Brianna White

Staff member
Jul 30, 2019
Did you know that only 26.7% of women work in tech-related jobs for multinational corporations like Amazon, Facebook, and Apple? Seeing as women make up half the world’s population, this gender deficit in the workforce is quite glaring. After all, how can a digital product be for everyone if the very people who make up half the world don’t have a hand in its creation?
Luckily, history has shown that there have been many significant female figures involved in the development and discovery of various technological computer science advances. And with the WikiArabia Conference coming up at the end of the month, our friends at the Emirates Literature Foundation have decided to celebrate the inspiring women whose contributions to the growth of computer science and technology have helped push the field into the future.
Ada Lovelace: The Making of a Computer Scientist by Christopher Hollings, Ursula Martin, and Adrian Rice
Lovelace is often considered the world’s first computer programmer, as she was the first to recognise that machines could be used for more than just calculations, and was the first to write and publish mathematical formulae that could be read by such machines (aka the world’s first “computer program”).
Published in 2018, the book chronicles how Lovelace would go on to become an icon for women working in tech and answer the question of how a young woman in the 19th century, without access to any formal schooling or university education, could acquire the knowledge and expertise that would go on to make her a pioneer in the field of computer science. What makes Hollings, Martin, and Rice’s work such an illuminating read is its use of previously unpublished archival material which not only highlights Lovelace’s inherent brilliance as a mathematician and her deep passion for science but also how her theories and work has gone on to become the basis for all modern technological innovation.
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