chose a tool that uses machine learning algorithms to automatically optimize ad campaigns across multiple platforms. We were initially skeptical, as we had never used the solution before and were unsure of how effective it would be. However, we were pleasantly surprised by the results. The AI was able to identify which ads were performing well and which ones needed improvement, and it automatically adjusted our bids and targeting to maximize our ROI. In just a few weeks, we saw a significant increase in clicks and conversions, and our client was thrilled with the results.

Here are some other ways AI can support digital marketers:

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbes...he-jobs-of-digital-marketers/?sh=24dfb174408c

5 Reasons Why You Should Care About Web3

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Web3 has the potential to disrupt pretty much everything we know about life online and who controls it. But as with any technology that’s rapidly evolving, it can be hard to separate the facts from the wishful thinking. So if you’ve struggled to get your head around the web3 hype – or wonder why web3 matters – this article is for you.

First up, what is web 3.0?
Web3 or web 3.0 is basically the next iteration of the Internet. It follows on from the previous two evolutionary phases of the Internet, i.e., web1 (or web 1.0), the birth of the internet we all know and love, and then web2 (aka web 2.0), the more interactive, user-generated, social media-driven web that exploded over the last decade.

Web3 represents the next big evolutionary leap forward of the Internet – a leap that’s driven by blockchain, NFTs, and cryptocurrency. But perhaps the biggest defining feature of web3 is decentralization, which brings us to our first reason why you should care about web3.

In the decentralized web3 era, internet users will have more control

That’s the idea, anyway. Because web3 represents a decentralized internet, as opposed to today’s highly centralized Internet. If you think about it, most of the sites we use today are owned by major corporations (like Meta, Google, and Amazon) and – to some extent – are controlled by government regulations. Power is centralized.

Web1 and web2 evolved this way because the infrastructure required to build and run the Internet is expensive, and someone has to pay for it! These powerful corporations earn back their investment (and, let’s be honest, a lot more on top) either by charging us to use their services or by harvesting and using (often selling) our extremely valuable personal data. Web3 and the decentralized internet promise to change all this, or at least ensure that centralization isn't the only way forward. How is this possible? Because web3 platforms are powered largely by token-based economics and blockchain-based infrastructures – where, typically, no one central authority is in charge, and users can transact and interact without third-party intervention.

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernar...y-you-should-care-about-web3/?sh=51dabb1a1502

AI For Business Leaders, Especially Skeptics

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Everyone’s talking about it, or feeling ill at ease for knowing nothing about it. Artificial Intelligence, AI, is big, growing fast, and will revolutionize business—but in ways we may not understand now. There are some key points that business leaders should understand today in order to prepare for tomorrow’s use of AI.

AI is a tool.​

A woodworker probably uses a table saw. It can speed up work, it can increase accuracy, but it can also mangle perfectly good wood while cutting off a thumb. Some learning is needed by anyone using a tool in order to use it safely and productively.

Those using AI today should avail themselves of what others have learned already, through trying it, reading, discussions and the seminars that are popping up. Business leaders should understand that their employees will become more productive from this technology, but it requires some upfront investment of time. The initial time spent may seem wasted, but playing around with the tools builds skills.

AI productivity potential.​

The old joke goes, “Speed, quality, low price: pick any two.” But AI has the potential to supercharge all three.

Many labor-intensive tasks are now sped up through AI. Some of the early adopters were computer programmers who quickly find ways to complete a particular task. They pull up Chat GPT or one of the other Large Language Models, copy their existing code and describe what they want to do next. The AI returns computer code that does it. The whole process takes a few seconds.

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/billco...-leaders-especially-skeptics/?sh=15ec38141229

Exploring Blockchain’s Growing And Diverse Use Cases

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Blockchain has been under the microscope for years, with the popular narrative assuming that “blockchain” and “cryptocurrency” are synonymous. While the latter is certainly an application of the former, this popular—and incorrect—association has obscured blockchain’s broader potential. In truth, it goes far beyond cryptocurrency—a fact that organizations are increasingly recognizing to drive positive business outcomes and realize competitive advantage over the field.

While news cycles tend to (understandably) focus on volatile digital asset markets and the actions of a small group of bad actors, there’s a much broader trend quietly playing out. While blockchain is not a silver bullet that can magically solve all of your organization’s woes, it is the most effective form of digital authentication and copy protection the world has ever seen. Instead of seeing it as a false panacea, organizations are increasingly viewing blockchain as another tool to add to their IT toolbelt for specific and focused purposes.

I believe we’re at an inflection point right now, on the cusp of widespread blockchain adoption. Businesses are already adopting the technology at unprecedented rates, with 87% of them either already deploying blockchain technology or actively planning to invest in it in 2023, according to our company's recent report. Now is the time to educate the broader public about blockchain’s real-world use cases and how they’re extremely detached from crypto-driven noise cycles.

Here’s a brief look at how organizations across a wide range of industries are actively using blockchain technology today.

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbes...rowing-and-diverse-use-cases/?sh=33503c5013fa

How To Use AI To Revolutionize Your Business: 4 Simple Steps

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It’s safe to say that artificial intelligence can evolve nearly every business. The question is, can it completely revolutionize them? Can your business transform from slow lane to fast lane, from service to product, from a million to a billion, by incorporating AI?

Whatever you think about the AI hype and bandwagon that followed, winners are emerging and the gains aren’t slowing down. Be smart, think differently, make the moves that no one else is making, and you might create a business you didn’t realize was possible.

Here are 4 simple steps to revolutionize your business using AI.

Step one: Start experimenting with AI

The first step is to undertake an intentional phase of learning about artificial intelligence. Adopt a beginner’s mind and dig into everything it involves. Talk to those in the field, subscribe to those that were there before it was cool, and immerse yourself in theory and application until you know the jargon and can conceptualize like a pro. Do the research, join the masterminds, get hungry for information. Aim to develop a solid understanding on which you can build.

After that, get some practice using the tools that already exist. Dozens of AI directories will show you ones in every industry. Map out your entire business on an A4 sheet of paper including all the processes it carries out every day. Break your operation into production lines, each with a clear purpose and list of tasks. Armed with your business map, use the AI tool directories to find a platform for your every need. Don’t do this solo; empower your team and ask your freelancers. Challenge them to ramp up their output by incorporating AI. Give thanks when they find faster and cheaper ways of getting their job done.

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jodiec...your-business-4-simple-steps/?sh=5538d8c15a14

The Future Of Artificial Intelligence And Work

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The exponential growth of useful artificial intelligence (AI) applications has taken the world by storm. With AI applications and improvements being released daily, it's tempting to keep pivoting startup ideas and career strategies—especially as entire industries seem to be on the verge of getting disrupted. There is a general sense of worry about what the future of work will look like when an AI demo can do in seconds what was considered solely a human creative endeavor.

Even recently, there was a general expectation that AI would disrupt the physical world first. Self-driving applications like long-haul trucking would be commonplace, with humans relegated to a mere observer role. Many assumed that humanity was still far away from the final frontier of AI disruption of creative and mental tasks such as music, painting, writing and programming.

While this creative disruption has occurred and the world seems quite taken aback by the surprising capabilities of the latest AI models, we should take some lessons from one segment of the population that is completely at ease—chess players.

As a former national master chess player myself, I've witnessed the rise of machines in my sport as a child. Early chess engines were laughably easy to beat. They were simply seen as toys. They were merely calculating machines and could easily be fooled by long-term strategy.

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbes...ficial-intelligence-and-work/?sh=5c7654b72d5d

Five Ways to Attract, Engage and Retain Women in Tech


As tech businesses boom across the UK, FDM Group, whose mission is to bring people and technology together, has given their top tips on attracting, engaging and retaining women in the industry.

With this growth, it is imperative businesses start taking action to improve gender equality within the industry in order to see its continued growth. At the current rate, the gender gap is not expected to close until 2120 – which demonstrates the need for proactive change and significant strides to be made.

In fact, according to the European Institute for Gender Equality, improving gender equality would result in a 3.5% increase in GDP per capita by 2025, equating to a huge one trillion euros in financial gains.

FDM, comments: “Women make up some of the most skilled professionals in the industry and by failing to attract, engage and retain women in tech, businesses are losing out.

“It should be every business’ priority to address its current practices and make the appropriate changes to attract and retain more women.

“Making these changes not only leads to financial gains for organizations – but aids in closing the gender pay gap and filling the huge demand for digital skills.”

Here are five ways to attract, engage and retain women in tech:

  1. Take action to address the gender pay gap in your organization
A staggering 91% of tech companies pay their male employees a higher salary than female employees, resulting in a significant 16% gender pay gap – 11.6% higher than the national average!

To address this, it’s imperative businesses focus on tackling issues such as implicit bias in the hiring and promotion processes. While this will vary depending on the type of organisation, to begin, identify the gender pay gap at your company and look at the areas needing the most improvement. From there, you can take steps to reduce this.

Having an annual report to document any findings can be effective in keeping track of any progress – and holding the company accountable. This report should also be available to the public, for all employees and prospective workers to view. This way, your organization is able to provide transparency, while being held responsible for making any necessary changes.

Continue reading: https://www.fenews.co.uk/work-leadership/five-ways-to-attract-engage-and-retain-women-in-tech/

How women can break the glass ceiling in the world of technology


Women accounted for 34% of India’s IT sector workforce in 2021. This also, not surprisingly, coincides with the fact that the number of women enrolling in B-Tech programmes has doubled in the last few years given how the IT industry has boomed in recent times. A recent survey by the Ministry of Education of India also revealed that this enrollment has gone up from 8% in 2016 to 19.72% in 2021. While one can argue that the representation of women in C-suite roles is yet to see any significant uptick, there has surely been a gradual shift in the approach of women towards roles that were predominantly led by men.

Organizations these days are also making conscious efforts to create a more gender-diverse workforce, which according to research has proven to accrue multiple benefits for businesses. McKinsey found that gender-diverse organizations have a 48% chance of outperforming companies with the least gender diversity. Moreover, companies with a strong representation of women at the top earn up to 50% higher profits. All this doesn’t even take into account the intangible benefits of a diverse workforce like a variety of new ideas, a range of perspectives, better collaboration and improved talent retention.

Evidently, organizations would serve their interests better by taking concrete steps to boost gender diversity. Initiatives could include mentorship/leadership programs for women, diversity and inclusion training for all employees, as well as equal access to projects, training and allied resources that can accelerate skill-building.

At the same time, women in the technology industry need to challenge themselves more and develop a growth mindset. Here are a few ways in which they can build a strong profile for themselves:

Continue reading: https://www.expresscomputer.in/gues...ass-ceiling-in-the-world-of-technology/96973/

There is a road to parity for women in tech

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My daughter is in her first year of college. She’ll be charting her career path in today’s workforce in just a few short years. My advice is finally hitting home as I’ve spent my professional life creating opportunity for people through career success. At TEKsystems, a global provider of business, technology and talent solutions, I lead our human resources team and corporate social responsibility strategy.

We’ve prioritized diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives because we believe they will continue to have a positive impact on the work experience. In fact, our recent study found that 96% of IT workers say their leadership makes it clear that DEI initiatives are a critical impact of company strategy.

IT is critical to examine the impact of these initiatives and the difference they’ve made in the workplace for women. I’ve seen the impact organizations can make when they intentionally build pathways for opportunity, create a sense of belonging, and advocate for women in the workplace. Something I hope my daughter will experience—no matter her career path. But with women currently making up just 25% of the IT workforce, it is no time to slow down.

Finding job growth in a volatile labor market

The labor market continues to fluctuate: Between an ongoing shortage of labor with the right skillsets for IT, to tech layoffs from the biggest names in the industry, to the lingering impact of the pandemic, it is hard to ascertain where the job market is headed and what that means for IT workers. Our study showed that while more than half of women in IT feel they have growth opportunities at their current workplace, it pales in comparison to the 89% of men who feel they have the same ability to grow at their jobs. It will be challenging to see dramatic changes in IT hiring given the high demand for and low supply of talent, coupled with how quickly companies move through the hiring process given immediate needs.

Continue reading: https://qz.com/there-is-a-road-to-parity-for-women-in-tech-1850349503

6 Steps to Leading Effectively in an Artificial Intelligence Environment


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized business operations, creating new opportunities and challenges for leaders. In today's AI environment, leaders must adapt to the changes and leverage the benefits of AI to drive their organizations forward.

This article will explore what it takes to be an effective leader in an AI environment. Here are the six steps leaders should take to succeed:

1. Embrace AI as a tool​

Leaders in an AI environment must embrace AI as a tool, not a replacement for human intelligence. AI can be a powerful tool to help leaders make informed decisions and improve operations, but it is not a substitute for human judgment and creativity. Leaders should work to develop a deep understanding of how AI works and how it can be used to achieve their organizational goals.

One example of how leaders can embrace AI as a tool is by using AI-powered analytics to make data-driven decisions. AI can help leaders quickly analyze large amounts of data and identify trends, patterns and insights that would be difficult or impossible to find using traditional methods. By leveraging AI, leaders can make informed decisions backed by real-time data, which can help them stay ahead of the competition and drive their organizations forward. Additionally, leaders can use AI to automate routine tasks, freeing time for strategic thinking and innovation.

2. Foster a culture of innovation​

Innovation is a crucial driver of success in an AI environment. Leaders should encourage their teams to experiment with new ideas and technologies to find innovative solutions to business problems. This means creating a culture that embraces failure as a learning opportunity and rewards creativity and risk-taking.

Leaders can foster a culture of innovation in an AI environment by encouraging experimentation and risk-taking. Leaders can set up innovation labs or other dedicated spaces where employees can experiment with new ideas and technologies without fear of failure. They can also provide incentives and recognition for innovative ideas and outcomes.

Another way is by promoting collaboration across teams and departments to encourage cross-functional problem-solving and knowledge-sharing. Leaders can also provide opportunities for employees to attend industry events and conferences to learn about new technologies and approaches and bring back fresh ideas to the organization.

Continue reading: https://www.entrepreneur.com/leadership/how-to-lead-effectively-in-an-ai-environment/449317

How To Make AI Work In Your Organization

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As the world continues to embrace the transformative power of artificial intelligence, businesses of all sizes must find ways to effectively integrate this technology into their daily operations.

But successfully implementing AI can be a challenging task that requires strategic planning, adequate resources, and a commitment to innovation. Let’s explore the top strategies for making AI work in your organization so you can maximize its potential.

Identify Your Business Needs and Objectives​

Before diving into the world of AI, identify your organization's specific needs and objectives.

What are your current processes? Where could AI streamline systems or add value for your customers or internal teams?

Consider using AI to automate repetitive or time-consuming tasks, improve decision-making, increase accuracy, or enhance customer experiences. Once you have a clear understanding of your business goals, you can align them with the potential benefits of AI so you can have a successful implementation.

Choose the Right AI Solution​

There are a wide variety of AI solutions on the market — including chatbots, natural language process, machine learning, and deep learning — so choosing the right one for your organization is essential.

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernar...ai-work-in-your-organization/?sh=74ed01414cc9

How Advances In AI Are Shaping The Conversational Intelligence Market

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Conversational intelligence tools and artificial intelligence technology have always been tightly intertwined. The core challenge of conversational intelligence is to extract meaningful insights from large amounts of unstructured conversation data, and AI technology has long been the most effective way of doing so. Because of this, advances in AI capabilities result in new opportunities in the conversational intelligence space.

In the last few years especially, there has been an extraordinary rise in the capability and accuracy of AI systems to analyze voice, video and text data. Specifically concerning conversational intelligence, there are advances in three major areas that have created new possibilities.

1. Automated speech recognition.

2. Understanding and transformation of unstructured text.

3. Emotional analysis of video.

Automated speech recognition (ASR) refers to the technology used to transcribe spoken language into text. ASR relies on algorithms that analyze the acoustic characteristics of speech, such as pitch, tempo and phonetic content, to convert it into a digital format that can be processed by machines.

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbes...sational-intelligence-market/?sh=31884692b293

The A to Z of Artificial Intelligence


As artificial intelligence becomes a larger part of our world, it’s easy to get lost in its sea of jargon. But it has never been more important to get your bearings than today.

AI is poised to have a major impact on the job market in the coming years. Discussions over how to manage it are playing a larger part in our political conversation (see: Regulation). And some of its most crucial concepts are things that you won’t have been taught in school.

Trying to get up to speed can be difficult. AI research is complicated, and lots of the language is new even for the researchers themselves. But there’s no reason the public can’t grapple with the big issues at stake, like we learned to do with climate change and the internet. To help everyone engage more fully with the AI debate, TIME has put together a handy glossary of its most common terminology.

Whether you’re a complete beginner or you already know your AGIs from your GPTs, this A to Z is designed to be a public resource for everyone grappling with the power, promise, and perils of artificial intelligence.


AGI stands for Artificial General Intelligence—a hypothetical future technology that can perform most economically productive tasks more effectively than a human. Such a technology may also be able to uncover new scientific discoveries, its proponents believe. Researchers tend to disagree on whether AGI is even possible, or if it is, how far away it remains. But OpenAI and DeepMind—the world’s two leading AI research organizations—are both expressly committed to building AGI. Some critics say AGI is little more than a marketing term.

Continue reading: https://time.com/6271657/a-to-z-of-artificial-intelligence/

Helios Visions High-Altitude Drone Footage Captures the Rise of the Award-Winning St Regis Chicago

Originally From: https://www.heliosvisions.com/2023/...-mixed-use-building-in-the-heart-of-the-city/

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St Regis Chicago also referred to as Vista Tower, is a remarkable example of modern architecture and eco-friendly design. Developed by Magellan Development Group and designed by Studio Gang, the building boasts 101 stories that reach a height of 1,196 feet and span over 1,900,000 square feet. The building features 393 condominiums and 192 hotel rooms, making it a multi-functional development.

High Altitude Drone Footage by Helios Visions

Helios Visions, a leading provider of high-altitude drone footage, played a crucial role in the successful construction and completion of St Regis Chicago. Throughout the building’s construction process, the company captured stunning aerial footage that showcased the progress and intricate details of the project.

One of the key highlights was the innovative use of AGC Glass Company’s “coat-on-demand” glass, which was used to cover the building. The unique glass technology allowed for a precise and efficient application of coatings, resulting in a sleek and modern finish.

“The gradient of the glass is an essential component of our building’s design. We would have not been able to realize our ambitions without the Coating on Demand technology.” – Juliane Wolf, Design Principal, Partner Studio Gang
Thanks to Helios Visions’ expertise in drone technology, the footage provided a comprehensive overview of the construction project and allowed stakeholders to see the building’s development from a new perspective. The high-altitude drone footage was an invaluable tool that helped ensure the smooth completion and marketing of St Regis Chicago.

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Key Players in the Project​

BKL Architecture served as the architect of record, ensuring the building’s structural integrity. Magnusson Klemencic Associates, James McHugh Construction Co., Curtain Wall Design and Consulting, Inc., Lee Herzog Consulting, GEI Consultants, Gensler, and RWDI were among the other consultants and contractors involved in the project. The building’s formwork was supplied by Doka GmbH.

Sustainability of St Regis Chicago​

St Regis Chicago is not only a stunning addition to the Chicago skyline but also a sustainable one. The building is aimed at achieving LEED Silver certification, reflecting the developer’s commitment to environmental responsibility.

By striving for LEED Silver certification, St Regis Chicago demonstrates its commitment to reducing its impact on the environment and promoting a sustainable future. This not only benefits the planet but also creates a healthier and more comfortable environment for its occupants. The building’s focus on sustainability is an example for others to follow and will undoubtedly contribute to the ongoing effort to create a greener and more sustainable future.

Comments from Magellan Development Group LLC​

J.R. Berger, Principal of Magellan Development Group LLC, stated that the collaboration with the iconic St. Regis brand and the Alinea Group aligns with the established standard of the Vista Tower brand and their dedication to offering unparalleled luxury for residents and hotel guests. The partnership with these brands sends a message that Chicago is strong and resilient.

“We’re pleased to collaborate with the iconic St. Regis brand. The St. Regis Chicago will be the city’s most desirable destination. The St. Regis, coupled with the Alinea Group, aligns with the established caliber of the Vista Tower brand, and our dedication to providing unparalleled luxury for our residents and hotel guests. The partnership with these brands sends the message that Chicago is strong and resilient.” – J.R. Berger, Principal, Magellan Development Group LLC

Accolades Received by St Regis Chicago​

St Regis Chicago has received numerous accolades for its design and sustainability. In the 2022 CTBUH Awards, the building won the award for Best Tall Building 300-399 meters, Best Tall Mixed-Use Building, and Best Tall Building Americas. The building is now the third tallest in the Chicago skyline and is a true architectural landmark.



Comments from Marriott International​

George Fleck, Vice President of Global Brand Management and Marketing at St. Regis Hotels & Resorts at Marriott International, stated that the St. Regis brand celebrates the best of luxury living and travel. The Residences at St. Regis Chicago will offer residents an exceptional lifestyle and personalized service through the signature St. Regis Butler Service combined with modern glamour and high design. Working with Magellan Development on the Vista Tower project allows them to offer Chicago’s Best Address and provide the ultra-luxury experience expected by guests and residents.

“The St. Regis brand celebrates the best of luxury living and travel. The Residences at The St. Regis Chicago will provide its residents an extraordinary lifestyle, consistent with the experience guests have come to know and love in exquisite St. Regis hotels and resorts around the world. Guests and residents of The St. Regis Chicago will enjoy the highest level of personalized service through the signature St. Regis Butler Service combined with the modern glamour and high design for which the brand is known. Working with Magellan Development on the Vista Tower project, a significant iconic building in Chicago, allows us to offer Chicago’s Best Address and provide the ultra-luxury experience that is expected by our guests and residents.” – George Fleck, Vice President, Global Brand Management and Marketing – St. Regis Hotels & Resorts at Marriott International.

The Future Of IoT Connectivity

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The concept of smart devices was first introduced in 1982 at Carnegie Mellon University with a modified vending machine to report on inventory. Ten years later, a toaster oven was connected and controlled over the Internet. However, the term Internet of Things, or IoT, wasn’t officially coined until 1999 by Kevin Ashton of Procter & Gamble, and it took over ten years for IoT to really take off.

Those early days of IoT involved applications that just needed to connect for a moment in time—to measure inventory or turn on a toaster. These devices, and the many IoT applications that came after, connected to the Internet using the same cellular technologies originally designed for mobile phones. And that’s because the technology met the connectivity needs for those applications.

Even when IoT started to take off in 2010, connected devices only accounted for 9% of global connections, yet are expected to reach 75% of all global connections by 2025. With that growth, connected devices that rely on the infrastructure built for mobile phones have evolved—but has the infrastructure evolved enough to support them?

From the sunset of 2G and 3G networks to the introduction of 5G and regionally-specific regulations, the connectivity landscape is evolving quickly. Pair that with the emergence of increasingly sophisticated IoT applications, and traditional cellular connectivity is no longer enough.

New Innovations In IoT​

Today, patients conduct telehealth calls with doctors, leveraging data from remote patient monitoring devices. Cameras are installed to support real-time security monitoring. Delivery trucks are tracked in real time. Industrial robots are an integral part of some manufacturing plants. And the list goes on.

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbes...e-future-of-iot-connectivity/?sh=7a9ca71977dd

Why Companies That Work With Blockchain Tend To Be The Most Remote-friendly

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Blockchain technology is a decentralized system that allows for secure and transparent transactions without the need for intermediaries like banks. It was first introduced as the underlying technology behind Bitcoin, the world’s first cryptocurrency, and has since gained popularity in various industries beyond finance.

As more companies adopt blockchain technology, there has been a noticeable trend of remote-friendliness in the industry. This means that companies working with blockchain are more likely to offer remote work opportunities for their employees. This trend has been growing steadily, especially in recent years, as the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of remote work across all industries.

The remote-friendly trend in blockchain companies can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, blockchain technology is highly digitized, which means it can be accessed and managed from anywhere with an internet connection. This makes it easier for companies to operate remotely without the need for physical offices. Additionally, blockchain technology is still a relatively new and niche field, so finding the right talent can be challenging. Remote work allows companies to access a broader pool of qualified candidates without being limited by geography. Finally, blockchain companies tend to be more decentralized, with team members working from different parts of the world, making remote work a more natural fit for the company culture.

Blockchain and Remote Work​

One of the key benefits of blockchain technology is that it provides a high level of transparency. All transactions are recorded on a distributed ledger that can be accessed by anyone on the network, making it easier to monitor and verify activity. This transparency is particularly valuable in remote work settings, where it can be challenging to monitor employee activity.

Blockchain technology is known for its high level of security. All transactions are encrypted and validated by the network, making it extremely difficult to tamper with or manipulate data. This is particularly important for remote work settings, where sensitive data may be shared over the internet.

Blockchain technology is designed to be efficient, with transactions processed quickly and automatically. This can help remote teams work more efficiently, with less time spent on administrative tasks.

Blockchain technology is decentralized, which means that there is no central authority controlling the network. This makes it easier for remote teams to collaborate, as they can all access the same data and work on the same project from anywhere in the world.

Many blockchain companies use cloud-based infrastructure to host their networks, making it easy to access data from anywhere with an internet connection.

Continue reading: https://officechai.com/miscellaneou...ockchain-tend-to-be-the-most-remote-friendly/

Why Tech Companies Should Hire More Women And Make It A Part Of Their CSR Policy

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The technology industry has become one of the fastest-growing and most influential industries in the world, with the potential to transform almost every aspect of our lives. Despite the many benefits of technology, there remains a significant gender gap in the industry, with women severely underrepresented in tech roles.

In this article, I will explore the importance of hiring more women in tech and why it should be a part of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

The Gender Gap in STEM​

According to recent data, only 15% of tech CEOs are women, and women make up just 26% of the computer and mathematical sciences workforce. Only 16% work in engineering.

This gender gap has several negative consequences, including a lack of diversity and limited perspectives in the tech industry. Women bring unique perspectives, experiences and skills to the table, and their underrepresentation limits innovation and progress. Research has also shown that companies with more diverse teams tend to be more profitable, innovative and successful.

The gender gap in tech also leads to unequal pay and limited opportunities for women to advance in their careers. Women in tech are often paid less than their male counterparts, even when they have the same level of education and experience. Furthermore, women are less likely to be promoted to leadership positions, and their career progression is often limited. This lack of opportunities can lead to fewer women entering the industry, and it perpetuates the gender gap.

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbes...t-a-part-of-their-csr-policy/?sh=4d5c530caac3

The Good And Bad Side Of AI And How You Can Leverage It

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The current mad dash by Google, Microsoft and Open.AI to roll out new AI search functionality undoubtedly is leading marketers to wonder, “What’s it all about?” In their rush to be first, technology giants have launched amazing and oft-times inaccurate results to an awe-struck public. Anyone in marketing not asking how to tap the enormous potential of AI isn’t paying attention.

Artificial intelligence is many things, but it isn’t magic regardless of what Arthur C. Clarke may have to say on the subject. The technology offers significant upsides when compared to traditional techniques, but there are also significant pitfalls.

Impressive use cases for AI continue to accrue, some more ubiquitous than others. Who hasn’t interacted with an AI-powered customer service chatbot? Marketers are already using AI for optimizations, such as ad placements; increasing sales through targeted promotions and cross-sell/upsell efforts; and hyping customer loyalty through improved personalization and smart segmentation.

AI can add machine-based efficiencies to your ad design and copywriting. There are even new AI tools that create ads and video from text. There are AI solutions available to personalize the online experience to the specific customer, whether the interactions are proactive, such as a website visit, or reactive, such as a push notification. Personalized email messaging is a straightforward AI task.

Another task gaining momentum among marketers is AI-powered content creation. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you have heard of tools such as Jasper.ai and Copy.ai. They each provide essentially the same thing: AI-generated copywriting for blogging, articles, etc. There are no shortage of options there, for AI-powered visual content either.

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Artificial Intelligence in Payment Processing Platforms: Enhancing Security and Customer Experience


Payment processing platforms are crucial for businesses to conduct their transactions and operate seamlessly. However, with increasing digital transactions, fraud and security threats have also increased.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool that can help payment processing platforms reduce fraudulent payments, streamline client onboarding and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) checks, and optimize customer experience. In this article, we explore how AI can enhance the security and customer experience in payment processing platforms.

Reducing Fraudulent Payments

Fraudulent payments can cause significant financial losses for businesses. AI-powered fraud detection systems can help payment processing platforms identify and prevent fraudulent transactions in real-time. For example, Exactly uses machine learning algorithms to analyze transactions and identify potential fraudulent activities.

These algorithms take into account several factors, such as transaction history, location, and device information, to determine the likelihood of fraud. By flagging suspicious transactions, AI-powered fraud detection systems can help payment processing platforms reduce the risk of fraudulent payments.

Client Onboarding and AML Checks

Client onboarding and AML checks are necessary to ensure that businesses comply with regulatory requirements and prevent money laundering. However, these processes can be time-consuming and complex. AI-powered solutions can help payment processing platforms streamline these processes and ensure compliance.

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The Shape Of The New AI-Augmented Workplace To Come

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Will artificial intelligence — especially generative AI — be an accelerant or a drain to the creativity and innovation of today’s workforce? No one knows for sure, but some industry observers are taking educated guesses about the direction things may take.

While the popular perception is that AI will eliminate or severely displace human creativity, it appears many humans are happy to have generative AI in their lives. A recent survey by Fishbowl, an anonymous social network for professionals, finds that 43% of professionals have used AI tools, including ChatGPT, for work-related tasks — without any prompting or even knowledge of their managers.

So we have a push-pull going on within workplaces when it comes to AI and generative AI. It may serve as a super-productive assistant to workers and professionals, or it may usurp their roles. Can AI be creative? Can it innovate on a greater scale that humans?

The conventional wisdom is that humans will always have the edge as creators and innovators. “Generative AI applications such as ChatGPT and Midjourney are threatening to upend this special status and significantly alter creative work, both independent and salaried,” according to David De Cremer, Nicola Morini Bianzino, and Ben Falk, writing in Harvard Business Review. “These new generative AI models learn from huge datasets and user feedback, and can produce new content in the form of text, images, and audio or a combination of those. As such, jobs focused on delivering content — writing, creating images, coding, and other jobs that typically require an intensity of knowledge and information — now seem likely to be uniquely affected by generative AI. What isn’t clear yet is what shape this kind of impact will take. "

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/joemck...-augmented-workplace-to-come/?sh=10cdc1ee200f

Drone Forensics Training from SkySafe

Hi Everyone,

My Name is Josh Smith and I am the Senior UAS Forensics Specialist at SkySafe. We have recently gone live with our Beginner UAS Forensics + CFID course, which has in person and virtual options. We use the latest technology to decrypt flight logs and perform forensic analysis on a variety of UAS Systems. Check out the link to our training and feel free to reach out to me.


SkySafe Beginner UAS Forensics

[email protected]

Suddenly AI: The Fastest Adopted Business Technology In History

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“Gradually. Then suddenly.” This response was uttered by Mike—an Ernest Hemingway character in his novel, The Sun Also Rises—in response to how he went bankrupt. Were the story written 100 years later, he might have been referring to artificial intelligence, which has gone from a distant inevitability on the fringe of commercial adoption to a ubiquitous reality in record time.

“Gradually” refers to the slow build from prediction to possibility. AI first entered the conversation in the 1950s, popularized by Alan Turing’s “imitation game” (now called a Turing test) to determine a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behavior. Importantly, this test did not judge a machine’s ability to answer correctly, but only if it answered as a human would. More on that below.

Computer scientist John McCarthy is credited with coining the “artificial intelligence” term in 1955 and organizing the 1956 Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence.

“Suddenly” might describe the last several months of turning AI’s vast possibility into commercial viability on a massive scale. In many ways, it mirrors the mobile and cloud revolutions of recent years while happening in a fraction of the time. In February, ChatGPT became the first tech application to reach 100 million unique users in its first two months. Its open-source coding makes it a tantalizing, plug-and-play addition to existing tech stacks, including CRM giant Salesforce Einstein, search engine Microsoft Bing and business insight tools like my company.

Cutting-edge innovation that affects a company’s bottom line is a rare opportunity to align the C-suite with IT and operations. Throw in a tightening economy and the fact that generative AI can be self-improving, and early adopters have the opportunity for a permanent commercial advantage.

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Artificial Intelligence: How To Turn Conversational AI Into A Success Business

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AI used to be the stuff of sci-fi movies, but now it's all around us—computer vision and chatbots have become part of the standard business processes. Recently, artificial intelligence has reached its peak and made a breakthrough that has affected almost every industry, from high tech, telecoms, finance and healthcare to pharmaceuticals. The global AI market is expected to grow by more than $500 billion between now and 2030, according to various studies. IDC, a market research firm, predicted that the AI market will be worth over $500 billion by 2024. Let's figure out why.

The Story Behind AI: When It Was Started

The history of modern AI began in 1956 at a computer workshop at Dartmouth College (New Hampshire, USA), where the term "artificial intelligence" was coined by John McCarthy.

In the late 1950s and early 1960s, AI research primarily focused on developing systems that could mimic human minds: symbolic AI and connectionism (initial neural networks). It appeared to be more complicated, and government financing was cut off in 1974. Then during the 1980s, the focus shifted to the creation of problem-solving expert systems.

Yet, following Lisp machine's collapse in 1987, the second AI winter began. In the 1990s and 2000s, the research revived artificial neural networks. Today, faster computers, new algorithms and the availability of large amounts of data have enabled systems that can interpret complex data, learn autonomously and make near real-time decisions.

But Where Do Concerns About The Reliability Of AI Come From?

Conversational AI and virtual assistants are designed to simplify our daily lives by taking care of tasks that we may find tedious, time-consuming or complicated. They are serving us 24/7—without productivity losses—by understanding and responding to our requests using NLP and machine learning algorithms. Where there are huge advantages, there are also risks, as the whole AI system is vulnerable to any weaknesses or biases in the underlying system that underpins it.

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The Advantages of AI-integrated Cybersecurity


In today's digital age, cybersecurity threats are more prevalent. Many organizations are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to help combat these threats. From improved threat detection and response times to increased efficiency and cost savings, The development of AI software is becoming a valuable tool in the fight against cybercrime. This article explores the benefits of AI-integrated cybersecurity and how it can help organizations avoid potential threats. To learn more about the advantages of AI-integrated cybersecurity, read the full article The Modern Shield: AI In Cybersecurity here.

National Women’s History Month: Developing a Career in Tech


As of 2023, women hold 26.7% of technology jobs, with representation falling by 2.1% with women in Big Tech. The numbers also considerably decrease as we look at upper management roles (CEO, CISO, CTO or head of engineering). There has always been a gender gap in employment in the IT industry which could be discouraging for future talent.

One of the main reasons for this gender gap in tech careers is an overall lack of interest. Gender stereotypes have played a part in shaping the mindset of the youth, branding specific interests as “feminine” or “ladylike,” while the hard skills associated with IT are viewed as “masculine.”

Why Women in Tech Matter​

First, there is a huge shortage of technical talent. We need more people to choose the tech industry, and there are lots of women who have not even considered it.

When it comes to devices or software applications, the users are generally both men and women. This means you must cater to both genders to optimize your product. A unique perspective of a trendy youth, mother or career changer can help shape your product’s outcome, creating it with that target group in mind. This is a unique perspective that employers will value as it incorporates the inclusion of every user.

Creating a company culture where people can be themselves encourages multiple perspectives and unique propositions. This is critical to innovation and is imperative to overall success — ensuring equal opportunities for everyone across the board.

Continue reading: https://www.channelfutures.com/dive...ens-history-month-developing-a-career-in-tech
