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Can AI help cyber-proof public safety systems?

Our first responders have used established wireless modes of communication to address emergencies for the past two decades. Robots are now joining the effort. As we continue to augment public safety agencies around the world with semiautonomous technologies, do we fully understand how this shift invites additional risk?
Robots are increasingly used to safeguard communities. The Department of Homeland Security’s Science & Technology Directorate, for example, is working closely with the Department of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to develop technologies meant to safeguard our national borders. “The southern border can be an inhospitable place for man and beast, and that is exactly why a machine may excel there,” says S&T program manager Brenda Long in an article newly released by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
This program aims to minimize the safety and security risks facing CBP agents by introducing robotic assistants and autonomous all-terrain ground vehicles to southern border patrols. While such advances might allow us to enhance border safety, they need a robust cellular network that can ensure continued data communication during emergencies.
To this end, the U.S. Government launched the FirstNet Initiative to modernize the cellular communication infrastructure for first responders. FirstNet was first proposed in the wake of 9/11 and now provides a nationwide public safety broadband network.
Continue reading: https://www.securitymagazine.com/blogs/14-security-blog/post/97442-can-ai-help-cyber-proof-public-safety-systems


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Artificial intelligence: a winning strategy for payments

The race is on to reduce fraud and continue improving payment flows. Artificial intelligence (AI) offers a winning strategy, says Chalapathy Neti, head, AI and machine learning platform, Swift.
AI is out of the lab and already well on its way to delivering smarter tech solutions in our daily lives. Just look at the way Amazon and Netflix use machine learning algorithms to continually serve us fresh content and products based on our previous behaviors. We get a better, more personalized experience while they strengthen their business models.
AI has the potential to deliver improvements in finance too, with huge opportunities in strengthening how we analyze and process transactions. As regulation becomes more complex and the fight against fraud continues, AI might be a key to unlocking a more efficient and secure global payments system.
The promise of AI
When sending cross-border transactions, financial institutions must ensure they comply with the different jurisdictional requirements that exist around the world. This can be complicated, and on top of this, it’s essential that they protect their customers against fraud and avoid processing errors that cause delays. As payment speeds get faster and faster, and fraudsters constantly evolve their tactics, the race is on for financial institutions to stay one step ahead.
So, what if errors in payment messages were automatically corrected without the need for manual repairs? Or fraudulent transactions could be spotted upfront as part of a payment’s pre-validation process? It’s a promise that AI and machine learning can deliver, and soon.
Continue reading: https://www.fintechfutures.com/2022/04/artificial-intelligence-a-winning-strategy-for-payments/


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Three Ways AI Is Impacting The Automobile Industry

Autonomous cars are as intrinsic to visions of the future as holograms and space travel. Since the birth of science fiction, the automobile has been seen as the final frontier of technological innovation. However, when we look around at our cities today, cars can often seem stuck in the past.
The reality is that the vision for the automotive industry has far exceeded the pace of its progress. That said, estimates project the global autonomous car market will grow from $5.6 billion (paywall) in 2018 to $60 billion in 2030, making it clear that self-driving cars will gain significant ground. In the meantime, artificial intelligence (AI) has slowly begun to transform our vehicles through integrated innovations across car brands.
As the CEO of an AI company focused on high-quality training data, I've witnessed firsthand how the automotive industry is harnessing AI in vehicle production. Leveraging these insights and new use cases, let's take a closer look at how AI is currently impacting and will impact automobiles.
Accident Prevention: Risk Assessment + Driver Monitoring
As AI becomes increasingly accessible to car manufacturers, many vehicle companies have prioritized one central objective: safety.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2022/04/19/three-ways-ai-is-impacting-the-automobile-industry/?sh=60b945594a73


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These responsible AI courses will help you grow your business in 2022.
Learning Artificial Intelligence (though not very easy) has become very accessible now with a variety of courses and training available online. These courses are taught by the best AI educators, researchers, and experts, and often come at a cost much less than a typical college course. Some of these classes are very comprehensive and include a curriculum of an equivalent college degree. Some of these are even available for free and are perfect to get a glimpse into the world of AI. Taking these courses will help you become familiar with the use of artificial intelligence in business. Here are the top 10 responsible AI courses for your business growth. 
Deep Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Artificial Neural Networks (Udemy)
Udemy has created an A to Z course of deep learning for beginners. It helps the students to learn to create Deep Learning Algorithms in Python from two Machine Learning and Data Science experts. The students get to understand the intuition behind Artificial Neural Networks and apply Artificial Neural Networks in practice. 
Google AI Education
A free Google-led AI training program is available for beginners. Anyone who has ever wanted to get their start in artificial intelligence can take this course. Specially crafted by Google’s engineers to be as accessible as possible, it slowly provides the compounding knowledge on coding AI and how to code artificial intelligence programs. This is a series of courses, guides, and concept overviews created by Google which aim to provide the students with a solid foundation of knowledge in artificial intelligence and all topics related to it.
Continue reading: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/top-10-responsible-ai-courses-to-take-up-for-a-better-business-growth/


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Universities Embrace Artificial Intelligence to Support Students

When Keith Whitfield, PhD, assumed the role of president at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) in 2020, he had an ambitious, if somewhat unrealistic, goal to speak with every student on campus — all 30,000 of them. Last month, in support of that vision, he commissioned a digital version of himself that is accessible to anyone at any time as a chatbot. The conversational chatbot acts as a “one-stop shop” for information on a wide range of topics, including campus resources, enrollment data, and much more.
“I hope people feel a little more comfortable because they get to know me and feel like they are a piece of the UNLV community,” Whitfield explains. “When you feel like you belong and when you know people at your university, your success increases because it doesn’t feel odd to ask questions, and you don’t feel like there is no one you can go to.”
Creating a digital avatar of a president is one of the more innovative ways that colleges and universities have begun using artificial intelligence (AI), but UNLV is not alone in its endeavor to use this technology to support students and build community. Georgia State University (GSU) and Elon University have previously implemented some form of AI to promote student success. This approach, if balanced with effective in-person communication, can be especially beneficial for first-generation and economically disadvantaged students who are less likely to know how to navigate the college experience, Whitfield explains.
Continue reading: https://www.insightintodiversity.com/universities-embrace-artificial-intelligence-to-support-students/


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Why it’s so hard to make AI fair and unbiased

Let’s play a little game. Imagine that you’re a computer scientist. Your company wants you to design a search engine that will show users a bunch of pictures corresponding to their keywords — something akin to Google Images.
On a technical level, that’s a piece of cake. You’re a great computer scientist, and this is basic stuff! But say you live in a world where 90 percent of CEOs are male. (Sort of like our world.) Should you design your search engine so that it accurately mirrors that reality, yielding images of man after man after man when a user types in “CEO”? Or, since that risks reinforcing gender stereotypes that help keep women out of the C-suite, should you create a search engine that deliberately shows a more balanced mix, even if it’s not a mix that reflects reality as it is today?
This is the type of quandary that bedevils the artificial intelligence community, and increasingly the rest of us — and tackling it will be a lot tougher than just designing a better search engine.
Computer scientists are used to thinking about “bias” in terms of its statistical meaning: A program for making predictions is biased if it’s consistently wrong in one direction or another. (For example, if a weather app always overestimates the probability of rain, its predictions are statistically biased.) That’s very clear, but it’s also very different from the way most people colloquially use the word “bias” — which is more like “prejudiced against a certain group or characteristic.”
Continue reading: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/22916602/ai-bias-fairness-tradeoffs-artificial-intelligence


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Analyze how Instagram uses Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to make the app a cut above
Instagram marketing involves a lot of legwork – you have to first study your audience, then gather data and relevant information. Then, you have to use the findings to plan Instagram campaigns that will resonate with your target market.  
However, all of these would never be possible without Instagram’s big data and Metaverse Artificial intelligence.  Instagram itself uses big data as one of the most effective methods of establishing trends, deducing patterns, and ultimately uncovering actionable insights. 
Meanwhile, as a user, the more data points you have at your disposal, the greater the number of outcomes you can derive for your Instagram marketing efforts.
It’s a fact. Instagram is doing great in the AI and big data department, so much so that Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom boasts that they’re “also going to be a big data company.”
So, in this guide, we will carefully analyze how Instagram uses Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to make the app a cut above.  
Continue reading: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/how-instagram-uses-big-data-and-artificial-intelligence/


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Five Ways to Leverage AI in Marketing: A Direct-to-Consumer Approach

Implementing AI in marketing plays a major role in optimizing content for these personalized experiences. Virtual assistants, cognitive search, visual search, and other new AI capabilities work together to elevate the entire marketing experience.
People are accustomed to receiving personalized attention when they shop in brick-and-mortar stores. As a growing share of commerce moves online, artificial intelligence (AI) offers a unique opportunity to replicate the most personal aspects of the direct-to-consumer experience, with the added benefit for retailers of capturing every aspect of the interaction. This information helps chatbots improve personalization, provide solutions that best match the customer’s needs and deliver a positive impact to the bottom line.
Automating operations has become an essential aspect of a modern marketing organization and adding AI to the solutions mix takes team performance and customer experience to a new level. From bots to virtual assistants and other innovative new uses, AI in marketing improves a company’s ability to scale and significantly reinforces its marketing strategy and infrastructure. By infusing their marketing programs with AI, companies are able to give customers exactly what they want while addressing key business challenges such as standing out from the competition, improving loyalty, maximizing effectiveness, and improving the company’s ability to respond to new market trends or customer demands.
Continue reading: https://aithority.com/machine-learning/five-ways-to-leverage-ai-in-marketing-a-direct-to-consumer-approach/


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How is edge computing transforming the world through the extravagant technology?

Edge computing is a critical component of today’s IT infrastructure network design. However, there are a few fundamental obstacles to overcome before we can move data processing to the network’s edge. Thankfully, firms all across the world are working to solve these issues and make edge computing more efficient, reliable, and user-friendly. If we look at the kind of patents that firms are submitting, we can readily figure out how they are solving these problems in novel ways. Patents provide us with a window into the inner workings of a corporation, allowing us to observe what R&D is going on. As a result, we identified five main obstacles and one inventive solution for each.
1) Security And Encryption
The internet of things (IoT) is well-known for its security flaws. Because of the enormous volume of data exchanged between the data centre and the edge, each device in an edge server is another potentially susceptible endpoint. However, the Zhejiang Geely Group, a Chinese multinational corporation, is attempting to make the network more secure with their invention.
A blockchain-based edge computing security encryption technique is the subject of their patent. A vehicle (edge data centre) authenticates a request utilising a multi-level verification system based on blockchain and creates action in the steering edge node using this technology.
2) Distributed Computing
Most servers have a scattered collection of modules that are positioned far apart from one another. On the other hand, Edge computing tends to move all systems closer to the processing regions. This causes a problem since the business server must take the edge server into account during calculation.
So, how is the industry dealing with this problem?
Beijing Zhixin Microelectronics Technology, a subsidiary of the State Grid Information and Communication Industry Group, has submitted a patent that proposes breaking down the whole edge server into several routes with route arranging devices at the edge centre. When a connection request is received, a suitable route is sought (by matching source and destination node criteria), and if none is identified, a new route is constructed based on the service and bandwidth needs.
Continue reading: https://www.financialexpress.com/lifestyle/science/how-is-edge-computing-transforming-the-world-through-the-extravagant-technology/2495144/


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IoT Device Discovery & Security: How Important Is It?

The Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem has given consumers access to a world of possibilities, but it also comes with certain security risks. With IoT devices constantly monitoring and collecting data concerning the user and device behavior, the probability of malicious or ransomware attacks by hackers and other ill-intended entities has increased. In fact, according to Kaspersky, some 1.51 billion IoT breaches occurred in the first six months of 2021, with most using the telnet remote access protocol. Device discovery tools and IoT security solutions help address the said security challenges for consumer-level and industrial applications.
IoT security systems are indeed needed to protect end-users from cyber threats. The former allows the latter to leverage the power of IoT devices and networks while having complete control over their sensitive personal data. IT and security professionals need systems that help them discover devices and effectively mitigate potential threats.
The Role of IoT Device Discovery Discovery & Security
With the increased use of connected gadgets, it has become more obvious that most of them still have little or no security features in place. They are vulnerable and can easily be compromised by hackers, giving them remote access to our sensitive personal details.
In fact, cyber threat is bound to grow as the usage of IoT devices reaches 75 billion by 2025. Naturally, specific measures have to be taken to keep cyberattacks to a minimum. Most system admins have limited knowledge about the devices trying to connect to the web through their local network. Even visitors or passers-by carry devices programmed to detect networks in their vicinity. These devices are continuously trying to connect with the available corporate network. It is nearly impossible to vet and register every device manually. In addition, you may even accidentally approve unknown malicious devices.
Continue reading: https://www.iotforall.com/the-need-for-iot-device-discovery-and-security-in-2022


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Coming Soon! An Uber For Farm Drones

On a sultry April afternoon, a pick-up truck carrying a metal-edged blue box, like the ones used to ferry audio equipment, stops by Adesh Jain's farm. As curious passersby and children crowd around, a drone with a tank attached is taken out. Within minutes, the machine is buzzing over Jain’s 114-acre field, showering the moong crop with a mix of yield-boosters, an insecticide and water. 
This is the second time Jain, who also cultivates wheat and paddy, has hired Skylane Dronetech Pvt. to spray his farmland in Rohda Deori village of Udaipura, Madhya Pradesh, some 800 kilometers south of New Delhi. He was impressed the first time.
The drone used 30% less chemical than the manual boom sprayer and covered an acre in 8-10 minutes compared with the manual average of an hour. But there is one caveat. The cost, he said, is too high.
"Rs 500 per acre is a big amount. Without drones, I spend only about Rs 200-250 per acre,” he told BloombergQuint. “If the cost is brought down to those levels, I can seriously consider getting all my crops sprayed by drones."
Jain's experience shows early interest among Indian farmers to adopt drones. Yet, concern over costs is turning out to be a hurdle. More so because, unlike Jain, 86.2% of the nation's crop growers own less than five acres each, according to the 2015-16 agriculture census. For them, service charges are still prohibitive.  
Continue reading: https://www.bloombergquint.com/business/coming-soon-an-uber-for-farm-drones


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Want to Become a Professional Drone Pilot? Here’s How

Drones are becoming more and more popular and for good reason! They are a fun way to get a new perspective on the world, and they have a lot of practical applications as well. If you’re interested in becoming a professional drone pilot, this is the blog post for you! In this article, we will discuss the steps you need to take to make your dream a reality. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!
1. Attend a drone course
Drone courses are a great way to learn the basics of flying and operating a drone. There are many types of courses available, so it’s important to do your research to find one that is right for you. Once you have found a course that you’re happy with, sign up and attend all the sessions. This will give you a good foundation on which to build your knowledge. In a drone course, you will learn about topics such as flight planning, airspace rules, and how to safely operate a drone. It is also a great opportunity to meet other drone enthusiasts and make some new friends! If you’re serious about becoming a professional drone pilot, then attending a course is an essential first step. Not only will it give you the skills you need to fly safely and confidently, but it will also show potential employers that you are committed to your training.
2. Get your drone license
After you have completed a drone course, the next step is to get your drone license. To do this, you will need to pass an exam that covers the topics you learned in your course. The exam is not difficult if you studied hard and paid attention in class! Once you have passed the exam, you will be issued a drone license that is valid for two years. After this, you will need to renew your license by taking a refresher course and passing the exam again. Having a drone license is essential if you want to work as a professional drone pilot. It shows employers that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to operate a drone safely and legally. Also, many insurance companies will only provide coverage if you have a valid drone license.
Continue reading: https://www.igeekphone.com/want-to-become-a-professional-drone-pilot-heres-how/


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Will Amazon have to ground its drone program?

It was not so long ago that package delivery drones, specifically ones from Amazon.com, seemed poised to take flight as soon as the right regulatory bodies signed off. At present, however, the concept of package drop-off via drone is looking like it could be a dud.
Amazon’s drone program is nowhere near taking off despite nearly a decade in development. The company has made a $2 billion investment and has a global team of 1,000 people worldwide working on the project, according to a Yahoo Finance report on a Bloomberg investigation.
Speaking on Bloomberg TV, journalist Spencer Soper described problems with the Amazon drone design. In a test last summer, an Amazon drone experienced a motor failure while in flight and plummeted to the ground despite anti-crash safety features and caused a 25-acre brush fire with the explosion of its lithium battery. 
Continue reading: https://retailwire.com/discussion/will-amazon-have-to-ground-its-drone-program/


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Buzz Farm’s drones to the rescue

In early 2018, Anesu Mapisa walked out of the gates of Zimbabwe’s Midlands State University armed with a Bachelor of Science degree in agronomy and a vision.
His peers began looking for employment in the agricultural sector, one of the best paying in Zimbabwe, but Mapisa’s mind was elsewhere; he wanted to innovate and transform the lives of farmers.
Instead of knocking on the doors for a dream job, Mapisa talked to a classmate and friend, Emmanuel Marume, about the idea of partnering as entrepreneurs. Marume bought into the idea and, in 2018, they registered their company, Farm Buzz. 
“Even though we did not have the capital to plunge into business, this was a dream come true; first, we needed to figure out how to help the farmers increase their yields,” Mapisa said.
For Mapisa, the decision to focus on helping farmers increase their yields was informed by personal experiences. “I was raised on a farm in Macheke, so my parents were farming at a low level, and it was not producing much. I wanted to bring solutions to subsistence farmers, including my parents, so they can efficiently produce a lot of food, which can sustain the family and the farm.”
Continue reading: https://mg.co.za/africa/2022-04-17-buzz-farms-drones-to-the-rescue/


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Hiring women in STEM roles bears testimony to inclusive culture

There has always been a momentous gender gap in STEM disciplines, particularly in technology. At present, the Fourth Industrial Revolution demands a change in this phenomenon as new-age tech skills doesn’t discriminate between sexes, and there’s a dire need for multi skills people. As many countries, the UK is also waking to this new reality, lucrative apprenticeships are being planned by companies to draw women towards their STEM/tech positions. 
Even in India, as per the data of online career platform for women ‘JobsForHer’, incrementally tech companies are hiring more women in similar roles. Since there’s a fight for good talent, tech-skilled women are in big demand. 
Why does STEM need women?
The traditional career choice for women in India is NEET-UG3 vs Technology. Engineering continues to be preferred by male. This poses a gap at the grass root level of pipeline like what we see in UK. 
Fact is that because the UK didn’t address its diversity issues in time (women fill only about 8-10% of the said roles), almost every year now it has a supply lag of over 36,000 engineers. But the most important question is why do less women prefer STEM? There are three possible reasons a) Bias of STEM as masculine field b) social fabric allowing women to take on bigger challenges c) lack of role models. In reality all three reasons are inter-connected. But it’s commendable that efforts such as dedicated institutes that are focused only on hiring women in STEM roles are on the rise. 
Continue reading: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/voices/hiring-women-in-stem-roles-bears-testimony-to-inclusive-culture/


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Blockchain technology: Powering transparent, secure digital transactions

Recently, at the National Students Security Summit 2022, the Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Professor Isa Pantami reiterated the use of emerging technologies as veritable tools which Nigeria can capitalize on in combating insecurity and enhancing economic developments.
He stated that Emerging Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Quantum Computing, Augmented Reality, Internet of Things and Robotics are exponentially growing and finding new applications in an ever-increasing number of sectors, including the way people receive, exchange and process information for security activities.
Blockchain and other emerging technologies as the next available options can help reduce the scourge of insecurity and enhance economic development in the Nigeria.
Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that makes it easier to record transactions and track assets in a business network. An asset can be either tangible (such as a house, car, cash, or land) or intangible (intellectual property, patents, copyrights, branding).
Continue reading: https://thenationonlineng.net/blockchain-technology-powering-transparent-secure-digital-transactions/


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The Real Problem With Centralized Banks And Why Crypto Is Inevitable

Satoshi Nakamoto's invention of Bitcoin, as highlighted in Bitcoin’s whitepaper published in 2009, had, but one compelling goal. To eliminate the need for a trusted third party and enable two willing parties to transact directly without having to suffer from the weaknesses of a trust-based model.
But why? The reason is that modern banks have flaws and disadvantages, the repercussions of which are ultimately felt by the consumer. Due to their centralized nature, they are subject to human intervention. They can be unreliable, vulnerable to security threats, charging crazy amounts of fees, and even be biased.
These exact problems and weaknesses of the current financial systems in the world are exactly the reason why cryptocurrencies will pave the way for a better banking and payments experience in the future.
Traditional centralized banks can be unreliable. If you use mobile banking and their servers are down, you can’t access your finances unless you go to a local ATM and withdraw money in paper cash. The issue here is that ATMs can be out-of-service as well, especially for people located in developing nations.
Just imagine the hassle you would have to go through. If you’re in a time-sensitive situation and you need money, but your bank's mobile app is ‘on maintenance’. It’s unpredictable, but it worries a lot of people. It’s ironic that you entrust your money to banks and in return, they end up becoming gatekeepers of your finances.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/derickdavid/2022/04/15/the-real-problem-with-centralized-banks-and-why-crypto-is-inevitable/?sh=51ed47b72541


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How Blockchain can Benefit Companies?

Blockchain technology is a distributed database that allows for secure, transparent, and tamper-proof transactions. Transactions are verified by all nodes on the network, which makes it difficult for hackers to hack into the system.
However, blockchain technology is still in its early stages and there is room for improvement. Companies that are willing to experiment and explore the possibilities of this new technology can benefit greatly.
There are a few risks associated with blockchain technology, including the potential for hacker attacks and the reliance on nodes to verify transactions. However, these risks can be mitigated by implementing proper security measures.
There are a lot of advantages that companies can gain from blockchain technology and also offers many blockchain jobs. Here are some of the most notable benefits:
How Blockchain can Benefit Companies?
1. Increased Transparency and Security
One of the biggest advantages of using blockchain technology is that it increases transparency and security. Transactions on a blockchain are permanent and can’t be altered, which means that there is no need for a third party to verify transactions. This also makes it difficult for hackers to hack into the system, as they would need to hack every single computer on the network in order to do so.
Continue reading: https://readwrite.com/how-blockchain-can-benefit-the-companies/


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What is Blockchain: Everything You Need to Know (2022)

If you want to pay online, you need to register an account and provide credit card information. If you don't have a credit card, you can pay with bank transfer. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, these methods may become obsolete.
Imagine a world in which you can do transactions and many other things without having to give your personal information. A world in which you don’t need to rely on banks or governments anymore. Sounds amazing, right? That’s exactly what blockchain technology allows us to do.
It’s like your computer’s hard drive. blockchain is a technology that lets you store data in digital blocks, which are connected together like links in a chain. 
Blockchain technology was originally invented in 1991 by two mathematicians, Stuart Haber and W. Scot Stornetta. They first proposed the system to ensure that timestamps could not be tampered with.
A few years later, in 1998, software developer Nick Szabo proposed using a similar kind of technology to secure a digital payments system he called “Bit Gold.” However, this innovation was not adopted until Satoshi Nakamoto claimed to have invented the first Blockchain and Bitcoin.
Continue reading: https://www.crunchhype.com/2022/04/what-is-blockchain-everything-you-need.html?m=1


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What is Web3, and What Changes Does it Bring?

People use the term “Web3” to talk about a wide range of ideas that all point toward getting rid of the big middlemen on the internet. New technology has changed how people use the internet.
There are new social networks, search engines, and markets that don’t belong to any specific company. This is called Web 3. They aren’t controlled by anyone. They are built on the blockchain, which already helps Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies work well. 
In the future of the internet, people can search through data that is stored on many computers at the same time. It’s run by people who use it together, not by a company. People get “tokens” in their decentralized wallets for taking part in the event. Users use tokens to vote on decisions, and they can even be worth real money in the long term.
What is Web3?
Web3 also called the “Semantic Web” or the “Spatial Web,” is the third generation of the internet. It will be easier for people to use, safer, and more decentralized than the first two. There is a rule that says that people own both their data and their online personas. 
As with a blockchain, there is no single server that holds all of the information. Instead, the information is spread out across different “blocks” that are chained together. Because of interoperability, users will be able to see information on platforms and sites they use, but it will also be shared.
People can work with data and AI, and machine learning at the same time with Web3. The idea of the semantic web is also a part of Web3. Because of this, Web3 can let Decentralized Apps (or Dapps) replace centralized social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and so on. People can control their own site, Dapps, and platforms instead of a group of servers that are owned by a company.
Dapps can be made on Web 3.0, where users bring their own data, and their identities are not tied to a single platform. Accessing credentials is based on cryptographic proof, so usernames and passwords won’t be needed as we use them today.
Continue reading: https://crypto-economy.com/what-is-web3-and-what-changes-does-it-bring/


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An Introduction to Web3

I have always been fascinated by the idea of an open-source, decentralized internet where computers work on a decentralized network. As a programmer, I am always looking for new ways to expand my knowledge and find something that will fuel my passion. I stumbled across Web3 at the beginning of this year and it quickly became one of my favorite places online to learn about cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, Ethereum smart contracts, and more.
I first heard about Web3 from a podcast called Ether Review. In this episode, Joshua Davis explained Web3 and why everyone needs to be a part of the decentralized internet. Here is the excerpt that grabbed my attention:
“The internet that we have today is something that was designed for very centralized things… As we’re seeing with net neutrality, as we see with different large companies using their power to monopolize areas of the internet, really change the internet into something that’s not what it was meant to be; something that’s not open and free in the same way that Tim Berners-Lee created it. So what we’re seeing is decentralized technologies being developed to, in a very similar way to the internet, be open and free and allow developers to build applications that aren’t controlled by an individual company or a company who can use their power and control to manipulate things in a way that benefits them.”
These words resonated so strongly with me. Web3 is everything I dreamed the internet could be — open, trustworthy, and decentralized. From that day forward I started devouring every piece of knowledge I could find about Web3.
Continue reading: https://medium.com/@arnas2222arnas/an-introduction-to-web3-a20dfd8f61f7


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Click, Click, Close: How Web3 Is Re-Engineering Real Estate

The couple-clicks, home-buying experience is something many in the real estate industry have talked about for years. In a transaction that typically requires lots of paperwork, people, and legal checkpoints to happen, it didn’t seem possible.
Thanks to blockchain and a burgeoning world of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), this wave of possibility is already within view. It's like we're sitting on the shore, we see the wave coming, and we're grabbing our boards to surf it.
You see, the couple-click, faster, simpler, more secure transfer of real estate assets that everyone who is tied to the transaction - the buyer, seller, and agent - has yearned for over a decade, is now accessible to everyone through Web3 technologies.
What happened on Wednesday, April 13th, 2022, in Tampa, Florida - the couple-click experience, has made that dream a reality.
Until now, the conversation around Web3 innovation has been dominated by the art world and seen as a way of proving and securing ownership of digital assets.
Reid Hoffman (founder of LinkedIn and venture capital firm Greylock) stated in a recent podcast that web2 was for real identities and relationships, and now web3 is the upgrade of the web for ownership. Because obviously, “once you have a cryptographically secure ledger, it isn’t just digital assets that could be there”.
Ownership is something that exists not in objective reality, but as a result of human interaction. It exists because humans agree that it exists. Some examples of social constructs are countries, money, and private property. Car ownership is just a title, it’s a record in a database, thus it’s a digital asset. Thus it could be governed via blockchain.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/nataliakarayaneva/2022/04/16/click-click-close-how-web3-is-re-engineering-real-estate/?sh=3486d3f66061


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The Metaverse, NFTs And The Inevitability Of Web3

What do celebrities like Steve Aoki and Gary Vee, or brands like Disney and Nike have in common? They are all capitalizing on the newest emerging sector in the world of tech and digital assets. The multibillion-dollar NFT market seems to have materialized almost overnight. So, what does this all mean?
Enter Web3
Web3 is a term coined to represent the third, natural iteration of the internet after the World Wide Web (aka Web 2.0). Although there’s a lot of controversy on what exactly Web3 entails, it is actually quite simple. Web3 represents an open, 3D-immersive internet. Built on top of the blockchain, Web3 applications, augmented by decentralized products and NFTs, are ushering in a new era of how we all connect, interact, work and play—all within a transparent, open ecosystem.
Web3 is not just about how we use the internet but is a foundational technology for how the world will operate. This includes our relationships with other people and businesses and how we live our lives online. What does it look like? Verified NFT identities, single sign-on with cloud storage, being rewarded for sharing our data or privacy, and even being a currency people can wage bets on. And that’s just the beginning.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2022/04/15/the-metaverse-nfts-and-the-inevitability-of-web3/?sh=5b4fb51528d0


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Why You Should Use AI to Write Your Business's Press Material

An AI-generated press release is a great way to get information about your company out there. Here's why.
Press material is a form of marketing material that's specifically designed to be distributed to the press. Press material is not only used for marketing purposes, but also for public relations. It gives the press an overview of what your company does and who you are as a company. Press releases are also considered press materials, because they are often distributed to the press in order to promote upcoming events or announcements.
Press materials can be created in any format, but most people choose to create them as PDFs or PowerPoint presentations, because these formats can be easily shared with others. The purpose of press material is to generate interest in the company. It should be well-written and informative, with a clear call to action.
Why should you care about the press?
Press is an important part of any business. If you are not in the press, you are not in the game. Many companies use press releases to promote their products or services, but press releases are also used by startups to get their name out there and attract investors as well as potential new clients.
Continue reading: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/417465


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Signs You Should Invest in Artificial Intelligence

As artificial intelligence matures and becomes more ubiquitous in our daily lives, it has become a topic of debate among the populace. Whether or not it is a sign that we are going to the future with an invasive form of digital slavery or whether it can be used for good is still highly debatable.
Regardless, there are things that you can do to prepare yourself for an AI-filled future now instead of later. You can do your research and educate yourself on what AI is capable of as well as what you should expect from this new technology shortly.
You can also potentially save yourself a lot of money if you invest in artificial intelligence now and reap the benefits of these technologies as they develop. There is no telling how long future developments will take to catch up to present-day technology, but it usually takes decades at best. By investing in AI now, you can be one step ahead of the game and get a jump on the competition.
The Benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial intelligence is a topic that has been around for decades. The discussion of the benefits of artificial intelligence can be found in science fiction novels and movies from the early 1900s. The idea of an artificially intelligent computer has been a sci-fi dream for almost as long as there have been computers. The internet is also a great place to start to learn more about what artificial intelligence can do for your business and how you can benefit from it going forward.
Continue reading: https://medium.com/@arnas2222arnas/signs-you-should-invest-in-artificial-intelligence-403860349cba


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