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Women in tech are cracking the glass ceiling

There’s some good news for women in the traditionally male-dominated technology field: They are shrinking the gender gap. Newly-released research from Deloitte Global predicts that there will be nearly 33% overall female representation in large global tech firms, on average, in 2022, up slightly more than two percentage points from 2019.
According to Deloitte’s estimates, women’s share in the overall global tech workforce has increased by 6.9% from 2019 to 2022, while their share in technical roles has grown by 11.7%. Notably, the fastest growth—an estimated gain of nearly 20%—has occurred in the proportion of women in leadership, the firm said.
“We predict that roughly one in four leadership roles at large global tech firms will be held by women in 2022, representing a rise of more than four percentage points since 2019,’’ the Deloitte research said.
The technology, media and telecommunications industry in North America now has one of the highest percentages of women on boards–second only to the consumer industry–with 25% of board seats held by women, up from 17.4% in 2018, Deloitte said. This has been helped by board diversity legislation in states with a high proportion of TMT companies, such as California and Washington, according to the firm.
Continue reading: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/women-tech-cracking-glass-ceiling/


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Deploying AI in Your Business? Don't Forget This Department

AI and other advanced technologies play a critical role in augmenting compliance processes and workflows.
As data sources proliferate and regulators expect companies to screen relevant risk areas, business leaders are leaning on artificial intelligence technology to help lighten the load. That’s for good reason: AI can supercharge the compliance process.
Many companies believe more is better when it comes to due diligence. But trying to track every news article, social media post or regulatory update concerning every customer or partner leaves many compliance professionals drowning in data, or worse, missing critical findings that require further actions.
At the same time, regulators are expecting companies to screen against much broader categories of risk for potential partners. For example, there has been growing concern over ESG risks that arise from third-party relationships. In light of these challenges, AI and other advanced technologies play a critical role in augmenting compliance processes and workflows.
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How to Improve Corporate Culture with Artificial Intelligence

Entrepreneurs should treat AI tools as colleagues. This article highlights how they can use AI tools to navigate rapid changes, build a solid workplace culture in a hybrid work environment, and manage internal communications.
Contrary to press-propagated blames on rapid industry changes, unforeseen circumstances and uncontrollable crises, most business failures boil down to poor corporate culture. Interestingly, how corporate culture is perceived has changed just as rapidly as industries have evolved in recent times. 
In the 20th and early 21st centuries, assessment of corporate culture focused almost entirely on how businesses treated their customers. For instance, the dent in Blackberry’s culture was caused by the company prioritizing its smartphone technology over customers’ needs. Meanwhile, how customers interact with technology was changing. 
More recently, corporate culture has more to do with how companies manage communication internally than with their public relations. This is even more critical to a company’s survival because employees’ access to mainstream media has loudened behind-the-scene activities. 
Top management has awakened to this reality. Now, appropriate internal measures are taken to enhance external outlooks. Some of these measures include DEI and ESG programs. 
Amazing enough, the effect of these efforts goes beyond an enhanced outlook. The attraction of stellar candidates for employment, public reputation and the eventual survival of companies are loosely hanging on this "corporate culture" thread. 
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Preparing Sailors for the Age of AI

The U.S. Navy has moved ahead in developing and fielding unmanned systems on, above, and under the ocean. Navy leaders envision a future in which manned and unmanned ships will sail side by side, and unmanned systems will operate over the horizon supported by shore-control facilities. The Navy is funding research and development for 215 projects related to artificial intelligence (AI), including greater autonomy for unmanned systems and aiding warfighter decision-making. Despite fielding physical systems, the Navy has not defined the training and education for operators and maintainers of AI systems. This despite a 2020 plan to educate and train Department of Defense (DoD) employees. The Department of the Navy (DoN) has released several strategy documents about AI and autonomous systems including the Strategy for Intelligent Autonomous Systems and the Unmanned Campaign Framework. Unfortunately, these documents both avoid discussion of how the Navy will train sailors or operate future unmanned systems.
The Navy has been slow to establish the necessary career frameworks for sailors that operate unmanned systems, while losing talented sailors to the private sector where their skills are in demand. As AI-enabled naval systems move from the lab to the battlefield, an educated and trained workforce must be ready to meet them.
Why the Navy Needs AI Talent in Uniform
For several years, across multiple defense strategy documents, the DoD has acknowledged the role that AI will play in the near and distant defense systems. The 2018 National Defense Strategy identifies advanced autonomous systems as a key modernizing capability and states that the DoD must broadly invest in these technologies. The 2020 DoD Education AI Strategy stated that the department must develop "world class" AI practitioners to make AI a reality within DoD. The National Security Commission on AI's final report recognizes the importance of talent, stating "The AI competition will not be won by the side with the best technology. It will be won by the side with the best, most diverse, and tech-savvy talent. The DoD . . . face an alarming talent deficit." The report recommends, among other actions, that digital talent must be organized into individual corps and that those within DoD with requisite digital talents should be able to spend a career within this specific career field.
The personnel with the skills to build and manage AI systems must have defined and approved career tracks that keep them in relevant jobs and provided them with the tools and continuing education to succeed for the duration. Those with the skills and motivation to work on AI projects will not want to spend several years on sea duty, away from the cutting edge of AI, to meet an undesired career goal
Continue reading: https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/2022/april/preparing-sailors-age-ai


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Managing The Data For The AI Lifecycle

For the past decade or so, the conversation around artificial intelligence (AI) has focused on how this new technology can solve a myriad of business problems. While that's true, the conversation missed a critical component for AI success: high-quality data.
Without high-quality data, an investment in AI technology and algorithms is essentially moot. If you invest in AI technology without also investing in high-quality data, it's the same as hiring unqualified, unmotivated employees to operate your business.
The quality of the training data you use to train your AI algorithm determines the quality of your output. If the training data is of low quality, you'll get low-quality solutions, which will lead you to make decisions that won't benefit your company.
It's time to shift the conversation from which business problems AI can solve to how to make your AI technology the best it can be—and that conversation starts with understanding the AI lifecycle.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2022/04/20/managing-the-data-for-the-ai-lifecycle/?sh=18804d5555ed


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How To Use AI To Create More Human Service, Not Less

Thanks to science fiction, AI is often perceived as a threat to humans, a destroyer of jobs and an unsympathetic overlord toiling away in the cloud. But AI's greatest strength is its ability to augment rather than replace the capabilities of humans. Rather than seeing AI as an all-powerful machine, it's better to think of it as the creation of narrow tools that can augment and extend human capabilities.
In business, AI is being used to create a more human service experience. It can help businesses deal with demand for customer engagement across channels while also freeing employees up to do so with empathy and understanding. It's an opportunity for employees to work smarter.
AI Isn't The Enemy Of Human Services
Many fears surrounding AI are based on a fundamental misunderstanding of what AI really is and how it works. The word AI has become synonymous with machine learning, but not all AI is predictive data science.
We are also seeing the resurgence of a new generation of expert system technology. It is now proving possible to make systems that are based on human expertise and are therefore more human. This enables organizations to leverage significant efficiency gains but also deliver better outcomes, enabling human workers to be more engaged with clients than they were able to be pre-automation.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2022/04/21/how-to-use-ai-to-create-more-human-service-not-less/?sh=7adc415b2c47


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How Blockchain Platforms Will Lead the Way to a Decentralized Web3.0

Middlemen provide convenience and simplicity in everything—from filing taxes, finding a place to live, ordering food, booking travel accommodations and even online social interactions. Today, our online interactions and transactions are governed by large, centralized platforms like Google, Amazon and Facebook that control our data. While seen as problematic now in the crypto community, there’s no question centralization has effectively powered the peer-to-peer (P2P) interactions that facilitated through social media and e-commerce—the most iconic outcomes of Web2.0.
Now, blockchain is changing what we consider to be the Internet, and Big Tech sits in its crosshairs. In the spirit of continuing the P2P dynamic the early days of Web2.0 fostered, blockchain companies are working to build Web3.0 with privacy and decentralization in mind. No need for a middleman, its logic goes—especially not one that steals your data.
Blockchain is the backbone of Web3.0
Blockchain is at the core of a truly decentralized Internet, redefining the data structures in the backend of the web and introducing a governance layer running on top of our current Internet. Blockchain technology transforms the way data is stored and managed. Its unique architecture allows multiple nodes to stay in consensus on the current state of the dataset without one centralized source of truth.
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What is Web3? The future of the internet, cryptocurrency, and estate planning

The term Web3 is creating quite the buzz lately, especially among those interested in technology, cryptocurrency, and venture capital. Here’s an introduction to what some people are calling the internet of the future. No one really knows what it is yet, but from an estate planning standpoint, I have some predictions.
To understand Web3, it’s helpful to go back in time and review the history of the internet.
In the 1990s, we were calling the internet the “information superhighway.” Although it was confusing and overwhelming to most, many Americans began to dial up nonetheless. Children were being taught how to “surf” the web alongside adults who learned how to use email and conduct basic web searches for the first time. The internet was very much a blank slate with a steep learning curve. However, many people intrinsically knew this was the next big thing that would change our lives forever. This era of the internet is referred to as Web 1.0.
In the mid-2000s, we entered the age of Web 2.0. Major platforms like Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter emerged. They began to make the internet a more convenient place to connect, interact, and transact. However, critics began to question whether these few companies were beginning to amass too much power. In recent years, we witnessed lawsuits in which tech giants were slammed with billion-dollar fines for harvesting personal data and breaching data privacy laws.
Continue reading: https://www.fastcompany.com/90742974/what-is-web3-the-future-of-the-internet-cryptocurrency-and-estate-planning


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Blockchain Marketing Agencies: Should You DIY or Use One?

Since its popularization back in 2008, the blockchain industry has grown to incredible heights, being valued at a total of $7.18 billion in 2022. From explosive growth within cryptocurrency to blockchain’s permeation into everything from security to healthcare, this industry is certainly not going anywhere anytime soon.
Due to the rapid growth of blockchain, many new companies in this industry have begun to crop up. One of the first decisions new blockchain businesses must make is whether they want to take a hands-on approach to marketing or hire an agency to cover their bases. In this article, we’ll be covering the benefits of both approaches, guiding you toward making the right choice for your business.
Let’s get right into it.
What are the Benefits of DIY Blockchain Marketing?
When approaching any form of marketing, there is always a slight temptation to DIY. Not only does this save your business a cost, but it also means that you have complete creative control over your campaigns.
Typically, there are four reasons that people move towards doing their own blockchain marketing:
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What is Blockchain: Everything You Need to Know

Blockchain technology. Unless you have been living under a rock, you must have come across this word that has slowly taken the top spot in the financial and technological sector. So, what is blockchain technology and why is it so sought-after? Everything you need to know about the blockchain on priority can be summed up in two words — cryptographic and tamper-proof. Blockchains work because it is a digital footprint frozen in time that cannot be backdated or changed to suit one’s whims and fancies. The benefits of blockchain technology are numerous and ever-growing.
Everything you need to know about the blockchain is listed below so that you can better understand this game-changing technology, taking the world by storm. 
What is blockchain technology?
Blockchain first appeared on the scene in 2008, and consists of chains of blocks, which comprise of various records, that are linked using cryptography. Researchers Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta first described this technology in 1991. They wanted to use technology to time stamp documents so that it could be tamper-proof.
If I try to define what is blockchain in simple terms, in blockchain, every block is a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a time stamp, and transaction details, which make it impossible to replicate or manipulate. It also provides people with a safe, secure, and transparent way of sharing data across a network. As the hashes are unique, changing something inside a block will change the hash. This feature makes it easy to track any changes, as if the block undergoes a change, it is no longer the same block. Another key factor is that every block contains a hash of the previous block linked to it and this makes blockchain extremely secure.
Continue reading: https://www.technowize.com/what-is-blockchain-everything-you-need-to-know/


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For CFOs, Crypto and Blockchain Present Opportunities to Transform Business

When Gary A. Vecchiarelli, chief financial officer (CFO) at CleanSpark, joined the sustainable bitcoin mining and energy technology company in December, some people pointed out that he didn’t have a crypto background. 
“Not many people do, right?” Vecchiarelli told PYMNTS in a recent interview. “But I believe it’s a great niche going forward because this is really where the world’s heading.” 
Vecchiarelli came to CleanSpark with more than 20 years of experience in finance and accounting, having held senior positions with publicly traded, high-growth companies. 
Working With High-Growth, Middle-Market Companies 
“From where I sit, I think that there’s two advantages in my background,” Vecchiarelli said. “One, I’ve worked with high-growth companies, especially ones that have had a high CapEx focus.” 
As the senior vice president of finance at a regional hotel and hospitality company, he made sure there was a return on investment (ROI) on the capital expenditure (CapEx)-heavy remodeling for hotels and casinos. Similarly, in his current position at CleanSpark, the bitcoin miner must purchase infrastructure and dial in the ROI. 
Continue reading: https://www.pymnts.com/cryptocurrency/2022/for-cfos-crypto-and-blockchain-present-opportunities-to-transform-business/


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Blockchain Can Improve The Cybersecurity Of ICT Software And Assurance

The world is increasingly leveraging blockchain technology to enable the security and safety of transactions, supply chainssmart contracts and identity management in a multi-stakeholder, multi-system world. This is because blockchain—a digital ledger of transactions that is duplicated and distributed across an entire network of computer systems—makes the recording of key information immutable and transparent to everyone, making that information difficult and almost impossible to change or hack without discovery.
Given these benefits that the use of blockchain offers, it’s no wonder that this technology continues to thrive throughout industries ranging from financial servicesenergy and healthcare to real estatetelecoms and others that involve numerous parties whose identities or actions might not otherwise be verifiable. Blockchain’s benefits are useful for an additional area that is vital for the U.S.: national security. The technology holds promise for addressing some of today’s existing cybersecurity concerns through its capability to ensure trust in information and communication technology (ICT) and software security and assurance, which is essential to the operation of 5G and telecommunications infrastructure.
There are several reasons why enthusiasm for blockchain continues to grow. Two key features driving this are:
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African women in technology

Across all industries and roles, women are promoted at a slower rate than men. According to the McKinsey’s Women in the Workplace 2021 report, only 86 women are promoted to manager for every 100 men at the same level. In technology, the gender gap is bigger – only 52 women are promoted to manager for every 100 men. In addition, women make up a smaller portion of the tech bubble than their male counterparts, sitting at a staggering 14% in software engineering and 25% of computer science-related roles according to Built In’s research.
In Africa, women are about 30% of the continent’s tech professionals. Techpoint Africa’s West African Startup Decade Report 2020 estimates that between 2010 and 2019, only 10% of West African startups with a female co-founder raised over $1 million. But the percentage of their presence is on the rise, which can be traced, in part, to women techies establishing a path for future generations to step over “the broken rung” on the career ladder. Evidently, these initiatives are largely built on a wholesome support system that connects women in tech, including a wider ‘Women in STEM’ network of professionals working to improve mentorship and networking capabilities.
Talking about its programs for African women in 2021, the Co-founder at Ingressive for Good, Blessing Abeng, explained that the organization has developed a 3-year focus on partnerships and initiatives that will help women achieve equality in the tech ecosystem. “We took a risk last year because it was not a “nice-to-have”, but a ‘must-have’ program”, she said. “Women occupying only 30% of tech roles is not a great thing, especially when you realize that the population of women is higher than that of men globally. This is Ingressive for Good’s action: We want to empower women with the skills they need, so they can confidently take up roles in tech. It’s not a one-time activity, it is something to which we are committed”.
Continue reading: https://www.vanguardngr.com/2022/04/african-women-in-technology/


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How to get more black women into tech

Paulette Watson, Founder and Managing Director of Academy Achievers tells Johanna Hamilton AMBCS about how she’s taking BAME IT students on a STEM learning journey from cradle to college.

The founder of Academy Achievers has achieved a huge amount in her career. From having a baby at university, to finishing her degree, then an MSc and MBA, working in the city, being headhunted internationally, and setting up a community initiative in a local church hall that would then turn into an initiative to get a million more black women in tech by 2030.
Paulette sites her daughter as her inspiration and the reason why she chose this path. ‘When my daughter Symone was a baby, I got a job in the private sector working in international banking. I was coming home late every night. I was commuting out of Blackfriars and the Strand. And as a single mother it was difficult.
'As my child got older, I started to realize she could read, but not understand fully what the text was about – her comprehension wasn’t there. So I did some voluntary work at her school and I realized that the whole class was failing, then I checked the league table and I saw that the school had been failing over a number of years.’
Continue reading: https://www.bcs.org/articles-opinion-and-research/how-to-get-more-black-women-into-tech/


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Women in Tech Gaining Ground in Leadership Roles, Report Finds

In the tech industry, women are gaining momentum in leadership positions, according to a report out Thursday from consulting firm Deloitte. 
The report, titled Women in tech are cracking the industry's glass ceiling, achieving double-digit gains in leadership roles, says about one in four leadership roles at large global tech companies will be held by women this year. That's a gain of about 20% since 2019. What's more, growth in these leadership positions is outpacing other roles. The shift is notable, the report points out, because the percentage of women in leadership roles, as well as tech roles, has tended to lag over the years.
Gillian Crossan, one of the report's authors, says ongoing diversity efforts have created an environment where women have been able to join leadership ranks in growing numbers. 
Continue reading: https://www.cnet.com/culture/women-in-tech-gaining-ground-in-leadership-roles-encouraging-report-finds/


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How To Use AI Data To Check If Your Marketing Efforts Are Working

A single idea doesn’t work in an omnichannel world. The customer landscape has changed—customer attention and the windows of opportunity to make an impact have changed.
So how do you really know if your marketing is working? Is it being seen by the right person at the right time? Are consumers seeing content that actually means something to them and will result in action?
The answer? You need to understand human decision-making first.
Artificial intelligence (AI) can help marketers determine the next best actions for customers. I am the CEO of an AI solution, and I've found that even before the data comes in, it's important for brands to understand the people in your audience.
Because customer journeys are being compressed and there are now far more complicated pathways to purchase, by automating, gathering and analyzing available data, you can deliver actionable human understanding for your brand.
Let me take you through three examples of how to use AI data in your business practices and tell you when, where and how consumers interact with brand messages.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2022/04/20/how-to-use-ai-data-to-check-if-your-marketing-efforts-are-working/?sh=93cf85c1cbe5


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Automation Is Here: Ways AI And ML Are Transforming Digital Publishing

According to Statista, digital publishing generates worldwide revenue of $22.05 billion.
Globally, countries that have access to digital media have witnessed a sharp rise in its popularity. However, with global accessibility comes the challenge of producing high-quality content consistently in large volumes.
Additionally, with the rise in voice-based and image searches, content discoverability is the need of the hour. Artificial intelligence (AI) can help in this endeavor.
The ability of AI to imitate human abilities, such as learning and reasoning, has made it the next major technology in the field of digital marketing. Needless to say, AI and machine learning (ML), its biggest sub-branch, can change the way we strategize and produce digital content.
With deep learning and natural language processing abilities, AI and ML can indeed transform digital publishing processes significantly. Here are some of the primary ways in which this is happening.
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14 Ways To Leverage Artificial Intelligence To Improve An Agency’s Workflow

Agencies today are leveraging artificial intelligence technologies in many different ways and to varying degrees of success. A big question that has been on the minds of industry leaders in recent years is, “What is the best way for our organization to invest in AI?”
From automating processes to serving as a conduit for better customer care and communication, agencies are embracing AI capabilities they hope will streamline operations and improve results for clients. Below, members of Forbes Agency Council draw upon their industry insights and personal experiences to explore how agencies can incorporate AI and what kinds of results they can expect.
1. Optimizing Your Website For Search
At our company, we’re using AI in a few areas, including for website SEO, where it has propelled a more than 50% increase in page views per visitor, year over year. We also use automated systems to manage our increasingly complex workflows. Snippets on the website automatically enter new leads into our customer relationship management system, and messaging workflows fuel quick responses to new leads, leading to an increase in total leads converted. - Paula Chiocchi, Outward Media, Inc.
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What is 'Web3'? Here's the vision for the future of the internet from the man who coined the phrase

Computer scientist Gavin Wood coined the term "Web 3.0" in 2014, laying out his vision for the future of the internet.
The phrase, also shortened to "Web3," has become an internet buzzword recently with high-profile technologists, including Twitter founder Jack Dorsey and Tesla CEO Elon Musk, debating the meaning of the term.
Wood, who is one of the co-founders of Ethereum and founder of blockchain infrastructure company Parity Technologies, spoke to CNBC on an episode of the "Beyond the Valley" podcast to discuss his Web3 vision.
What's wrong with the current web?
Proponents call Web3 a decentralized version of the internet — one that is not dominated by a handful of powerful players such as AmazonMicrosoft and Google.
Web1 started off with the idea of an open and decentralized internet, but Web2 — the internet we know today — led to the birth of trillion dollar technology companies that have a strong influence over the internet and own a lot of the infrastructure the web is built on.
"The big problem with this is ... sort of the same thing as placing all your eggs in one basket, if something goes wrong with one of these services, you know, the service is suddenly unavailable for an awful lot of people," Wood told CNBC's "Beyond the Valley" podcast.
"Furthermore, the keyword here is trust. We're having to trust the people behind the services. We're having to trust the owners of the companies that run the service ... And so yeah, we kind of managed to architect ourselves into this, somewhat like dystopian version of what the world could be."
So what is Web3?
For Wood, Web3 is truly decentralized and a more democratic version of the current internet.
"Web3 is really sort of an alternative vision of the web, where the services that we use are not hosted by a single service provider company, but rather they're sort of purely algorithmic things that are, in some sense, hosted by everybody. So it's like, it's very peer to peer, right? ... The idea being that all participants sort of contribute a small slice of the ultimate service," Wood said.
Continue reading: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/20/what-is-web3-gavin-wood-who-invented-the-word-gives-his-vision.html


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What is Web3 and how should the US address the economic and national security concerns it presents?

Charles Clancy, senior vice president and general manager of MITRE Labs and chief futurist for the MITRE Corporation, defines the third generation of the internet, Web3, and discusses how the United States can use a national strategy to address the economic and national security challenges it presents. He discusses blockchain, cryptocurrency, China, the 1990s internet, decentralization, regulatory issues and the metaverse.
Continue reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPb45QPHOak
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How to Profit From the IoT (Internet of Things) Revolution

The IoT (Internet of Things) market is growing rapidly with increasing adoption of smart infrastructure to improve efficiency and countries initiating smart city projects. Today I’ll analyze Cisco Systems (CSCO), Zebra Technologies (ZBRA), and TE Connectivity (TEL), which are well-poised to benefit from this revolution.
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to connecting devices to the internet. In this digital era, the IoT market is expanding rapidly with its growing usage in devices ranging from ordinary household items to sophisticated industrial tools. Definitively, any device that is standalone and can be connected to the internet for monitoring or controlling from a remote location is an IoT device.
IoT is an umbrella term for things connected to the internet. It can be classified into a few broad categories: Consumer IoT, Commercial IoT, Military Things (IoMT), Industrial IoT (IIoT), and Infrastructure IoT.
Since IoT adoption does not seem likely to slow down anytime soon, I am going to discuss how investors could profit on the industry’s growth prospects. Moreover, let’s see why prominent companies with exposure to the IoT market, Cisco Systems, Inc. (CSCO), Zebra Technologies Corporation (ZBRA), and TE Connectivity Ltd. (TEL), are currently smart investments.
The IoT Revolution
With a range of usages in healthcare, utilities, manufacturing, real estate, logistics, the public sector, and retail, the IoT industry is expected to grow. It is predicted that there will be more than 64 billion installed IoT devices worldwide by 2026.
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Guide to IoT Devices

IoT means the Internet of Things. It’s a system of interconnected physical devices communicating via the Internet. These devices collect and share data with other systems, devices, and applications, and in many ways, the data will communicate with us and the other things it is connected to. From industrial sensors to wearables, IoT devices help make things around us smarter and more responsive by combining the digital and physical universes.
Here’s a guide to IoT devices.
What’s IoT Tech 
Simply put, IoT refers to a network of digital services that are all linked to the Internet. These things are embedded with software, sensors, and other technologies to connect and exchange data with other systems and devices on the Internet. More than seven billion systems are connected to IoT devices today, and experts predict this number will grow exponentially in the coming years. 
In the past few years, IoT has become one of the most important technologies in the 21st century. Now that we can connect everyday objects to the Internet via embedded devices, communication between people, things, and systems is more seamless. The IoT has allowed for a wide variety of functions to be performed without human intervention, leading to smarter technology, more efficient processes, and seamless integration of humans into the digital world.
This is not to say humans aren’t involved at all as IoT engineers are needed to design and maintain these systems. IoT technology can refer to any technology involved in the IoT network and can cover many industries.
While the concept of IoT has existed for a long time, recent advances in several different technologies have made it even more practical. For instance, it has given way to low-cost and low-power sensor technologies. These reliable and affordable sensors have made IoT technology possible for many manufacturers. In addition, IoT allows for better connectivity. The availability of a host of network protocols for the Internet has made it easy to connect sensors to the cloud and some other things, allowing for a more efficient transfer of data. 
Continue reading: https://www.techgenyz.com/2022/04/20/guide-to-iot-devices/


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Using IoT to Increase the Energy Efficiency of Data Centers

Sustainability and energy efficiency are hot topics in various fields right now. Small businesses and large corporations worldwide strive to use the latest technologies, adopt more sustainable business practices, and achieve energy efficiency in their respective facilities. One technology, the internet of things (IoT), may be a feasible solution for businesses looking to improve their sustainability. Data centers consume vast amounts of energy to operate, which can negatively impact the environment.
Reducing negative environmental impacts is a crucial business, especially as more geographic areas feel the effects of climate change. Let’s take a look at data centers and how these facilities can leverage IoT technologies to increase energy efficiency and overall sustainability.
The Important Role of Data Centers
There’s no question that a data center plays a central role in modern IT operations. These physical facilities make enterprise-level computing possible. Data centers are crucial in today’s digital world and their role will only grow increasingly important in the coming years.
Data centers house massive amounts of sensitive data for businesses and consumers alike. If a data center fails to operate smoothly or efficiently, it could risk an enterprise’s operational continuity.
Computing, storage, and networking equipment are essential to data centers. However, this also means data centers consume and depend on large amounts of energy.
How IoT Can Increase Energy Efficiency
According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, data centers are considered one of the most energy-intensive buildings. They consume 10 to 50 times more energy per floor space than a typical office building.
Continue reading: https://www.iotforall.com/using-iot-to-increase-energy-efficiency-of-data-centers


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Silicon Labs Hedges Future on IoT

Silicon Labs has long been known as a semiconductor supplier for wireless products for applications such as Zigbee. The company, however, has in recent years shifted its focus from areas such as communications infrastructure and automotive to the IoT sector, where it hopes to capture growth areas such as Smart Cities.
During a recent interview with Design News, Mitch Klein, Director of Alliances Strategy, noted that Silicon Labs has shifted its development efforts to focus on industry sectors rather than technologies. The company divested its Infrastructure and Automotive business to Skyworks Solutions for $2.75 billion in July 2021, allowing it to focus its efforts completely on wireless interconnectivity solutions. Klein said it was a shift the company was already well-equipped to handle.
"We already had the capabilities in-house,” Klein said, adding that the company has expertise not only in hardware but in software.  Besides his role in Silicon Labs, Klein is secretary for the Wi-SUN Alliance Board, which is involved in IoT activities such as Smart Cities.
Through his work with the Wi-SUN Alliance, Klein said the company started to get involved several years ago in areas such as water and gas metering, particularly in Japan.
Klein noted that municipal governments he has met with are very enthusiastic about the Smart Cities movement. One such agency is the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which oversees transportation facilities in the New York City metropolitan area. Klein is trying to get that agency to use Smart Cities initiatives to upgrade infrastructure, even escalators.
Continue reading: https://www.designnews.com/iot/silicon-labs-hedges-future-iot


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For the record: the importance of data inventory

For companies, knowing the data they hold is fundamental to being able to use and protect it. But companies increasingly store vast quantities of data. They access enormous, separate data sources virtually every day, which makes it harder to remember the origins of each data point.
A data inventory provides a complete record of the information resources maintained by an organisation. It allows companies to track essential data sources and streamline data collection and analyses. In its simplest form, a data inventory documents what data is being collected by the organisation, how the organisation utilises it in their environment, how the organisation protects it, and to where, whom and for what purpose it is transferred.
While data can be a huge asset, it can also be a major liability if not properly managed. Inaccurate, incomplete or inadequate data increases risk for organisations. It can make it difficult for companies to maintain regulatory compliance and may cause reputational damage in certain scenarios.
Without a robust data inventory, companies have a limited chance of achieving governance, risk and compliance (GRC) objectives. Managing data efficiently requires centralised control mechanisms. “A data inventory forms the core foundation of any strong data governance or privacy programme,” says Nina Bryant, senior managing director at FTI Technology. “How can any organisation manage, protect, secure or dispose of data if it does not understand what data it has or where it is stored?
“More importantly, a clear view of the entire data footprint is essential to an organisation’s ability to identify where high value or high-risk data sits and to develop effective strategies to govern this data through its lifecycle,” she continues. “In an age where data breaches are a daily occurrence, a data inventory enables the chief information security officer’s team to target limited resources to the data or systems with the highest value or risk.”
By establishing a centralised database for quick reference, companies can also increase operational efficiency, productivity and decision making, and ensure that employees stay on task. A data inventory can help companies transform data from a potential liability into an asset, easing compliance and risk burdens and facilitating digital transformation. Understanding what information a company gathers contributes to enhanced productivity and greater transparency for everyone in the organisation. It can improve reporting and decision making, and optimise operational efficiency.
Dark data
A complete data inventory also provides an opportunity to remediate historic data, manage risk and reduce costs. “A number of surveys have identified that approximately 30 percent of an organisation’s unstructured data is redundant, obsolete or trivial (ROT),” says Ms Bryant. “In addition, a recent IBM study identified that up to 80 percent of data is dark or unknown and unexploited data within an organisation, generated by applications, devices or interactions.
Continue reading: https://www.financierworldwide.com/for-the-record-the-importance-of-data-inventory#.YmBsvtrMI2w


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