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The Future Of Work Is Powered By Al And ML

The technologies that support artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are maturing quickly. They can now support a broader array of functions that can do a lot to make businesses more efficient. AI and ML could also be vital for creating better work environments for people.
Despite recognizing the promise of these technologies, many businesses are slow to adopt AI and ML tools. Some might be unsure of the benefits. Others might be skeptical of the capabilities of AI. You will also find many who are reluctant to make the financial investment and some who just don’t want to change the way they do things.
This reluctance to change won’t be tenable for long. The cost of these tools is coming down. They are also becoming more accessible. If your business does not leverage AI and ML, your competition will.
What can AI and ML do for your business? Read on to see how AI and ML can improve efficiency, performance and the employee experience.
Taking On Simple Tasks
Most offices have a lot of work involving tasks that are simple, tedious, and repetitious. These tasks don’t require significant training or intelligence to perform, but they need to get done all the same. This type of work not only consumes incredible amounts of human working hours at many organizations, but it also tends to be boring. In other words, it is eating up time on the clock, and your employees probably hate doing it.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2022/06/03/the-future-of-work-is-powered-by-al-and-ml/?sh=4385e4b153c0


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Three Successes of Blockchain

Unpredictable periods present a prime opportunity to reflect, put circumstances in perspective, and pivot to new possibilities. For instance, blockchain technology emerged after a global financial crisis to encourage a more democratic economic system. Although prices are currently down, volatility is high and uncertainty prevails, the fundamental purpose of the digital asset ecosystem remains firmly grounded.  
The promise of an equitable future for all is based on accessibility, decentralized governance, and ownership—tenets that can revolutionize countless facets of modern life when harnessed effectively. Mediocre projects may fail, and sustainable businesses may falter; still, there is no doubt that the industry will survive and flourish because the digital asset ecosystem is antifragile—improving despite adversity. We have seen antifragility at work repeatedly in this budding market, following the Mt. Gox bankruptcy filing, the ICO bubble, and China’s cryptocurrency bans. The ecosystem rallies after every calamity with an increase in digital asset wallets, new institutional offerings, and capital flooding into venture projects
No matter how long this current downturn lasts, we commend blockchain’s original pledge, its earliest successes, and the promise of future innovation. Blockchain has already shaped the addressable digital asset ecosystem, expanding functionality and opportunity within currencies, governance, and value accretion. Moreover, the technology has enabled developments that we think will forever change the world: Bitcoin, decentralized finance (DeFi), and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). 
Continue reading: https://www.wealthmanagement.com/alternative-investments/three-successes-blockchain


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Web3 Is About More Than Tech, Thanks to Its Inclusivity

What is Web3? A few definitions are floating out there, and they all have one common denominator: a new chapter of the world wide web is based on blockchain technology. It has become common knowledge that there's so much more to blockchain technology than Bitcoin. The blockchain umbrella also includes decentralization and token-based economics including NFTs.
One of the more fascinating aspects of Web3 is that it is playing a huge role in changing the status quo of how people worldwide conduct their daily lives. This can be credited to many things, such as changing times, trends, and user preferences. There is also the fact that Web3 is far more inclusive than its predecessors, and the innovators behind it are making their mark on a more human-centered Internet on a grand scale.
Inclusivity is sparking interest and innovations in Web3
According to a recent study by The Harris Poll, "While just 16% of U.S. adults overall own cryptocurrency, 18% of Black Americans have gotten in on it. For Latino Americans, the figure is 20%." Additionally, about 44% of those who own crypto are people of color. In 2021, North America's first Black-owned DigitalWallet and financial-capacity building technology, The Black Wall Street, was launched by actor Hill Harper to help cater to the needs of Black America. Since the onset of the pandemic, Black and Hispanic blockchain leaders, educators, marketers, and market makers have worked to outpace other groups with the adoption of blockchain technology.
Continue reading: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/425679


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Women in Tech: “Positions and opportunities in the technology field are endless”

Today’s Woman in Tech: Naama Saar, COO at SQream Technologies
Naama Saar is SQream’s COO responsible for executing the company’s strategy and vision to become the market leader for solutions that accelerate Peta size data analytics. Naama has decades of hands-on experience leading teams of thousands of people worldwide driving exponential growth for IT and SaaS products, service operations, and solutions.
Previously an executive director at YNV group, Naama led the expansion of the customer base and an increase in customer satisfaction. Prior to that, as CEO of Wize Solutions, Naama headed up R&D and customer-facing to take the product from concept to a commercial solution. AS CEO of Tek Experts, Naama grew the company from 30 to over 5,000 engineers by establishing 8 operational sites in four continents supporting more than 50 cloud, CRM, infrastructure, ERP and security products.
When did you become interested in technology? What first got you interested in tech?
I began my career in agriculture to help develop and improve our family business. As part of my education, I studied information technology and business analysis and then used my training to become a team member, developing an ERP system for our nursery. From there I fully immersed myself in IT and today agriculture is a hobby I enjoy, and part of my joy and pride in life.
Continue reading: https://jaxenter.com/women-in-tech-saar-177504.html


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Getting to ‘enough’: Encouraging women in tech

You’ve probably heard the idea that we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them. It’s a compelling argument for why diversity is so crucial for innovation. Solving big, technical problems requires a new point of view—a multiplicity of new points of view, in fact. And we won’t get there unless we expand the universe of engineers from all backgrounds, including women.
Research from Columbia University found that “the more a firm’s strategy is focused on innovation, the more female representation in top management improves firm performance.” In their base case, they determined that a typical firm valued at $2.26 billion, when compared with a firm with female representation in top management, could expect an increase of $42 million in value.
Great Places to Work, the company behind Fortune’s well-known list, published research that concluded, “organizations in the top quartile for an inclusive innovation experience achieve 5.5 times the median year-over-year revenue growth compared to those in the lowest quartile.”
Varied studies (like this one and this one) report the percentage of women in computer and engineering fields. Their results land consistently in the high teens to mid-twenties. In other words, not enough.
Continue reading: https://www.fastcompany.com/90757098/getting-to-enough-encouraging-women-in-tech


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10 AI Predictions For The Next 10 Years

The past several years have been an exciting period for artificial intelligence (AI). We used to think of it as science fiction, yet today, AI has become an everyday component of life. This is especially true with advances during the global pandemic. The technology behind AI continues to evolve at a fast pace, and I believe this will only accelerate in the future.
Here, based on my experience in the AI field, I list 10 major predictions that will have a broad impact on the way we conduct education, business, healthcare and many other aspects of our lives over the next decade and beyond.
1. Reaping rewards will be among the most important trends over the next 10 years. I believe companies will be rewarded for their efforts moving from models either in pilots or MVPs to full deployment at a large scale. Companies will fully complete the first phase of becoming data-driven or speeding-to-insight through the full consolidation of their data into the multicloud and hybrid cloud environment. This will allow them to harness the power of their data and AI for every strategic and important business problem and decision. Importantly, moving to the cloud will not be a massive radical operation anymore.
2. The cloud will gain even more presence, but there will be a shift toward open-source technology services blended into a company's cloud environment. Among the major reasons, cloud consumption cost is becoming too expensive as we scale up models in production. It reaches close to a point where the benefits are channelized by the major costs, and companies will have to figure this out. Still, I believe current cloud service costs will decline over time following the tendency of any technology as it proliferates. In contrast, though, this trend will also be met with more powerful yet pricey services around operations at the scale of AI.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2022/06/02/10-ai-predictions-for-the-next-10-years/?sh=4f00a4427698


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Web3 is bringing power back to people

One of the primary pillars of Web3 is called DeFi. We tend to talk about decentralized finance as though it were just alternative banking. Yet its rapid growth into a $100 billion business and the subsequent $3.5 billion that online creators earned in just one year tell a different story. Crypto is doing more than challenging outdated banking practices; it’s creating an opportunity to connect communities and empower people in an otherwise siloed financial system.
What we’ve seen in Web2, the internet era we’ll loosely define as between 2005 and 2020, is a centralized system where only a handful of large tech companies accrue value. Web3 is already promising to be different and serve as a crypto-led era powered by a decentralized, community-governed ethos. With the right infrastructure, brands and individuals can work directly with their audiences without social platforms taking large cuts of their earnings. For the first time ever, we have a chance to give individuals true ownership of their assets. 
So what is true ownership? Let’s say I buy a ticket to a concert or sporting event. I’m buying my entry into an experience, but I don’t own the ticket. You’ll probably see a message in fine print at the bottom of the ticket, wagging a finger at you, reminding you that the experience is non-transferable. And what’s the definition of ownership if not the ability to sell? But if we sell experiences on the blockchain, the NFT acts as the representation of ownership and it gives people the power to negotiate, name their price, and trade on an open market. In the hands of the individual, that ticket has the chance to create so much more wealth.
Continue reading: https://www.utahbusiness.com/web3-is-bringing-power-back-to-people/


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Service providers control our access to these digital identities linked through devices, apps, and services. Due to this, internet users have fallen victim to cybercriminals who misuse their online identities to access personal data and confidential information.
By allowing various third parties access to their digital identities through different applications, users give away their power to control their online identity data. This, in turn, makes it very difficult for people to control access to their data, whether that means shielding their private information from marketers or keeping confidential information hidden from fraudsters.
This article will discuss the concept of using a decentralized identity for authentication, how this relates to blockchain, and some of the benefits of adopting this new authentication method.
The concept of a decentralized identity depends on a framework that allows users to manage their identities directly. A decentralized identity, using a reliable software trusted in generating authentication of your identity, uses an “identity wallet” to verify a person’s identity data for a variety of different websites and applications.
Much like an ID card stored in a wallet in real life, the authentication can be presented for approval by the third party without ever leaving the hands of the user whose identity is being verified. By controlling your identity through one source – the digital identity wallet – you can avoid having copies of your identifying information stored in multiple places with multiple providers.
As companies and individuals migrate towards secure cloud-based computing, it has never been more important for people to take control of their digital identities. Although cloud-based data management relies on authentication methods that are preferable to easily guessed passwords or PINs, many risks are still present.
Continue reading: https://dataconomy.com/2022/06/decentralized-identity-data-blockchain/


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All You Need To Know Before Investing in Crypto

A little fewer than one in four people invest in cryptocurrency, according to a new study from GOBankingRates that surveyed more than 1,000 American adults. Among the more than three-quarters who don’t, the most common concerns are that they don’t understand it, it’s too volatile, it’s not regulated enough, they don’t trust crypto security, or they don’t think it has a long-term future.
All are legitimate concerns, but many of those concerns can be alleviated if you take the time to learn the fundamentals of crypto investing. GOBankingRates asked the experts for advice for novices who are ready to dip their toes into the crypto waters.
Here’s what they said.
Learn as Much as You Can — and Never Stop Learning
The biggest percentage of the study’s respondents who don’t invest in crypto avoid it because they don’t understand it. That’s fine, because step No. 1 is to learn everything you can about all things crypto before you put a single dollar down.
The financial services and tech company Brex maintains a good list of educational resources organized by skill level — beginner, intermediate and advanced. If you’re a novice, pick one from the beginner list and dig in, but don’t think that your work stops after you’ve learned enough to put your money in play. Ongoing education will fuel your success for your entire investing life.
“Continuous knowledge about the industry is your biggest leverage to succeed in crypto,” said Rexor Allen, founder of NFT Drops. “When investing, regardless of what coin, you really have to exert effort in observing behavioral patterns and trends, which can be an advantage when making decisions.”
Continue reading: https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/all-you-need-to-know-before-investing-in-crypto


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Here’s how Blockchain Technology can be used to grow your business

Blockchain innovations are upsetting how small and medium endeavors  are moving toward their organizations
In creating economies, blockchain installment arrangements can overcome an issue and open new business sectors for the overwhelming majority entrepreneurs
The associated idea of blockchain implies creating economy SMEs can get to new business sectors, while helping monetary development at home
Blockchain innovation is a stage for planning monetary administrations to connect many holes in the present virtual market framework. While customary information bases histories for single substances just, blockchain interfaces a gathering of elements and takes into consideration information to be synchronized across various, free partners.
Blockchain use is especially appealing for private ventures. It furnishes them with a reasonable and proficient road to make and get installments, access speculation and investment funds items, and fabricate a record of loan repayment. Empowering more prominent admittance to this innovation can cultivate SME development, which, thus, upgrades work creation and financial turn of events.
Security, encryption, and protection
The essential element for blockchain selections among organizations is that the innovation accompanies a guarantee of safety and protection. The worth of blockchain emerges from its capacity to share information in a quick and secure way. 
It makes a record of information with start to finish encryption. It additionally gets the exchanges focused on the blockchain network since they can’t be altered or changed. This way the information can’t be adjusted and subsequently the possibilities of extortion, cybercrime, or even noxious demonstrations are diminished definitely.
Continue reading: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/06/01/heres-how-blockchain-technology-can-be-used-to-grow-your-business/


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Dialogue is ‘not enough’ to get more women into tech, says fintech CEO—here’s what is

The tech industry has grappled with a diversity problem for years, with little progress to show for it. For one tech CEO, the only way forward for the industry is clear.
“Accountability needs to happen,” Suneera Madhani, the co-founder and chief executive of billion-dollar fintech start-up Stax, tells CNBC Make It. She says government incentives or even mandates for tech companies and investment firms might be necessary to force the issue — because despite several years of tech leaders trying, and failing, to address the industry’s diversity issues, women and people of color remain woefully underrepresented.
Women account for about 32% of the tech industry’s workers — three percentage points less than in 1984, says a joint study by Girls Who Code and Accenture. Black and Hispanic workers hold about 9% of U.S. science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) jobs, despite representing 11% of the country’s workforce, according to the Pew Research Center.
Madhani herself is a rarity in the tech world: a 34-year-old minority woman leader of a start-up that’s raised more than $263 million in total funding. Women founders and people of color attract less than 1% of total venture capital funds, according to the nonprofit DigitalUndivided.
“Dialogue was great, but it’s not enough. We have to take action,” Madhani says. “The statistics are still the statistics ... That is still absurd to me.”
Continue reading: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/01/fintech-ceo-dialogue-is-not-enough-to-get-more-women-into-tech.html


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Leaky Pipelines or Broken Scaffolding? Supporting Women’s Leadership in STEM

Employment in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields in the United States is not equitable. Women, particularly Black and Hispanic women, are underrepresented in many sub-sectors of STEM and face larger wage gaps than in other fields. They are also far likelier than men and women in other fields to report workplace discrimination, including feeling isolated, being treated as incompetent, and getting passed over for promotions.
These inequities are not new. STEM’s lack of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is often attributed in part to a “leaky pipeline”—the idea that despite interest and the ability to succeed in STEM careers, women tend not to pursue or remain in them. This metaphor, which has circulated for decades, draws attention to decision-making moments when women divert from STEM paths, such as when declaring an undergraduate major or starting a family. But while life decisions like these have ripple effects on women’s careers—and while we need to better support them and others historically excluded from STEM to enter and remain in the field—the lack of diversity in STEM isn’t just about individual choices. It’s also about systemic barriers and layers of biases.
The impact of these barriers and biases extends beyond workplaces; they shape STEM products and innovations themselves. Multiple studies have shown that gender and racial bias in product design can have significant, even deadly, effects. Examples include seatbelts that don’t protect shorter drivers from accidents, PPE equipment that doesn’t fit the faces of female nurses, and even body armor that doesn’t effectively protect women in law enforcement. An emerging body of evidence suggests that we can trace product bias to a lack of inclusion in product design teams. A study that analyzed biomedical patents filed in the United States between 1976 and 2010, for example, found that teams made up of all-male inventors were substantially less likely to apply for patents for female consumer products compared to all-women teams.
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What Does It Take For Enterprises To Succeed In The Digital Age?

Digital transformation has become a business imperative in the wake of the pandemic. Companies that have not modernized their processes and integrated cloud and analytics capabilities are severely disadvantaged. Genpact's latest study, "Data-Driven Business Transformation,” reveals that only 8% of enterprises have fully modernized. This digital divide will result in those companies who can move quickly and take advantage of new opportunities, leaving behind those who are not. In addition to Genpact, Peak's latest report, "State of AI 2022," revealed that 55% of enterprises will be AI-First by 2025.
Yet, despite the clear advantages of AI integration, only 35% of c-suite executives have plans to implement it. According to Peak's CEO, Richard Potter, "AI is inherently a data technology and must function as part of an overarching data strategy, yet most respondents in this survey are thinking about the two separately." Potter also says, "Our research reveals that there is a lack of clarity within many companies around the overall AI strategy, even at the top levels of management. Suppose businesses want to successfully implement AI and, critically, drive value with this technology. In that case, we need open discussion within a business to ensure everyone is aligned to and understands the vision." It's time for companies to wake up and smell the coffee. AI is no longer a luxury but a business necessity.
These two reports make it abundantly clear that the future of business is digital and data-driven. A disconnect exists between the importance of these technologies and the level of investment. Businesses need to close the gap and take advantage of the opportunities that digital transformation and AI offer. ESG (environmental, social, governance) is an area where businesses can make a difference.
"Genpact's survey reveals that 43% of respondents say environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) considerations drive the demand for data-driven business transformation. But only 22% will be allocated a budget to finding ways to support ESG initiatives in 2022." ESG is quickly becoming a key focus for businesses and investors alike. It is no longer enough to have a good product or service simply. Companies must also be seen to be doing good in the world. This is where digital transformation can make a real difference. Businesses can track their progress against ESG goals and report back to stakeholders by using data and analytics. This level of transparency is essential in building trust and ensuring that companies are accountable for their actions.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/markminevich/2022/05/31/what-does-it-take-for-enterprises-to-succeed-in-the-digital-age/?sh=3f89a307aa7a


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Distinguishing AI Hype From Reality in SecOps

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to enhance the efficiency and scale of SecOps teams, but it will not solve all your cybersecurity needs without the need for some human involvement — at least, not today.
Most commercial AI successes have been associated with supervised machine learning (ML) techniques specifically tuned for prediction tasks that yield business value. These use cases for ML, such as spoken language understanding for your smart-home assistant and object recognition for self-driving cars, make use of vast amounts of labeled data and computation required to train complex deep learning models. They also focus on solving problems that barely change. This is in contrast to cybersecurity, where we rarely have the millions of examples of malicious activity needed to train deep learning models, and we face intelligent adversaries that frequently change their tactics to try to outmaneuver our latest detection capabilities, including those using ML.
In addition, the digital exhaust from human behavior in enterprise environments is extremely hard to predict. Anomalies in these systems are common and very rarely represent malicious threat actor behavior. It is therefore unreasonable to expect that unsupervised anomaly detection can be used to learn about an enterprise environment’s normal behavior and be able to generate meaningful alerts about malicious activity without creating false alarms on unusual but benign events.
Continue reading: https://www.darkreading.com/analytics/distinguishing-ai-hype-from-reality-in-secops


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8 Ways To Successfully Leverage AI In Your Organization

Whether using artificial intelligence as a personal assistant, to automate processes or to help improve emails and content, there are many ways to leverage this versatile technology for business these days. In fact, there are so many that determining the usages that will benefit your business most might seem overwhelming.
One thing is for sure—nearly every business can benefit from using AI in some form. Here, eight members of Forbes Coaches Council discuss the advice they’d share with clients to help them decide if AI is right for them and, if so, how to best leverage it.
1. Find A Compelling Reason Or Vision
I would ask the client what they were trying to get out of using AI and how they see it working for them. Don’t leverage technology just to say you’re leveraging technology. There has to be a reason to invest time, money and energy into new technology. If there isn’t a compelling reason or vision, then don’t get locked into a “solution” with no problem. That’s how you waste a lot of resources, fast. - Dhru Beeharilal, Nayan Leadership, LLC
2. Decide Which Areas Of Your Business Would Benefit Most
First, it’s important to figure out which area or areas of your business would benefit most from implementing AI. Once you’ve done that, it’s time to start evaluating different AI platforms and solutions to find the one that best fits your needs. Finally, don’t forget to consider the potential risks associated with artificial intelligence, and put safeguards in place to mitigate them. - Peter Boolkah, The Transition Guy
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2022/06/01/8-ways-to-successfully-leverage-ai-in-your-organization/?sh=2e77f7674618


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The benefits of blockchain

For many people, blockchain is a fuzzy, complicated concept associated with similarly complex topics such as bitcoin and NFTs. It’s the future, not the here and now.
Benjamin Wilson would disagree.
Wilson is one of the foremost experts in blockchain. The technology has been around since 2009, and he’s been involved since 2013. He is the founder of several blockchain projects, including LynxLogware, and Clevver. Dualboot Partners has partnered with Wilson to bring the value, security and accessibility of blockchain data storage to our clients.
Specifically, Wilson is working with Dualboot Partners on DSO, a startup founded by serial entrepreneur Mac Lackey that aims to disrupt the sports fan experience and industry through digital seat ownership. Digital seat ownership gives you the right to own a seat in a stadium and access exclusive benefits, and the blockchain is the foundation that makes this disruption possible.
A concept like digital seat ownership shows us the power and the potential of the blockchain when it comes to the storage of critical data and information.
“The first use case for blockchain was related to financial assets, like bitcoin,” Wilson said. “Now, it’s about permanently owning your own data assets - like art, historical archives, databases, images, and code. When it comes to data storage, forever is better."
What does all of that mean? Let’s start with the basics.
Continue reading: https://www.bizjournals.com/charlotte/inno/stories/partner-content/2022/06/01/the-benefits-of-blockchain.html


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Blockchain in Action: Creating a Private, Unhackable and Trusted Digital Identity

Most people at least know that blockchain is the technology that bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are built on, but a digital ledger that timestamps and orders transactions in an easily trackable and immutable way has a lot more uses.
In this fourth article in the PYMNTS’ Blockchain in Action Series, we'll look at how a distributed digital ledger can create a digital identity that is sharable without giving up privacy and trust because it cannot be faked or forged.
We’re not talking about the anti-money-laundering (AML) type of digital identity, but about identification credentials of the type you’d need to present to a bank or cryptocurrency exchange to satisfy know-your-customer (KYC) requirements.
There are a couple of facets to this use of blockchain technology, known as tokenized identity or digital identity.
One is privacy. We’ll get into the “how” later, but the idea is that people could have tokenized, and likely biometrically accessed identity documents that they can control, only giving out the necessary details: Is this person a citizen? Yes. Does the company or agency collecting this person’s information now have their Social Security Number in its very hackable database? No.
Another facet is security. By using blockchain to create a distributed identity token rather than using the current system in which various services providers all have very hackable centralized databases of digital identity and connected data.
So, what would blockchain bring? An unalterable — immutable, in crypto lingo — record that cannot be forged or changed.
Continue reading: https://www.pymnts.com/blockchain/2022/blockchain-in-action-creating-a-private-unhackable-and-trusted-digital-identity/


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Women in Tech: “More people means more brainpower”

Today’s Woman in Tech: Roxana Ciobanu, CTO at Bunnyshell
I am Roxana, a Forbes 30Under30 Cloud enthusiast, interested in ensuring high availability, performance tuning, and securing cloud architectures.
I worked as a DevOps and Solution Architect in the past few years nicely combining cloud technologies with operations and development.
For the last 4 years, I have been fulfilling the role of CTO at Bunnyshell, which has taught me valuable professional and personal lessons. Now my mission is to make Bunnyshell a unicorn!
When did you become interested in technology? What first got you interested in tech?
I first got interested in tech from high school.
Both my parents were engineers so there was definitely an element of following a role model.
Let’s talk about your background. How did you end up in your career path? What obstacles did you have to overcome?
There were no obstacles apart from the challenges that come with learning, adapting to new work environments, and keeping fear of failure at bay.
Continue reading: https://jaxenter.com/women-in-tech-ciobanu-177478.html


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How artificial intelligence is helping to measure creative effectiveness in marketing

In marketing, 'creative impact' was once too subjective to measure. But with modern AI solutions, creative efforts can now be effectively analyzed. As part of The Drum's Creativity in Focus Deep Dive, Meta's Maria Pavlova (marketing science partner), Karen Chui (creative partner manager, EMEA) and Safia Dawood (marketing science partner) look at how AI tools can help marketing professionals develop more effective advertising strategies through creative effectiveness insights.
Data-driven optimization is widely adopted in digital advertising. Today’s marketing professionals have perfected audience profiles and campaign logistics. Yet, the uncomfortable truth is that creative effectiveness is often overlooked despite being the most important campaign element. Creative quality accounts for 70% of an ad’s success, eclipsing procedural elements like flighting or platform choice.
Audiences want to be dazzled and amazed, so it’s important to offer them exciting content. Unfortunately, only 60% of advertisers measure creative effectiveness. Of those, the majority collect feedback using post-campaign focus groups or surveys, making the data somewhat unreliable.
At first glance, ‘creative effectiveness’ appears too subjective to measure. However, today’s AI (artificial intelligence) solutions can effectively analyze your creative impact and are becoming increasingly accessible to marketers.
Solutions from Meta are optimizing campaigns’ creative prowess and advancing AI-enabled creative workflows. Read on to learn how, and discover case studies on brands that gained sales using creative effectiveness insights.
Continue reading: https://www.thedrum.com/opinion/2022/06/01/how-artificial-intelligence-helping-measure-creative-effectiveness-marketing


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Where Does AI Go Next?

Over the last decade, artificial intelligence has been a relentless source of business innovation. Now its influence is about to expand dramatically. Once a staple of science fiction, AI has quietly forged a critical role in some of the most ordinary yet essential business tasks. Automation of business processes; data analysis; defect detection in manufacturing; basic interactions with customers — all are an embedded part of modern business and increasingly enabled by AI.
Where, then, does AI go from here? Even as the pandemic helped accelerate the shift to cloud computing and remote work, there has also been a burst of innovation in readying AI for its next stage. Many computer scientists, economists, and investors believe that we are at the threshold of enormous leaps forward in artificial intelligence and machine learning – with implications for both entrepreneurs and businesses.
Most applications of AI today tend to involve “training” computers to pattern match images and data so that they can “recognize” new examples of them in different settings. Showing a computer hundreds of images of, say, red traffic lights or potatoes, allows computer scientists to create applications that recognize these things and, where necessary, act on them. This kind of artificial intelligence is now widely deployed and we now take it for granted.
The next significant step for AI emerged during the worst months of Covid-19 with the launch of OpenAI’s GPT-3 which uses Transformer AI models to enable a computer to not only recognize images and patterns, but actually generate language, text, and images on its own.
“This is a paradigm shift,” says Mustafa Suleyman, CEO at Inflection.ai and one of my partners at Greylock. Mustafa previously co-founded DeepMind, acquired by Google. “To date deep learning has mostly been used for classification tasks. These new AI models are capable of generating entirely new high quality content.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/asheemchandna/2022/05/31/where-does-ai-go-next/?sh=4d3accb7e633


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Why Robotics And Artificial Intelligence Are The Future Of Mankind

Two fields that are rapidly evolving, advancing and holding infinite promise for the future of humanity are robotics and artificial intelligence (AI). From the simplest of tasks to the most complex and demanding in our everyday lives, advances in robotics and AI have made it possible to create machines that can perform tasks with incredible speed and accuracy.
With these two technologies beginning to converge, is the new age upon us in which robots that are more intelligent and capable than ever before are the future of humans?
Machines Among Men
Although robotics and AI have always been in the conversation, the last two decades have seen a rapid rise in their development and application. Fear of the misconception that these machines will take over our jobs has been allayed.
Instead, robots and AI complement humans, helping us get more done at a faster rate with more accuracy than we can on our own. Advances in AI have allowed us to create computer systems that can learn and adapt over time. Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant and other similar tools have all become a big part of how we interact with machines and AI in our daily activities.
Understanding Robotics And AI
Although understanding robotics and AI can be a complex and challenging process, it can also be an exciting opportunity to explore the cutting edge of technology. Robotics and AI are rapidly evolving fields, with new advances every day as these technologies provide an insight into the future of human-computer interaction and automation.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2022/05/31/why-robotics-and-artificial-intelligence-are-the-future-of-mankind/?sh=43fbb0011689


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Women in Tech: Borderless payments with Keren Levy

In this series, we explore the Israeli tech ecosystem through the eyes of the women who comprise it. Since higher gender inclusivity leads to better outcomes, the women featured in this series demonstrate to both Israel and the world that there is a place for women in the tech workspace
A report done by Power In Diversity examined 70 Venture Capital funds and 424 private and VC-backed startups that are active in Israel. It revealed that the average percentage of women represented in companies is 33%. Though there is a more substantial presence of women in large companies (36%) than in smaller companies (30.8%), women in tech jobs represent a mere 27%. When it comes to management roles, being a C-level executive, a VP, or a director, only 23.4% of these positions are filled by women. That is to say, less than a quarter of the decision-makers in the ecosystem are women. When looking at VCs, only 14.8% of the partners are women and 9% are investing partners. This piece of data correlates with the percentage of companies that are founded by women in the tech industry which is 12%. These statistics reflect not only the Israeli tech ecosystem but also the global one, as the universal technology industry has only 31% overall female representation.
In order for the startup nation to continue to thrive, there needs to be more diversity within tech; there is no reason why the human makeup of the ecosystem should not represent the number of women in the general population, and the number of qualified women for these roles. Though there has been a significant increase in the number of women that are represented in the tech ecosystem in Israel, it is far from being enough. This series will focus on those women who have made it in tech and tell the stories of their journeys within the tech ecosystem– where they are now, and how they got there. We hope that this series will inspire other women to go after their tech-driven goals and not let gender biases, prejudices, and stereotypes get in their way; we hope to motivate companies to allocate considerable resources to the implementation of diversity programs and focus on expanding the pool of candidates that are underrepresented in the workforce; we hope to encourage government and educational institutions to take measures in providing the tools, support, and means necessary to enable a more diversified tech workforce.
Continue reading: https://www.geektime.com/alissa-abrahami-interviews-keren-levy-payoneer/


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Women in Tech: “It’s about inclusion in general”

Today’s Woman in Tech: Eveline Buchatskiy, VP Special Projects, airSlate
Eveline leads special projects at airSlate, including the airSlate Academy with a mission to educate and empower a community of airSlaters that are passionate about workflow process automation.
Eveline has worked with fast-growing startups for over 10 years, initially as CEO of a cleantech startup and then as an investor at a seed fund and accelerators, including as Techstars Director for their Boston accelerator. She was also CEO of the most influential media company in Ukraine, Ekonomika, where she spearheaded their digital transformation. Prior to startups, Eveline worked as an advanced control systems engineer and process engineer for the leading global industrial gases producer Linde (former Praxair).
Eveline received a BS in Chemical Engineering from University of California – Berkeley, a master’s in engineering from University at Buffalo, and an Executive MBA from INSEAD.
When did you become interested in technology? What first got you interested in tech?
I was obsessed with my studies from a very early age, especially science. During my senior year of high school in Brazil, my Chemistry teacher took notice of my passion. He was highly intrigued by a girl that managed to be top of the class. I also excelled in Physics and Math. He became one of my most consequential mentors as he advised me to major in Chemical Engineering, a decision I have never regretted.
After 10 years working as a chemical engineer for the industrial gases industry, I moved to Ukraine, where I was surrounded by tech talent. I did not know a single person in Kyiv at the time. The first opportunity that crossed my path was with a deep tech company, which is how I entered the tech startup world, and I have never left. I later launched a startup accelerator, primarily focusing on the digital space. And today, I am the VP of Special Projects at airSlate, a SaaS company. I continue to be interested in tech because of the energy of the people in this space – their ambition, their ability to shape the future, and of course the fact that I am still a nerd and an engineer at heart.
Continue reading: https://jaxenter.com/women-in-tech-buchatskiy-177415.html


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Web3 can create economies on demand by converting any asset into capital

When you look at what is happening with NFTs, it seems absolutely crazy. Why are people paying millions of dollars to buy digital monkeys?
First things first. There is undoubtedly a significant amount of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) driving the NFT speculation. And yet, there is something fundamentally transformative that NFTs, decentralized finance (DeFi) & decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) are driving. It is hard to understand where the value stops and where the bubble starts. You need to see behind the surface to see what is really going on.
At the heart of this transformation is web3, expanding the application of property rights to the digital world. Web3 re-defines what we consider assets, how we convert them into capital and how wealth is created. The promise of web3 is to unlock capital in assets other than physical assets from human capital to social and brand capital.
Take, for example, social capital. People put in money into NFT projects not to own stickers and digital images, but to join exclusive clubs and communities with others who own similar limited edition digital images. In a world where the number of Twitter followers is an asset, such club memberships can be lucrative.
In the 2001 book, The Mystery of Capital, by Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto, the author’s key observation was that ‘assets’ such as real estate in the developed economies lead a parallel life as capital outside the physical world.
The key innovation that enables this is the formal property system which begins to process assets into capital by recording the ownership into a ledger and embodying it in a title. Since each title is unique and not-interchangeable with another, we call it is non-fungible. Since the title is a token of ownership, the property title was perhaps the earliest non-fungible token (NFT).
Continue reading: https://www.livemint.com/opinion/columns/web3-can-create-economies-on-demand-by-converting-any-asset-into-capital-11653844199871.html


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Why Web3 community will have more job opportunities by the end of 2022

There has been a lot of hype surrounding Web3 for the past few months. But if you're a Web3 geek, you know how far we have come from the 90's internet. What's driving this revolution? It's not the money, not the trend, but the technological principles it adheres to. In light of this, more individuals are seeking career options in Web3. Let's unveil some opportunities, implementations, and latest developments this technology offers to the job market. Why Web 3.0 now?
Gartner predicts that 25% of consumers will spend at least one hour a day engaging with the metaverse for work, shopping, education, social or entertainment purposes by 2026. With Blockchain, not only are the paradigms shifting to decentralized protocols, but it is also setting the stage for innovative business models and value relocations. What if a web browser came with a built-in adblocker and didn't track or collect your data? The business model behind Brave is one such example of this paradigm shift in action.
In addition to finance, many other industries are implementing DeFi, including healthcare, supply chain, gaming, IoT, and digital identity. There is no end to this list. This is why Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are so hot right now. Thus, making their way towards a sustainable Web 3. O ecosystem.  
What are Various Opportunities in the Web 3.0 Space? Blockchain Software Developer Popularly referred to as Blockchain dApp Developer, similar to how a web developer builds web applications using protocols defined by web architects and Blockchain Core Developers. Essentially, they build dApps on top of Blockchain infrastructure using existing tools. This is accomplished by building smart contracts on the Blockchain and deploying them. Solidity and Substrate are among the tools required for the job.
Continue reading: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/cryptocurrency/why-web3-community-will-have-more-job-opportunities-by-the-end-of-2022/articleshow/91898367.cms


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