Research: 4 Ways Employees Respond to DEI Initiatives

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, such as diversity training, targeted recruiting, and dedicated diversity-focused leadership roles, aim to address inequities, create an inclusive environment, and increase representation of historically marginalized groups. Many organizations globally are investing significant resources into these efforts, often implementing them with a one-size-fits-all approach.

However, these initiatives frequently fall short of their intended outcomes and can even lead to unintended negative consequences. For instance, a policy designed to promote gender diversity in leadership roles might, if not carefully communicated, alienate male employees or expose female employees, fostering division rather than inclusiveness.

The Importance of Employee Responses​

A critical factor influencing the success of DEI initiatives is how employees respond to them. Traditionally, employee responses have been oversimplified into two categories: “resistors,” who hinder DEI initiatives, and “supporters,” who facilitate their implementation.

Recent research published in the Journal of Applied Psychology suggests that this binary view is inadequate. Instead, managers should recognize the nuances in employee responses. Employees often exhibit ambivalence, simultaneously supporting DEI goals while harboring skepticism or discomfort about specific policies or their communication. Labeling these individuals as “against” DEI initiatives oversimplifies their stance and misses opportunities for constructive engagement. Embracing the complexity of employee responses, including ambivalence, is crucial for effectively navigating DEI initiatives.

The Four Ways Employees Respond to DEI Initiatives​

Our research identified a typology of employee responses to DEI initiatives. We conducted three separate online studies with over 1,600 employees across various industries, companies, jobs, geographic areas within the U.S., and demographic groups. Participants had experienced a diversity initiative within their organizations in the last six months.

We sent multiple surveys to each participant, spaced a few weeks apart. The first survey asked participants to describe the diversity initiatives they had experienced, providing detailed insights. Subsequent surveys captured their responses to these initiatives, measuring their thoughts on benefits and required efforts, their feelings (ranging from excitement to sadness), and their behaviors (from active support to active resistance).

Using latent profile analysis, we identified meaningful patterns in participants’ responses, uncovering typical response profiles. We ensured the robustness of these profiles by replicating them in follow-up studies and exploring factors that predict which profile a person will be assigned to, such as personal beliefs.

Key Takeaways for Managers​

  1. Recognize Ambivalence: Understand that employees can simultaneously support DEI goals and feel skeptical about specific policies. Engage with these nuanced responses constructively.
  2. Tailor Communication: Carefully communicate DEI policies to avoid alienating any group. Clear, inclusive communication can prevent misunderstandings and foster a more supportive environment.
  3. Engage Constructively: Instead of labeling employees as “for” or “against” DEI initiatives, engage with their concerns and suggestions. This approach can turn potential resistance into constructive feedback.
  4. Holistic Approach: Consider the broader context of employees’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. A holistic understanding of their responses can inform more effective DEI strategies.
By embracing the complexity of employee responses and tailoring DEI initiatives accordingly, organizations can create a more inclusive and supportive environment, ultimately achieving their DEI goals more effectively.

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Cybersecurity The Future Of The Cybersecurity Profession With The Rise Of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries from healthcare to manufacturing to agriculture, and cybersecurity is no exception. As AI reshapes possibilities across various sectors, it is also steering the cybersecurity profession in a bold, new direction. This AI-driven transformation will not only alter the daily activities of cybersecurity practitioners but also necessitate new roles and skill sets within the profession.

The Cybersecurity Profession Today​

Globally, several jurisdictions are proactively addressing the expanding skills gap in cybersecurity. They are defining the profession to guide government, industry, and academia in a structured manner.

In the U.S., the Workforce Framework for Cybersecurity (NICE Framework) spans public, private, and academic sectors. It defines seven high-level cybersecurity functions linked to 33 specialty areas and 52 work roles, detailing specific knowledge, skills, and abilities. These functions range from cybersecurity governance to design and development, threat management, operations, analysis, and investigation.

Similarly, the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF) outlines 12 cybersecurity professional role profiles, detailing their titles, missions, tasks, skills, knowledge, and competencies. These roles vary from managerial to legal, operational, assurance, and risk management.

In the U.K., the Cyber Security Council defines 16 specialisms in cybersecurity, from managerial to technical. These governmental skills frameworks are mapped to credentials offered by cybersecurity associations, guiding professionals in enhancing their skill sets.

These initiatives are crucial as the cybersecurity profession evolves. The rapid adoption of AI and other emerging technologies, coupled with the creation of larger digital ecosystems and increased sophistication of cyber threats, underscores the need for a holistic set of skills per function. Cybersecurity expertise is essential, but viewing cybersecurity in isolation contributes to many of the failures observed today.

Cybersecurity professionals must understand the business context of the ecosystems they protect to apply or embed cybersecurity effectively. They also need to grasp adjacent domains like audit, privacy, risk, and digital technology governance to ensure cybersecurity aligns with the needs of these domains and is not siloed.

Moreover, understanding emerging technologies like AI is vital. One cannot protect what they do not understand—whether identifying risks, building controls, or conducting forensics and investigations in AI-embedded ecosystems.

Changes Coming to the Cybersecurity Profession​

AI is set to continue transforming the cybersecurity profession in the coming years, but the AI-shaped reality has already arrived.

As highlighted in our whitepaper, "The Promise and Peril of the AI Revolution," AI enables a more sophisticated world of cybercrime. Bad actors are using AI to write malware faster, generate hacking scripts, launch ransomware attacks, and convincingly imitate CEO voices. Concurrently, threats against AI are rising, from algorithm manipulation attacks to privacy breaches.

In this context, the cybersecurity profession will become exponentially more important. But what will it look like?

AI offers unparalleled capabilities to identify threats and patterns, automate real-time responses, swiftly process entire datasets, and accelerate decision-making. This transformation will demand cybersecurity professionals to adapt and evolve, integrating AI knowledge and skills into their repertoire to stay ahead of emerging threats.

The future of cybersecurity is intertwined with AI, and professionals must be prepared to navigate this new landscape. By embracing AI and expanding their skill sets, cybersecurity practitioners can ensure they remain relevant and effective in protecting our increasingly digital world.

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Internet of Things (IoT) Securing the modern world of IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) has seamlessly integrated into our daily lives, from the wireless ATMs of the 1990s to today's smart traffic management solutions. The convenience and efficiency brought by connected devices are undeniable. However, as IoT usage has surged, so have concerns and incidences of cyber-security attacks and vulnerabilities.

Cyber-Security Vulnerabilities in IoT

IoT devices are prime targets for attackers seeking access to corporate networks and personal data. Many devices lack default encryption, creating significant vulnerabilities. Sensitive information can be exposed, taken, and manipulated as it is transmitted between devices. Additionally, unsecured interfaces and a lack of physical security measures make IoT devices susceptible to malware injection and other cyber-attacks.

Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks can leverage botnets to overwhelm and disrupt unsecure IoT devices. Physical or identity theft can grant attackers access to compromised systems, while unpatched security vulnerabilities in firmware and software present additional opportunities for attack. Hackers exploit these vulnerabilities to disrupt operations, gain unauthorized access, and even launch ransomware attacks—a growing threat, especially for critical industrial and infrastructure systems.

In 2023, research found a 400% increase in IoT and OT malware attacks year-over-year, highlighting the rapid escalation of these threats.

Challenges in Addressing IoT Security

One reason this issue persists is that manufacturers prioritize affordability and streamlined user experiences over robust security features. This has created a breeding ground for vulnerabilities that attackers can easily exploit.

Patch management is another significant challenge. Maintaining the security and functionality of networked devices requires regular updates, but the diverse range of IoT devices complicates this task. Each product may require a unique patch, making it difficult for administrators to track and apply numerous updates across vast networks. Unpatched vulnerabilities can be exploited by malicious actors, leading to security breaches, data theft, and compromised networks.

Enhancing IoT Security

Despite these challenges, there are effective methods and technologies to enhance IoT security.

AI and Real-Time Threat Detection

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (AI-ML) are increasingly important for real-time threat detection and response (TDR). By analyzing vast quantities of data at speed, AI can identify trends, abnormalities, and possible security breaches. AI-driven security solutions for IoT networks can monitor and control connected devices, speeding up threat identification and mitigation. However, AI tools should not be relied upon solely.

Zero Trust Strategy

Implementing a comprehensive Zero-Trust strategy is crucial. This strategy secures an organization by removing implicit trust and requiring validation at each stage of a digital interaction. Blockchain, built on Zero-Trust principles, offers significant security potential for the IoT market. It enables coordination between devices, tracks these devices, and processes transactions efficiently.

A well-designed Zero Trust strategy should consider all IoT devices and internet-connected systems across a business and clearly delineate responsibilities for managing these technologies.


While IoT brings immense benefits, it also presents significant cyber-security challenges. By leveraging AI for real-time threat detection and implementing a comprehensive Zero Trust strategy, organizations can enhance the security of their IoT networks and devices, mitigating the risks and harnessing the full potential of IoT technology.

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Widespread Azure Outage Impacting CompTIA Websites

Just an FYI there is a significant Azure outage that is impacting CompTIA and many other websites and services. We have posted communications on social media, as per the picture below. This is impacting the ChannelCon site, which includes registration. Azure failover protocols are not working as designed. Microsoft is actively working on this and we are monitoring events in real-time and have all necessary hands on deck. We apologize for any inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.

Cybersecurity The Future Of Cybersecurity: Emerging Threats And How To Combat Them

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The Evolving Landscape of Cybersecurity: Emerging Threats and Best Practices
Cybersecurity is now a major concern for everyone—from businesses and governments to everyday individuals. While the rapid pace of technology brings exciting new possibilities, it also opens the door to more sophisticated cyber threats. Recent high-profile cyberattacks, such as the Ascension attack and the French State DDoS attack, have demonstrated the devastating impact these threats can have.

Emerging Cyber Threats​

The world of cybersecurity is always evolving, with cybercriminals constantly finding new and more persistent ways to exploit vulnerabilities. According to Cybersecurity Ventures, global cybercrime damages are predicted to reach $10.5 trillion annually by 2025, underscoring the urgency for robust cybersecurity measures.

One significant evolution is seen in ransomware attacks, which have moved beyond simply encrypting data and demanding a ransom. Modern ransomware involves data exfiltration and threats of public disclosure, disrupting business operations and damaging reputations.

In May, the Russia-linked Black Basta group targeted Ascension, the largest non-profit Catholic health system in the U.S. The attack disrupted clinical operations across Ascension's 140 hospitals, leading to a loss of access to electronic health records (EHR). This disruption significantly affected patient care, forcing the company to pause some non-emergency elective procedures at its hospitals.

In addition to ransomware, another critical area of concern is supply chain attacks. These attacks target vulnerabilities within the supply chain network, often through third-party vendors, highlighting the importance of securing the entire supply chain.
Furthermore, cybercriminals are increasingly using AI to enhance their attack methods. Consider the following examples of AI-powered attacks taking over the headlines:
  • DeepLocker: A proof-of-concept AI-powered malware developed by IBM researchers, remaining hidden until it reaches a specific target.
  • Deepfake scams: Earlier this year, cybercriminals used AI to impersonate a company executive, convincing an employee to transfer a substantial amount of money.
AI-driven malware can adapt to avoid detection, and AI is used to create deepfakes for sophisticated social engineering attacks.
Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks also pose significant threats by overwhelming a target's network or website with a flood of internet traffic, rendering it unusable.

In March 2024, over 300 web domains and 177,000 IP addresses associated with the French government were targeted in a massive DDoS attack. The attack, claimed by Anonymous Sudan and suspected to be sympathetic to Russia, caused severe disruptions to major public service websites.

Best Practices For Building a Robust Cybersecurity Infrastructure​

Building a robust cybersecurity infrastructure is essential to combating these evolving threats. Adopting a zero-trust model ensures that every access request is verified, regardless of its origin. Key components include multi-factor authentication (MFA), least privilege access, and network segmentation.

Additionally, advanced monitoring tools are essential for detecting and responding to cyber threats in real time. Security information and event management (SIEM) systems and AI-driven analytics provide comprehensive visibility into network activities and alert security teams to potential threats.

Equally important is addressing human factors in cybersecurity. Employee training and awareness are crucial, as human error remains a significant vulnerability. Regular training programs can equip employees with the knowledge to recognize and respond to potential threats, such as phishing attacks, thereby creating a culture of security awareness and combatting successful attacks.

The Role Of AI In Cybersecurity Defense​

While artificial intelligence (AI) has enabled cybercriminals to expand their capabilities, it has also emerged as a powerful tool in the fight against cyber threats. AI's capabilities in threat detection and response have revolutionized cybersecurity defense strategies. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, AI can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and anomalies that may indicate a cyber threat.

AI-driven cybersecurity solutions can automate threat detection and response, reducing the time it takes to mitigate attacks. This proactive approach allows organizations to avoid cybercriminals and protect their critical assets.

Join the Discussion​

As we navigate the complexities of the digital age, it's crucial to stay informed and proactive about cybersecurity. What are your thoughts on the emerging cyber threats and the role of AI in cybersecurity defense? Have you implemented any of the best practices mentioned above in your organization? Share your experiences and insights in the comments below. Let's work together to build a safer digital world!

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Women in Technology How Female Entrepreneurs Are Using Technology To Solve Real-World Problems

The state of entrepreneurship in the U.S. is robust, particularly for women. According to the 2024 Wells Fargo Impact of Women-Owned Business Report, women have been opening businesses at nearly twice the rate of men and now represent 39.1% of small business owners. This remarkable growth sees women venturing into diverse industries, including financial, real estate, and technical services.

Across these sectors, female entrepreneurs are harnessing the power of technology to create solutions to real-world problems, driving lasting change. Their unique perspectives and experiences are leading to the development of innovative business models and brands that are fundamentally reshaping their industries.

The Rise of Women in Tech

According to Deloitte, the tech industry has seen a significant increase in female leaders, with women now representing 33% of the tech workforce. However, women don't need to be classified as working in "tech" to benefit from technology when starting their own businesses. They are making significant strides in the broader tech industry, developing innovative products and services that enhance various aspects of daily life. By focusing on user-centered design, they create solutions that improve quality of life and drive economic growth.

“Tech has opened up so many opportunities for entrepreneurs looking to solve problems that they see happening among their community, including with their friends, family members, and peer groups,” says Paula Panagouleas Miller, founder of the app Karmascore. Her app helps people measure key aspects of their personal and professional relationships, a feat made possible by technological tools that generate, analyze, and summarize data.

The Power of Data in Problem Solving

Data is a powerful tool in business, and technology enhances its utility. “I’ve found that documentation is vital for our users, as it allows them to track the ins and outs of their relationships. This allows people to take stock of their interpersonal interactions and make better decisions about who to prioritize their time with,” says Miller. Such documentation and tracking would not be possible without advanced technology.

Improving access to key data points will lead to additional applications as more entrepreneurs find ways to use data for practical purposes. “Because there's only going to be more data in the future, there will just be more and more applications everywhere,” says Professor Mark N. Broadie from Columbia Business School. These applications can cross industries and help people in every aspect of their personal and professional lives.

Overcoming Challenges

While female entrepreneurs are making remarkable contributions across various sectors, they often face significant challenges. “Technology can help break barriers women face, including accessing funding, facing gender bias, and experiencing limited representation in industry,” says Miller. “For many businesses and applications, tech breaks down some of those barriers by increasing accessibility and helping entrepreneurs do more with fewer resources.”

The Impact of Women Using Tech in Entrepreneurship

The impact of female entrepreneurs using technology extends beyond their individual ventures. “Women entrepreneurs who use tech are addressing real-world problems people in their communities and around the world face every day in unique and innovative ways. Moreover, their success serves as an inspiration for future generations of women, encouraging more young girls to pursue careers in technology and entrepreneurship. As the tech industry becomes more inclusive and diverse, the potential for groundbreaking innovations and positive change will only continue to grow,” says Miller.

Let's celebrate and support the women who are transforming the entrepreneurial landscape with technology. Their stories and successes are paving the way for a brighter, more inclusive future in tech and beyond. How can we further support and amplify the voices of women in tech entrepreneurship? Share your thoughts and join the conversation!

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Web3 Three Reasons Why Your Business Should Switch To Web3

Web 2.0 was the version of the internet that unlocked a virtual world of social interaction and collaboration on the Web. For the first time, the internet went beyond basic, static HTML pages to dynamic websites with user-generated content (UGC). Then, search engines and social media applications like Google, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and more emerged, and users could interact and share photos and videos with their friends, co-workers, and family members.

However, as Web 2.0 became increasingly successful, new patterns began to evolve. The internet became increasingly centralized, consolidating digital power in the hands of a few large companies. Pages were censored, cybersecurity attacks skyrocketed, and some corporations began to sell user data to advertisers for monetary gains. Providers could kick websites deemed not to conform with their policies off the internet or restrict them from appearing in Web results. In many cases, tech giants became both judge and jury.

When Google—one of the most successful tech corporations and search engines—dumped its "Don't be evil" motto, it was clear that the internet needed to become independent once again.

Welcome To Web3

Web3 represents a new phase of the internet that emphasizes decentralization, privacy, security, and personalized experiences. It integrates technologies like blockchain and cryptocurrency to create a decentralized network that isn't controlled by a few tech giants but rather "by the people, for the people."

Whether you're a business owner, creator, developer looking to build scalable products, or average internet user, here are the top three reasons why you should consider switching over to Web3:

  1. More User Control: One of the primary advantages Web3 offers is restoring users' data rights. On Web 2.0 platforms, although users can freely share content, they don't retain any rights over data shared on these platforms. In a classic example of "If you're not paying for the product, you are the product," many Web 2.0 social media platforms actively encourage users to share data like personal information, preferences, and more in return for the free use of the platform. This information and other data, such as buying patterns and website visits, are tracked, recorded, and then sold to advertising companies, which use it to create targeted ads. In contrast, on Web3 platforms, the user remains the rightful owner of any data and information shared. Users also have control over what portion of data they want to share with advertising companies and can even directly profit from the monetization process. The inherent blockchain features also allow users to create decentralized identities that aren't dependent on centralized authorities—an approach that provides greater flexibility and control.

  2. Security And Cross-Border Payments: Web3 offers a security architecture backed up by the integrity of the blockchain—a distributed system with multiple failsafes. For business owners, this provides a double-fold advantage. First, the Web3 decentralized system makes applications very resilient to failures. This is due to a redundancy system that ensures that even when one node (server) goes down, several other nodes in the network will automatically compensate and keep the application running.

  3. An Incentive-Based System: Web3 advocates a system where all participants rather than a few centralized entities win. Take NFTs (non-fungible tokens) for an example. Although trading monkey pictures may no longer be the fastest way to make thousands of dollars, the technology behind the system is still solid. NFTs present a way to directly reward creators for their artistic contributions without losing a portion of their profits to centralized middlemen.
Join the discussion and share your thoughts on transitioning from Web 2.0 to Web3. How do you think Web3 will shape the future of the internet?

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Cybersecurity Interest Group: Leveraging AI in Cybersecurity

Join the CompTIA Community Cybersecurity Interest Group as we discuss how AI is influencing the cybersecurity industry. We’ll be discussing the difference between the AI powering your security solutions and the Generative AI boom we’re seeing today, as well as some best practices when it comes to acceptable use in AI and keeping you and your customers’ data safe.

The session is taking place Monday 15 July 3.30-4.30pm BST 4.30-5.30pm CET

Register here:

UK & Ireland UK& Ireland Community Meeting & Spotlight Awards

Have a look at the full day's presentations, and resources from speakers and CompTIA, your trade association. Here to help you in your business.

Community Meeting: Regional Group Meeting and Spotlight Awards – summary:
•58% of businesses say they’re in better shape today than two years ago.
•Automation is on the increase.
•Cyber Security is still very high on the agenda.
•Disaster recovery is one of the few services MSPs are being asked for.

Adam Pilton from CyberSmart, took us on a storytelling journey about how we continuously leak so much data!

James Doherty from Indigo Mentoring explained why mentoring is important before handing over the stage to Lizzie Robinson & Paul Croker. They engaged the audience with questions such as “What keeps us awake at night?” and “Who do we attract prospects to engage and talk to with us?”

Just before the half-time whistle, Andrew Allen delivered a sneak peek into CompTIA's new mentoring program, including the mentorship handbook and guide. 12 people signed up on the spot 🎉

After lunch, Ian Groves took us through some of the resources available within the CompTIA portal that can be used as a guideline or framework for MSPs, whether you’re a start-up or an existing business looking to fine-tune operations.

Are you in the news? Carl Jones delved into this topic and split out all how PR people will engage with you and help promote that story. First, you need to understand who your PR contact is and how they’d like the information delivered to them. If you make it difficult, they’ll not engage.

Self-Sabotage: This was a hot topic, and we’re all guilty of it somehow. Teresa Heath-Wareing took to the stage and immediately engaged the audience. It was an excellent keynote that I’ll remember for a long time!

Dash to our hotel; changed and back from Spotlight Awards.

Congrats to:
•Future Leader: Claire Jenks
•Advancing Women in Tech: Georgia Howlett
•Community Leadership: Dan Scott
•Cybersecurity Leadership: Mostyn Thomas
•Advancing Diversity in Tech: inSOC
•Solution Provider: Start Tech
•Innovation Vendor (tie): Salesbuildr & Sophos
•Innovation Distributor: Pax8
•Associate Member (tie): ITbetweeners & Network Group

**Credit to @Robert Gibbons, Chief Revenue Officer at Aabyss Ltd for the above summary.


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Important Agricultural Drone Motors Maintenance Tips

As a crucial component of multi-rotor drones, the motor system has strict reuiqrements on horizontal accuracy. Even minor installation errors or loose parts can affect flight stability. Therefore, regular pre-flight calibration is essential to ensure stable flights and prevent potential serious failures.


Two key parts for motor system maintenance:

Ⅰ, Inspection and cleaning of propellers and clamps .

  • Check whether the propeller blades are deformed, cracked, or have any damage such as notches on the edges; check whether the propeller clips are cracked or the screws are loose. If there is any damage, please replace it in time.
  • Clean the blades and clips.

Ⅱ,Checking level and adjust the motors

  • Check whether there is deformation, damage or objects attached on the motor. If so, clean or replace it immediately.​
  • First, place the level on the GPS mount and adjust the drone body to ensure the bubble is centered on the level in both the Y-axis and X-axis directions, as shown in the picture (Note: Don’t flip the level, and ensure the bubble is centered and not touch the scale lines).​

  • Then, place the level horizontally on the M1, M2, M3, and M4 motors, and adjust the motor to ensure the bubble is in the center of the level. (Note: The bubble must be centered ).​

Proper pre-flight motors checking and regular maintenance significantly reduce failure rates and extend the drone's lifespan, ensuring the safety of your flights. Choose an efficient, safe agricultural drone to make your work easier.



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SaaS How SaaS Companies Can Prepare For Embedded Finance

Software as a Service (SaaS) has become the backbone of modern business operations, with its value reaching approximately $195 billion last year. However, the competitive landscape, evolving business models, and shifting user expectations post-pandemic have introduced significant challenges for SaaS providers. These include soaring acquisition costs and shrinking return on investment, making new revenue streams essential for enhancing customer retention strategies.

The Role of Embedded Finance

Embedded finance offers innovative solutions to these challenges by integrating banking and payment capabilities into nonfinancial ecosystems. For instance, purchasing insurance when booking a holiday or applying for a bank account through expense management software are examples of embedded finance. This integration aims to generate revenue and increase the value of existing products.

Why SaaS Companies are Embracing Embedded Finance

  1. Deepening Customer Relationships:
    • Embedded finance provides financial services such as bank accounts, payments, and lending, which help SaaS providers deepen their relationships with customers. These value-added services can reduce price competition and maximize the return on customer acquisition investment.
    • By analyzing financial data generated through embedded finance tools, SaaS providers can gain valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences, enabling them to tailor their offerings more effectively.
  2. Unlocking New Revenue Streams:
    • Embedded finance allows SaaS providers to diversify their income streams and enhance revenue. For example, Shopify reported a threefold increase in revenue from merchant solutions, which include financial products and fulfillment services.
    • By partnering with regulated fintechs, SaaS providers can tap into transaction fees, interchange revenue, and premium financial service offerings. Experimentation with various financial services and business models can unearth opportunities for scaling and differentiation.
  3. Empowering Customers:
    • Integrated financial services offer tangible tools that enhance customers’ competitiveness, such as automated expense management and real-time financial insights.
    • Embedded finance fosters financial literacy and responsibility among users, strengthening the provider-customer relationship and contributing to the long-term success and stability of businesses.

As SaaS providers navigate the challenges of a competitive and evolving market, embedded finance presents a promising avenue for growth and customer retention. By integrating financial services into their platforms, SaaS companies can deepen customer relationships, unlock new revenue streams, and empower their customers with valuable financial tools.

Discussion Questions:
  1. How do you think embedded finance will evolve in the SaaS industry over the next few years?
  2. What potential challenges do you foresee for SaaS companies integrating embedded finance into their platforms?
  3. Can you think of any other industries that could benefit from embedded finance? How?
Feel free to share your thoughts and insights!

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Women in Technology Let’s celebrate International Women in Engineering Day

International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) is a significant event that highlights the achievements and contributions of women in the engineering sector. This day, which has gained international recognition, originates in a UK-based campaign initiated by the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) in 2014. By 2016, the campaign received UNESCO patronage; the following year, it was celebrated globally.

The Women’s Engineering Society has a rich history. It was founded in 1919 in the UK. During the First World War, many women were employed in technical fields. However, post-war societal norms and legal changes made it challenging for these women to continue their engineering careers. This led to the establishment of WES by pioneering women who were determined to create opportunities for women in engineering. As the International Women in Engineering website noted, "A change in the law to return women engineers to the home just as their sisters were admitted into the civil service and legal professions led to the establishment of WES by pioneering and influential women."

While there has been progress since the early days of WES, the pace of change remains slow. The Society of Women Engineers, an American professional organization, reports an increase in women in STEM fields in the United States. However, this increase is not uniform across all fields. Engineering, in particular, lags behind life sciences, such as biological sciences, where gender parity has been achieved. Furthermore, the representation of Black and Asian women in engineering fields is notably lower.

As we celebrate International Women in Engineering Day, we must recognize both the progress made and the remaining challenges. This day reminds us of the importance of supporting and encouraging women in engineering and STEM fields, ensuring diversity and inclusion in these critical areas of innovation and development.

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Artificial Intelligence Understanding The Hype Around GenAI: Marketing Edition

Artificial intelligence (AI) is officially transitioning from niche to trend to mainstream, with most businesses accepting—even embracing—its usefulness to improve operational efficiencies. Now, the next generation of AI is already here: generative AI, or GenAI.

Unlike traditional AI, which is trained to analyze data and make predictions within preset parameters, GenAI is further capable of creating entirely new data in all types of formats (text, images, music, videos, and more). Where traditional AI lets you ask Alexa to play your favorite hip-hop song, GenAI can re-create that song with the same lyrics but to the tune of, let’s say, Beethoven’s greatest symphony.

While that’s an amusing application of GenAI for entertainment, GenAI also has the potential to impact millions of people around the world by enhancing the one thing that supports our day-to-day lives: energy.

From AI To GenAI In The Energy Industry

Since it takes years of data collection and training to fuel GenAI, it’s important to first look at what traditional AI is doing in the energy industry today. Similar to other industries, AI has a foothold in customer-facing interactions like customer service chatbots. AI’s greatest impact, however, arguably has been helping utilities realize the full benefits of smart meters.

With nearly 120 million smart meters deployed across the U.S., smart meters make up a distributed network of intelligence already connected to the grid—and provide a treasure trove of data for AI to analyze and learn from.

Through smart meters, AI introduced the ability to disaggregate consumption data, which allows utilities to analyze data at the individual home level (and even appliance level) rather than at the standard neighborhood level. Utilities, as a result, are turning smart meter data into powerful insights that drive key initiatives—particularly load forecasting and grid planning, fuel switching and appliance upgrade programs, and theft detection.

Like most AI integration across industries, this new capability was originally a nice-to-have function. Now it’s essential and in nearly every new data analytics request for proposal (RFP).

‘Bolt-On’ To ‘Built-In’

Currently, AI is being layered onto data once it’s extracted from the smart meter (hence “bolt-on”). Now, some progressive meter companies are offering AI analytics features built into the meter itself.

Aside from the obvious benefit of not requiring customers to participate in surveys or install monitoring hardware, utilities gain AI-powered insights in much more real-time. This could include, for example, inside-the-meter monitoring of rooftop solar generation across the grid for a real-time view of supply versus demand.

What are your thoughts on the transition from traditional AI to GenAI in the energy sector? How do you think this evolution will shape the future of energy management and consumption? Let's discuss!

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Interest Group call recording: I've got anti-virus, I'm all sorted!" Are you aware of your liability as a Director?

Hi everyone,

If you missed today's Interest group call, we recorded the discussion and encourage you to listen to it. If you're a director of a Solution Provider or MSP company, it's definitely a discussion worth tuning into.

Here's the link:

No passcode required.


The Importance of Exit Planning for IT Business Owners

The Importance of Exit Planning for Business Owners
A well-planned exit strategy is crucial for business owners looking to maximize the value of their business sale. Our clients who are the most prepared achieve higher sale prices and smoother transactions?.
Benefits of Exit Planning
  1. Maximize Business Value: Proper planning allows you to identify and address potential issues that could lower your business's value.
  2. Attract Serious Buyers: A detailed exit plan signals to buyers that your business is well-managed and prepared for a seamless transition.
  3. Reduce Stress and Uncertainty: Knowing your business's worth and having a clear exit strategy can significantly reduce the stress and uncertainty associated with selling.
Current Trends
  • Economic Environment: Despite high-interest rates, the market remains active with many buyers and sellers finding ways to close deals through creative financing and strategic planning?.
  • Sector Insights: Service and manufacturing sectors are performing well with increasing buyer interest and competitive sale prices?
Prepare for a successful exit by understanding the true value of your business and creating a strategic plan.

Women in Technology How to retain women in tech?

The tech industry has kicked off 2024 with a wave of mass layoffs, and unfortunately, women are bearing the brunt of these job cuts. According to a recent report by NTT Data, women are 1.6 times more likely to be laid off in the tech sector compared to their male counterparts, as highlighted by statistics from the WomenTech Network.

Why Are Women Leaving Tech?​

The issue isn't just about layoffs; many women are also choosing to leave the tech industry on their own. Nearly 57% of women in Technology, Media, and Telecom (TMT) plan to leave their jobs within the next two years, citing poor work/life balance as a primary reason, according to WomenTech.

How Can We Retain Women in Tech?​

NTT Data offers several strategies to help employers retain women in the tech industry:
  1. Encourage Mothers Back into the Workforce
    • There is a significant amount of untapped talent among mothers who have left the workforce. Companies should focus on accommodating these individuals, offering flexible work arrangements and part-time opportunities to attract them back.
  2. Use an “Employee First” Strategy to Fill the Skills Gap
    • Employers should invest in training opportunities to help their current employees grow. This approach not only fills the skills gap but also makes employees feel valued and capable of advancing their careers within the organization.
  3. Create a Gender-Inclusive Environment
    • A diverse team brings different perspectives and innovative solutions to challenges. Employers should start by revising their hiring practices to ensure they are inclusive.
    • It's also crucial to look internally and promote deserving individuals to higher positions, fostering a culture of growth and inclusivity.


The tech industry must proactively address the gender disparity in layoffs and retention. By encouraging mothers back into the workforce, adopting an "employee first" strategy, and creating a gender-inclusive environment, companies can retain talented women and build a more diverse and innovative workforce. Let's work together to make the tech industry a more inclusive and supportive place for everyone.

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Artificial Intelligence The Three Top Aspects Of AI Success

In the current phase of AI adoption within enterprises, leaders are now reviewing their early investments and integrations to measure and build on initial successes. By this stage, colleagues should be comfortable using AI to assist people and enhance process efficiency, aiming for higher quality outcomes with less effort.

However, it's crucial for organizations to consider not only the hard figures of the P&L but also the impact of new technologies and processes on their teams and talent. As with every evolution (and revolution), the initial excitement around new tools fades, and people find their own rhythm in using them. Simply put, without the right skills and culture in place, leaders won’t maximize the return on their AI investments. Culture always impacts how technology is used in practice.

Corporate culture and leadership—the "soft" but essential elements—play a significant role in supporting technology to prove its worth. The possibilities offered by even the best-executed AI technologies are only achievable with a well-integrated workforce, business processes, and agile leadership willing to listen to every part of a "three-body problem": AI/tech, people/skills, and culture/leadership. When viewed from this perspective, success becomes an equation: Success equals technology multiplied by the impact of the other components.

Take the Pulse—Regular Feedback is Key

Assuming that organizational leaders have developed a clear and sound strategy over the past couple of years to align AI investments with business objectives, and have made investments in either safe pilot schemes or transformational projects, it's time to go beyond finances and numbers. Leaders should check in on users and their expectations. Usage metrics alone don’t account for willing engagement versus grudging use. Understanding this difference can lead to better working experiences and stronger business outcomes.

Review the Impact of New Tools and Processes on Your People

  • Are the tools being used as expected?
  • How do employees feel about adoption?
  • Are they using the tools as intended, with data privacy and security in mind, or are they using workarounds that compromise robust policy?
Ask probing questions from a spirit of honest inquiry. AI, perhaps more than almost any other technology, may elicit a wide range of human reactions. Leaders and colleagues may disagree on priorities, and society and organizations could have different views on how best to use their technologies and people. Intellectuals and social commentators are often split into two camps: the "doomers" and AI "boomers." For these reasons, listening and communicating with stakeholders is crucial. Don’t consider the issue or people’s concerns settled when every factor involved is constantly evolving.

Key Points to Consider:
  1. Handle Changing Stakeholders and Review Processes: Stay adaptable and open to feedback from all stakeholders.
  2. Don’t Neglect Skills and Training: Ensure continuous learning and development to keep up with AI advancements.
  3. Success Equals Technology Plus Feedback, Processes, and Skills: Integrate technology with a strong feedback loop, efficient processes, and skilled personnel to achieve success.
By focusing on these areas, organizations can maximize their AI investments and drive meaningful, sustainable outcomes.

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Advancing Women in Technology Interest Group Benelux, DACH and UK & Ireland Presents: Saying Yes Instead of No


We were treated to a great session today by Ruth Wachelder, a general management specialist based in the Netherlands sharing her story. Ruth took us through her education and career path and told us about the 'say yes' attitude she developed in her youth. Watch the recording and refer to the slides to share in this inspiring story.

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Securing the future of IoT: Why attack surface management is key

The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing various business sectors, from healthcare to retail, and has significantly impacted industries like manufacturing through automation. The Asia Pacific (APAC) region leads in IoT adoption, with IDC forecasting IoT spending to reach US$436 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 10.4% from 2023 to 2027. This growth persists despite economic challenges, supply chain issues, and semiconductor shortages, driven by the demand for automation, remote capabilities, and 5G deployment.

Large-scale smart projects in APAC, such as Singapore's Smart Nation initiative and China's 900 smart city projects, have accelerated IoT use. However, the rise of IoT also increases cybersecurity risks. Unsecured IoT devices can introduce vulnerabilities, making them targets for cyber threats. Weak passwords, lack of encryption, and poor patching are significant security issues.

Attack Surface Management (ASM) is crucial for mitigating IoT-related risks. ASM encompasses all assets exposed to cyber threats, both external and internal, including IoT devices, public clouds, and internal systems. ASM is part of Exposure Management (EM), which includes Vulnerability Management and Validation Management. ASM itself consists of three main sections: External Attack Surface Management (EASM), Digital Risk Protection Services (DRPS), and Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM).

Discussion Post:

The Growing Impact of IoT and the Importance of Cybersecurity

The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming industries worldwide, with the APAC region leading the charge. IoT spending in APAC is projected to hit US$436 billion by 2025, driven by automation, remote capabilities, and 5G. However, this rapid growth brings increased cybersecurity risks. Unsecured IoT devices can introduce vulnerabilities, making them prime targets for cyber threats.

Attack Surface Management (ASM) is essential for mitigating these risks. ASM covers all assets exposed to cyber threats, including IoT devices, public clouds, and internal systems. It is part of a broader Exposure Management (EM) strategy, which also includes Vulnerability Management and Validation Management.

How is your organization managing the cybersecurity risks associated with IoT? Let's discuss the challenges and best practices in implementing effective ASM strategies.

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AI Use In The Staffing Sector: Trends And Best Practices For Companies

With the rapid proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI), leaders in all sectors must acknowledge its permanence and rapid advancement. AI has evolved from a whispered concept to an unavoidable reality.

AI is increasingly integrated into various industries, including healthcare, finance, manufacturing, retail, marketing, and education. AI enhances quality control, supply chain optimization, and inventory management in manufacturing, allowing human workers to focus on more engaging tasks. In retail, AI aids in demand forecasting, personalized marketing, and store layout optimization, improving customer satisfaction and sales. However, human workers remain essential for providing empathy and personalized customer service.

In hospitality, AI introduces virtual concierges and manages housekeeping schedules, but it won't replace back-of-house roles like chefs or front-of-house roles like waiting staff anytime soon. AI lacks the ability to provide empathy, creativity, and human connection, making workers with strong, soft skills highly valuable in an AI-driven economy.

AI in Recruiting and Staffing​

In recruitment, AI is used in applicant tracking systems (ATS) to scan resumes for keywords, determining who moves to the interview stage. While time-saving, this method can overlook highly qualified candidates who don't use the right keywords. At my company, we interview every candidate on a 1-to-1 basis to avoid this pitfall. Employers using an ATS should understand that leveraging AI is a learning process, and the outputs depend on the prompts provided. Incrementally increasing AI screening criteria and human review can improve effectiveness.

AI also matches workers with suitable roles more efficiently. My company uses a smart-matching algorithm for temporary roles, similar to LinkedIn's AI-driven job matching and profile tailoring advice.

Join the Discussion​

How is AI impacting your industry, and what strategies are you using to balance AI integration with the human touch? Share your thoughts and experiences!

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Blockchain Identity Solutions: Seeing What's Possible

Traditional Identity Management: A Flawed System Historically, centralized identity management systems have been plagued by inefficiencies and vulnerabilities. These systems often create single points of failure, making them easy targets for malicious actors. The lack of transparency further strips individuals of control over their personal information, leading to privacy breaches, inefficient data handling, and identity theft.

Blockchain: A Safer Alternative Blockchain technology offers a decentralized solution to these issues. By distributing control across a network, blockchain significantly reduces risks of corruption and failure. This digital renaissance in identity management enhances security and decentralizes power.

Key Benefits of Blockchain in Identity Management:
  • Transparency: Users can monitor and control who accesses their data.
  • Immutability: Historical records cannot be altered.
  • Autonomy: Individuals can independently own and manage their personal data.
Real-World Applications Several startups and corporations are already leveraging blockchain to improve processes in areas like government documentation and consumer banking. Estonia's e-Residency program is a prime example, offering global citizens a government-issued digital identity secured by blockchain. This initiative ensures transparent and immutable access to personal data, facilitating secure digital interactions across borders.

The Future: Universal Digital Identity As blockchain technology continues to integrate into identity management, it promises a future where individuals possess a single, universal digital identity. This could simplify processes from airport check-ins to healthcare access, making repetitive documentation a thing of the past.

Join the discussion: How do you see blockchain transforming identity management in the next decade?

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The women returning to tech – and why they left

The tech sector is making strides to improve gender diversity, but challenges remain. While efforts to hire women are increasing, many women are still leaving the industry due to persistent issues like sexism, lack of flexible work options, and return-to-office mandates.

As the industry faces a growing digital skills gap, retaining women in tech is crucial. Predictions indicate that the UK will need three million new digital jobs by 2025. However, one in three women in tech plan to leave their jobs, often due to inflexible work environments and limited career progression opportunities.

Karen Blake, co-CEO of Tech Talent Charter (TTC), highlights that denying women flexibility is a significant factor pushing them out of the workforce. The TTC reports that only 21% of senior tech roles are held by women or non-binary individuals, a gap that has widened since 2022.

To address these issues, companies are focusing on progression programs and creating pathways for women to return to tech, such as returnships and coding bootcamps. For instance, Deepana Naidu, a software engineer, found renewed passion and support through a Tech Returners bootcamp, which led her to thrive in a new role.

Discussion Questions:
  1. What are the most effective strategies to retain women in tech?
  2. How can companies better support women returning to the tech industry?
  3. What role do flexible work options play in improving gender diversity in tech?
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Did you know you can now get 20% certification discount as a CompTIA member?

CompTIA certifications help millions of IT workers around the world validate their skills and advance their careers. Did you know that CompTIA Community members now get a huge 20% off CompTIA certifications? Learn how you can become a member and take advantage.

CompTIA Community - DACH am 7./8.11.2024 in der Nähe von FRA - Vorschläge zu Themen, Sprechern, Workshops und jegliche Fragen willkommen!

Im November findet wieder ein CompTIA Community - Regional Meeting im Raum DACH statt. Das ist nicht gerade bald aber man kann nicht früh genug mit der Planung anfangen. :) JEDER IST WILLKOMMEN ZU DIESEM KOSTENLOSEN In-Person MEETING.

Der Donnerstag, der 7.11. ist für generelle Themen gedacht. An diesem Tag findet auch der Workshop mit der Lego® Serious Play® Methode statt, der ca. 2,5-3h des Tages in Anspruch nehmen wird. Es wird auf jeden Fall spannend und viele werden über ihre eigene Kreativität überrascht sein - da bin ich mir sicher.
Freitag, der 8.11. wird wieder unser 'MSP Day' werden - auch hier freuen wir uns über Input und Vorschläge aus der Community! Hier ist auch jeder willkommen teil zu nehmen, die Agenda wird auf MSPs 'zugeschnitten' sein.

Also lasst uns gerne wissen, was Euch momentan im Channel beschäftigt, worüber ihr gerne fachsimpeln oder Euch austauschen würdet, etc.

