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    Please introduce yourself here. We'd love to hear from you!

    If you are a CompTIA member you can find your regional community here and get posting.

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  • We will be shutting down for a brief period of time on 9/24 at around 8 AM CST to perform necessary software updates and maintenance; please plan accordingly!

ANZ May 2023 Community Meeting content Zip file

Hi everyone,

The attached Zip file contains PDFs of all the content presented at the May 2023 Community meetings hosted by Moheb Moses.

The files in the Zip include:
- The Pros and Cons of Cyber Insurance
Cognition360 - Key trends for MSPs and IT service providers
CompTIA - ANZ Community Meeting (May 2023)
Microsoft - How AI is impacting the channel
Nortec - Insurance Implications of a Mass Scale Ransomware Attack
SherpaTech - Cyber insurance Tips & Tricks for Success


  • May 2023 CompTIA Community Meeting Content.zip
    9.4 MB · Views: 102

Online UK&I MSP Committee meeting Oct 25th

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Hey all,

One for the diary https://connect.comptia.org/events/view/uk-i-community-msp-committee-meeting

The MSP Committee for UK&I is getting together next week, Wednesday, October 25 at 3 pm (BST).

See you there! Register at the link above.

Even if you are not a member of CompTIA you can still attend. LinkedIn event is here: https://www.linkedin.com/events/comptiauk-imspcommitteemeeting-7120367597732155392/comments/

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Benelux Community meeting 23 November

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Hey there!

We're running an in-person community meetup for the Benelux region on 23rd November!

Register at the link below. If you have any questions, please ask away.

DACH Community meeting in Seeheim 16 November

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The CompTIA DACH community are meeting up in Seeheim!

Registration is below, but if you have any questions just let us know.

UK & Ireland Community Webinar: Mergers & Acquisitions: How to Make Your MSP the Most Valuable It Can Be

Hey everyone,

A reminder that we're running a webinar on November the 1st related to M&A and maximising your business value.

More info here:

10 Things You May Have Missed at CompTIA EMEA Member & Partner Conference 2023

From networking to business growth and educational sessions to getting up-close look at the latest tech products and solutions, the EMEA Member and Partner Conference 2023 had something for everyone. More than 600 attendees connected with peers and visited more than 60 exhibitor booths over two full days in London.

“The IT industry is changing faster than ever, and we have to help our customers solve new business challenges every day. CompTIA’s EMEA Member and Partner Conference brings fresh perspectives from a lot of smart people in the room—peers, vendors and subject matter experts. It’s more valuable now than ever before,” said Chris Ward, technical director of Vermont Systems Ltd., a Hampshire, UK-based MSP.

If you could not attend this year, or even if you did but missed a session, we’ve got you covered. Here are ten things you should know from the EMEA Member and Partner Conference 2023.

AI & Automation Meetup in London!?

I’m considering planning a regular meetup for people across various industries/interests and experiences to discuss the exciting/terrifying advancements and implications of AI and Automation whether you’re deeply involved or just curious.

This is NOT only for techies as I beleive AI and Automation is about to have such a profound impact in all areas of life, the more diverse the attendees the better.

Key details:

• Probably a pub and maybe some grub
• Discussions from diverse sectors
• Central London location - as it’s erm, central

If this interests you:

• Please comment below or
• Direct message me with thoughts/ideas

The wave IS coming, let’s enjoy it!

#AI #Automation #LondonMeetup

Cybersecurity, Automation, SaaS Are Key to MSP Success in 2024 and Beyond

As we approach the close of 2023, it's surprising to see that some Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are still operating as if it's 2013. They are hesitant to embrace advancements like Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), cybersecurity measures, and automation processes that could significantly benefit their operations and their clients.

This reluctance could potentially lead to MSPs lagging behind, warns @Kevin O'Loughlin, CEO of Nostra, an MSP based in Ireland and a member of the CompTIA board of directors. The time is ripe for MSPs to dive into the latest technological solutions, business models, and customer expectations to ensure their businesses are primed for sustained success.

International Women in Cyber Day

It was officially on the 1st of September but still very applicable and necessary to share any day of the week.

Working to advance & retain women in cybersecurity, International Women in Cyber Day highlights the impact of diversity within a male-dominated industry

UK & Ireland UK & Ireland Cybersecurity Committee call 4pm 19th Sept

Hi everyone,

Mark your calendars for this one. It's open to anyone, you don't even need to be a CompTIA member.

Link to join the event: https://comptia.zoom.us/j/92937853833 >

Join @Kyle Torres and Miles Jobgen as they lead a discussion titled “Framework Frenzy - Navigating and understanding the importance of frameworks and compliances”

Get the answers to some of these questions (and bring your own).

*What are the most common frameworks?

*What are the challenges in implementation?

*What resources and guidance are available to help you navigate these conversations with clients?

We look forward to seeing you there. And if you have any questions just let us know in the comments below.

Current CompTIA events (online/in-person)

Check out this page for all the upcoming CompTIA events around the globe.

If you have any questions on any of the events we have coming up, just ask away here! :)

Hosting a Client Webinar Around AI

Hello, we are going to be hosting a client webinar to discuss AI. I was hoping to get some ideas on talking points that would be good for small business. Below are some of the topics we are going to talk about but would love to hear other ideas.
  • What AI Is and Isn't
  • Data and what should and shouldn't be shared.
  • Private vs Public LLM's
  • Security around AI, Creating an Acceptable Use Policy
  • Messaging to Staff around AI, Their Stance and Goals with AI.
  • How to get started with AI:

Leveraging AI and IoT: A Competitive Edge for Managed Service Providers

In the dynamic landscape of IT, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) are emerging as significant game-changers. The surge in customer inquiries and market demand for these technologies is undeniable. As Managed Service Providers (MSPs), it's crucial to stay ahead of the curve and understand how to effectively respond to these inquiries and deliver innovative solutions.

However, the application of these technologies often raises questions. How can MSPs integrate AI and IoT into their services to gain a competitive edge? How can these technologies be leveraged to enhance operational efficiency and customer satisfaction?

Watch these short videos as we explore these questions and delve into the practical application of AI and IoT in the MSP landscape. By embracing these technologies, MSPs can unlock new opportunities and drive their competitive advantage in the IT industry.

Hosting Solutions for AI

Hello CompTIA members,

Excited to dive into AI hosting solutions with you all! As AI reshapes tech, robust hosting is vital. Let's explore:

  1. Cloud Power: Which cloud providers ace AI hosting? Pros and cons?
  2. On-Premises: Tips for on-site AI hosting? Hardware, scalability?
  3. Hybrid Edge: Balancing cloud and on-site hosting for AI and IoT?
  4. Cost Challenges: Smart spending on resource-hungry AI models?
  5. Securing AI: Best practices for data privacy and AI hosting security?
  6. Future Watch: Predictions for AI hosting trends?
Your insights matter. Seasoned techies and newbies, let's chat! 🚀
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Reactions: Sam Ross

Overcoming Gender Barriers: Why Consistent Support For Women In Tech Beyond Women’s Month Is The Answer


We hear the phrase ‘women in tech,’ quite often in the working world, yet not all women in tech appreciate this phrase. Many feel it is yet another label that entrenches the gap between men and women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) industries. Despite this sentiment, the statistics regarding women in such industries, particularly in relation to senior and leadership positions, indicate that there is still much work to be done to achieve equality and diversity in traditionally male-dominated spheres.

According to the Women in Tech ZA report released in August 2022, only 23% of the tech jobs in our country are held by women. This means that out of the 236 000 technology jobs in South Africa, only 56 000 are not held by men. The question we need to ask ourselves is “why?”. With influential initiatives like GirlCode and Women In Tech ZA and various groups targeted at women in this industry on LinkedIn – why is there still such a large gap?

Diversity and inclusivity is essential, not optional

I believe we have to start by examining the importance of gender diversity, and considering why it is so important for women to ‘have a seat at the table’. Personally, I feel the answer is straightforward. Diversity and inclusivity in the workplace should be a top priority; something we’re constantly striving toward because we want to align our workplaces with an accurate visual representation of our country.

Inclusivity starts at an education level

How do we achieve this? We’d have to start at the beginning – primary school education. According to the Mail & Guardian, only 38% of ICT graduates are women and despite the fact that this is 8% higher than the global average, it’s clear that we can and should be aiming higher. There is still much growth and development needed to eliminate gender disparity in this industry. Having said that, I do believe that interest in ICT-based careers is steadily climbing for female students, which is visible through the growth of tech grad programs. With initiatives such asAfrican Girls Can Code Initiative (AGCCI) we’re definitely headed in the right direction. The AGCCI recently enrolled 40 girls from public schools into their program, which focuses on inspiring and empowering young girls to code and introduces them to the likes of robotics, and skills in other emerging technologies.

Continue reading: https://www.africa.com/overcoming-g...en-in-tech-beyond-womens-month-is-the-answer/

The Potential Of Islamic Finance And Blockchain For Sustainability

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While I have previously written about the potential of asset tokenication in Islamic finance in a more general sense, I believe this fusion can specifically contribute to the United Nations' sustainable development goals (SDGs). As the founder of an investment company that prioritizes both ethics and blockchain integration, this is an especially relevant topic for me.

Islamic Finance And Blockchain​

Islamic finance as a whole emphasizes risk-sharing, asset-backed transactions and ethical investing. These all easily align with sustainable development. Because of the nature of this form of finance, I believe that advances in this sector can help address global challenges like poverty, inequality and environmental degradation.

As a part of these advances, blockchain technology can amplify the impact of Islamic finance on sustainable development. By using blockchain, we can revolutionize financial transactions, democratize access to financial services and foster accountability and trust in the financial ecosystem.

Harnessing Blockchain For Sustainable Development In Islamic Finance​

There are a few ways I see blockchain transforming the Islamic finance sector to promote sustainable development:

• Microfinance and financial inclusion. I see blockchain technology facilitating Shariah-compliant microfinance services. Tokenization of microfinance transactions can lower transaction costs, increase efficiency and broaden financial services' reach.

• Green sukuk. Blockchain can support the issuance and trading of green sukuk, Islamic bonds for environmentally friendly projects. When these bonds are tokenized it can enhance their liquidity, making them more attractive to investors and driving increased funding for sustainable development initiatives.

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbes...lockchain-for-sustainability/?sh=3af7db7f54ba

20 Tech Experts On What Businesses Should Do Now To Prep For Web3

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Business leaders reading about Web3, often touted as “the next generation of the internet,” may well be unclear on the details and how the evolving online world could affect their processes and prospects. As with anything else, the changes coming, the pace of evolution and the responses needed will be different for each business; still, it’s wise to start learning more about the basics now.

Generally speaking, experts say that Web3 will place more power and control in the hands of users. So how can companies begin to prepare? Below, 20 members of Forbes Technology Council discuss some things businesses should start doing now to be ready for the advent of Web3.

1. Get Familiar With The Fundamental Principles​

First, begin to familiarize yourself with the fundamental principles of Web3, including decentralization, user control of data control and so on. This involves several crucial steps. Initially, dedicate resources to learning and training initiatives to gain a deep understanding of blockchain technology and decentralized systems. Then, initiate small-scale projects in areas such as gaming, decentralized finance (or DeFi) and others. - Suman Balakrishna, Juego Studio

2. Understand What Comes With The End Of The Platform Era​

The trouble with “Web3” is the amount of hype surrounding it, much of which is really a sales pitch. The key insight in most of the Web3 noise is that the platform and/or service-based era is at risk because people (and governments) don’t trust platforms. For most businesses, then, the keys are focusing on sensitivity in terms of data handling and authenticity in engagement. The tech is secondary. - Andrew Sullivan, Internet Society

3. Embrace Blockchain Technology​

Web3 is based on smart contracts and decentralized networks, which help enhance security, optimize operations and build trust among customers. Embracing blockchain technology is the best way for businesses to prepare for Web3. This is because businesses engaging with blockchain technology will be able to replace their centrally managed databases. - Dhari AlAbdulhadi, Ubuy

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbes...ould-do-now-to-prep-for-web3/?sh=5fed6b7ed6d0

Transforming Industries: How Web3 and Blockchain Will Reshape the Financial and IT World


The rise of Web3, propelled by the disruptive force of blockchain technology, is poised to revolutionize numerous industries. As businesses adapt to this paradigm shift, they must embrace the potential of decentralized systems and smart contracts. While this transformation presents both challenges and opportunities, its impact on the financial and IT world is particularly profound.

The Intricate Relationship Between Blockchain, Web3, and the IT World
The dynamic interplay between blockchain technology, Web3, and the IT world forms a powerful nexus that is reshaping industries, fostering innovation, and revolutionizing the way we interact with digital systems. Let’s delve into the intricate relationship between these elements, exploring their connections, impacts, and collaborative potential.

1. Blockchain Technology and its Role in the IT World

Blockchain Foundations:
At its core, blockchain is a distributed and decentralized ledger technology. It records transactions across a network of computers, known as nodes, creating a chronological chain of blocks. Each block contains a list of transactions, linked in a way that ensures security, transparency, and immutability.

IT Integration: Blockchain’s integration into the IT world marks a paradigm shift. It introduces a novel approach to data management, offering a transparent, tamper-proof, and highly secure method for recording transactions and maintaining records. As the IT world grapples with data security concerns, blockchain presents an innovative solution.

2. Web3: The Evolution of the Web

Web3 Definition:
Web3, often referred to as the “decentralized web,” signifies the next phase of internet evolution. It aims to transform the web from a centralized model (Web2) to a decentralized and user-centric ecosystem. Web3 envisions an internet where users have greater control over their data, identity, and interactions.

Blockchain Integration: Blockchain is a foundational pillar of Web3. It empowers users with digital sovereignty and control over their data through decentralized identity solutions and secure authentication mechanisms. Blockchain’s immutable nature enhances the verifiability and credibility of online interactions, aligning with Web3’s vision of trust and autonomy.

Continue reading: https://blockchainmagazine.net/tran...hain-will-reshape-the-financial-and-it-world/
