Securing the future of IoT: Why attack surface management is key

The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing various business sectors, from healthcare to retail, and has significantly impacted industries like manufacturing through automation. The Asia Pacific (APAC) region leads in IoT adoption, with IDC forecasting IoT spending to reach US$436 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 10.4% from 2023 to 2027. This growth persists despite economic challenges, supply chain issues, and semiconductor shortages, driven by the demand for automation, remote capabilities, and 5G deployment.

Large-scale smart projects in APAC, such as Singapore's Smart Nation initiative and China's 900 smart city projects, have accelerated IoT use. However, the rise of IoT also increases cybersecurity risks. Unsecured IoT devices can introduce vulnerabilities, making them targets for cyber threats. Weak passwords, lack of encryption, and poor patching are significant security issues.

Attack Surface Management (ASM) is crucial for mitigating IoT-related risks. ASM encompasses all assets exposed to cyber threats, both external and internal, including IoT devices, public clouds, and internal systems. ASM is part of Exposure Management (EM), which includes Vulnerability Management and Validation Management. ASM itself consists of three main sections: External Attack Surface Management (EASM), Digital Risk Protection Services (DRPS), and Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM).

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The Growing Impact of IoT and the Importance of Cybersecurity

The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming industries worldwide, with the APAC region leading the charge. IoT spending in APAC is projected to hit US$436 billion by 2025, driven by automation, remote capabilities, and 5G. However, this rapid growth brings increased cybersecurity risks. Unsecured IoT devices can introduce vulnerabilities, making them prime targets for cyber threats.

Attack Surface Management (ASM) is essential for mitigating these risks. ASM covers all assets exposed to cyber threats, including IoT devices, public clouds, and internal systems. It is part of a broader Exposure Management (EM) strategy, which also includes Vulnerability Management and Validation Management.

How is your organization managing the cybersecurity risks associated with IoT? Let's discuss the challenges and best practices in implementing effective ASM strategies.

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AI Use In The Staffing Sector: Trends And Best Practices For Companies

With the rapid proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI), leaders in all sectors must acknowledge its permanence and rapid advancement. AI has evolved from a whispered concept to an unavoidable reality.

AI is increasingly integrated into various industries, including healthcare, finance, manufacturing, retail, marketing, and education. AI enhances quality control, supply chain optimization, and inventory management in manufacturing, allowing human workers to focus on more engaging tasks. In retail, AI aids in demand forecasting, personalized marketing, and store layout optimization, improving customer satisfaction and sales. However, human workers remain essential for providing empathy and personalized customer service.

In hospitality, AI introduces virtual concierges and manages housekeeping schedules, but it won't replace back-of-house roles like chefs or front-of-house roles like waiting staff anytime soon. AI lacks the ability to provide empathy, creativity, and human connection, making workers with strong, soft skills highly valuable in an AI-driven economy.

AI in Recruiting and Staffing​

In recruitment, AI is used in applicant tracking systems (ATS) to scan resumes for keywords, determining who moves to the interview stage. While time-saving, this method can overlook highly qualified candidates who don't use the right keywords. At my company, we interview every candidate on a 1-to-1 basis to avoid this pitfall. Employers using an ATS should understand that leveraging AI is a learning process, and the outputs depend on the prompts provided. Incrementally increasing AI screening criteria and human review can improve effectiveness.

AI also matches workers with suitable roles more efficiently. My company uses a smart-matching algorithm for temporary roles, similar to LinkedIn's AI-driven job matching and profile tailoring advice.

Join the Discussion​

How is AI impacting your industry, and what strategies are you using to balance AI integration with the human touch? Share your thoughts and experiences!

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Blockchain Identity Solutions: Seeing What's Possible

Traditional Identity Management: A Flawed System Historically, centralized identity management systems have been plagued by inefficiencies and vulnerabilities. These systems often create single points of failure, making them easy targets for malicious actors. The lack of transparency further strips individuals of control over their personal information, leading to privacy breaches, inefficient data handling, and identity theft.

Blockchain: A Safer Alternative Blockchain technology offers a decentralized solution to these issues. By distributing control across a network, blockchain significantly reduces risks of corruption and failure. This digital renaissance in identity management enhances security and decentralizes power.

Key Benefits of Blockchain in Identity Management:
  • Transparency: Users can monitor and control who accesses their data.
  • Immutability: Historical records cannot be altered.
  • Autonomy: Individuals can independently own and manage their personal data.
Real-World Applications Several startups and corporations are already leveraging blockchain to improve processes in areas like government documentation and consumer banking. Estonia's e-Residency program is a prime example, offering global citizens a government-issued digital identity secured by blockchain. This initiative ensures transparent and immutable access to personal data, facilitating secure digital interactions across borders.

The Future: Universal Digital Identity As blockchain technology continues to integrate into identity management, it promises a future where individuals possess a single, universal digital identity. This could simplify processes from airport check-ins to healthcare access, making repetitive documentation a thing of the past.

Join the discussion: How do you see blockchain transforming identity management in the next decade?

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The women returning to tech – and why they left

The tech sector is making strides to improve gender diversity, but challenges remain. While efforts to hire women are increasing, many women are still leaving the industry due to persistent issues like sexism, lack of flexible work options, and return-to-office mandates.

As the industry faces a growing digital skills gap, retaining women in tech is crucial. Predictions indicate that the UK will need three million new digital jobs by 2025. However, one in three women in tech plan to leave their jobs, often due to inflexible work environments and limited career progression opportunities.

Karen Blake, co-CEO of Tech Talent Charter (TTC), highlights that denying women flexibility is a significant factor pushing them out of the workforce. The TTC reports that only 21% of senior tech roles are held by women or non-binary individuals, a gap that has widened since 2022.

To address these issues, companies are focusing on progression programs and creating pathways for women to return to tech, such as returnships and coding bootcamps. For instance, Deepana Naidu, a software engineer, found renewed passion and support through a Tech Returners bootcamp, which led her to thrive in a new role.

Discussion Questions:
  1. What are the most effective strategies to retain women in tech?
  2. How can companies better support women returning to the tech industry?
  3. What role do flexible work options play in improving gender diversity in tech?
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CompTIA Community - DACH am 7./8.11.2024 in der Nähe von FRA - Vorschläge zu Themen, Sprechern, Workshops und jegliche Fragen willkommen!

Im November findet wieder ein CompTIA Community - Regional Meeting im Raum DACH statt. Das ist nicht gerade bald aber man kann nicht früh genug mit der Planung anfangen. :) JEDER IST WILLKOMMEN ZU DIESEM KOSTENLOSEN In-Person MEETING.

Der Donnerstag, der 7.11. ist für generelle Themen gedacht. An diesem Tag findet auch der Workshop mit der Lego® Serious Play® Methode statt, der ca. 2,5-3h des Tages in Anspruch nehmen wird. Es wird auf jeden Fall spannend und viele werden über ihre eigene Kreativität überrascht sein - da bin ich mir sicher.
Freitag, der 8.11. wird wieder unser 'MSP Day' werden - auch hier freuen wir uns über Input und Vorschläge aus der Community! Hier ist auch jeder willkommen teil zu nehmen, die Agenda wird auf MSPs 'zugeschnitten' sein.

Also lasst uns gerne wissen, was Euch momentan im Channel beschäftigt, worüber ihr gerne fachsimpeln oder Euch austauschen würdet, etc.

