Mike Stewart

New member
Aug 3, 2023
Hello, we are going to be hosting a client webinar to discuss AI. I was hoping to get some ideas on talking points that would be good for small business. Below are some of the topics we are going to talk about but would love to hear other ideas.
  • What AI Is and Isn't
  • Data and what should and shouldn't be shared.
  • Private vs Public LLM's
  • Security around AI, Creating an Acceptable Use Policy
  • Messaging to Staff around AI, Their Stance and Goals with AI.
  • How to get started with AI:

Sam Ross

Manager, Member Communities
Staff member
May 22, 2023
Hi @Mike Stewart , thanks for stopping by. This may be too basic but we have a glossary of those terms that get banded about https://connect.comptia.org/content/articles/artificial-intelligence-terminology from our AI advisory council https://connect.comptia.org/connect/advisory-councils/artificial-intelligence-advisory-council

We also just dropped this blog article on neural networks https://connect.comptia.org/blog/what-is-a-neural-network which is rather in-depth but it does, I suppose, touch on what AI is and isn't in a way.