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Are AI Recruitment Tools Ethical And Efficient? The Pros And Cons Of ATS

Identifying the right talent remains challenging for HR professionals and recruiters. Companies rely on artificial intelligence (AI) technology to perform tasks like screening resumes and scheduling interviews. But are AI recruitment tools ethical and efficient? There are benefits and pitfalls of automated hiring practices.
AI-driven technology and applicant tracking systems (ATS) have become indispensable tools for companies worldwide. According to Predictive Hire, 55% of hiring managers have invested in AI recruitment. And most Fortune 500 companies are using AI technology to filter resumes before they get to hiring teams and recruiters.
In recent years, there has been concern over ethics and efficiency in data analytics and AI-based hiring tools. Companies that adopt applicant tracking systems run the risk of eliminating qualified candidates from the pool.
Additionally, there are growing concerns about the ethics of ATS—does AI technology widen employment gaps between demographics?
How AI Recruitment Works
AI recruiting software collects and screens hundreds of resumes. These are stored in a database for recruiters to access. Depending on the system, HR professionals can manually review resumes, but recruiters generally skim and only take about six seconds per applicant. In a competitive market, these six seconds are crucial, but many systems don’t even allow for that.
Recruitment software applies machine learning algorithms to complex recruitment data to optimize recruitment and make high-volume tasks more efficient.
Here is a breakdown of how automated recruiting works:
  • Hundreds of applications are received, most of which are unqualified per the requirements input in the system.
  • Intelligent screening systems identify qualified candidates within minutes, grading candidates according to keyword match, algorithms, and recruitment data.
  • Some recruitment tools can interact with candidates via automated messaging, responding to questions about the position.
  • Recruiters instantly schedule interviews with the candidates that ATS considers qualified, using technology to organize and track interviewees.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/karadennison/2022/06/27/are-ai-recruitment-tools-ethical-and-efficient-the-pros-and-cons-of-ats/?sh=478c4f82e4ff


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3 Strategies for Helping Students Navigate the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

Imagine a stuffed animal that can record children and transmit the recording to their parents. If the child is getting bullied at school, the parent will find out.
But is it ethical to record one’s own child without their knowledge or consent? What about other people’s children? Teachers? Does it matter how old the children are?
Eamon Marchant, a STEM teacher and technology coordinator at Whitney High School in Cerritos, Calif., presents quandaries like this to his students all the time.
“That’s the whole period, if not a couple periods, taken up by their discussions,” Marchant said June 27 during a virtual panel discussion that was part of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) conference.
Marchant is one of more than 1,500 educators participating in ISTE’s A.I. Explorations program, which provides educators and students with tools to develop AI-related projects and learn about the increasingly complex role of artificial intelligence in society. The June 27 panel focused on the importance of training students to look at AI through the lens of equity and ethics.
Here are a few ways educators suggest doing that: Get educated on the prevalence of A.I.—and biases within it
To some, artificial intelligence feels like a foreign concept, or science fiction. But in reality, panelists said, it’s already everywhere, from algorithms that suggest television shows and music, to search engines that surface Internet content.
Biases are quite prevalent within AI as well. Women using the Apple Credit Card were offered smaller credit line increases than men with comparable credit scores; Twitter’s image cropping tool favored white faces over Black ones, facial recognition software used for school security misidentifies Black and Asian faces far more often than White ones. For further reading on this subject, panelist Molly Dettner, a teacher and librarian at Norman Public Schools in Oklahoma, recommends reading Safiya Umoja Noble’s book Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism.
Continue reading: https://www.edweek.org/technology/3-strategies-for-helping-students-navigate-the-ethics-of-artificial-intelligence/2022/06


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What's Your Future of Work Path With Artificial Intelligence?

What does the future of artificial intelligence in the workplace look like for employee experience?
Over last few years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a very significant part of business operations across all industries. It’s already making an impact as part of our daily lives, from appliances, voice assistants, search, surveillance, marketing, autonomous vehicles, video games, TVs, to large sporting events.
AI is the result of applying cognitive science techniques to emulate human intellect and artificially create something that performs tasks that only humans can perform, like reasoning, natural communication and problem-solving. It does this by leveraging machine learning technique by reading and analyzing large data sets to identify patterns, detect anomalies and make decisions with no human intervention.
In this ever-evolving market, AI has become super crucial for businesses to upscale workplace infrastructure and improve employee experience. According to Precedence Research, the AI market size is projected to surpass around $1,597.1 billion by 2030, and is expanding growth at a CAGR of 38.1% from 2022 to 2030.
Currently, AI is being used in the workplace to automate jobs that are repetitive or require a high degree of precision, like data entry or analysis. AI can also be used to make predictions about customer behavior or market trends.
In the future, AI is expected to increasingly be used to augment human workers, providing them with recommendations or suggestions based on the data that it has been programmed to analyze.
Today’s websites are capable of using AI to quickly detect potential customer intent in real-time based on interactions by the online visitor, and to show more engaging and personalized content to enhance the possibility of converting customers. As AI continues to develop, its capabilities in the workplace are expected to increase, making it an essential tool for businesses looking to stay ahead of the competition.
Continue reading: https://www.cmswire.com/employee-experience/whats-your-future-of-work-path-with-artificial-intelligence/


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3 Predictions for How A.I. Will Change Business Practices in the Near Future

The machine learning boom is here, and it's only going to get bigger. When the pandemic decimated workforces and limited in-person interaction, artificial intelligence tools helped companies increase productivity. Industries such as hospitalityhealthcare, and energy have all benefited from recent A.I. innovations, but there's more disruption on the horizon. Instances of businesses using automated experiences are increasing, and automation is expected to grow in both the metaverse and in how companies pursue environmental, social, & governance (ESG) initiatives, according to Pranay Agrawal, co-founder and CEO of A.I. services and analytics provider Fractal.
Here are three predictions from Agrawal on some of the next big steps for A.I.
Customers will expect more from automation services.
When the pandemic hit and businesses scrambled to adapt to a digital world, automation became much more commonplace in everyday life. People became used to seamlessly talking with customer service chatbots and virtual assistants, and that familiarity has led to increased expectations from consumers.
"Over the last few years," says Agrawal, "companies like Apple and Amazon have created incredibly nifty and user-friendly products, and I think customers and society at large now expect a more fully personalized service and experience."
Examples of this more "personalized experience" include better-targeted ads, personalization of social media experiences, or customized experiences at banks, healthcare companies, and telecom companies, according to Agrawal.
As an example, take virtual assistants such as Amazon's Alexa. A common complaint with Alexa is its "by the way" suggestions, where after answering a question, the bot will ask if the user would like to engage in an unrelated task, such as buying a suggested product or asking about the air quality. Agrawal says that in the near future, it will be easier for consumers to fully customize how their A.I. assistants interact with them, without potentially annoying disruptions.
Companies will use A.I. to improve their environmental initiatives.
Companies are under more pressure than ever to prove themselves as being environmentally friendly and sustainability-focused, as investors are increasingly using environmental and social criteria to determine where to put their money. Automation can help companies boost their ESG efforts, such as by using A.I. to optimize power consumption.
Continue reading: https://www.inc.com/ben-sherry/artificial-intelligence-predictions-ai-machine-learning.html


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The Top 5 Ways Construction Companies Measure ROI with Their Drone Program

How do drones impact construction workflows? What kind of data can we get from them, and how much difference do they bring to the table? Last year, Commercial UAV News hosted a webinar to understand how construction stakeholders have defined this value to quantify the ROI of a drone program in five specific areas: cost, time, safety, workflow, and communication. In this webinar, CUAV was joined by Greg James from DroneUP, Cory Knittel from Skydio, Amr Raafat from Windover Construction, and Douglas Spotted Eagle from Kuker-Ranken.
Talking about that very first moment when you assess what kind of drone you might need for a job and what projects would be a good fit, how do you help people figure that out?
Douglas Spotted Eagle: The first question is, "What is your deliverable?" The drone is effectively meaningless; it's just a flying scanner. What kind of scan data do you need? Do you need lidar data? Do you need photogrammetry data? Those are the two primary questions since that one decision alone will determine the airframe you're going to be working with. For example, if you're looking to get involved in lidar, lidar pucks are reasonably heavy, automatically qualifying the purchaser for something that will be a little larger airframe. It might be a DJI Matrice 300 with an L1 on it if you're at an entry-level, planning on flying very low, and the environment doesn't have a lot of obstacles. Then you can step it up to larger airframes that start putting you into the price ranges of $50,000 to $60,000. If you need to be able to shoot through vegetation, you're going to end up with, again, a different type of air platform because of the payload you'll be carrying. However, suppose your organization is only looking at doing photogrammetry. In that case, whether it's going to be stitched together and put in place as a point cloud or you're looking for pretty marketing 3D models, you can get away with a very small drone.
But before you choose the aircraft, you also have to decide what your delivering platform/software will be. For example, unlike photogrammetry, lidar requires some proprietary software for most manufacturers to deliver what we call an initial point cloud. You can choose anything you want, from free to super expensive for photogrammetry. We want to look at the deliverables first, not the aircraft. Understanding what those deliverable pieces will look like will help us begin to specify what the aircraft parameters should be and what we're going to do with that particular aircraft.
Continue reading: https://www.commercialuavnews.com/construction/the-top-5-ways-construction-companies-measure-roi-with-their-drone-program


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How Blockchain Is Changing Corporate Giving

The blockchain refers to a public ledger technology in which each cryptocurrency transaction is digitally signed to confirm its originality and ensure that the information therein is not tampered with. As such, the operations recorded on the blockchain and the ledger itself are considered to be of the highest level of integrity.
In the early days of cryptocurrency, people thought that blockchain was all about bitcoin. Today, it is fast becoming evident that the technology is about more than just bitcoin, or digital currencies for that matter. But while blockchain has the potential to revolutionize nearly every industry, nowhere will its impact be more pronounced than in charitable giving.
For charity organizations, blockchain presents a rare window for transparency and honesty, which could help make them more trustworthy in the eyes of backers. Some of the problems that nonprofits grapple with involve lack of accountability for how money is spent and transparency. Donors are sometimes reluctant to give because they cannot be sure where their funds are going to or who they are helping with their donation. Over time, such concerns can cause them to become disenchanted.
This makes it hard for charity organizations to attract sponsors or retain them. However, blockchain is fast raising trust in the system by showing philanthropists where their money is going. The technology achieves this by making the system wholly transparent and information, easily accessible. Here’s how blockchain enhances transparency and trust in charities:
Continue reading: https://recentlyheard.com/2022/06/26/how-blockchain-is-changing-corporate-giving/


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Setting the standard for digital asset security

Digital assets are in a new phase of engagement. President Biden’s executive order on cryptocurrency has ushered in a new era for the technology, with a clear signal that digital assets are here to stay and will play a key role in the development of a new financial infrastructure. 
Nor is the U.S. alone in this approach. Other leading financial and economic hubs are accelerating their own regulatory frameworks on this issue. In Europe, EU lawmakers have shed a cumbersome amendment on proof-of-work–based assets from the Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) bill, indicating a desire to create a fair system that balances genuine financial innovation alongside the management of risk. 
The significance of such forward-looking regulation cannot be understated. Many of the world’s largest financial institutions are at advanced stages of developing their digital asset use cases. This regulation provides a clear path for them to launch regulated products and services in key global markets.
Much of the discussion to date on engagement with digital assets has hinged on a core dichotomy: Should firms adopt digital asset infrastructure? Is there a business case for us in digital assets? As we enter this new phase, these questions have been answered emphatically in the affirmative. Firms are now asking: How should we build our digital asset use case? What are the key considerations we need to address?
The case for digital asset security
Security should be at the top of the list for every firm, no matter their use case. Crypto theft reached an all-time high in 2021, with $14 billion in cryptocurrency stolen – a 79% increase on the year previous. That figure is expected to rise significantly as adoption accelerates. Despite such risks, many firms do not have clear security standards in place for use cases, with a proliferation of products and services across the industry claiming to offer the “gold standard.” 
While the fast-paced nature of innovation in the digital asset sector can make it challenging to keep up with the latest developments in digital asset security, now is the right time for the industry to come together and set the taxonomy for common security standards. 
Continue reading: https://venturebeat.com/2022/06/26/setting-the-standard-for-digital-asset-security/


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Crypto Security: Protect Your Coins and NFTs From Being Stolen

With crypto prices in free fall, crypto firms laying off thousands of workers and coins that are considered "stable" losing all their value, it's more important than ever to secure your remaining portfolio. 
The current crypto crash isn't the only way people are losing their money. There have been an increasing number of scams that give thieves access to your accounts and crypto assets. Just recently in May, Seth Green had several NFTs worth over $300,000 stolen, after the actor connected his crypto wallet to a scam website pretending to be a credible NFT project.
Protecting your crypto means taking some of the same steps you'd use to safeguard your other digital accounts, such as creating and using strong passwords. However, crypto accounts have unique characteristics like seed phrases that require additional security. Also, the crypto industry still lacks the regulatory framework necessary for the retrieval of your crypto assets if they're stolen.
In this story, we'll cover several ways you can protect your cryptocurrency and NFTs from being purloined and explain why it's worth taking the time to properly secure your digital assets from being stolen. For more on crypto, learn five questions every investor should ask about cryptocurrency and the latest details on bitcoin's wild price swings.
Always follow these two basic password security rules
One of the easiest ways to protect your digital assets is with strong passwords. Ideally, you want your passwords to be at least eight characters long and include random capital letters, numbers and other special characters. If you can make your password longer, however, you should, because the longer the password, the harder it is to crack, in theory.
Continue reading: https://www.cnet.com/personal-finance/crypto/crypto-security-protect-your-coins-and-nfts-from-being-stolen/


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What Makes A Company Web3?

Silicon Valley has a new obsession. After years of investing time, talent, and a lot of money into the social and interactive internet, today's talk is often focused on Web3.
In some cases, insightful entrepreneurs are bringing novel ideas to market, harnessing the expanding market and mindshare of cryptocurrencies, blockchain technologies, and decentralized operational structures. Often, these ideas make headlines for their ambition. Famously, a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) named ConstitutionDAO made a $47 million bid to acquire one of the remaining first edition copies of the U.S. Constitution.
Whatever an organization's goals or ambitions, Web3 is increasingly at the forefront. As one developer recently shared on Twitter, "[a] friend in consulting told me an air conditioning company is paying his firm $3M to create a 'meta verse strategy.'" Similarly, talent and capital are flowing to Web3 initiatives. Venture Capital firms poured more than $30 billion into crypto startups last year, reflecting the assumption shared by prominent tech journalist Kara Swisher that "there's not one business that's not going to be affected by it."
There is just one problem: Most people don't know what "it" is.
According to a poll by the Harvard Business Review, 70% of respondents said they didn't know what the term meant. As the publication glibly notes, "Welcome to the confusing, contested, exciting, utopian, scam-ridden, disastrous, democratizing (maybe) decentralized world of Web3."
Continue reading: https://www.newsweek.com/what-makes-company-web3-1718220


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Web3 Challenges: What Must be Overcome on The Way

Web3 or Web 3.0 envisions a digital future where there is no state or corporate censorship or centralized control. However, the roadmap to making this vision a reality requires resolving specific challenges, one of which is security.
The reliability of the new web solutions will be amongst the most vital factors defining its success. Assessing these challenges – security in particular – means getting ahead faster.
Web3: What is it?
It is common to confuse the web and the internet. The internet includes all the network equipment connecting the world plus the internet protocol allowing the communication between devices. The web includes services running on the internet and representing the user-oriented component.
How did we get to Web3 and how does it differ from Web2 and Web1? During the 1990s, Web1 or Web 1.0 included the earliest types of services on the internet. Large companies and select individuals were hosting these services on their servers or home computers. But the services were static. They were only providing the information without the ability for users to interact with or edit it.
Web 2.0 marked the new wave of internet-based services facilitating communication and interaction. On the one hand, users gained the ability to contribute their feedback through editing websites like Wikipedia. On the other hand, social networks enabled the exchange of information, including images and videos. The community element became the determining characteristic of Web 2.0.
Continue reading: https://beincrypto.com/web3-challenges-what-must-be-overcome-on-the-way/


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The use of blockchain in financial services

The utilization of blockchain technology in the financial service sector has long been lauded for its impeccable capability to introduce, transparency, time efficiency, and productivity to the ecosystem Simply put, blockchain helps reduce the chances of data breaches as well as operational risks. 
What is Blockchain? 
Blockchain technology creates data blocks that are stored in a chain. Every time a new block is created, it is added to the chain, resulting in the formation of a digital ledger. Blockchain networks are of two types – public blockchain and private blockchain. Any individual can join a public blockchain. However, private blockchains are accessible only to verified members who can view a stored digital asset on a decentralized blockchain database. 
How does Digital Ledger Technology (DLT) work?
While blockchain has found the most takers in the banking and financial sector, DLT has the potential to transform several other sectors as well, including manufacturing, clean energy, electronic health record management, and more. 
Distributed ledgers use independent computers to record, share, and synchronize transactions in separate electronic ledgers rather than keeping data centralized like in a traditional ledger. This technology can tremendously change the financial sector, making it more reliable, efficient, and resilient. 
DLT can address persistent challenges in the financial sector and transform the roles of financial stakeholders. A PwC report reveals that 56 percent of Indian businesses are willing to make blockchain a part of their central procedures. This says a lot about the awareness, willingness, and speed at which blockchain is being absorbed into the social and economic framework of the country. 
Continue reading: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/voices/the-use-of-blockchain-in-financial-services/


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Blockchain technology is not limited to cryptocurrency usage

Anyone who knows about cryptocurrency is aware of blockchain technology. It is a very important part of the whole crypto world, and many people even think that this is the only usage there is for blockchains.
There are plenty of ways blockchains can be used. This is because how blockchains work is relatively simple. This opens many different doors for plenty of different ways to use the technology for different purposes.
Cryptocurrencies are possible because of blockchains
Blockchains were not originally created for cryptocurrencies, as many might believe. Blockchain technology is a much older innovation, going all the way back to the beginning of the 80s. This is when a cryptographer called David Chaum first proposed a blockchain-like protocol.
Even though this makes blockchain technology much older than the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, many people think that blockchains were invented for Bitcoin. This is why many Crypto Blog and blockchain blogs intertwine with each other. There is a good reason for this misunderstanding.
Namely, cryptocurrencies were the very first actual usage for blockchain technology. Before this, blockchains were mainly theoretical, but cryptocurrency made them more usable. Looking at this from the cryptocurrency’s point of view, blockchains were the one thing they had been looking for to make the whole technology secure and safe from tampering.
Continue reading: https://www.sproutwired.com/blockchain-technology-is-not-limited-to-cryptocurrency-usage/


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How Can Power Systems Rely on Blockchain Technology?

What is Blockchain Technology?
Blockchain is a significant component of advanced IT systems that have seen widespread application in different fields of power networks. It is a  novel application medium in computer science and technology that uses distributed storage memory, consensus algorithms, point-to-point propagation, and data encryption as an indication of a truly innovative generation of network technology.
Need for Blockchain for Modern Energy Systems
An overhaul of the power sector should be encouraged, and green sources of energy should be accommodated for long-term development. The threat of sub-synchronous fluctuation is increased by the large-scale off-grid framework of wind energy and solar cell power stations, significant cascading malfunctions, and a massive range of applications of power semiconductor converters.
To tackle such things, decentralized management will play a significant role in electric power systems to encourage the functionality of the innovative energy system, minimize the percentage of uninhabited wind and light, and enhance the coordination ability of decentralized energy and power grid systems.
Advantages of Utilizing Blockchain for Power Systems
Owing to the attributes of blockchain technology, it can provide many benefits in the development of a modern power supply, while favorably confronting upcoming challenges and proposing solutions to power distribution modification. It can augment, maximize, and replace the conventional power grid, and also provide a larger room for novel energy development.
Continue reading: https://www.azom.com/news.aspx?newsID=59428


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Best Cities for Women in Tech – 2022 Edition

The U.S. tech industry has steadily grown year-over-year and is projected to see another 178,000 tech jobs enter the market in 2022. But while the industry’s median income continues to skyrocket above the national median income, women only make up 26.1% of all tech workers and earn just 84% of what men do. Depending on the city, however, some women fare better than others and represent a larger portion of the tech workforce. Keeping this in mind, SmartAsset analyzed data to identify and rank the best cities for women in tech.
To do this, we compared 59 U.S. cities for which full data was available and ranked them according to the following four metrics: gender pay gap in the tech industry, income for women in tech after deducting housing costs, women as a percentage of tech workers and three-year growth in tech employment. For details on our data sources and how we put all the information together to create our final rankings, read the Data and Methodology section below.
Key Findings
  • Representation of women in the tech workforce has not improved since last year. Nationally, women have made up about one in four tech workers over the past several years. In this year’s study, Detroit, Michigan has the highest percentage of women tech workers (41.7%) and Irvine, California has the lowest percentage (18.9%).
  • Surprisingly, no California cities made the top 10. Overall, California cities fall behind for tech employment growth over the last three years and the gender pay gap. The highest ranked California city is Sacramento which ties for No. 11 with Nashville, Tennessee.
  • The tech industry is booming in Utah’s Salt Lake City, though the city ranks third-worst for women in the field. Census Bureau data shows that from 2017 to 2020, the tech industry in Salt Lake City grew by 62%, the most of any city in our study. However, women make up less than 20% of the workforce and make only 74 cents on the dollar relative to men.
Continue reading: https://smartasset.com/data-studies/best-cities-for-women-in-tech-2022


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Black women seeking jobs in tech lost ground on pay offers last year

Compared to their white male counterparts, Black women who were seeking tech jobs received even lower salary offers last year than they did the year before, according to a new report.
For every $1 of base salary companies offered white male candidates for tech jobs in 2021, they offered 92 cents to Black female candidates, according to the report from Hired Inc., which offers an online job board. That was down from 94 cents for every dollar for male candidates in 2020, Hired said in the report, released Tuesday.
"The state of Black candidates in our 2021 data actually showed a decline in progress," Josh Brenner, Hired's CEO, told the Sacramento Business Journal. He continued: "There's still ample room for improvement."
Hired's data only includes base salary offers. It doesn't include data on salaries or pay gaps among companies' existing employees.
The job board provider attributed the gap in salary offers in part to lower pay expectations by Black women. For every dollar white male job seekers listed as their preferred salary on Hired's site, Black women listed 91 cents, according to Hired's report. Lower salary expectations and demands are correlated with lower pay offers, Brenner said.
One factor that may be linked to both lower salary expectations and lower offers is that Black women left the labor force in at higher rates than women of other races last year, he said. It's also possible the lower salaries offered Black women encouraged them to expect lower pay.
Continue reading: https://www.bizjournals.com/bizwomen/news/latest-news/2022/06/black-female-tech-candidates-lost-ground-in-2021.html?page=all


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Let’s put some steam behind #WomenInTech and open up new avenues!

This decade has witnessed the boom of the tech industry more than ever. The exponential change has been a combination of various elements like hiring packages (remember the additional benefits), commendable rise in women employees joining the industry or the growing dependence on everything tech!
In a recent report by NASSCOM, it was noted that women’s representation in the tech industry in India lies at 36%. The report also said that there are over 1.8 million women in the workforce and 2 lakh were hired during this financial year (report).
As an industry we need to normalize the notion of women employed in the technology sector. It’s probably that simple and at the same time, maybe not. But then we all know ‘change is the only constant’ and everyone needs to make a difference. 
Be future-forward when planning tech leadership 
Deloitte Global predicts that large global technology firms, on average, will reach nearly 33% overall female representation in their workforces in 2022, up slightly more than 2 percentage points from 2019 (report). 
In fact we are witnessing huge technology companies committing to improving gender diversity and ensuring growth for women in the leadership ranks. This change is what will speak to the future employees, making hiring and retention across the board far more sustainable.
Continue reading: https://www.peoplematters.in/article/diversity/lets-put-some-steam-behind-womenintech-and-open-up-new-avenues-34378


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Women in Tech: Increasing the Representation of Women in Leadership Roles

Women in tech can offer an alternative perspective and diversify teams, these teams get better at connecting the dots and seeing the big picture.
The imbalance between women and men in tech remains: Statistics show that women tech founders receive less funding than men (women-founded companies only received 2.3% of VC investment in 2018), but make double the revenue. Before getting into the real business benefits of having more diverse teams, it’s vital to state that correcting this gap and ensuring fair and equal treatment of women in tech leadership is paramount, if only from a moral standpoint.
However, bringing more women into the tech space isn’t just the right thing to do. It’s also the thing that makes the most business sense. As women offer an alternative perspective and diversify teams, these teams get better at connecting the dots and seeing the big picture. These abilities have huge potential in all tech applications but are especially impactful in areas like manufacturing and logistics technologies, where both a macro and micro-level mindset is required.
With changes in social values, access to education, and people starting families later in life, the barriers for women have been broken down considerably. This being said, women are still expected, if not required, to exemplify several qualities if they wish to make their mark in business or entrepreneurship. Out of all these qualities, women’s leadership is the most important one. Women who demonstrate the ability to be strong leaders are significantly more likely to enjoy a successful career in business than those who do not. And, fortunately, many women are finding their way through the many obstacles placed in their way.
Continue reading: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/women-in-tech-increasing-the-representation-of-women-in-leadership-roles/


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How AI is quietly revolutionizing the back office

Artificial intelligence (AI) is making a big splash in enterprise applications across the board, but most of the attention has gone to public-facing functions like chatbots and personal or professional assistants. But this masks the fact that much of the real action is taking place behind the scenes, in the myriad back office processes that contribute to the costs and complexities of running a modern organization.
AI is not like previous generations of technology, however, which were targeted at specific operations and crafted to operate in a predefined manner. Instead, the challenge for the enterprise is to create the kind of training and development processes that allow AI to place traditionally manual processes under fully automated control – essentially assuming the day-to-day work of running the office while the labor force focuses on continued optimization and strategic development.
Right AI for the Job
Not all back office processes are the same, however, and some will take to this new paradigm more quickly than others. The task at hand, then, is to determine which functions aren’t just the easiest to automate but will contribute most directly to the bottom line.
According to Automation Anywhere, a developer of robotic process automation and other technologies, organizations that are seeing the best results from back office transformation have focused on these key areas:
  • Accounts payable: AI is far more capable of scaling operations in response to incoming workloads than a team of clerks. This takes the bite out of time-consuming tasks like data extraction and validation, proof-of-delivery and posting to ERP and financial platforms.
Continue reading: https://venturebeat.com/2022/06/24/how-ai-is-quietly-revolutionizing-the-back-office/


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5 In-Demand, High Salary AI Skills Every Professional Needs to Know About

AI capabilities are in high demand across industries and AI is an ever-emerging field.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning careers have an attractive, futuristic sparkle about them. Artificial intelligence and machine learning applications are integral to the operations of countless industries, and their wide-scale adoption, coupled with projected steady growth, make them some of the hottest careers available.
In today’s time, high-paying jobs in India include data scientists, machine learning experts, blockchain developers, and many more related to the tech world.
Artificial Intelligence has been one of the hottest buzzwords in the tech sphere for quite some time now. As Data Science is advancing, both AI and ML are also advancing by leaps and bounds.
Essentially, AI is a broad canvas that encompasses machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing (NLP), among other things. As a result, AI applications across various industries are highly expansive, including innovations like AR/VR, smart personal assistants, IoT, gaming, robotics, face recognition software, speech recognition, vision recognition, recommendation engines, and much more.
Continue reading: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/5-in-demand-high-salary-ai-skills-every-professional-needs-to-know-about/


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Impact of Artificial Intelligence in This Changing Railway Industry

The impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Railway Industry is huge and is developing day by day.
The pace of technological advancements is rapidly accelerating. According to the European Network on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation (HiPEC), society is entering the artificial intelligence (AI) era, driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, where computers are taking on new forms and embedding them into people’s daily lives.
The advances in digital technologies such as AI, big data analyticsInternet of Things (IoT), and blockchain, bring the concept of seamless mobility and efficient interconnectivity to a reality.
Data analytics and artificial intelligence in railways have a big contribution to the development of society. The national transporter is planning to use AI and big data analytics in train operations, passenger ticket booking, maintenance of systems, freight operations, and railways assets.
The data will be analyzed with the help of AI, IoT, and analytics and used in the Passenger Reservation System (PRS). Unlike the present system of carrying out maintenance in a periodic manner, a predictive asset maintenance system will continuously monitor the condition of equipment and generate the required alerts. This will not only reduce the cost of maintenance but also help to cut down the load on maintenance of assets.
Some of the ways through which we get to see the impact of Artificial Intelligence in railways:
Continue reading: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/impact-of-artificial-intelligence-in-this-changing-railway-industry/


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3 reasons to consider adopting AI cybersecurity tools

Cybersecurity threats are increasing at a mind-numbing pace. However, hesitation about integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into people-based processes is hindering organizations and their cybersecurity — especially as bad actors weaponize AI in cyberattacks.
AI produces insights derived from vast amounts of data, allowing organizations to make real-time decisions that can’t be achieved with human effort alone. As a result, AI improves organizations’ ability to prevent and mitigate cyberattacks before people can detect them.
While it’s not a silver bullet, AI is instrumental in detecting, preventing and responding to cyberattacks when paired with cybersecurity best practices — and it enables faster and more accurate security decision-making. Don’t let fear of new technology hold your organization back from harnessing the benefits of AI in cybersecurity.
The pros of AI cybersecurity far outweigh the cons
Many organizations can be reluctant to adopt AI and automation, which is understandable but misguided. AI can prevent and minimize security vulnerabilities, help achieve compliance and ensure that software is secure. Like any tool, there are challenges associated with new AI implementations. But once these challenges are better understood, they are easier to accept. 
For example, the most effective AI requires huge datasets to learn and improve decision-making, which can make it costly to implement. However, the savings associated with improved efficiency and automation can make up for the initial cost. Careful monitoring of AI outputs can mitigate many other potential risks, such as the introduction of unintentional human bias into AI models.
Continue reading: https://venturebeat.com/2022/06/25/3-reasons-to-consider-adopting-ai-cybersecurity-tools/


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AI Writing Assistants: Are They Worth Using In 2022?

As artificial intelligence (AI) technology evolves, we’re seeing its usage across different industries. One of the industries that is still opening up to its potential is the content marketing industry. Feeding the content machine has been a common problem for marketers. What if you could use technology to help you through a creative block and write content for you? Here's where AI writing assistants could come in handy.
What is an AI writing assistant?
These assistants are computer programs that help you create content quickly, so you always have something ready to publish. There are a number of different AI-based writing assistants available on the market.
Each of these programs has its own set of features, so it is important to do some research before choosing one. In general, most AI-based writing assistants can help you with tasks, such as:
  • Writing content
  • Rephrasing content
  • Spell checking
  • Grammar checking
  • Researching topics
  • Generating ideas
  • Completing forms
  • Preparing reports
  • Formatting documents
How do AI writing programs work?
AI writing programs use natural language processing to create or improve written content based on a set of instructions that you give them. Using this technology, you can create content landing pages, blog posts, articles and even email marketing campaigns.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2022/06/24/ai-writing-assistants-are-they-worth-using-in-2022/?sh=6753411e3d30


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Reinventing How Farming Equipment Is Remotely Controlled and Tracked

The agriculture industry doesn't typically come to mind when thinking about sectors on the cutting edge. Yet it has been forging ahead through each industrial revolution, and today innovative farmers are starting to incorporate high-tech solutions to address the new challenges the industry is facing.
Automation and robotics, livestock technology, artificial intelligence, and precision agriculture are all opportunities to harness the power of future tech to bring farming into the 21st century.
Farmers face similar challenges regardless of the time period, including inflating operating costs and a shortage of laborers. This is compounded by the world population continuing to rise, increasing the demand on agriculture.
Now, in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Internet of Things (IoT) offers an opportunity for the agricultural industry to maximize efficiency while reducing costs, directly addressing the demands and challenges.
What Is Smart Agriculture?
Smart agriculture is the use of IoT in agriculture. IoT sensors collect environmental and machine metrics to inform decisions, monitor the state of crops, and optimize efficiency. For example, smart agriculture sensors can track how crops are doing and help farmers use fertilizers and pesticides judiciously.
Overall, the agricultural industry hasn't adopted IoT as quickly as other industries or consumers have, but the market is quite dynamic. The disruptions of the pandemic, including the shortage of workers and supply chain issues, have pushed more farmers to adopt and innovate.
According to reports, the global smart agriculture market size is expected to triple by 2025, reaching $15.3 billion, compared with around $5 billion in 2016.
The market is still developing, but currently IoT can improve agriculture by:
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Drones & First Responders

Hernando County First Responders Utilize Modern Technology in their Work
Not many people know that drones have been around since the early 1900s. Most people associate them with realistic action films or “way out there” science fiction sagas, such as “Captain Phillips,” “Eye in the Sky,” “Blade Runner 2049” and “Chappie.” Once the stuff of fiction, now drones are used for recreational purposes, business activities and military operations. The use that most closely relates to the safety of the general public is that of our first responders.
The Hernando County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) and the Hernando County Fire and Emergency Services (HCFES) utilize drones in many of their operations. The HCSO has had a drone unit since November of 2019. The HCFES has had their unit operational since October of last year. These two agencies have worked together on several operations and are planning on doing joint training this summer.
Corporal Mike Woodward, a 10-year veteran of the sheriff’s office, was the one who proposed the idea of a drone unit to Sheriff Nienhuis. Currently they have seven deputies who are certified drone pilots. They have to take the FAA Part 107 course and then pass a test in order to be certified. The test is almost equivalent to a basic knowledge test for a fixed-wing pilot. The members of the drone unit all have other duties. Some are traffic deputies, others are detectives, while others are patrol deputies, etc. The drones are useful in many situations. For example, they have been used to find missing persons, suspects fleeing and to assist fire rescue and forestry in locating brush fires, as well as determining the size and direction of the fire.
“Drones bridge the gap between the time a call comes in and the time the Aviation Unit can get on scene. They’re kept in agency vehicles so that they are readily available,” remarked Cpl. Woodward. Sometimes a helicopter isn’t even needed, so it saves quite a bit of money for the agency. Whereas a helicopter burns gallons of fuel in a short period of time, the only cost with the drones is charging or replacing the batteries when needed, and sometimes the propellers. In most cases, drones can often get to the scene faster than a helicopter can.
There are 13 drones in use at the present time. Four are smaller drones that can be used inside a structure or a confined area. Five of the drones have spotlights, speakers and infrared capabilities, which allow them to fly at night.
During the day, one deputy can work on a drone operation alone, but at night two deputies are required. One is the pilot and the other, a visual observer, who keeps an eye on the drone at all times. All the deputies in the agency are trained as visual observers. Pilots must obey all the FAA rules and are not allowed to fly higher than 400 feet. All drones must also be kept in visual line of sight.
Continue reading: https://www.hernandosun.com/2022/06/23/drones-first-responders/


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Red Cat 4 Ship: One Pilot, Four Drones – Will a Multi Drone System Be the New Normal?

The future of commercial drone and military drone use is likely to hinge on the development of technology allowing simultaneous flight of multiple drones, with each UAV being able to communicate with its mates as well as the operator on the ground, in order to successfully complete a mission.
Red Cat Holdings recently announced the launch of its version of a multi-drone system. The company says its 4-Ship software, marks the first time a commercial company has brought such a system to market. The product, which will be commercially available some time this fall, is expected to have widespread applications for military and police as well as future uses in commercial markets.
Developed by Red Cat subsidiary Teal Drones, and in close cooperation with its strategic partner, autonomous system developer Autonodyne LLC, Red Cat will offer the multi-vehicle package in two configurations: 4-Ship and 4-Ship+.  Both configurations will allow a single pilot to simultaneously control up to four of Teal’s Golden Eagle UAVs. The Golden Eagle is the first drone mass-produced entirely in the U.S. under strict guidelines from the U.S. Department of Defense.
The 4-Ship system will allow a single pilot to control multiple drones, which will act in coordination with one another, greatly reducing the amount of time to complete a mission and virtually eliminating down time needed for battery changes, the company said.
“The real cost for government or for commercial operations is the cost of the pilot; it’s people’s time and we’re very sensitive to that,” Red Cat COO Allan Evans said in an interview. “What we always want to try to do is unlock the potential of the operator rather than unlock the potential of the airframe.”
Pending FAA approval of commercial multi-drone applications, the new system would allow an operator to survey a field in less than a quarter of the time of performing the same task with a single drone. In military and police usage, the 4-Ship system would prove invaluable in situations requiring constant monitoring of a scene, such as in a hostage situation, Evans said.
Continue reading: https://dronelife.com/2022/06/22/red-cat-4-ship-one-pilot-four-drones-will-a-multi-drone-system-be-the-new-normal/


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