The women returning to tech – and why they left

The tech sector is making strides to improve gender diversity, but challenges remain. While efforts to hire women are increasing, many women are still leaving the industry due to persistent issues like sexism, lack of flexible work options, and return-to-office mandates.

As the industry faces a growing digital skills gap, retaining women in tech is crucial. Predictions indicate that the UK will need three million new digital jobs by 2025. However, one in three women in tech plan to leave their jobs, often due to inflexible work environments and limited career progression opportunities.

Karen Blake, co-CEO of Tech Talent Charter (TTC), highlights that denying women flexibility is a significant factor pushing them out of the workforce. The TTC reports that only 21% of senior tech roles are held by women or non-binary individuals, a gap that has widened since 2022.

To address these issues, companies are focusing on progression programs and creating pathways for women to return to tech, such as returnships and coding bootcamps. For instance, Deepana Naidu, a software engineer, found renewed passion and support through a Tech Returners bootcamp, which led her to thrive in a new role.

Discussion Questions:
  1. What are the most effective strategies to retain women in tech?
  2. How can companies better support women returning to the tech industry?
  3. What role do flexible work options play in improving gender diversity in tech?
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Did you know you can now get 20% certification discount as a CompTIA member?

CompTIA certifications help millions of IT workers around the world validate their skills and advance their careers. Did you know that CompTIA Community members now get a huge 20% off CompTIA certifications? Learn how you can become a member and take advantage.

CompTIA Community - DACH am 7./8.11.2024 in der Nähe von FRA - Vorschläge zu Themen, Sprechern, Workshops und jegliche Fragen willkommen!

Im November findet wieder ein CompTIA Community - Regional Meeting im Raum DACH statt. Das ist nicht gerade bald aber man kann nicht früh genug mit der Planung anfangen. :) JEDER IST WILLKOMMEN ZU DIESEM KOSTENLOSEN In-Person MEETING.

Der Donnerstag, der 7.11. ist für generelle Themen gedacht. An diesem Tag findet auch der Workshop mit der Lego® Serious Play® Methode statt, der ca. 2,5-3h des Tages in Anspruch nehmen wird. Es wird auf jeden Fall spannend und viele werden über ihre eigene Kreativität überrascht sein - da bin ich mir sicher.
Freitag, der 8.11. wird wieder unser 'MSP Day' werden - auch hier freuen wir uns über Input und Vorschläge aus der Community! Hier ist auch jeder willkommen teil zu nehmen, die Agenda wird auf MSPs 'zugeschnitten' sein.

Also lasst uns gerne wissen, was Euch momentan im Channel beschäftigt, worüber ihr gerne fachsimpeln oder Euch austauschen würdet, etc.


Stop The DEI Backslide With These 4 Steps

In the face of economic, political, and cultural challenges, many companies retreat from their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) commitments. However, now is the perfect time for DEI-driven leaders to reassess these commitments, understand their importance, and evaluate their current standing. Here are four actionable steps to help you on this journey:
  1. Gather Data
    • Assess your current DEI status by examining recruitment practices, employee retention, and leadership promotions. Identify any patterns of bias and use these insights to recommit to your DEI goals.
  2. Talk to Employees
    • Engage with your workforce to understand their perspectives on inclusion and value within the organization. Their feedback is crucial for driving DEI initiatives forward.
  3. Double Down on Buy-In
    • Ensure that everyone in your organization understands the benefits of diversity. Highlight how diverse workplaces lead to greater success and innovation, fostering a supportive environment for DEI commitments.
  4. Reignite Education
    • Move beyond one-time training sessions and integrate DEI into your company's fabric. Provide individualized learning opportunities and create safe spaces for continuous education and growth.
Zag While Others Zig On DEI Commitments During challenging times, it's easy to follow the trend of backsliding on DEI commitments. However, history shows that those who lean into innovation during crises often thrive. By maintaining and strengthening your DEI efforts, you can demonstrate your organization's commitment to fostering an inclusive environment where everyone can succeed.

Questions for Discussion:
  1. What challenges have you faced in gathering data on DEI within your organization?
  2. How do you ensure that employee feedback on DEI is effectively integrated into your initiatives?
  3. What strategies have you found effective in gaining organization-wide buy-in for DEI commitments?
  4. Can you share examples of how continuous DEI education has positively impacted your workplace culture?
  5. How do you balance the need for immediate action with the long-term commitment required for meaningful DEI progress?
Let's discuss how we can collectively recommit to DEI and create lasting change in our organizations!

Read the article:

8 legal challenges to consider when incorporating AI into your business strategy

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the business world, driving growth, efficiency, and innovation. From intelligent chatbots to predictive analytics, AI is reshaping operations. However, as businesses adopt AI technologies, including off-the-shelf products like Anthropic's Claude, OpenAI's ChatGPT, Microsoft’s Copilot, and Google’s Gemini, they must address several legal and ethical challenges:

  1. Intellectual Property Risks: AI relies on vast data, which may include copyrighted material and trade secrets. Businesses must secure rights and licenses to avoid infringement lawsuits. Review terms of service and licensing agreements for off-the-shelf products to understand IP risks and ownership.
  2. Data Quality and Reliability: AI outputs depend on input data quality. Inaccurate or biased data can lead to flawed decisions. Ensure data accuracy and be aware that off-the-shelf product outputs may vary based on the provider's training data.
  3. Data Privacy and Protection: AI often processes sensitive information, raising privacy concerns. Compliance with regulations like GDPR and CCPA is essential. Ensure off-the-shelf providers comply with data privacy laws.
  4. Cybersecurity Threats: AI systems are vulnerable to cyber threats. Implement strong cybersecurity measures and assess the provider's practices for off-the-shelf products.
  5. Transparency and Accountability: Many AI systems are "black boxes," making decision processes opaque. Inquire about transparency from vendors and consider the risks of relying on non-auditable systems.
  6. Bias and Discrimination: AI can perpetuate biases in training data, leading to discriminatory outcomes. Identify and mitigate bias and be aware of inherent biases in off-the-shelf products.
  7. Unique Risks of Off-the-Shelf AI: These products pose additional challenges, including unclear liability and lack of transparency. Understand who is responsible for harmful decisions and the limitations in auditing AI models.
  8. Engaging with Outside Counsel: To navigate these challenges, businesses should engage with experienced outside counsel specializing in technology and data privacy law. Legal professionals can help assess risks, develop appropriate policies, and ensure compliance with relevant regulations. Ongoing legal guidance is essential as AI technologies and the regulatory landscape continue to evolve rapidly.

    Despite these challenges, businesses should not shy away from embracing AI, including off-the-shelf products. The potential benefits—such as innovation, efficiency, and competitive advantage—are too significant to ignore. However, it is crucial to approach AI adoption with a strong focus on legal compliance, ethical considerations, and risk mitigation.

    By proactively addressing these challenges, conducting thorough due diligence on AI providers, and implementing robust governance frameworks, businesses can confidently leverage AI to drive growth while ensuring responsible use.

Join the discussion on how businesses can effectively navigate these challenges and leverage AI responsibly. Share your thoughts and experiences!

Read the article:

Blockchain Identity Solutions: Seeing What's Possible

Historically, identity management processes have been plagued by inefficiencies and vulnerabilities. Traditional systems, often centralized, create single points of failure that are susceptible to exploitation by malicious actors. These systems lack transparency, stripping individuals of control over their personal information and leaving them vulnerable to privacy breaches, inefficient data handling, and identity theft.

Blockchain: A Safer Alternative for Managing Identities​

Blockchain technology offers a promising alternative to traditional identity management woes through its decentralized nature. This decentralization ensures that no single entity controls the entire network, significantly reducing risks of corruption or failure. Mirroring the transition from a centralized state system, blockchain represents a digital renaissance in identity management—a move towards decentralizing power and enhancing security.

Blockchain functions as a distributed ledger technology, recording transactions with an immutable cryptographic signature known as a hash. This secures each transaction and maintains user privacy through advanced encryption techniques. Beyond transactional security, blockchain revolutionizes identity management by enabling:

  • Transparency: Users can monitor and control who accesses their data.
  • Immutability: It prevents the alteration of historical records.
  • Autonomy: Individuals can independently own and manage their personal data.
Several startups and established corporations are already leveraging these benefits to refine processes ranging from government documentation to consumer banking, providing tangible examples of blockchain's impact.

Universal Digital Identity​

As blockchain integrates more deeply into identity management, it promises a new era of digital interaction in which individuals might possess a single, universal digital identity verifiable on any platform without repetitive documentation. This could simplify processes from airport check-ins to healthcare access across borders.

Estonia is a pioneer in digital identity and governance. Its e-Residency program allows global citizens to obtain a government-issued digital identity and access a platform of services such as company formation, banking, and taxation. The system uses blockchain technology to secure the personal data of e-residents, ensuring that access to and use of this data is transparent and immutable. This initiative demonstrates how blockchain can facilitate secure and efficient digital interactions across national boundaries.

Ethical Hurdles in Blockchain-Based Identity Management​

However, the widespread adoption of blockchain for identity management also poses significant ethical challenges, including concerns about privacy, surveillance, and the digital divide. Addressing these issues is crucial in shaping a balanced future landscape of identity management.

  • Establishing Interoperable Standards: Developing and adopting interoperable standards is crucial to fully realizing the benefits of blockchain-based identity management systems. These standards will ensure that different blockchain systems can communicate with each other, enabling identity verification across various platforms and industries. This approach will also help reduce the risks associated with the digital divide and ensure that new systems can integrate with legacy platforms.
  • Enhancing User-Centric Privacy Controls: Blockchain allows users to control their personal information more. By developing systems that prioritize user consent and provide clear, manageable privacy settings, organizations can empower individuals to manage their data proactively. This strategy boosts user trust and aligns with global privacy regulations such as the GDPR, enhancing border compliance.
  • Fostering Public-Private Partnerships: Collaboration between governments, private sector players, and nonprofits will benefit the development of blockchain-based identity systems.


The transition to blockchain-based identity management systems represents a significant security, transparency, and user autonomy leap forward. However, the journey is fraught with ethical and technical challenges that must be addressed to create a balanced and inclusive digital future. By establishing interoperable standards, enhancing user-centric privacy controls, and fostering public-private partnerships, we can pave the way for a more secure and efficient identity management landscape.

Read the article:

IoT Security is a Challenge. Here’s How to Tackle It

The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized our daily lives, work environments, and interactions with the world. The IoT network is vast and continuously expanding with over 17 billion connected devices today, ranging from smart home thermostats to complex industrial sensors.

In corporate boardrooms, IoT has become a top-three technology priority. However, as our dependence on these interconnected devices increases, so does the vulnerability of our data and infrastructure. A single compromised device can jeopardize an entire network, underscoring the critical need for robust security measures.

What Does IoT Security Look Like Today?

IoT security today is characterized by rapid growth and escalating risks. The number of connected IoT devices is expected to double by 2030, with forecasts predicting a surge to 25 billion devices by 2027 and around 30 billion by the decade’s end. The International Data Corporation projects that IoT devices will generate nearly 80 zettabytes of data annually by 2025.

However, this technological boom comes with significant challenges. The increasing volume of devices and data generation creates a complex web of connectivity where each new device introduces potential vulnerabilities. In early 2023, there was a 41 percent spike in weekly attacks per organization targeting IoT devices, a concerning trend that has persisted into 2024.

A report by Asimily highlights the gravity of these challenges, noting that routers, which account for 75 percent of IoT device infections, are primary targets due to their critical role in network access. Other frequently attacked devices include security cameras, digital signage systems, medical devices, and industrial control systems.

Common Hurdles in IoT Security
  1. Heterogeneous Nature of Devices: IoT devices range from simple sensors to complex industrial machinery with unique hardware and software configurations. This diversity makes it challenging to establish a one-size-fits-all security strategy.
  2. Expansive Attack Surfaces: The diversity and quantity of IoT devices create a vast attack surface for cybercriminals. This surface expands further when everyday activities involve IoT technology, such as using a mobile device to accept credit card payments.
  3. Lack of Standardization: The IoT industry lacks unified security standards, resulting in a fragmented ecosystem where devices operate on different protocols and standards. This lack of standardization complicates the implementation of comprehensive security measures.
  4. Legacy System Vulnerability: Many IoT environments incorporate legacy systems that are not designed with modern cybersecurity threats in mind. These older systems often cannot be updated or patched, making them easy targets for attackers.
  5. Data Privacy and Integrity: The vast amount of data generated and transmitted by IoT devices poses privacy and data integrity risks. Ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of this data is paramount. However, the decentralized nature of IoT networks makes it difficult to control access and protect data from interception or alteration.
How to Strengthen IoT Security

As IoT networks grow, safeguarding sensitive data and maintaining network integrity is crucial. Here are essential strategies to enhance IoT security:
  1. Profile Every Device: Gain a comprehensive overview of all connected IoT devices. Use manual discovery or specialized monitoring tools to ensure visibility and effective management.
  2. Segment Devices: Divide the network into distinct sections to enhance security and performance. Segmentation isolates devices, confining the impact of cyberattacks on compromised segments.
  3. Implement Zero-Trust Architectures: Adopt a zero-trust model that mandates continuous authentication and authorization. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access and lateral movement within networks.
  4. Update Software: Regularly update software to address vulnerabilities. Enable automatic updates to ensure timely protection against known threats.
  5. Perform Anomaly Detection: Continuously monitor for suspicious activities. Implement anomaly detection systems to identify and mitigate potential threats promptly.

As we continue to integrate IoT devices into our lives and industries, addressing these security challenges is crucial. Robust security measures and industry-wide standards are essential to safeguard our interconnected world.

Read the article:

ANZ CompTIA Community - ANZ Meeting and Spotlight Awards

2024 ANZ Spotlight Awards_LinkedIn_1200x627.png

If you are reading this, and you're a CompTIA member, and you operate in the ANZ region. You should nominate yourself, a colleague, or an industry peer for the 2024 ANZ Spotlight Awards!

Nominations close on 14th June, so you still have lots of time.

Some tips:

Tips and tricks for writing award-winning entries (webinar)
Apply for industry awards and boost your business (blog)

Questions and comments are welcome below!

Benelux Utrecht 22 May 2024

Some more photos from my dear colleague Jonathan Badibanga :)


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Benelux Utrecht 22 May 2024

Here are some more photos from last week‘s event. Feel free to share yours as well!


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