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New technology is evolving every day in this fast-moving data-driven age. Even less than two decades ago, smartphones were just emerging and were capable of functioning the rudimentary phone operations only. Since then, technology has taken a huge leap – from shopping to watching a movie, everything can be possible on a smartphone. So, the traditional methods of functioning in our lives are changing and with that, one of the most important sector to consider – education sector, should also adapt to these changes.
Applying new evolving technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) can change the whole system and lead to the emergence of a more transparent and efficient education system. With world literacy rate as high as 86.3% and subsequent expansion in the field of education, the issue of implementation of AI in this sector becomes more important.
What is the need for AI in education?
While our way of living and daily operations has been rapidly altered, till date, traditional methods are practiced in the education sector. Kids today are mostly not engaged in traditional games and toys and coloring books. Most of their activities revolve around laptop screens, smartphones, and tablets. Moreover, today’s education system is still more static and traditional. So, a change in the paradigm of education is needed to keep up with the changing requirements and lifestyle of the students.
“India is still waking up to the new concepts of digitization and the education industry being still untouched will not only benefit the student when it comes to harnessing their individualistic potential, but will also allow the trainers some space by letting go off some mundane tasks that they do in today’s traditional way of teaching”, said Mr. Abhishek Manjrekar, CMO – Marketing & Analytics at Foreign Academic Consultancy & Training (FACT).
Continue reading: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/ai-in-education/


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Developing countries are being left behind in the AI race - and that's a problem for all of us

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is much more than just a buzzword nowadays. It powers facial recognition in smartphones and computers, translation between foreign languages, systems which filter spam emails and identify toxic content on social media, and can even detect cancerous tumors. These examples, along with countless other existing and emerging applications of AI, help make people's daily lives easier, especially in the developed world.
As of October 2021, 44 countries were reported to have their own national AI strategic plans, showing their willingness to forge ahead in the global AI race. These include emerging economies like China and India, which are leading the way in building national AI plans within the developing world.
Oxford Insights, a consultancy firm that advises organizations and governments on matters relating to digital transformation, has ranked the preparedness of 160 countries across the world when it comes to using AI in public services. The US ranks first in their 2021 Government AI Readiness Index, followed by Singapore and the UK.
Notably, the lowest-scoring regions in this index include much of the developing world, such as sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean and Latin America, as well as some central and south Asian countries.
Continue reading: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/science/developing-countries-are-being-left-behind-in-the-ai-race-and-thats-a-problem-for-all-of-us/articleshow/90889503.cms


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Five Practical Ways To Boost Your Marketing With Artificial Intelligence

Yesterday, I let a machine do my job. And she—because it is a she, in my mind—produced better results than I have ever managed on my own. I outsourced a little task, one that plagues the day to day of most marketers: I asked her to write an email for me and then allowed her to send it to all our target contacts. She did great, achieving an excellent click-through rate and an enviable conversion rate. The only thing I needed to do was provide some preliminary context and do a quick review of the final content of the email. It was as if I was working with an agency based in the ether.
Even in areas as regulated and typically lagging as pharmaceuticals (my industry), artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies are already helping firms do everything from automating their production processes to discovering new molecules. This helps decrease the amount of human touch, leaving only those touch points that are unavoidable. In other industries, this change is now pervasive across most functions. At IBM, AI has replaced 30% of the company’s HR staff, using extensive workforce data to help employees identify new skills training, education, promotions and raises, as well as predict with 95% accuracy who is about to resign.
According to Salesforce, more than 84% of marketers are already using AI, but the reality is that many firms only use it to handle narrow tasks. This lack of sophistication is especially prevalent in B2B organizations, where efforts are often siloed. Done well, AI can help marketing teams to move from pure sales enablement to efficient lead-generation engines and brand equity multipliers. The use cases are numerous. Let’s explore those that can take your marketing efforts to the next level:
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Evolving From an Internet Registry to IoT Registry

As the name indicates, the Internet of Things (IoT) should be an extension of the Internet. However, in reality, most IoT applications are Siloed infrastructures. We will analyze the main challenges in the IoT and explain how an Internet registry could be evolved to provide a secure and privacy integrated Identity and access management service for IoT.
Freedom: Tim Berners-Lee, best known as the inventor of the World Wide Web, mentioned the freedom in the Internet as—“I should be able to pick which applications I use for managing my life, I should be able to pick which content I look at, and I should be able to pick which device I use, which company I use for supplying my Internet, and I’d like those to be independent choices.” The freedom that Tim Berners-Lee expects is possible in the Internet, but not in IoT. Most IoT applications are Walled Gardens, restricting users to specific devices, technologies or applications. The freedom to choose has become more and more a necessity in IoT, and therefore there are efforts in the form of software suites or technologies to provide more choices to the consumers. IoT technologies like LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network) ensure freedom of choice by providing open specifications to make products available from multiple suppliers.
Interoperability: It is natural to expect interoperability between different applications to access a service in the Internet. For example, one can use any browser such as Chrome, Safari or Firefox to access a website. Similarly, one can send a mail to anyone using any e-mail application. Imagine a scenario where one with a Gmail account can only send mail to users’ with a Gmail account and not to Yahoo or Outlook users. The IoT consumer currently has the hassles of installing and using tens to hundreds of separate apps for accessing different IoT services (e.g., Alexa, Apple, Samsung, Smart lights at home, pet tracker, pacemaker etc.). For example, one cannot control a Philips bulb with Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri, limiting the interoperability between a product’s service to another, unlike in the Internet.
Continue reading: https://circleid.com/posts/20220413-evolving-from-an-internet-registry-to-iot-registry


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Three great places to work for women, and why

Women often have slightly different requirements when it comes to a job search. A company that understands, supports, and actively champions its female employees is an attractive prospect, and today we're highlighting three.
Women often have slightly different requirements when it comes to a job search: flexible hours, a later start in the morning, family-friendly policies, and companies with policies around diversity and inclusion can all be considerations for women, especially those who may have small children or other demands on their time outside of their working lives.
A company that understands, supports, and actively champions its female employees is an attractive prospect.
Below, we’ve highlighted three companies and roles to consider for women looking to make a move. And there are plenty more open roles to discover on our job boards too.
Business Development Campaign Manager, Hubspot
The company: With global offices that include Berlin, Dublin, Ghent, Paris, and London, HubSpot is truly international. This is a rapidly growing company with over 5,800 employees engaged in the brand's mission: to help companies maximize sales and grow better.
Continue reading: https://tech.eu/2022/04/14/three-great-places-to-work-for-women-and-why/


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Bias persists against women in tech

It’s frustrating to be a woman working in the field of technology, according to a recent survey.
For one, almost all (94 per cent of) women feel that more is expected from them at work compared to their male co-workers, finds Navisite, a digital transformation company.
Nearly half (45 per cent) feel they are underpaid compared with their male colleagues.
And 75 per cent say they (or other women they work with) are consistently asked to handle more administrative tasks compared to their male colleagues. Specifically, women have been asked to do the following:
Continue reading: https://www.hrreporter.com/news/hr-news/bias-persists-against-women-in-tech/365785


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Drones for Water Management: Black Swift Technologies Launches UAS with Soil Moisture Sensor

On April 4th, Boulder, Colorado-based Black Swift Technologies (BST) initiated the commercial launch of an uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) equipped with a novel soil moisture sensor that will change the game for water management in agriculture and emergency response.
BST, a specialized engineering firm, is best known for developing resilient UAS designed for beyond-visual-line-of-sight flights in extreme environments, including on the side of volcanoes, over wildland fires and into hurricanes. The company’s UAS have flown on all seven continents, including the Arctic.
Its newest soil moisture mapping package consists of its fixed wing S2™ small UAS outfitted with a unique sensor payload, avionics and a radiometer. The design provides high resolution spatial and temporal images that penetrate the Earth’s surface to measure water content.
Using Drones for Water Management: A Better Solution
Currently, most organizations use satellite technology to monitor drought, predict flooding and assist in crop productivity. Due to lagging passover rates and resolution challenges, data gaps exist, especially at below-the-surface depths.
Continue reading: https://dronelife.com/2022/04/14/drones-for-water-management-black-swift-technologies-launches-uas-with-soil-moisture-sensor/


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Is Crypto Investing Really Worth It?

There seem to be several camps of thought when it comes to investing in cryptocurrencies. The largest camp includes investment firms and investors who add certain “safer” cryptocurrencies to their portfolios after expending a minimal level of due diligence. For them, the choice to purchase and hold cryptocurrency is based on “FOMO,” fear of missing out, and a recognition (and willing acceptance) that the risk/reward determination behind the investment is similar to buying lottery tickets. Somebody will win, the logic goes; it might as well be me.
The other camps, the sizes of which are difficult to determine, have done sometimes extensive research and have concluded that cryptocurrencies are either:
  1. A Ponzi scheme dependent on a steady influx of greater fools,
  2. A foolproof way to get rich if you only stick with it, or
  3. The future of financial exchanges when crypto eventually replaces fiat currency, such as the U.S. dollar, which is backed by a centralized federal banking system. They think cryptocurrency will provide completely decentralized financial transactions that free investors from the currency manipulations of sovereign nations and wealthy oligarchs. They also believe crypto’s blockchain technology will revolutionize privacy and security in numerous uses, from medical records to voting records.
    Just describing the basics of cryptocurrency requires a vocabulary that easily obfuscates its reality. Purveyors of crypto investing have been accused of dismissing valid inquiries as petty ignorance by the intellectually inferior. This article will address some of the promises and issues related to crypto so you can decide the most important question: Is crypto investing worth your time and money?
    Continue reading: https://www.kiplinger.com/investing/cryptocurrency/604535/is-crypto-investing-really-worth-it


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The promises and risks of blockchain technology for manufacturers

Blockchain technology offers manufacturers the opportunity to improve supply chain collaboration and service supplier management. It’s most suitable for relationships in which several parties to have make decisions from the same information. But while it can be a valuable addition to your technology inventory, you need to approach it with your eyes open.
What Is Blockchain?
At its most fundamental, blockchain is a ledger system that records events and distributes each event across the network. A ledger exists at each node in the network. Each event is distributed to each node in the network.
The technology can create smart contracts, which are routines that execute a transaction—pay a party, send a notification, or publish a document—when pre-established conditions are met.
How Does It Work?
Many current networks operate as a centralized or decentralized architecture. Under a centralized architecture, a single server processes transactions for several clients. A decentralized architecture balances the processing load among several servers that handle processing for client computers.
Blockchain works under a distributed architecture, with all users and entities working on an interconnected network. Each user or entity is linked to other users and entities rather than a centralized server system. As a result, information is distributed among all users.
The basic components of a blockchain network are:
Continue reading: https://www.thefabricator.com/stampingjournal/article/stamping/the-promises-and-risks-of-blockchain-technology-for-manufacturers


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Blockchain Is Poised To Revolutionize Lending Fintech

India has emerged as one of the key global fintech hubs and has created huge room for fintech start-ups. Covid-19 accelerated the growth of fintech industry, which now enjoys record investments and skyrocketing adoption of its services. With industries shifting to digital platforms, it was critical for the fintech industry also to move to app-based operations.
The finance sector has come a long way in providing the comfort of having almost all operations at your fingertips, in addition to secured logins and complete access to financial data. While app-based operations reduce the time and effort needed, secured transactions, safety from fraud as well as transparency to safeguard from any misconduct are doubtful. This is where blockchain technology can benefit and even revolutionize the whole tech-based financial ecosystem.
Before going ahead, it is essential to understand what blockchain is and how that technology helps the fintech sector to perform transparency. 
What Is Blockchain Technology?
A blockchain is a decentralized, distributed and public digital ledger that records transactions across many computers so that the record cannot be altered, with effect from data in the past, without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the consensus of the network. This mushrooming technology is growing and making its mark in every field including healthcare, real estate, agriculture, food and especially fintech.
Continue reading: https://www.outlookindia.com/business/blockchain-is-poised-to-revolutionise-lending-fintech-news-191402


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How blockchain is evolving

The blockchain is well known for enabling digital currencies. Although cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have the lion’s share of media attention, there is another revolutionary possibility inherent in blockchain technology: secure, decentralized data processing.
Don’t let the dull wording dent your enthusiasm. Newer blockchain systems propose to create a global, distributed Turing machine upon which a whole new layer of interaction and processing could take place on the internet, essentially wresting control of data away from centralized authorities and giving it back to users.
That is the hope and promise. But how do these ambitious projects propose to pull it off?
While blockchain and Bitcoin have their urtext in the Satoshi Nakamoto whitepaper, the idea of building higher-order systems atop a blockchain is arguably most clearly set forth in the Ethereum whitepaper. (This whitepaper remains essential reading, despite the preamble noting it is now several years old.) And while Ethereum (and its attendant coin, Ether) may be the most prominent higher-order crypto system, the category also includes Polkadot (a multi-chain system), Cosmos, Algorand, and others.
It’s important to realize that because Ethereum is essentially a compute ecosystem, a wide range of other systems are built on top of it, including coins like Hex and Tether and systems like Uniswap and Amp. Ethereum also appears in a recently filed patent granted to Microsoft.
I’ll refer to the fundamental idea encapsulated by Ethereum and other higher-order crypto systems as a “compute blockchain.”
Continue reading: https://www.infoworld.com/article/3655083/how-blockchain-is-evolving.html


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Deep neural networks, a type of Artificial Intelligence began outperforming standard algorithms 10 years ago.
The majority of artificial intelligence (AI) is a game of numbers. Deep neural networks, a type of AI that learns to recognize patterns in data, began outperforming standard algorithms 10 years ago because we ultimately had enough data and processing capabilities to fully utilize them.
Today’s neural nets are even more data and power-hungry. Training them necessitates fine-tuning the values of millions, if not billions, of parameters that define these networks and represent the strength of interconnections between artificial neurons. The goal is to obtain near-ideal settings for them, a process called optimization, but teaching the networks to get there is difficult.
Getting Hyper
At the moment, the most effective approaches for training and improving convolutional neural networks are variations on a process known as stochastic gradient descent (SGD). Training entails reducing the network’s errors on a certain job, such as image recognition. An SGD method processes a large amount of labeled data in order to alter the network’s settings and reduce errors, or loss. Gradient descent is the repeated process of descending from high loss function values to some lower limit that indicates good enough (or, in some cases, the best feasible) parameter values.
Continue reading: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/ai-that-builds-ai-self-creation-technology-is-taking-a-new-shape/


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Role of AI in Metaverse involves combining various technologies such as VR, 3D animation, and blockchain.
The Metaverse AI has become one of the hottest topics in technology and socioeconomics. The role of AI in Metaverse involves combining various technologies such as VR, 3D animation, and blockchain and many companies are already working on creating services for this new digital world. Even Facebook, the tech giant, has changed its name to Meta. This shows that Metaverse growth is really aiming to become the next big mainstream technology. Much has been said about the role of blockchain in the Metaverse, but thanks to the big hype of NFTs, we are left wondering what is being said about the intersection of the Metaverse AI.
It is a massively-scaled, persistent, interactive, and interoperable real-time platform comprised of interconnected virtual worlds where people can socialize, work, transact, play, and create. The Metaverse AI will like a distant evolution of Web3. In its most complete form, it will be a series of decentralized, interconnected virtual worlds with a fully functioning economy where people can do just about anything they can do in the physical world.
Role of AI in Metaverse
AI can play a relevant role in the future of the metaverse, not only from a product perspective but also considering how AI could make the Metaverse more inclusive.
Continue reading: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/why-ai-counts-as-the-biggest-factor-behind-metaverse-growth/


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If You Want to Succeed With Artificial Intelligence in Marketing, Invest in People

Almost every list of martech trends forecast how artificial intelligence (AI) will transform marketing. While AI offers benefits, optimizing automation is only half the job.
Marketing won’t deliver on AI’s promise unless the human side of the equation is given equal attention. Because business value increasingly depends on human factors including agility, innovation and relationships, those companies that best cultivate human potential will be the most successful.
Sources of Business Value Are Changing
Businesses will always need efficiency but squeezing out another drop has diminishing returns. CEOs realize that agility, innovation and improved customer experience will deliver tomorrow’s gains. KPMG revealed that 67% of CEOs agree with the statement that “agility is the new currency of business. If we act too slow, we will be bankrupt.” BCG found that 75% of companies say that innovation has become a top three priority, a 10% jump since pre-pandemic. Agility and innovation are essential strategies in a world that the US Army called VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous). Digital dynamics dramatically accelerated VUCA effects.
VUCA reality is especially obvious at a company’s edge and causes many persistent marketing challenges. The capriciousness of marketing derives from the same complexity as traffic or nature’s ecosystems. Science calls these “complex adaptive systems,” and they acquire their VUCA behavior from many interacting agents (e.g., customers, competitors, social networks, partners and regulatory entities) producing numerous feedback loops which cause situations to change rapidly and unexpectedly. VUCA is why customer journeys look more like a child’s scribble than a linear funnel, why a campaign that succeeded for months suddenly failed yesterday, and why calculating marketing ROI remains a frustrating challenge. Markets behave a lot like weather and stock markets.
Continue reading: https://www.cmswire.com/digital-marketing/if-you-want-to-succeed-with-artificial-intelligence-in-marketing-invest-in-people/


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5G and AI: Ushering in New Tech Innovation

With the recent advances in technology, it’s hard to know where to put your attention. For example, 5G hasn’t taken off as fast as people would have hoped, but the possibility of combining it with artificial intelligence (AI) may lead to considerable innovations in the next few years.
A decade from now, the combination of AI and 5G networks will have revolutionized how business gets done in our everyday lives.
Consumers will interact with companies through their personal AI assistants and 5G-enabled devices, physical and virtual, and demand information quickly and efficiently. They’ll receive this requested information almost instantaneously due to the vast bandwidth provided by 5G.
This high-speed data connection will open up new opportunities.
What is 5G?
5G is the fifth-generation mobile network. It is a set of standards for telecommunications and wireless communication protocols. In addition, it can provide higher speed, ultra-low latency, more comprehensive coverage, and more capacity than previous network generations.
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals. It’s a broad term referring to computer systems that mimic human thought processes. The cognitive processes replicated by these computer programs include learning, reasoning, and self-correction.
Continue reading: https://www.itbusinessedge.com/it-management/5g-and-ai/


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AI can be creative, ethical when applied humanly

Artificial intelligence (AI) has seen increasing adoption with its use expanding into fraud detection and even the creative realm, which is commonly perceived to be intrinsically human. Humans, though, still have a role to play in areas that require intuition and morality. 
Creative AI may seem to be an oxymoron, but AI-powered processes already are at work in activities that thrive on creativity, according to executives at Appier. Based in Taiwan, the SaaS vendor taps AI to build products for digital marketers and brands, processing almost 30 billion predictions a day. Its tools are touted to help these companies deliver richer user experience and identify customers with long-term value. 
AI now was used to support creative processes such as generating marketing slogans, images, and music based on given parameters, said Appier's chief AI scientist Sun Min, in an interview with ZDNet. 
He explained that marketers needed to work through several tasks to create a campaign, including deciding on the slogan to use, images or videos to represent the brand or product, and the overall theme comprising the colors and background music to use. 
Here, AI could be used to reduce the need for repetitive steps, Sun said.
Continue reading: https://www.zdnet.com/article/ai-can-be-creative-ethical-when-applied-humanly/


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Finding the Data Access Governance Sweet Spot

In part one of this two-part series, I presented the three most common “tried and failed” approaches that large enterprises take to implementing data access controls to increase security and enable compliance with evolving privacy regulations. The three failed approaches all reveal ways in which complexity is the enemy of security. Creating secure copies of data, defining policies as “views,” and using Apache Ranger to enable fine-grained access controls all lead to fragmentation and mounting complexity, opening the door to a data management nightmare, potential security gaps and compliance failures. Increasing complexity can also make it impossible to provide the right access to the right people at the right time, inhibiting business productivity and innovation.
In this follow-on article, I will discuss three additional lessons learned that many successful large enterprises have applied to reach that “sweet spot” where big data can be used responsibly, compliance can be automated, and data management can be made easier.
Lesson 1: Strive for a Single Source of Authoritative Data
The opposite of curating secure copies or views of data is the ability to implement dynamic data access policies on top of a single source of authoritative data. This is the foundation of a successful data access management program. A single source of truth eliminates the proliferation of redundant and ungovernable data silos – while making access management far simpler.
Continue reading: https://www.datanami.com/2022/04/13/finding-the-data-access-governance-sweet-spot/


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Why businesses should know the importance of data quality

Organizations can harness great benefits from data, but understanding the importance of data quality, trust and avoiding bias allows them to make decisions and create profit.
At a fundamental level, data trust is when an enterprise has confidence that the data it is using is accurate, usable, comprehensive and relevant to its intended purposes. On a bigger-picture level, data trust has to do with context, ethics and biases.
"The narrow definition is looking at how data is used in organizations to drive their mission," said Danil Mikhailov, executive director at Data.org, a nonprofit backed by the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth and The Rockefeller Foundation.
Data.org promotes the use of data science to tackle society's greatest challenges. One of its projects is the data maturity assessment, a free tool that helps organizations determine where they stand on the data journey.
That narrow definition of data trust often gets support from tools that assess the quality of that data or automatically monitor the data across key metrics, Mikhailov said.
"Once you tick all the boxes, the organization can trust the data more," he said.
But that definition of data trust is limited because data is part of a broader context. Companies should consider other factors when evaluating data trust beyond the basic operational ones.
"Look not just at the specifics of data quality but who is the data for?" Mikhailov said. "Who is involved in the process of designing the systems, assessing the systems, using the data?"
The bigger picture is harder to quantify and operationalize but forgetting or ignoring it can lead to biases and failures, he added.

The cost of bad data
Organizations' bottom line reflects the importance of data quality. Poor data quality costs organizations, on average, $13 million a year, according to a Gartner report in July 2021. It's not just the immediate effect on revenue that's at stake. Poor data quality increases the complexity of data ecosystems and leads to poor decision-making.
There's a rule of thumb called the "1-10-100" rule of data that dates back to 1992; it says a dollar spent on verifying data at the outset translates to a $10 cost for correcting bad data, and a $100 cost to the business if it is not fixed.
Continue Reading: https://www.techtarget.com/searchdatamanagement/tip/Why-businesses-should-know-the-importance-of-data-quality


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6 Best Data Governance Practices

What do data governance practices help for? Or we should ask first, do you know where to seek out particular data in your company, or who to contact for it?
Businesses that are still in their early phases understand the importance of data-driven choices in boosting their financial performance. A strong data governance plan may help you save time and money by raising the quality and ease with which teams access data. Following recommended data governance standards can guarantee that you benefit from a policy strategy, but first, what is data governance?
A data governance strategy focuses on establishing who has control and power over data assets within an organization. It includes people, procedures, and technology to handle and protect data assets. We explained data governance definition in detail in a previous article.
Organizations of different types and industries require varying degrees of data governance. It’s especially crucial for firms that adhere to regulatory standards, such as finance and insurance. Organizations must have formal data management procedures to control their data throughout its lifecycle to comply with regulations.
What are the best data governance practices?
Another aspect of data governance is protecting the company and sensitive consumer data, which should be a top priority for businesses nowadays. Data breaches are becoming increasingly common, with governments passing legislation – as evidenced by HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA, and other privacy laws. A data governance strategy creates management to safeguard data and help organizations comply with regulatory requirements.
Despite the fact that data governance is a major area of concern for many businesses, not all methods deliver the intended benefits. Because of it, you need the best data governance practices for your businesses.
Continue reading: https://dataconomy.com/2022/04/6-best-data-governance-practices/


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Smart junctions for a smart future: How AI is transforming our roads

Not only do we need to facilitate more active travel modes and improve public transport reliability and uptake (while also reducing emissions), but also enhance connectivity and data between travel modes and understand its connection with other factors such as air quality and road safety. 
But the technology that can address these issues is already at play. Real-world trials of AI and smart junctions have demonstrated a 23% reduction in journey times across a single junction. It signals a major step forward in creating the ability to optimise traffic flow without having to build more infrastructure or lay more tarmac. It’s ‘reimagining over rebuilding’ – and it’s making the future a reality. 
Reducing congestion and emissions
Tackling congestion requires a collaborative effort. One that joins technological advancements such as smart junctions with schemes and campaigns that simultaneously encourage behaviour changes and introduce physical changes – driven by data – to enable such change. 
Park and ride schemes have long been a method for encouraging public transport use in cities. For example, in Bristol, parking sites are located at four corners on the outskirts of the city. Parking is free, and you only pay the bus fare into the city. This concept has been joined by newer initiatives that look to tackle the problem within cities themselves with a more targeted approach. London has recently expanded its ULEZ and continued its roll-out of ‘Low Traffic Neighbourhoods’ and the School Streets scheme, with the intention of prioritising active travel modes and limiting private vehicle use. 
Continue reading: https://citymonitor.ai/transport/smart-junctions-future-ai-roads


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CompTIA Tech Career Academy Virtual Open House

Wondering how you can jump start a career in IT? In just 16 weeks? It is possible!  
If you’ve been thinking about taking the first step towards a career in IT, now is the perfect time. Join us for the CompTIA Tech Career Academy Virtual Open House and explore our IT-Ready Technical Support (Online) Program, an affordable alternative to traditional colleges, which provides you with a full-service introduction to the IT industry.   
Date: Wednesday, April 20, 2022 Time: 5:00pm-6:00pm CT At the Open House, you’ll learn:  •  How this program can help you prepare for a role in IT with the technical skills you’ll need to pass the CompTIA A+ exam. •  The business skills and acumen you need to be successful. •  The career services and job resources that are available to you. •  Information about the grants and financial aid options that are available to qualifying students, making your IT education more accessible than ever. •  What employers want and how we can connect you to companies that are ready to hire.
Sound intriguing? Attend the open house from the comfort of your home and learn how we will work with you one-on-one every step of the way.  
You’ll also hear from students who have gone through the program and have the opportunity to ask questions during our live Q&A.  
Learn more and Register: https://connect.comptia.org/events/view/comptia-tech-career-academy-virtual-open-house


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Channel Strong: Midwest Tour Pt. 1


What is the Channel Strong Tour? It’s an outdoor and in-person series of MSP channel meetups. We help connect, learn and network with MSPs around the country – with a 100% chance of cornhole, delicious grub, and beer! 😉🍻
Channel Strong is led by industry experts. Covering Cybersecurity, Compliance, Sales, Marketing, and MSP Growth Hacks, each offers practical advice to future-proof your business and optimize your existing channels.
Registration is required: https://mspinitiative.com/channel-strong/


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Educating the Industry is an Investment for the Future

If you’ve ever watched a movie with an image shot from above, odds are they used Candrone technology. But drones have more uses than just filming and President of Candrone, Justin Hannewyk, knows that. Hannewyk sits down alongside Lead UAS Pilot Zach Rolfe to discuss the future of drone delivery and education as a part of Draganfly with host Grant Guillot.
Hannewyk started by explaining his origins with Candrone starting in the film industry, “We actively explored the multi-rotor realm and it worked very very well…we were able to grow our services,” beyond that of working with film giants like Disney and MGM.
“Now,” said Hannewyk, “We are building for the future,” with their robotics consultancy.
This future welcomes changes in drone delivery and supports education for the industry.
“We are doing drone delivery for the medical side,” stated Rolfe. With time sensitive deliveries, their achievements include, “Developing multiple custom payloads to carry various size cargo containers. We’ve flown over 300 flights to date with those containers and we have also started our initial testing in developing night-time operations for those delivery concepts,” he said.
It is estimated that by 2027 medical drone delivery will be worth “$947 million” not to mention “developing the technology that can save lives which is priceless,” said Rolfe.
Continue reading: https://marketscale.com/industries/software-and-technology/educating-the-industry-is-an-investment-for-the-future/


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How IT Can Use the Hybrid Cloud to Win in the Application Economy

Application economy and hybrid cloud have been around for about a decade as part of the technology lexicon. For IT infrastructure and operations teams, the intersection of these two terms reflects both the immense opportunity and challenge they face in helping their businesses succeed in the digital era. There is no question that applications are the key interface between businesses and their customers, partners, employees, and other key stakeholders. Thus, application experience and the velocity of development and innovation often equal business success.
The IT infrastructure and operations teams play a critical role as the services they provide directly impact application performance, reliability, and experience. Standing in their way is a mishmash of highly distributed and diverse set of technologies that are resident in enterprise data centers, colocation facilities, network edge, and many different public clouds and software-as-a-service (SaaS) platforms. Collectively, this environment is known as the hybrid cloud.
The challenge for IT is determining the best ways to make different applications and their underlying workloads work seamlessly together across the highly distributed hybrid cloud. The opportunity is for IT to combine and unify the best available on-premises and cloud technologies to optimize application experience and performance. The top three tools that IT should closely examine are full-stack observabilitycloud-native services, and flexible consumption model.
Because these tools already exist in public cloud and SaaS platforms, some might consider the solution of simply lifting-and-shifting every application and workload to the cloud. But this is not a practical solution for many reasons, including cost, compliance, governance, operational efficacy, ROI, etc. Instead, the better solution will be to leverage the relative strength of each of different hybrid cloud elements while balancing the expected payoff against costs, skillsets, compliance, and time-to-value. Here’s how that might look with the three tools mentioned above.
Continue reading: https://www.cio.com/article/308452/how-it-can-use-the-hybrid-cloud-to-win-in-the-application-economy.html


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