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What’s Driving IoT? Three Trends Shaping the Rest of 2022 and Beyond

There's no denying the impact Internet of Things (IoT) devices have across the world, and some estimate there will be as many as 30.9 billion connected devices by 2035. The potential reach and influence of this technology are undeniable.
And the world we live in is shaping use cases for these devices. Both businesses and consumers realize just how versatile and impactful they can be—from smartwatches and other consumer wearables to healthcare, supply chain logistics and even aids for property owners to monitor their spaces.
Several key factors are impacting IoT today and will continue to shape the industry as we move through the second half of 2022 and beyond. Let's dive into three trends making this such an exciting space to invest resources into this year.
1. Supply chain disruption
Supply chain issues have become a hallmark issue of the pandemic. Everything from semiconductors inside so many electronics and appliances to groceries and the auto industry have been impacted. Many companies are struggling to move inventory quickly from manufacturer to warehouse and into the hands of consumers. Even if the pandemic were to end today, it would take quite a while for the supply chain to recover.
IoT devices present an interesting way for companies to gain visibility into their supply chain and know in real time where shipments are located. Many companies are already doing this via fleet management. This gives them the data and information they need to adjust in real-time, rather than reacting when it's too late. We're seeing this in action with Maersk, one of the world's largest shipping providers, which is leveraging the data from hundreds of thousands of IoT devices to improve visibility, conditions control, customer needs, and more.
Continue reading: https://www.thefastmode.com/expert-opinion/27086-what-s-driving-iot-three-trends-shaping-the-rest-of-2022-and-beyond


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Four biggest Internet of Things trends in 2022

Futurist Bernard Marr offers his four big threats that will influence how IoT evolves in 2022. Marr says the first trend is around Edge IoT computing where more computing takes place on the device where the data is collected, at the edge.
The edge devices are smart devices, including smartphones and wearables, that are collecting data.
“For me, edge computing and IoT go hand in hand, with more of the processing will be divided between the edge and the cloud,” he continued.
Read more: https://futureiot.tech/four-biggest-internet-of-things-trends-in-2022/
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37 Internet-of-Things (IoT) Companies You Should Know

In an age of hyper-connectivity, the Internet of Things (IoT) is the basis for a booming sector in which countless innovators provide software and hardware for everything from intelligent homes and cars to medical devices and manufacturing.
By 2029, forecasters have predicted, the IoT industry will reach a global market size of more than $2.4 trillion with the shift from mere connectivity to IoT-powered applications, platforms and services.
As tech pioneer Kevin Ashton so succinctly put it, “The IoT integrates the interconnectedness of human culture — ‘our things’ — with the interconnectedness of our digital information system — ‘the Internet.’”
Continue reading: https://builtin.com/internet-things/iot-internet-of-things-companies
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What is a standard and why should you care?

What is a standard and why should you care? From everything I've been reading lately, there seems to be some misconception about the purpose of a standard. Most importantly, a standard does not mean "only" nor does a standard create a "walled garden." There can be multiple standards that serve the same purpose and all can be supported by the same entities. I'll get to some examples of that in moment. Paraphrasing SMPTE, a standard provides structure, organization, interoperability, and enables repeatable workflows. Note that nothing above says there must be only one. All it means is that by publishing a standard, any entity can generate, interpret, and reproduce the subject of the standard created by any other entity. Generally, one standard wins out in the end, sometimes quickly and sometimes over time. The survivor may even adopt some of the features of the other, becoming better for the competition. Perhaps the most famous example in consumer electronics was VHS vs. Betamax. Betamax had superior picture, but Sony didn't want to share. VHS was licensed far and wide and quickly captured the market. I didn't hurt that VHS could handle a 2 hour movie and Beta was limited to one. What many people don't know is that the Betamax standard was widely adopted by the professional video community and for decades was the standard for video masters, first in analog and later digital formats. Another example is MPEG (.mp2, .mp4) vs. WMV. Both are published standards for video files and any video player can play them back by implementing the standard. Some players chose to implement one, some the other, and some both. In the end, MPEG was far more widely adopted, but that did not change the fact that for quite some time there were two competing standards which did not cause chaos.
Continue reading: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6963120390437052417/


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Why Practice Should be Part of Your Incident Response Routine

Floods, fires, and power outages can happen around the clock. A cybersecurity incident is no different. Case in point: an intruder targeted RJ2 Technologies at 3:30 AM on a Saturday, said Heather Simek, vice president of the Schaumburg, Ill.-based MSP.
In the middle of the night, hackers encrypted servers on both the MSP and customer sides. The intruders also deleted the backup and disaster recovery across the board, including cloud backups, said Simek, who shared her story with other MSPs during the ChannelCon 2022 panel “I’ve Been Compromised! Now What?
“There was no history. We were starting from scratch,” said Simek. While the team did have an extremely high-level incident response plan in place, it had gaps they always meant to fill in but never did. Instead of a nice clean backup to start with, they were scrambling.
Partner vendors were also unprepared, working with a skeleton crew and slow to respond. Looking back, she would have had more than a rough idea of what to do during an incident response.
“There were a lot of holes, holes that nobody thought of,” said Simek.
Having a plan for a potential disaster is one thing, but practicing it is another. Practice gives you opportunities to find the types of gaps Simek and her team experienced. Practice also gives you a chance to talk to your partners about how they respond to disaster. “Find out what their plan is because you might see a hole there that they may not see,” Simek said.
In Simek’s case, the vendor had the key to a clean backup, and Simek’s team was able to download it from the secondary to the primary cloud. With that break the MSP was able to spin up some servers and get the data back down from the cloud—a process that ended up taking weeks.
Practicing Overrides Overwhelm 
There are hundreds of things to do during a cybersecurity incident and prioritizing them in the moment is almost impossible. People without a plan can experience similar mistakes: blanking out, wasting time and burning out from unfocused panic. The intensity, the stressors, the spike in cortisol—all of those physiological responses are normal in a high stress situation.
“Your brain is going to try to put you into survival mode,” said Edlin Garcia, a Ph.D. student studying mental health and IT professions at Indiana University. “If your response is, ‘I don’t want to take care of this right now,’ that’s your brain trying to protect you.”
Continue reading: https://connect.comptia.org/blog/why-practice-should-be-part-of-your-incident-response-routine


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Building for Web3: Understanding the divergences with Web2

With the growing popularity of digital assets like cryptocurrencies and venture capital investments in crypto and blockchain firms rising, an increasing number of entrepreneurs and developers are entering this burgeoning space.
However, unlike traditional internet-based or Web2 companies like Meta and YouTube, blockchain-based firms do not follow a specific or standard template.
These companies are trying to create the next generation of the internet known as Web3, where services run on blockchain and are decentralized, all with the aim of revolutionizing how people transact online.
Representing a more intuitive, equitable, and connected ecosystem, Web3-focused companies are at the forefront of defining the future of the internet and a lot can be learned by understanding the tenets of building it.
Focus on decentralization
Unlike Web2 behemoths that are largely blamed for being anti-competitive and preying on user-generated content, Web3 startups are opening up new areas of interaction by allowing people to take full control of the platform and decide its future course.
Building for Web3 requires companies and developers to create a network of interconnected computers that will facilitate closer and faster interaction among users rather than centralising content and processing by using huge servers that are completely under their control.
Moreover, these firms aren’t just ceding control but also redistributing profits generated from the business back to the users who have invested in them.
For all these unique aspects to be incorporated, there is a need for a completely new technology that can provide all functionalities of Web2 while eliminating the need for controls or third parties that oversee every aspect of the business.
Continue reading: https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/building-for-web3-understanding-the-divergences-with-web2-9068681.html


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Blockchain in Insurance: How Will it Change the Industry?

Blockchain technology is all set for exploration by insurers. The traditional insurance industry depends on paper contracts. Furthermore, people need to call via phone to learn about new policies. Also, the chances of errors are high, and the manually collected data can be lost or misinterpreted. And here comes, Blockchain in insurance comes into the picture where you can transform the traditional insurance industry
Blockchain is a trendy technology buzzword, a digital ledger carrying transactional records termed a block in different databases called the chain in a linked network via nodes.
In this article, you will get acquainted with how an intelligent insurer can use Blockchain technology to change their insurance business. Let’s begin: 
Benefits of Blockchain in the Insurance Industry
Insurance blockchain offers many perks, such as cost-effective, transparent, trustworthy, and long-lasting solutions. But that’s not all. Following are some more benefits of implementing blockchain technology in the insurance industry. Let’s take a glance at it. 
1. Eases Claims Processing 
Blockchain helps automatic claims by verifying documents between reinsurers and companies. Moreover, it can also help to automate transactions between two or more parties for claims. This can help insurance companies by reducing administrative expenses.
2. Improve Efficiency
Blockchain can help with efficiency gains. It enables quick payments and transparency while securely verifying data sharing to different parties. As we know, most insurance procedures are manual, and blockchain technology can assist with less paperwork of insurance contracts for a good customer experience
Continue reading: https://readwrite.com/blockchain-in-insurance-how-will-it-change-the-industry/


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The Impact of Cryptocurrency on Digital Marketing

Digital marketing has become much more competitive and less profitable in recent years. In the past, traditional forms of advertising revenue could sustain struggling companies or agencies; however, this is no longer the case. As a result, many entrepreneurs are turning to new trends such as cryptocurrency and blockchain to get their startups off the ground. Despite these advantages, many marketers believe that digital marketing practices have not kept up with the times and have failed to bring in enough business for startups. As a result, digital marketing agencies will have to change their marketing strategies and make use of new technology if they are going to be more successful. 
Cryptocurrency is a type of digital currency that is created and stored electronically in a distributed ledger with no central bank. These currencies use cryptography for security, making them difficult to counterfeit. Every cryptocurrency makes use of blockchain technology which not only increases safety but also transparency for users. Rather than relying on traditional banking methods, blockchain allows every transaction to be visible to anyone who has downloaded the specific software.
What Are Cryptocurrencies?
Although the definition of cryptocurrency is still being debated, this type of digital money has several key characteristics that separate it from traditional currency. There is no central bank to issue new currency. Cryptocurrencies are created by computer code rather than by a government or central bank. The decentralized nature of cryptocurrency means that there is no bank or organization securing the money for you. Lenders do not take part in any cryptocurrency transactions, and borrowers do not need to go through a credit check or provide proof of identification.
Continue reading: https://urbanmatter.com/the-impact-of-cryptocurrency-on-digital-marketing/


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5 Reasons Why Singapore Is Ideal for Your Crypto Business

Although Singapore has a population of just over 5 million, the country’s largest asset is arguably its relationship with the rest of the world. Singapore has more multinational corporations than any other Southeast Asian city and ranks as one of the best places for business activities according to the World Bank Group. Aside from its sunny weather, scenic landscape, and reputation as a financial hub to trade forex, Coincub also ranked Singapore as one of the most crypto-friendly countries in the world due to its robust economy, positive legislative environment, and high rate of cryptocurrency adoption. Singapore is quickly becoming the go-to destination for crypto businesses. Here are five reasons why you should consider starting your crypto business in Singapore:
Strong Crypto Regulatory Framework
Singapore is one of the most forex-friendly countries in the world, and its crypto regulatory framework is highly effective. The nation has a Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Industry Association (CBIA) focused on helping small and medium businesses thrive in this industry. In addition, Singapore has a modern regulatory structure that covers various financial system-related activities. These factors make Singapore an ideal destination for investors who want to establish a presence in the crypto industry. Furthermore, experts are available to help foreign investors navigate setting up a business in Singapore. With a robust regulatory framework, Singapore is poised to become a leading cryptocurrency innovation and adoption center.
Well-developed Banking and Financial Infrastructure
Singapore’s well-developed banking and financial infrastructure provide crypto firms with easier access to liquidity. The country has a long history as a capital market hub, and its environment is conducive to developing innovative financial products and services. Furthermore, the region becoming increasingly important in the global economy gives crypto businesses a significant competitive advantage.
Continue reading: https://www.luxuo.com/business/5-reasons-why-singapore-is-ideal-for-your-crypto-business.html


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How to prepare girls for the tech revolution

Childhood these days doesn’t look much like when you were a kid. Video games can transport you to a whole different place via VR, for one. Ordering a pizza means opening an app, not talking to a human, and hanging out with friends can happen via FaceTime.
Screen time limits aside, we’re living life online more than ever before—and this shift is opening a whole new world of opportunities for today’s kids. 
A new high-tech world is upon us
According to a report by the Brookfield Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, a research initiative housed at Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson), our growing reliance on technology will redefine employment over the next 10 to 15 years—along with most other aspects of everyday life. 
Virtual and augmented reality will transform everyday experiences—from entertainment to on-the-job training. AI and automation will enable many workers to do away with mundane tasks and make work more meaningful. Blockchain technology will change the nature of financial transactions, from banking to real estate. 3D printing will evolve supply chains and change how we produce and consume goods, and so on.
Indeed, as different as the world may look now compared to 20 years ago, these and other advances will continue to disrupt life as we know it. As a result, preparing kids for the future also looks a lot different than it did before.
Continue reading: https://www.todaysparent.com/sponsored/mastercard-girls4tech-prepare-girls-for-tech-revolution/


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Why we must act now to close the gender gap in AI

The last five years have seen unprecedented rates of digitalization across every sector of the economy, catalyzed by the pandemic. In 2021 alone, $93.5 billion in private investment was poured into the field, more than double the figure of 2020. Women, however, are being left behind at every step of the artificial intelligence (AI) life cycle – the technology powering the digital transformation.
This gender gap in AI is self-perpetuating. And it risks us being left with an economic and technological system with a massive underrepresentation of women.
The gender gap in AI
Women are not as “online” as men. The pandemic accelerated mobile internet adoption; however, women are 16% less likely than men to use mobile internet across low-and middle-income countries, according to the GSMA data. Then the disparity in the number of women versus men in industry 4.0 exacerbates the lack of entry points for women into tech.
This huge inequity is a problem that has seen no improvement over the past decade, with the share of female artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science PhDs stuck at 20%.
These are pressing problems alone but also lead to ripple effects across the rest of the AI life cycle, particularly in innovation and development. As recent research by the World Economic Forum demonstrates, the percentage of male graduates in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is 400% higher than women graduates (8.2% versus 1.7%).
Continue reading: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/08/why-we-must-act-now-to-close-the-gender-gap-in-ai/


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3 Priorities for Your Next AI Initiative

An artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm designed to scan electronic medical records for potential clinical trial participants can perform at high accuracy in some cases. However, depending on the pool of patients, where they’re located, and what the trial is for, there are inherent biases in the selection process. Just because the algorithm performs a given task correctly doesn’t mean it does so in a responsible, ethical way.
One well-known example is Amazon’s sexist AI recruiting algorithm that prioritized hiring men over women. The algorithm learned from the company’s existing team -- not inaccurate information -- and was as flawed as the history used to train it. AI has great potential for good, but it is only as effective as the humans and data powering it. These biases may not mean much when it comes to verticals such as retail or to the ads you’re being served, but they can be a life-or-death matter in the healthcare industry.
Fortunately, as AI technology and tools are maturing, so, too, are best practices and regulatory frameworks around ethics. As GDPR is for data protection, the EU has proposed a legal framework for how to ensure AI tools are safer and more trustworthy for users, but we can’t wait until government mandated laws and best practices for AI are passed. For now, it’s on us -- the people who build these products and services -- to ensure AI-powered products and services are doing more good than harm.
Here are three priorities leaders should focus on to ensure their AI initiatives provide business value and do so ethically.
Continue reading: https://tdwi.org/articles/2022/08/22/adv-all-3-priorities-for-your-next-ai-initiative.aspx


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Blockchain Strategies for Businesses

Blockchain has turned into a popular expression behind bitcoin and is one of the most advertised advancements of the 21st century. These days, numerous designers across the globe are dealing with incorporating the innovation into business, including medicine, art and money. Continue reading: https://www.gyan.solutions/blockchain-strategies-for-businesses/


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Blockchain : The Essential Guide !

There’s a new technology that has the power to revolutionize how you, businesses, interact. You’ve probably heard of it: blockchain.  Nowadays, Blockchain development is growing significantly on the back of the rapid end-to-end digitisation of businesses. Continue reading: https://www.gyan.solutions/blockchain-the-essential-guide/


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Crypto Immutability Only Works If All Layers Are Secure

With rising institutional interest and adoption of various cryptoassets, including bitcoin but also many other crypto related applications, it seems worthwhile to revisit an often-stated, but potentially misunderstood aspect of blockchain-based assets. In any conversation, presentation, or casual discussion around blockchain or cryptoassets one of the most often cited traits of crypto is the immutability (unhackable) nature of blockchain transactions. As has been proven time and again, via the hacks and other breaches that have cost investors billions of dollars on an annual basis, the protocols, exchanges, and applications that investors leverage are not – as it turns out – immutable.
This might seem like a basic concept, and one that is hardly worth mentioning again, but given the speed and scope of adoption by institutions across the globe this is not something that should be overlooked. While the underlying blockchains might be immutable, although that has also been proven to not be an entirely accurate statement, the proliferation of applications and use cases that are dependent on blockchain infrastructure are far from immutable. Many of these applications are designed to make the user experience simpler, easier, and more convenient; all of which are worthwhile ambitions. That said, there are several items that advisors, investors, and users of cryptoassets need to keep in mind as development, adoption, and (unfortunately) hacks seem destined to increase.
Let’s take a look at some reasons why – despite near constant repeating – crypto is not necessarily as immutable as might be thought.
Exchanges are not immutable. Crypto exchanges and connected applications have routinely been hacked, breached, or otherwise compromised, which in turn has led to billions of investor losses. Compounding these losses is the reality that most – if not all – of said losses are not covered by investor insurance or other traditional products. As investors of all sizes continue to show increased interest in crypto investing and trading it is also worth noting that the user interface for logging into these exchanges do not have blockchain-enabled security or cryptography. For example, if a user has an exchange application installed on a smart phone or device, the only security protecting access to those funds is the traditional password protocols used to access the device and other applications.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/seansteinsmith/2022/08/21/crypto-immutability-only-works-if-all-layers-are-secure/?sh=7f871bde6960


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How business schools are dealing with the rise in cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency has grown significantly over the past few years and the market size of cryptocurrency is further expected to reach more than $1080 million by 2026. This technology has climbed sharply and has been gathering attention ever since. As of 2021, 97% of the users in the tire world have expressed their faith and are confident about the digital asset. A few years ago, the business schools too showed disinterest in cryptocurrencies to incorporate them into their curriculum. They did not take it seriously and thought it was just a matter of time before this technology would disappear. But after all this skepticism cryptocurrencies are now becoming a part of business education.
There are over 4000 cryptocurrencies in the market and there has been more than a 90% increase in virtual money since 2013. The first 10 cryptocurrencies themselves make up 88% of the total cryptocurrency market value. The popularity of the virtual currency has grown so much that it has seen an increase in its exchange too. The crypto exchanges of fiat for cryptocurrency and crypto to crypto transactions exceeded 300 as of 2020 between buyers and sellers. The craze of cryptocurrency has gained the attention of the business schools and a rein demand among the students.
Curiosity among the Students
The students of the business schools have shown a huge amount of interest in future payments. With more than 900 new coins in the market every day. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that cryptocurrency has now gained a lot of attention. As of now even though there are hardly a few classes available for cryptocurrency there are a lot of students showing interest and trying to enroll in these classes. The amount of interest shown by students toward cryptocurrency creates the need for more classes.
Business students have already started to move their focus from traditional courses to new and upcoming courses in cryptocurrency. They are interested in how technology can help them and enhance the way the functioning of the financial market is done and that is a plus sign for the development of more classes in cryptocurrency.
Continue reading: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/voices/how-business-schools-are-dealing-with-the-rise-in-cryptocurrency/


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These 5 women are leading innovation in Web3 world

A recent report by global cryptocurrency exchange KuCoin, Journey into Web 3 – A Global Study on the Future of Work, explores professional engagement in the decentralized internet sector.
The report highlights that female Web3 professionals are generally more active career-wise than their male counterparts, unlike surveyed female Web3 enthusiasts, who are less prone to making Web3 investments than their male counterparts.
Forty-nine percent of female Web3 professionals have worked part-time or as freelancers in Web3-related industries, and 33% have worked full-time. Although 27% of female Web3 professionals have been involved in starting Web3-related projects or businesses, the share is still lower than their male Web3 professionals, of whom 41% are self-reported Web3 entrepreneurs. 33% of female Web3 professionals have worked as engineers or developers in the industry, the same as their male counterparts. Only 22% of women Web3 enthusiasts have expressed interest in the same function.
According to the report, male dominated Web3 workplaces erect challenges for women, 33% of whom mentioned the “bro” culture of Web3 as an impediment. The lack of proper educational resources was also a key barrier for women to engage in Web3. Regardless of challenges, 60% of female professionals recognize their unique value in facilitating better culture in Web3 workplaces and communities.
Despite these challenges, women are making their mark in the Web3 space in India as developers and entrepreneurs.
Here are 5 women riding the Web3 wave, and hoping to make a difference. Continue reading: https://yourstory.com/herstory/2022/08/5-women-leading-innovation-in-web3-world


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How can blockchain support the metaverse economy?

The term ‘Metaverse’ became way more popular after Mark Zuckerberg formally renamed Facebook to Meta, intending to make the metaverse a reality and assist individuals in enhancing their connections, discovering communities, and growing their businesses.
However, the concept of the metaverse is quite old if you are aware of the online gaming world but it is more than that. Metaverse refers to a digital world that merges virtual and augmented reality leveraging cutting-edge technologies in this fast-growing world.
As per precedence research, the size of the global metaverse market is estimated to reach USD 1,607.12 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 50.74% from 2022 to 2030. Blockchain will give metaverse businesses the chance to offer their customers cohesive services that’ll converge their physical presence with 3D digital presences, changing how customers interact and exchange cryptocurrencies or other unique digital assets (NFTs).
Digital art, virtual goods, or personal experiences can be turned into secure NFTs and stored on the metaverse blockchain as assets. To build a self-sustaining digital economy, metaverse users can exchange these NFTs for cryptocurrency to buy other metaverse entities or choose to cash out for fiat money at any moment. The NFT valuation and turnover can be accessible for innumerable systems and interfaces to work together seamlessly and interoperable through blockchain.
Continue reading: https://www.financialexpress.com/digital-currency/how-can-blockchain-support-the-metaverse-economy/2638079/


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7 key areas where women entrepreneurs need specialized technology assistance for growth

Technology for MSMEs: The pandemic has facilitated a lot of people to turn entrepreneurs, including women, who are already making their presence felt as successful and innovative disruptors. However, they are faced with double the challenges than their male counterparts. And while there is an increasing number of industry bodies, banks, NGOs, and women empowerment councils that are working towards enabling and encouraging women entrepreneurs, the help is generally limited to providing them better access to funding, networking, and mentorship for business skills. However, there is little support for women entrepreneurs when it comes to digital literacy and technology adoption. 
Even as businesses and supporting infrastructure are increasingly adopting digitization, smaller entrepreneurs, especially women, continue to face challenges with technology. Be it from accessing banking services to adopting digital transformation services to enhance and optimize their business efficiency, women entrepreneurs face more challenges. The worst hit are women business owners in inner cities and rural areas who also must fight societal gender barriers. These women entrepreneurs need specialized tech assistance in areas like: 
1) Financial technology  
Specialized assistance in financial technology like integration with payment gateways, app-based payments and links, cyber security, and data protection. Not many company owners have the good fortune to have a financier or investor for their enterprise. Some have to raise money on their own, use credit cards, or bootstrap their businesses. Women-owned firms rank among the most common enterprises that receive little funding. Due to cultural and gender prejudices, women are frequently rejected loans—many institutions prefer to support male-owned firms. 
Continue reading: https://www.financialexpress.com/industry/sme/cafe-sme/msme-tech-7-key-areas-where-women-entrepreneurs-need-specialised-technology-assistance-for-growth/2638629/


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How technology and diverse initiatives facilitate women's empowerment in the workplace

For decades, empirical evidence has indicated that companies where women were well-represented in the workforce typically fared better than their peers with low gender diversity. One of the reasons for the beneficial outcome is that a robust diversity of perspectives facilitates better decision-making.
Corporates around the globe have known the advantages of gender equality and diversity. Diverse workforces led by agile leaders adopting an inclusive approach are better positioned to tap the full potential of employees.
To achieve this goal, companies must build teams that genuinely represent diverse cohorts and local communities across India.
Organizations fostering diversity are also able to attract young talent keen to work in democratic settings with a transparent work environment.
Significantly, NASSCOM's March 2020 report on diversity and inclusion trends in India's technology industry reveals that women comprised more than 35% of the tech segment's workforce in FY2020. The rising numbers of women in the workforce may be no coincidence, as many companies are making concerted efforts to enhance gender diversity via various means, including the use of technology, to eradicate bias from their recruitment process.
Continue reading: https://www.indiatoday.in/education-today/featurephilia/story/how-technology-and-diverse-initiatives-facilitate-women-s-empowerment-in-the-workplace-1991067-2022-08-22


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Are You Making These Deadly Mistakes With Your AI Projects?

Since data is at the heart of AI, it should come as no surprise that AI and ML systems need enough good quality data to “learn”. In general, a large volume of good quality data is needed, especially for supervised learning approaches, in order to properly train the AI or ML system. The exact amount of data needed may vary depending on which pattern of AI you’re implementing, the algorithm you’re using, and other factors such as in house versus third party data. For example, neural nets need a lot of data to be trained while decision trees or Bayesian classifiers don’t need as much data to still produce high quality results.
So you might think more is better, right? Well, think again. Organizations with lots of data, even exabytes, are realizing that having more data is not the solution to their problems as they might expect. Indeed, more data, more problems. The more data you have, the more data you need to clean and prepare. The more data you need to label and manage. The more data you need to secure, protect, mitigate bias, and more. Small projects can rapidly turn into very large projects when you start multiplying the amount of data. In fact, many times, lots of data kills projects.
Clearly the missing step between identifying a business problem and getting the data squared away to solve that problem is determining which data you need and how much of it you really need. You need enough, but not too much. “Goldilocks data” is what people often say: not too much, not too little, but just right. Unfortunately, far too often, organizations are jumping into AI projects without first addressing an understanding of their data. Questions organizations need to answer include figuring out where the data is, how much of it they already have, what condition it is in, what features of that data are most important, use of internal or external data, data access challenges, requirements to augment existing data, and other crucial factors and questions. Without these questions answered, AI projects can quickly die, even drowning in a sea of data.
Getting a better understanding of data
In order to understand just how much data you need, you first need to understand how and where data fits into the structure of AI projects. One visual way of understanding the increasing levels of value we get from data is the “DIKUW pyramid” (sometimes also referred to as the “DIKW pyramid) which shows how a foundation of data helps build greater value with Information, Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/cognitiveworld/2022/08/20/are-you-making-these-deadly-mistakes-with-your-ai-projects/?sh=5d4c9b256b54


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AI Is Now Mature Enough to Drive Revenue Growth

Many technology leaders associate artificial intelligence primarily with making processes more efficient. New research from Accenture shows that those who do so severely underestimate the technology's role in generating business value. Having analyzed the performance of 1,200 companies across 16 industries and 15 countries, we found that a small group of organizations (12%) outperforms their peers on AI and, as a result, enjoys 50% greater revenue growth.
These AI achievers have reached a much higher level of AI maturity than others. They master a set of AI capabilities in the right combination, including the technology (data, AI, and cloud), organizational strategy, responsible AI, C-suite sponsorship, talent, and culture. Essentially, AI achievers have moved beyond “pilot-it-is” -- a common occurrence where the perfection of a product or tool becomes detrimental to scaling technology – into integrating AI across their businesses.
For example, to harness AI for their growth initiatives, a major retail pharmacy built about 100 high-value AI products that create detailed customer profiles and help the company better optimize inventory and prices. The company has been committed to its data- and AI-led transformation since 2020 with no intention to slow down anytime soon.
On the other end of the spectrum are AI experimenters. This group accounts for the majority (63%) of companies. It includes industries heavy with legacy technology, such as banks, which will likely take only small steps toward AI maturity. For instance, we expect only 11% of the health care and insurance industries and 12% of the financial sector to reach achiever status by 2024, compared to 50% of the technology sector in the same time frame.
Continue reading: https://www.informationweek.com/big-data/ai-is-now-mature-enough-to-drive-revenue-growth


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4 Key Challenges to Mastering A.I. Heading into 2023

On June 8, 2022, Accenture presented The Art of A.I. Maturity report. The report revealed that only 12 percent of companies surveyed use A.I. at maturity level, achieving superior growth and business transformation. 63 percent of companies using A.I. are only scratching the surface.
While A.I. can provide significant benefits for Enterprise organizations across any sector, the potential of the technology is still far from reaching its peak. While multiple problems can trip up your Enterprise AI adoption, there are four key challenges that companies will face as they move into 2023. Understanding these challenges can help organizations build a road map and their A.I. strategies. They are the difference between mastering A.I. and reaping the benefits or merely playing with a tech novelty. 
Creating a Business-Driven A.I. Culture 
Companies excelling in machine learning and solving real business problems with A.I. will likely have a strong innovation culture across all levels. Currently, hundreds of thousands of companies are experimenting in some way or another with A.I. Within these companies, teams of data scientists or data engineers are in charge of leading the way forward by developing machine learning models that benefit the company. However, these teams are often isolated, develop models in a very ad-hoc, almost artisanal fashion and are disconnected from decision-makers, compartmentalized, and have little support from C-suite executives or other departments. 
Companies that start A.I. projects as experimental and later pitch them to their organization have higher failure rates than those with initial approval for production. Data teams should get input from top decision-makers on the challenges the company faces and build machine learning models that address these real-world business problems.
Data scientists working in organizations that do not have a strong A.I. culture often conflict with the “old ways of doing things.” Blackbox A.I. projects may not get buy-in from executives because they fail to understand how the machine learning model arrived at its results. 
Skilling all workers, from CEOs to IT, marketing, sales, and office workers, breaks the language and technical barrier and creates support and understanding. Data scientists within an organization can not work alone. They need to collaborate with other departments. 
Continue reading: https://insights.dice.com/2022/08/19/4-key-challenges-to-mastering-a-i-heading-into-2023/


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Business Growth in The Era of AI

Our hyperconnected world has become so complex that existing decision-making processes within organizations are no longer sufficient. In a study, about 65% of executives from Fortune 500 companies said that, as a result, decision-making in their organization has also fundamentally changed. The perception that high-quality company decisions are made is reported by just 57% of respondents.https://dataconomy.com/2022/08/business-growth-in-the-era-of-ai/#_edn1
Moreover, human nature is not very efficient at making good decisions. Most of the time, whether we like it or not, our judgments are usually based on emotions and influenced by unconscious biases. People want to act rationally, but they can’t because they have natural limits to how much information they can absorb and process.
We also tend to settle for the minimum acceptable requirements we need to find a satisfying solution – a phenomenon that is known as “satisficing” (a combination of the words “suffice” and “satisfy”): It’s just a lot easier and faster to sacrifice some things to obtain satisfaction rather than considering all the necessary information to find the optimal solution to a problem.
Time for companies to rethink decision-making. The tool to make proven groundbreaking decisions for your business is Decision Intelligence (DI). It enables organizations to make future-proof decisions faster and more efficiently using advanced technologies such as AI, machine learning, or process automation.
The great breakthrough is: Consideration is given not only to raw data but also to a multidimensional set of data that includes text, images, video, and audio. This way, cognitive technologies cannot only deeply analyze vast amounts of data but also evaluate their correlation, making it possible to derive reliable forecasts and identify decision needs that you might otherwise miss.
The term “decision intelligence” was first introduced in Lorien Pratt’s book “Link: How Decision Intelligence Connects Data, Actions, and Outcomes for a Better World” before being adopted by market researcher Gartner, who has named DI one of the most important technology trends in 2022 and further developed as a strategic business tool.
Continue reading: https://dataconomy.com/2022/08/business-growth-in-the-era-of-ai/


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Hiring a Blockchain Development Company

The use of the term blockchain has gained huge popularity in the online business world. However, with growing adoption, the global technology market is estimated to reach over $39 billion by 2025. With the help of this technology, it’s easier for business entrepreneurs to conduct their online transactions securely without any error. Besides this, it also offers a secure way of data storage and access. Moreover, this technology is known for its promising services in recent years. It holds a quick potential to transform the workings of the financial sector. Continue reading: https://www.gyan.solutions/hiring-a-blockchain-development-company/


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