What Are Your Thoughts on the Privacy Risks of Microsoft's New Recall AI?

I've been diving into Microsoft's new AI feature, Recall AI, which is designed to help users remember important details and tasks by analyzing their communications and activities. While the technology sounds promising, especially for productivity, I'm concerned about the potential privacy implications.

Imagine an adversary gaining access to this AI. They could potentially exploit the system to collect sensitive data, track user behavior, or even manipulate the AI to retrieve confidential information. The more the AI learns about a user's habits, the more vulnerable that user could become to targeted attacks.

I'm curious to hear what others think. Could this be a significant privacy risk? How do you see this being leveraged by bad actors? Let's discuss the possible cybersecurity implications and share ideas on how we might protect against such threats.
I am not saying we shouldn't put any effort into governing personal data, but users also need to understand; whatever you put on the internet stays on the internet and subjected to misuse. :)

Hello Iam a Simple IT tech started my hardware and software ie: doss format the pc systems was the IBM 386 and the 486 and that was in the 80s. Now!!.

Hello Iam a Simple IT tech who is introducing himself started my hardware and software ie: doss format the pc systems was the IBMs 386 and the 486 and that was in the 80s. Now days there are alot of bugs in most of our operating systems like windows 11 my job is to Analize and to sort out the functionality of the OS and networking of so said OS! People do not know how to use there laptops and towers! I don't mean our IT Techs I mean the general population. Moral of the story this is where I come in to help! hardware, software and networking problems this is what I do in South Africa. Thank you letting me on this chatroom and I wish you all success for the upcoming new year 2025. (please excuse my grammar).
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Is ChatGPT or any other LLM AI ?

They're always improving. :) Google Gemini just rolled out updates that lower the cost of model usage and improve performance. Feels like these companies are already on their way in the race to $0. My interest actually lies more in the value of Small Language Models (SLM's) that don't use as much energy and can be grouped together to perform better than their large model brethren at lower costs.
Any good SLM around for me to try ?

Is ChatGPT or any other LLM AI ?

They're always improving. :) Google Gemini just rolled out updates that lower the cost of model usage and improve performance. Feels like these companies are already on their way in the race to $0. My interest actually lies more in the value of Small Language Models (SLM's) that don't use as much energy and can be grouped together to perform better than their large model brethren at lower costs.
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