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Keeping networks up and running as workers turn to ‘hybrid’ arrangements – how edge data centres can cope

The traditional data centre has been a mainstay of computing and connectivity networks for decades, with most processing transactions being carried out in a centralised core
Although core networks are essentially the backbone of any network, mobility, technological advancements and user demands have increased the need to add edge elements to the core. Gradual but growing adoption of new generation data-rich applications and IoT technologies have increased the demand for deployment of IT infrastructure closer to the end user.
The move to remote working that we have seen since the pandemic began has, in turn, helped boost the move to the edge. Edge computing is a distributed, open IT architecture that features decentralised processing power. Instead of transferring data to a data centre, IoT (Internet of Things) devices transfer it to a local connection point. The data is processed by a local computer, or server, at this edge location.
Nearer to the source
The advantages of this model are that since the edge is specifically designed to be located closer to the user, it can provide much faster services and minimises latency by enabling real-time processing of large quantities of data that then communicates across a much shorter distance. At these edge compute sites, the most commonly found devices are network switches, routers, security appliances, storage and local compute devices. Unlike origin or cloud servers, which are usually located far from the devices that are communicating with them, the edge is located closer to the user for optimal data processing and processing power application or content delivery.
Edge computing brings data processing and information delivery functionality closer to the data’s source. It is the next generation of infrastructure for the internet and the cloud – and it is experiencing rapidly accelerated growth.  We’ve already seen a massive migration to the edge during the Pandemic and it is now widely reported that by 2025, 75% of all data will be processed there.
With employees often now widely dispersed, edge data centres create a reliable ‘last mile’ of connectivity, bringing critical data ‘nearer’ to those needing to use it, increasing reliability of access, security and worker productivity.
Continue reading: https://technative.io/keeping-networks-up-and-running-as-workers-turn-to-hybrid-arrangements-how-edge-data-centres-can-cope/


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How to build a high-speed network for the Metaverse of Things

How many people on social media have friends only in their home city?  Probably not very many, so we shouldn’t think that when Meta or others deploy a metaverse, the inhabitants will all be drawn from the same place.
To be successful, a metaverse has to support dispersed users, and the more successful it is, the more its users can be expected to be dispersed over a wider geography. Today, metro, but tomorrow the world. If, as the metaverse spreads out, latency issues destroy the synchronized behavior of the avatars, then it will lose realism and at some point that loss would constrain growth. We already know how to control access latency, but how do we control massive-metaverse latency? Answer: With Massive Metaverse Meshing.
It’s almost certain that metaverse realism will start by having low-latency access to a metro edge point that’s the on-ramp to metaverse processes.  That handles users who are all in one metro area, and many metaverse manifestations (sorry, I couldn’t help myself) can be expected to stay within a metro area, among people who know each other. The next step is to handle all users with as little incremental latency as possible. That’s possible by optical meshing of the metro areas.
Massive-mesh architecture
Most metaverse users are likely to interacting with others at least within their own country, so let’s take the US as an example here.  If we assume we have 100 major metro areas, which in the US would mean cities with more than about 230,000 in population, then the total number of simplex paths would be N(N-1), or 9,900.  That would admittedly mean a lot of fiber runs over long distances, but you wouldn’t need to make each “path” a discrete fiber connection.
Electrical handling is what tends to add latency to connections, because of queuing. Optical handling, particularly when supported by very high-capacity interfaces, would add only a little. City A traffic might get to City C via City B, which means we could concentrate the metro areas in a region back to a “gateway city” and link those via optics.
If we used reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexers (ROADMs) and DWDM, we could easily create an effective full mesh of metros using today’s technology. With minimal transit routing in each metro handled by those ROADMs, we’d add only a little latency to metaverse users' traffic anywhere in the US. Those gateway cities in the US could then be meshed with gateway cities in other countries, whose local metro areas would be similarly meshed. More mesh means less latency.
Continue reading: https://www.networkworld.com/article/3654914/how-to-build-a-high-speed-network-for-the-metaverse-of-things.html


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CDO Council sees ‘unique opportunity’ to elevate data talent across government

The Biden administration is calling on agency chief data officers to collectively tackle some major projects under the Federal Data Strategy.
Goals for CDOs in the strategy’s latest action plan include accelerating the government’s use of artificial intelligence and mitigating the impact of wildfires.
CDOs are also focused on improving the overall data literacy of the federal workforce, and giving federal employees an opportunity to develop new data skills.
For all this work, CDOs are still a new addition for many agencies, but are coming together to share best practices.
The Chief Data Officers Council now includes nearly 90 members across the federal government and spent much of last year developing a community of practice for its members.
Ted Kaouk, the CDO Council’s chairman, as well as the Office of Personnel Management’s CDO and deputy director for human capital data management and modernization, said the council also issued a CDO playbook to help standardize some elements of the job across government.
“We recognize and feel that we have a unique opportunity to build up what’s essentially a new profession in the federal government,” Kaouk said on the latest episode of All About Data. We feel that the federal CDO position is a pivotal and really transformational role that can significantly benefit the collection, organization, analysis and use of data at agencies, as well as improve its overall value to society.”
The council took several foundational steps last year, including launching a website, holding its first public meeting and issuing a request for information seeking feedback on how to deal with common management challenges
At the agency level, many CDOs have been busy standing up data dashboards, creating data inventories and training the agency workforce on data skills.
“We feel like CDOs really have to seize on that opportunity to leverage data as a strategic asset. They need to do things like build critical relationships to show value in the near term. Things like quick wins are going to help them build that momentum,” Kaouk said.
Continue reading: https://federalnewsnetwork.com/all-about-data/2022/03/cdo-council-sees-unique-opportunity-to-elevate-data-talent-across-government/


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New Domo Study Shows the Data Decision Gap is Holding Business Back

A new study conducted among CIOs, chief data officers and vice presidents in data-oriented positions released today by Domo (Nasdaq: DOMO) pointed to a significant data decision gap impacting companies’ business intelligence efforts. Organizations around the world are investing in data at a higher rate than ever, but 55% of respondents noted that the process for making decisions had not changed at all in their organizations, with decisions largely made “from the gut” rather than from data.
Respondents said that the top cultural or attitudinal challenge for using data effectively is that too few people across most organizations understand how to access useful data or use it to drive meaningful decisions. This indicates that failing to use data may begin in the C-suite, but it cascades down across every level of the business.
Domo’s study points out that the two most common explanations for this gap were BI tools being disconnected from business processes and a lack of training. Even as organizations have embraced the power of data, most respondents saw them continuing to struggle with implementation because of their data tools. Nearly one-in-three (33%) also worried that the data decision gap would create significant data bottlenecks in the future. Organizations that adopt the right tools for democratizing their data are realizing the benefits of data-driven decision making.
“We are constantly finding new ways to unlock information, but companies that want to be truly data-driven have to do more than just capture and store it,” said Mohammed Aaser, chief data officer at Domo. “It’s great to have all this data, but if you can’t enable your employees to use the data easily to drive improved decisions, then it doesn’t matter how much you invest in the effort.”
Continue reading: https://martechseries.com/analytics/data-management-platforms/new-domo-study-shows-the-data-decision-gap-is-holding-business-back/


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Data management: reinventing a foundational capability to optimise cloud transition for financial services firms

Data is the lifeblood of the financial services sector. By mining and analysing financial market data, customer information and overall market trends, financial institutions can glean game-changing insights — but where to store that sensitive information has always been an issue.
Financial services leaders have generally been reluctant to move data off-site, fearful that without a watchful eye, it could go missing or end up in the wrong hands. In the past, this has prevented their companies from exploring the potential of cloud-based storage and management.
And then the pandemic happened. Suddenly, financial staff needed “speedy and secure remote access to data,” says Neil Sandle, Head of Product Management at Alveo, a provider of financial data management solutions. “Since the start of the Covid-19 crisis, we’ve seen the shift towards the cloud accelerate.”
The data management challenge
 At an intrinsic level, the financial services industry is about information; information on financial products, how and where they trade, their terms and conditions, events such as dividends, splits, mergers, customer behaviour, trading patterns, and market trends. Financial services firms need to be able to access and act on said information fast — but never at the expense of data quality and information security.
The financial services industry is also getting increasingly data intensive. There is a lot more data available through public sources, commercial data sets and data gathering from business relationships. A large toolbox is available, filled with data integration, data analytics and BI solutions to make sense of this data. However, firms struggle in finding the optimum balance between quickly and reliably sourcing, and verifying this data, as well as provisioning their business users with fast and easy access to that data.
The wholesale shift of firms’ data and application landscape can offer a solution. “With financial organisation data-sets getting larger and larger to allow for deeper, AI-powered analytics, storing data locally is going to get more difficult — and more expensive,” Sandle says.
The reasons for this are two-fold: firstly, companies will have to pay for increasingly large on-site storage units, which don’t come cheap; and secondly, internal servers tend not to have access to the latest data management tools and software, meaning in-house data scientists will have to spend valuable time on resource-draining menial tasks.
Continue reading: https://www.bobsguide.com/articles/data-management-reinventing-a-foundational-capability-to-optimise-cloud-transition-for-financial-services-firms/


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The most valuable advice I give every woman entering tech

Despite making up nearly half of the total workforce, women account for only 25% of those working in technology. As a woman in tech myself, I have had to forge my own path to success in such a male-dominated industry.
Tech needs more women—gender diversity brings in new voices and fresh perspectives and has even been shown to boost companies’ financial performance. The industry is slowly changing and becoming more inclusive, and with it comes new opportunities and challenges for women in tech.
Over the years, I have learned a thing or two about how to succeed in this industry as a woman. If you want to break into the field, read on for the three pieces of advice I give to every woman entering tech.
As women in tech, we need to cultivate confidence—to trust that we will succeed regardless of the facts and figures of this male-dominated industry. Our success begins when we believe in its possibility. There are opportunities waiting to be found, but we will never see them if we are too insecure to even knock on the door.
Continue reading: https://www.fastcompany.com/90733677/the-most-valuable-advice-i-give-every-woman-entering-tech


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Women in Tech: “I assure you there are places worth being”

Today’s woman in Tech: Marta Vasconcelos, software engineer, SingleStore
With an academic background both in design and software engineering, I’ve been working as a software engineer for almost 4 years. I’m Portuguese but I’ve recently moved to Dublin. I’m passionate about sports, books, and tech. Currently working as a software engineer at SingleStore, where I contribute to building our web-based tools for users to manage their databases.
When did you become interested in technology? What first got you interested in tech?
I believe I’ve always been interested in technology. My father is an engineer and I still remember him offering me a kid’s engineering kit to get a radio and a motor working. As a kid, I spent hours on my computer creating PowerPoint presentations with animations, interactive buttons, images, and music. I had so much fun! I also remember joining a robotics club when I was 8 years old and I just loved to create the robot in Legos and then connect it to the computer to have it moving around the classroom. That was a real deal for a 90s kid!
Let’s talk about your background. How did you end up in your career path? What obstacles did you have to overcome?
My initial choice was to study design and multimedia. I was passionate about video, photography, and web design so it felt right for me. I really loved this experience, but as soon as I started to know how to code, things have changed for me. As I discovered programming and web development, I understood that this was the path I wanted to take. The bachelor’s degree program I was taking was designed to have a lot of computer science courses such as Databases, Artificial intelligence, Programming, and Software Engineering. When I took the Software Engineer course, I completely fell in love with the whole process of software development – going from requirements, tests, coding, and delivering the product.
Continue reading: https://jaxenter.com/women-in-tech-vasconcelos-176836.html


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7 Trends in Artificial Intelligence Every Founder Should Pay Attention To

If you're wondering how important artificial intelligence is to your business's future, all you have to do is follow the money.
In 2021, private companies invested $93.5 billion in AI--more than double the total private investment in 2020. That's according to 2022's The AI Index Report, an annual report by the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence. With more funding comes more inventions: the number of AI patents filed in 2021 was up 30x compared to 2015, according to the report.
To make sure you're up to speed on the latest AI developments, here are seven AI trends cited in the report.
1. The U.S. and China are collaborating on AI.
As the entire world races to improve AI technology, collaboration can advance discoveries and breakthroughs. Based on the number of research publications shared by two or more countries, the U.S and China are leading global collaboration efforts in the field, despite ongoing political tension between the countries.
Continue reading: https://www.inc.com/anna-meyer/artificial-intelligence-ai-index-report.html


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Realistic Expectations of Artificial Intelligence

Although we’re still a few decades out from seeing most businesses and industries use artificial intelligence (AI) in their operations, there is certainly greater adoption than there has been in years past. It behooves business leaders to learn all they can about AI.
According to a top IT training company, 2021 saw a sharp uptick in respondents to its annual AI Adoption in the Enterprise survey, (nearly three times than in the previous year), as well as 61 percent of respondents showing that they are actively considering or evaluating AI solutions.
If you are interested in learning more about AI, here are four things you should know.
AI is already embedded in people’s day-to-day
While widespread and more sophisticated uses of artificial intelligence are perhaps slated in the not-so-distant future, people are already using or interacting with some form of AI every day. If you have used web-based email services, used ridesharing services, or shopped on e-commerce platforms, you’ve likely been interacting with artificial intelligence in some capacity and didn’t know it.
There are currently no federal or state laws that require companies to disclose that they are using AI in their applications, and for applications that are used by the public, customers are more likely to be interacting with a very well-programmed AI interface than with another human being. However, many consumer advocacy groups are pushing to have more formal laws instituted for requiring disclosure, as they believe there is the potential for customers to be deceived and misled. This may not be a worry for simpler transactions, but it could be more concerning where there’s more at stake, like financial services and telemedicine.
Continue reading: https://www.qualitydigest.com/inside/management-article/realistic-expectations-artificial-intelligence-032422.html


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The Latest Business Artificial Intelligence Trends

The business world is constantly evolving and companies need to adopt modern methods to match or better their competitors. This brings us nicely on to artificial intelligence (AI), which is a solution that uses computers to mimic the human brain’s ability to solve problems and make decisions.
It uses science and engineering to create intelligent machines and computer programs to copy human thinking but without the limits of biology. According to the December 2021 survey by global management consultants, McKinsey & Company, 56% of organizations have adopted AI in at least one function (up from 50% in 2020).
Examples of everyday artificial intelligence include navigation apps, facial recognition, smart assistants and autonomous vehicles. While these are great for the average consumer, they aren’t exactly industry-focused so let’s look at the latest AI trends for business.
What is AI for business?
In the past, artificial intelligence was seen as something that could replace humans and in some far-fetched movies, turn evil and try to take over the world. While the reality of The Terminator movie franchise hasn’t come to be, yet, AI is alive and kicking in today’s business landscape.
Continue reading: https://www.ceotodaymagazine.com/2022/03/the-latest-business-artificial-intelligence-trends/


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4 Things You Can Do Now to Prepare Your Crypto Investments for Future Regulation

The growth of the cryptocurrency market has caught the attention of investors, businesses, and now, Uncle Sam. So if you’re among the 16% of Americans involved in the crypto market, you may be wondering: What do upcoming regulations mean for me? 
It’s not yet clear, but we may soon have a better idea. For investors who are wondering what to make of President Biden’s recent executive order on cryptocurrency or any other new regulatory developments, plenty of experts say it’s actually a good thing. More regulation could increase market stability and the price and value of crypto, so investors can look at it with a healthy optimism, says Nicole DeCicco, founder of CryptoConsultz, a digital currency consulting service based in Vancouver, Washington.
“The train’s already left the station,” she says. “Rather than try to stop it, let’s hope that it brings some benefit to the market.”
How Crypto Regulation Could Affect Investors
No one actually knows yet how the average investor will be affected by growing regulations, at least not until the federal government decides on the specific rules. And some market participants may not feel many changes at all once the dust settles, says Marco Santori, the chief legal officer at digital cryptocurrency exchange Kraken.
Continue reading: https://time.com/nextadvisor/investing/cryptocurrency/crypto-investors-prepare-regulations/


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The Number of Women Working in Crypto Continues to Grow

Cryptocurrency is an exciting industry with many opportunities for any gender. Even so, it remains a primarily male-dominated industry, although things have improved a lot in recent years. So, it is good to see the balance between males and females slowly level out.

More Women Show an Interest in Crypto
Many people see the technology industry — and, by extension, cryptocurrency — as a male-dominated segment. That is mostly true in the crypto world, where men make up the bulk of investors, traders, supporters, and employees in virtually any company. However, it is not the male-only club some might make it out to be either. The overall female representation in this industry has risen strongly, even though more work needs to be done.
The growing mainstream appeal of cryptocurrency and blockchain paves the way toward gender equality. It will not happen overnight, but women have shown an increased interest in cryptocurrency and blockchain over the years. Moreover, there are many projects co-founded or founded by women. Even if males found a company, women are in crucial positions to ensure company growth and future development. 
Furthermore, a recent survey by KuCoin confirms how women in Turkey get more hands-on with cryptocurrencies. The gender representation in the country is nearly 50-50 among investors, with women being far more crypto-curious (63%) than their male counterparts. 
Continue reading: https://techbullion.com/the-number-of-women-working-in-crypto-continues-to-grow/


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5 Blockchain Security Issues & Tips For Solving Them

This is the new talk show. We are living in a world where everyone is looking for a digital solution to almost everything. They want to be in the easiest, simplest way of doing their jobs and tasks. That is why Blockchain might be developed.
It was 2009 when the first Cryptocurrency bitcoin came to the market and also introduced the world to Blockchain technology.
After a few years, Bitcoin started to make new records, and more people started to invest in Bitcoin using a number of reliable platforms like the bitcoin era. The scenario is also the same for Blockchain technology as well.
Blockchain was first introduced for creating Cryptocurrency, but after a few passing years, different sectors started to realize the potential and capabilities of this amazing technology. Gradually along with the financial sector, other industries also started to utilize the benefits of Blockchain.
Continue reading: https://www.wales247.co.uk/5-blockchain-security-issues-tips-for-solving-them


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Blockchain drives transparency in the supply chain

While blockchain is often talked about in relation to cryptocurrency (and grabs headlines for it), it’s already being used in supply chains to create greater visibility and transparency.
"If you think of supply chain today, and the volume of paper and faxes and email and data exchanges and phone calls that actually support the process, it seems pretty obvious that if you could get enough people to streamline those things using a common system and a common application, you could get a whole lot of value out of that process," said Scott Buchholz, emerging technology research managing director at Deloitte.
In "Innovation Driven Resilience," the 2021 MHI Annual Industry Report, MHI and Deloitte surveyed more than 1,000 supply chain professionals worldwide about innovation investments in the supply chain. They found that 10% of companies surveyed plan to invest in blockchain and distributed ledger technologies in the next three years. They also found that 12% have blockchain in use today, and 41% predict it will be in use within the next five years.
While the usefulness is already being seen in areas like grocery and luxury goods, blockchain — and that level of true transparency — is not an easy sell. As the technology grows, though, it may change the definition of visibility in supply chains altogether.
Continue reading: https://www.supplychaindive.com/news/blockchain-drives-transparency-supply-chain/620299/


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Ethereum winning the blockchain race

The crypto sceptics turned off by the speculative activity associated with the proliferation of blockchains and associated crypto coins should take a closer look at Ethereum.
They will soon discover that Ethereum is winning the blockchain wars because it is emerging as the preferred utility for businesses seeking to digitize assets and services.
The growing commercial validation of this blockchain protocol, which is about to enter a new phase with a much anticipated event called “the Merge”, reminds Chanticleer of previous technology development cycles.
In the early days of technology adoption, multiple products vie for consumer and institutional adoption. Gradually, a select few technologies or technology platforms gain the scale to dominate, as happened in cloud computing.
Greg Medcraft, a former chairman of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, is now a director of the Digital Finance Centre for Research and Co-Operation, and believes Ethereum is cementing its position as the preferred blockchain tool.
Continue reading: https://www.afr.com/chanticleer/ethereum-winning-the-blockchain-race-20220322-p5a6tt


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With AI Platforms on the Cloud, Businesses Reinvent Their Processes — and Themselves

When 12-year-old Herbert Henry Dow set out to invent a chicken egg incubator, it took 40 tries before he was successful. For much of the past 125 years since he founded his namesake chemicals company, scientists at Dow have followed in his footsteps, spending months in the lab researching formulations for new products.
But what used to take months can now take seconds. Dow’s polyurethanes division, which creates custom formulations for everything from sneaker soles and mattresses to insulation and flooring, has transformed the labor-intensive research process into a digital one. The data that scientists once pored over manually is now fed into Microsoft Azure’s machine learning and artificial intelligence tools, which can instantly run through algorithms and suggest new formulations for scientists to explore.
And Dow’s machine learning and AI use hasn’t been limited to the polyurethane lab. “We are using this platform to develop and deploy analytics through Dow’s end-to-end processes, from accelerating innovation to agile supply chain planning and helping our customer service reps improve our customer experience,” says Brandon Schroeder, associate director for enterprise data platforms and business intelligence at Dow.
For instance, Dow’s digital operations center uses web-connected cameras, Azure Video Analyzer and Microsoft Power Apps to monitor facilities and provide real-time analytics to detect containment leaks in the company’s production environment and alert operators so they can take immediate action.
“Azure offers Dow the ability to quickly scale up and down, provides the right level of security controls and enables us to more quickly realize our digital aspirations,” says Schroeder.
Continue reading: https://biztechmagazine.com/article/2022/03/ai-platforms-cloud-businesses-reinvent-their-processes-and-themselves


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AI Visionary And Leader Linda Avery Of Verizon

Throughout my career as an unwavering advocate of AI and AI for good, I've had the pleasure of meeting, connecting with, and absorbing wisdom from a variety of individuals. As part of my 10-Part Series of The 9 Inspirational Women Leaders In AI Shaping The 21st Century, I was honored to converse with Linda Avery. Linda is the strategic voice, and visionary for data and analytics at Verizon, focused on using the power of data and AI across the enterprise. Linda joined Verizon in September 2019 and has grown the AI & Data organization to approaching 1,000 contributors by the end of 2021, including teams dedicated to Data Governance, Data Architecture and Engineering, and an AI Center, covering a broad range of disciplines from AI Ethics to Industrialization and Digital Twins.
What personally inspired you to enter the world of AI and Data Analytics?
I have always been drawn to the design of data. As someone who came out of college as an artistic, poetry-writing aspiring author, I saw good data models and architecture as to how the “essence” of what needed to be known by the software could be expressed. As things have advanced, it’s now about pulling out the “truths” and insights from the data through engineering for machine learning—still getting to the essence. That is, in some ways, the poetry of data!
After spending over three decades in the financial sector, what led you to move to Verizon? What are the similarities between these two industries in their use and leverage of data collection and analytics?
Yes, this was a pretty daring move. Still, I’ve always been drawn to areas where things have not yet been figured out—both technically and also across my career, where technology has the opportunity to deeply reinvent how business gets done. The possibilities of what 5G + mobile edge compute + AI can bring to society are remarkable. I was, and still am, particularly interested in the impact these technologies can have in making top-tier healthcare available to those who can’t access it today.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/markminevich/2022/03/21/ai-visionary-and-leader-linda-avery-of-verizon/?sh=700c59ee6da0


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Let’s see what should be on your ethics for AI in the business checklist
The evolution of artificial intelligence is a perpetual stream of wonder, optimism, and terror. AI, like any other technology, may be utilized for good or harm. The same algorithm may be used to enhance healthcare as well as create false news videos. Based on how it is employed, today’s AI may be both a huge advantage to society and a threat to democracy.
The tough thing with machine learning is that it may go horribly wrong even if the designers have the best of intentions and want to do well.
Chatbots that become racist, for example, or image recognition algorithms that are trained on non-representative data - none of it was intended to harm anyone, but they did.
Today, corporate trust is at an all-time low. Unintentional repercussions of technology are a danger that might result in public shame and controversies. This can jeopardize people’s privacy, health, or lives, as well as harm a company’s brand and shareholder profit.
Taking a strong stance has the potential to set one’s firm apart from the competitors and increase client satisfaction.
The following are key characteristics and ethics that AI systems must satisfy in order to be considered trustworthy:
Continue reading: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/what-ethics-should-ai-application-have-in-businesses/


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In Her Own Words: Paula Bratcher Ratliff drives equity in tech

As we start to integrate the pandemic into a new normal, many women are adjusting to the big changes that occurred during the past two years. Paula Bratcher Ratliff found a new career, an important mission and more time with her family.
In March of 2020 I was in a meeting in San Jose, while my boss was texting me to ask when I would be back in my home office. I found the communication odd, and when I returned, I was faced with emails about contingency leadership plans, new travel bans, and requests for strategy to train the staff to sell remotely for an unknown length of time. This was the beginning of Covid and what would soon be the “new normal.”
The large sales team that I led was responsible for about $1 billion in revenue across North America. We were able to pivot and sold through virtual meetings. My team was flourishing as we were helping top brands ramp up their talent needs to meet new production demands caused by the pandemic.
Continue reading: https://www.bizjournals.com/bizwomen/news/latest-news/2022/03/in-her-own-words-paula-bratcher-ratliff.html?page=all


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Women in STEM: Breaking stereotypes and overcoming personal bias and fear

This year’s International Women’s Day theme #BreakTheBias focused on gender equality and diversity, as well as elevating and advancing gender parity in technology while celebrating the women forging innovation.
Breaking stereotypes is imperative to achieving this mission, according to Karla Wong (pictured), country sales leader for the commercial sector in Peru at Amazon Web Services Inc.
“When you talk about stereotypes, we need to understand that bias is not only what the society is giving you. It’s also your own bias, because we need to understand that technology careers are not only for men; they’re also for women,” Wong explained. “We cannot stop believing in ourselves … get inspired by women with great achievements who have changed this world of technology. So the first bias we need to break is the bias that you have of yourself.”
Wong spoke with Lisa Martin, host of theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s livestreaming studio, during the Women in Tech: International Women’s Day event. They discussed why personal bias and fear hinder women from joining STEM and how volunteer work has nurtured Wong’s personal and professional life.
Continue reading: https://siliconangle.com/2022/03/21/women-stem-breaking-stereotypes-overcoming-personal-bias-fear-iwd2022/
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'Everything Is Solvable': Advice From Female CEOs in Tech

Only 8.2% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women, according to the Women Business Collaborative's Women CEOs in America 2021 Report.
While there is less available data on female executives in the tech industry specifically, a 2020 study found nearly half of tech startups in the United States have at least one woman in an executive position.
That's a little more promising; but it doesn't change the fact that the tech industry presents women with persistent institutional barriers making it harder to rise through the ranks. Analyzing the industry as a whole, only 38% of women who majored in computer science are working in the field—compared to 53% of men—according to data from the Pew Research Center. 
In other words, women holding CEO positions in tech have defied the odds. And, while it's critical to work systemically to rectify the industry's gender gap, learning from women who've established C-suite cachet can be a welcome respite for those looking to break into the field.
In honor of Women's History Month, Techopedia sat down with Susan Stone, CEO of Ubiquitous EnergyAshley Rose, CEO and founder of Living SecurityKathy Hannun, co-founder and president of Dandelion Energy, and Agnieszka Wilk, CEO of Decorilla, to learn more about their roles and how they got there.
Here's what we learned:
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The Use of Blockchain in ESG

Environmental, Social, and Governance
ESG, an acronym for Environmental, Social, and Governance, aims to establish an evaluation of companies’ social and environmental responsibilities. In so doing, it is very useful in helping “socially responsible investors” make their choice as to where to invest. In addition, environmental and social factors are becoming increasingly important in determining the value of a company where estimates of the value of global ESG assets exceed $53 trillion by 2025.
To evaluate the sustainability level, ESG reporting is widely adopted especially for the listed companies. However, due to the lack of data authentication, consistency, and transparency, the ESG-based sustainability evaluation is still inadequate. As the importance of ESG metrics increases, so does the demand for reliable data measuring them. With no industry-wide set of standards, however, they can be difficult to come by and the lack of verified and standardized ESG data can be a significant problem. To solve and overcome this problem, blockchain, and distributed ledger technology, in general, has the potential to provide a safe and transparent tool to overcome this obstacle.
Why Blockchain?
Blockchain works as an assurance of accuracy and transparency of data due to its tamper-resistant nature. It is a decentralized database of records, or “blocks,” which can only be updated once all the other blocks authenticate this change. This ensures the accuracy of the stored data.
Continue reading: https://www.natlawreview.com/article/use-blockchain-esg


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How to Sell Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency has become the major driving force in the trading of digital assets as well as s goods and services. With the decentralization of the crypto world more and more are expanding cryptocurrency investments with businesses using the opportunity to engage with a growing tech-savvy demographic offering them opportunities to interact with them through the purchase of goods and services in addition to promotional tokens and collectibles such as NFTs.
What is the Best Way to Sell Cryptocurrency?
There are several ways where you can sell cryptocurrencies. You can opt to sell them directly either online or in person, through Bitcoin ATMs, a brokerage, or through cryptocurrency exchanges. However, the best way to buy and sell cryptocurrencies is through crypto exchanges popularly known as crypto apps. The reason being is that they offer not only a good selection of digital currencies but also facilitate bitcoin transactions in the trade of digital assets. To use a cryptocurrency exchange, users will need to set up a cryptocurrency exchange account with the platform and connect to a bank account for withdrawing cash. In terms of accepting payment and payment options check out our article on how to accept crypto payments.
Exactly How to Sell Cryptocurrency
Once you buy your cryptocurrencies, there will come a time when you will want to sell them. This is how to sell cryptocurrencies safely.
Continue reading: https://smallbiztrends.com/2022/03/how-to-sell-cryptocurrency.html


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Top IDO Marketing Strategy: The Ultimate Way To Get Your Crypto Projects Noticed!

The growth of Crypto is significantly soaring in the market. Almost 10,000 cryptocurrencies are circulating in the global market. Eventually, they also give a high profile for entrepreneurs to vest on various aspects in the crypto-verse functioning on the digital and decentralized spaces. The innovation and creativity revolving in the space are keeping up the standards of the market. But have you ever thought of how these businesses, especially the market startups, gain their traffic? We have covered you if you couldn't find a proper answer. In the blockchain networks, IDO, like other fundraising activities taking place in the market, achieve their target through viable IDO Marketing services to captivate the interest of a wider crowd.
Firstly, What Is Initial Dex Offering (IDO) In Blockchain? 
Initial Decentralized Offerings or IDO is a recent and highly preferable fundraising approach in the vast and widened market. Unlike other offerings, IDO facilitates the entrepreneur with increased liquidity. That makes the users fall into the process of yielding their initial earnings and bringing investors into the platform. These platforms also charge a lower cost for token listing and added benefits like immediate trading facility, fairly secured fundraising abilities, etc. 
The startup business strategies create and list their coins and tokens in the Decentralized Exchange supporting the IDO mechanism. It's not the end, the sale doesn't count in for listing, but regular tractions, proper insight, brand trust, and many more are involved. This process also brings in investors interested in the project to invest.
Continue reading: https://www.finextra.com/blogposting/22024/top-ido-marketing-strategy-the-ultimate-way-to-get-your-crypto-projects-noticed


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How Is Artificial Intelligence Shaping The Future Of Work?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we live in myriad ways. It influences where we travel, what we buy, read or which music we listen to—and it has a growing influence in the workplace.  
From marketing to strategic decision-making, to knowledge-management, AI is transforming the way we work. For this reason, it’s crucial that future business leaders develop a working knowledge of how AI can play out in the office.
But how exactly will AI shape the future of work? BusinessBecause spoke with two experts from Warwick Business School (WBS) to find out. 
At WBS, professors Jochem Hummel and Shweta Singh (pictured below) are both assistant professors of information systems and management. 
Jochem looks at the impact AI has on business, reviewing ways in which the technology undertakes expert tasks. Shweta has focused on researching the multiple issues AI technology is suffering from such as bias, explainability, and ethics, and is finding solutions and answers to make the technology more viable for use in business.
Here are four ways the pair think AI will influence the future of work.
Continue reading: https://www.businessbecause.com/news/insights/8097/ai-future-of-work?sponsored


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