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The Best IoT Development Platforms to Consider

The Internet of things (IoT) is not a new concept in the digital era. However, businesses and industries are widely accepting the IoT systems. Thus, the practice of these high tech IoT platforms are rapidly increasing. Any user should have a good knowledge of IoT development platforms. This will help you to increase the Internet of things product expansion. For more details, visit our blog:


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What are Hybrid Smart Contracts?

It is essential to provide a brief introduction to smart contracts before we write about hybrid smart contracts. Blockchain transactions are exclusively supported and governed by smart contracts. However, these codes enable blockchains to perform tasks when predetermined conditions are met. Usually, it is used to automate the execution of blockchain agreements. When the process meets the conditions, it can also trigger the next event. For more details, visit our blog:


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Why Do Enterprise Blockchain Systems Fail?

Blockchain technology, like other emerging technologies, is going through very fast prototyping, implementation, and betting on adoption by organizations. Understanding the purpose of blockchain and how it works is key to picking the right use-cases and success. For more details, visit our blog:


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Develop a Enterprise Blockchain

In the last few years, many blockchain development companies have been evaluating permissioned blockchain technologies by conducting limited proof of technologies. Some of them have gone onto production rollouts of minimum viable products. These implementations have been primarily in the area of banking, financial services, and supply chain. For more information, visit our blog:


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Keys to Blockchain Development

In today’s world, if we want to send money to someone in another country, we have to use an intermediary like our banks, Paypal etc. We trust these intermediaries to get the money to the right person safely. Enterprise Blockchain helps in this issue. For more information, visit


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How Blockchain and Web3 are Changing Internet Marketing

Web3 and the technologies behind it have revolutionized almost every industry. Marketing, in this sense, is no exception.
In the near future, marketers will have a whole range of new opportunities in the field of attracting and retaining the loyalty of customers. And also one of the innovations is web3 advertising https://ninjapromo.io/industries/crypto-marketing-agency/web3-marketing. This will become a new stage in any business.
Advertisers are already forced to change their strategies due to privacy requirements and ad blockers. Consumers want to control their online experience and not be trapped or constantly surrounded by ads. As marketers and entrepreneurs see that the effectiveness of traditional advertising is declining, they have to look for ways to monetize projects and sites.
How Is Web3 Different from Web2?
The Web 2.0 world is quite the opposite; it is centralized and heavily guarded. A handful of organizations have accumulated a lot of resources: they extract, collect and store data about each user on their platform and then use this data to increase their wealth.
Continue reading: https://www.bitrates.com/news/p/how-blockchain-and-web3-are-changing-internet-marketing


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Explainer: What is a blockchain bridge? How does it work & why do we need them?

In 2022, Chainalysis, a Singapore-based research and analysis firm estimated that over $2 billion worth of digital assets has been stolen from blockchain bridges. This figure accounts for approximately 69 percent of all stolen crypto funds in the year. Bridges on the blockchain operate in the same way as the ones we are familiar with. A blockchain bridge links two blockchain ecosystems similarly to how a physical bridge connects two places in the real world. Through the exchange of data and assets, bridges facilitate connectivity across blockchains. But what are blockchain bridges and how it works? Let's take a tour of them.
What are blockchain bridges?
A tool created to address the issue of interoperability between blockchains is a blockchain bridge, sometimes referred to as a network bridge or a cross-chain bridge. Bridges are now an essential part of the blockchain industry since, as things stand, blockchains cannot communicate with one another and operate in silos.
Users cannot, for instance, utilize ether (ETH) on the Ethereum blockchain or Bitcoin (BTC) on the Ethereum blockchain. Therefore, if user X wishes to pay another user Y for something but Ethel only accepts ETH, X runs into a problem. Y cannot receive BTC from him directly. BTC cannot be transmitted straight to Ethel, but he can take further measures to purchase ETH or exchange some of his BTC for ETH. In contrast to fiat currencies and credit cards, which can be used with a variety of providers, this might be considered as a significant drawback.
Continue reading: https://www.indiatoday.in/cryptocurrency/story/explainer-what-is-a-blockchain-bridge-how-does-it-work-why-do-we-need-them-2004972-2022-09-26


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Web3 will play a vital role in the creator economy

As with most game-changing innovations, there’s a mix of excitement, speculation and confusion about the role Web3 technologies will play in the evolution of our digital lives. For Web3 evangelists, the technology promises to help people regain control of their data and monetize who they are and what they know and do in new and exciting ways.
As a result, Web3 has attracted billions in VC funding for projects and startups spanning its various components, including blockchain, cryptocurrency, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), AI and the Semantic Web. And for creators, the size and scope of investments in these new developments are exciting news.
What is Web3, anyway?
Before jumping into what it means for creators, it’s good to have a working definition of Web3. IDC defines it as ”a collection of open technologies and protocols, including blockchain, that supports the natively trusted use and storage of decentralized data, knowledge, and value.” 
If you’re a creator, that definition should be music to your ears. With issues of control, privacy, security, ownership and trust continuing to plague the current iteration of the internet, Web3 offers a beacon of hope. Reading between the lines, what IDC is saying is that Web3 will offer a better dynamic between those who create and those who consume. It will enable the seamless, transparent and cost-efficient interactions and transactions that are needed to grow the creator economy.
Continue reading: https://venturebeat.com/virtual/web3-will-play-a-vital-role-in-the-creator-economy/


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How Companies Can Build The Foundation For Better Compliance With Blockchain

Despite stringent policies, the financial services industry still has instances of regulatory oversight. The financial services industry is also under pressure, with many new policies mandating that more data be reported in less time.  Firms must learn the stipulations of each new piece of legislation and develop a compliance solution before the date of enforcement, which is when compliance is enforced and penalties for non-compliance are imposed. 
Navigating regulation is a difficult task for financial institutions because new and revised policies are constantly on legislative agendas. As many financial institutions have global reach with multiple product offerings, they may face compliance with over 400 regulatory and rule-making entities. As a result, many financial institutions find it challenging to meet the rising demands from numerous regulators in various jurisdictions. 
Aside from the sheer volume of incoming financial policy, legislation frequently contains requirements that significantly evolve from the draft stage to final rulemaking, causing firms to postpone critical decisions on how to implement compliance solutions. The proposed draft can be quite different from the final rule as revision stages and responses to consultation papers prompt changes to address industry concerns. 
Financial institutions are scrambling to meet the final requirements as enactment day approaches. Firms that are short on time typically resort to interim solutions. Such solutions are frequently expensive and additional systems are layered on top of pre-existing ones, resulting in a tangled web of integration. Despite being implemented with the intention of increasing automation in the compliance process, solutions still necessitate extensive manual reconciliation work. Furthermore, interim solutions may only meet the requirements of a single incoming regulation; thus, a new regulatory regime may necessitate a plethora of interim solutions.
Compliance systems struggle to quickly adapt as new regulations typically call for more reporting data. A compliance software solution must attempt a firm-wide integration of various, disconnected data streams to comprehensively record and aggregate reporting metrics. Effective data integration has historically been difficult to implement for all types of enterprise systems, let alone a compliance system. 
Continue reading: https://inc42.com/resources/how-companies-can-build-the-foundation-for-better-compliance-with-blockchain/


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What is a cryptocurrency mining pool?

A fraternity-based approach to mine crypto, mining pools let miners combine their computational resources for a better chance to win rewards.
In the early days of Bitcoin (BTC), crypto enthusiasts only required a basic personal computer with an internet connection to generate new BTC tokens through a distributed computing process known as mining. 
However, with more people chasing the same number of block rewards, Bitcoin’s mining process has become more challenging with time. In fact, the quantum of rewards will progressively reduce by half every four years, making it less rewarding for individual miners who will need to allocate greater computational resources with time.
Available on blockchain protocols that employ a proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism, this mining process requires application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) to be deployed in the form of large rigs so as to complete the complex nature of mathematical problems within the time needed to mine a block.
With the increasing difficulty of the mining algorithm and the rewards for mining a block reducing with time, it has become impossible for a piece of single personal computing equipment to successfully mine a block. 
This has brought the concept of a cryptocurrency mining pool to the forefront, where individual miners or users come together and pool their computational resources in order to improve their chances of mining a block and share the rewards received among them. 
Continue reading: https://cointelegraph.com/news/what-is-a-cryptocurrency-mining-pool


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Why aren’t more women considering a career working in data?

As the global economy has become increasingly digital, the importance of data related skills in commerce has grown. At Experian we employ thousands of data engineers, data scientists, data analysts, to name just a few of the roles we rely upon to drive our business.
But it’s not just data companies that are looking for people to support their ambitions. Career paths across a wide spectrum of industries - from fashion design to sports coaching, finance, and marketing - now require an element of data engineering expertise. Demand for ‘data professionals’ has tripled in last five years alone.
Despite this trend, there are still barriers to overcome. According to a recent piece of research we conducted, only one fifth of women studying at degree level are currently thinking about pursuing a career working in data. Most female students are apparently put off because the don’t think they have the right set of skills, with nearly half (48 per cent) suggesting they’d ruled out this career path due to a lack of confidence with science or math.
Encouragingly there is appetite amongst younger female students to learn more about careers in data. Over two fifths (46 per cent) of young women studying at further education level (such as A-Levels) say the curriculum should be updated so students learn how data and math can address some of society’s major challenges, such as the climate crisis.
Continue reading: https://www.finextra.com/blogposting/22955/why-arent-more-women-considering-a-career-working-in-data


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Leadership and Career Growth Strategies for Women in Tech – 5 Strategies to follow

Leadership is not about positions of authority or administration. It is more about enabling yourself and others to collaborate to achieve a common objective that materializes a vision.
Despite being a leader in the workplace, the tech sector is lagging in terms of gender equality, with women still being underrepresented and paid less than their male colleagues. With millions of women abandoning the workforce since the start of 2020 due to layoffs or taking on additional obligations like housekeeping and caregiving, the Covid-19 pandemic has further slowed women’s advancement. Many women thought about downsizing their jobs or quitting the workforce as the status of women in tech become more ambiguous.
How can we, as women in technology, grow the leadership capacities required to create a diverse and inclusive tech sector in the future?
Focusing on these five areas of leadership can help women in IT advance their careers and close the gender gap in the industry:
1. Expert brand development: This focuses on professional branding and how our knowledge, abilities, and experiences are viewed by our industry peers and colleagues. As women in technology, there are opportunities for growing our professional branding like analyzing your professional image to assess the health of your brand, identifying areas for growth by contrasting the audit results with your perception of yourself and drafting a plan of action to put those changes into practice.
Continue reading: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/leadership-and-career-growth-strategies-for-women-in-tech-5-strategies-to-follow/


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The most gender-inclusive STEM universities in North America

To thrive in an age of disruption and to contribute to a world grappling with a climate crisis and the Fourth Industrial Evolution, start with a STEM degree. That’s Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics — the disciplines providing the knowledge and skills crucial to addressing many of the world’s most urgent problems, from global warming to mass urban migration and social unrest.
Yet, despite its importance, the STEM fields fields remain heavily male-dominated. Only about one in five  engineering degrees go to women. None of the 2021 science Nobel laureates are women. Women comprise only 24% of physics PhD graduates in Germany. Whether at work or on campuses, women continue to be severely underrepresented. 
The good news is there are universities that take gender equality seriously. They are raising awareness of the importance of empowering women to pursue careers in STEM and   introducing clubs and organizations for women in STEM. Begin your inclusive STEM program with these top-tier universities:
University of California, Irvine 
Home to five Nobel laureates, the University of California, Irvine ranked 38th on a list of best engineering schools. With over 12 undergraduate and 13 graduate programs, it is no question that the University of California, Irvine is the ideal choice for a career in engineering.
UC Irvine has an integrative approach that combines fundamentals, research and hands-on experience to provide opportunities to develop future innovative and creative engineers.
Continue reading: https://www.studyinternational.com/news/the-most-gender-inclusive-stem-universities-in-north-america/


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How can women succeed in tech? Intuit's Nidhi Gopal believes in speaking up

With over 22 years of experience in information technology, Nidhi Gopal has to her credit a transformational journey of maturing flagship software products across technology platforms—mobile, SaaS, On-Prem and Data.
She has had successful stints in companies like SCT Sunguard, Manhattan Associates, and SGT India, and has completed 10 years at Intuit.
As Vice President–Product Development, SBSEG, Intuit India, she continues to be excited by the power of the latest technology to make a difference for QuickBooks customers and innovate 30+ years of matured products.
In a conversation with HerStory, Nidhi talks about what drew her to STEM, important learnings in her journey and how we can retain more women in tech.
HerStory (HS): Tell us more about your career trajectory and what drew you to the STEM field?
Nidhi Gopal (NG): Two decades ago, I started my career as a software engineer with a mission to build beautiful products that could solve customer problems. I started in the domain of logistics and supply chain management and evolved over the years to learn multiple domains—such as education, music, oil and gas, ecommerce, and SMB fintech. 
In my foundational years, I was always surrounded by engineers and entrepreneurs. I realized the impact an engineer could create on people’s life by solving their problems through technology—and that drew me to STEM. Continue reading: https://yourstory.com/herstory/2022/09/nidhi-gopal-intuit-women-succeed-tech


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Women In Tech: Why Startups Need To Focus On Gender Diversity

Sheryl Sandberg, one of the foremost global leaders in tech, once said “We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, and to make sure women’s voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored.”
Having women in positions of leadership accomplishes all of this and more. We’ve discovered that it has a positive ripple effect not only on the gender ratio at work and providing more role models for other women, but also on overall organizational culture. 
Let’s start at the beginning: the fact that women are underrepresented in the workforce is not news. It’s a problem we’ve been dealing with globally, and especially in India, for decades; a problem that only gets worse at the top of the ladder. 
We recently conducted a detailed culture study titled ‘Startups Employees Love (SEL)’ in which over 50,000 employees from 150+ startups were surveyed. Our goal was to determine what makes employees happy at work, what their companies excel at, and what needs to be improved. This survey, which measured the startups’ eNPS (employee Net Promoter Score®) across multiple dimensions, provided us with an unprecedented amount of data (over 2.5 Mn data points! ), as well as a number of eye-opening insights.
One of the aspects we investigated was how the startup ecosystem fared among female employees. 
We discovered that gender diversity is higher in startups in India than in large corporations. Women account for 35% of the workforce in Indian startups. While there is still room for improvement, this figure is significantly higher than the white-collar workforce as a whole. 
Continue reading: https://inc42.com/resources/women-in-tech-why-startups-need-to-focus-on-gender-diversity/


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3 ways to cultivate success for women in tech

In the climb up the corporate ladder, women remain underrepresented. McKinsey data finds that women comprise less than 25% of executive-level positions and women of color account for only 4% of executive-level positions. However, this adversity extends past the C-suite — industries such as technology are dominated by men, with women making up only a quarter of the tech workforce.
With American Business Women’s Day just behind us, tech companies of all sizes are expressing their commitment to gender equality in the workplace — and one of the best ways to drive change is to listen and learn from women who have broken through the glass ceiling. Here, I’ll use my experience as a working woman and working mother to share three ways tech companies can advance more women in the technology sector. 
Launch mentorship and education programs that empower women
Since women are remarkably underrepresented in tech, it can be difficult for them to envision a successful career in the industry. Organizations must help create a sense of belonging in the workplace and they can start by implementing mentorship programs. Connecting women in junior-level roles with women and men in higher-level executive roles can empower staff to expand their knowledge, grow connections and eliminate boundaries within the workplace. 
While both men and women can make excellent mentors, women may further benefit from building relationships with other women at work. For example, I was able to ask one of my mentors, also a working mother, specifics about navigating motherhood and a career. She provided me with honest answers to my questions, helping me strategize and prioritize tasks to meet the overall needs of the business while taking time for my family. If you are a woman in leadership, this might be one of the most important things you can do — I recommend to everyone on my team to find mentors they can trust. 
Continue reading: https://venturebeat.com/business/3-ways-to-cultivate-success-for-women-in-tech/


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Closing The Gap Between Marketing And AI Systems

As a professor of machine learning, I often get asked how I think artificial intelligence (AI) will change the world we’re living in. To answer this question, I usually find it easier to speak about one of the faster-moving fields of AI—digital advertising, in which AI has been around for quite some time but has always sat on the side of big tech. Now, as technology is becoming more available, you can see how it can potentially change the way we do things.
To paint a picture, in the world of marketing, programmatic systems are a part of everyday life. Through them, the likes of Facebook, Google and TikTok have allowed marketers to reach billions of people, providing these opportunities for businesses both large and small. Today, thanks to AI, even a small business can achieve great success through a global audience, democratizing this opportunity for those willing to work for it. This has given rise to an industry called performance marketing, in which the goal is to use these systems as efficiently as possible to maximize a company’s marketing ROI.
But there's a paradox in the world of performance marketing. For an industry that aims to give the best performance, we tend to do it in a very inefficient manner. There are various business-related reasons for this that are hard to fight against but often brought about by a misunderstanding of how AI works.
One common misunderstanding is the term "audience." It’s widely known that big tech profiles every person who uses their systems—a crucial component of how the internet is able to function in today’s world. But when it comes to understanding those audiences and reaching them, there always seems to be a gap because the way a machine understands a person isn't the same way people understand people.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2022/09/26/closing-the-gap-between-marketing-and-ai-systems/?sh=6bcb0634c238


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Explained: How To Tell if Artificial Intelligence Is Working the Way We Want It To

About a decade ago, deep-learning models started achieving superhuman results on all sorts of tasks, from beating world-champion board game players to outperforming doctors at diagnosing breast cancer.
These powerful deep-learning models are usually based on artificial neural networks, which were first proposed in the 1940s and have become a popular type of machine learning. A computer learns to process data using layers of interconnected nodes, or neurons, that mimic the human brain.
As the field of machine learning has grown, artificial neural networks have grown along with it.
Deep-learning models are now often composed of millions or billions of interconnected nodes in many layers that are trained to perform detection or classification tasks using vast amounts of data. But because the models are so enormously complex, even the researchers who design them don’t fully understand how they work. This makes it hard to know whether they are working correctly.
For instance, maybe a model designed to help physicians diagnose patients correctly predicted that a skin lesion was cancerous, but it did so by focusing on an unrelated mark that happens to frequently occur when there is cancerous tissue in a photo, rather than on the cancerous tissue itself. This is known as a spurious correlation. The model gets the prediction right, but it does so for the wrong reason. In a real clinical setting where the mark does not appear on cancer-positive images, it could result in missed diagnoses.
With so much uncertainty swirling around these so-called “black-box” models, how can one unravel what’s going on inside the box?
Continue reading: https://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/explained-how-to-tell-if-artificial-intelligence-is-working-the-way-we-want-it-to/


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To alleviate DevOps skills issues, we need more AI skills, ironically

Artificial intelligence is reportedly boosting intelligence within businesses and is also doing the same for information technology shops. For example, AIOps (artificial intelligence for IT operations) applies AI and machine learning to data streaming from IT processes, sifting through the noise to detect, spotlight, and head off problems. 
AI and machine learning are also finding a home in another emerging area of IT: assisting DevOps teams in assuring the viability and quality of the software that is moving at ever-faster speeds through the system and out to users. 
As found in a recent survey out of GitHub, development and ops teams are turning to AI in a big way to smooth the flow of code through the software review and testing phase, with 31% of teams actively using AI and ML algorithms for code review -- more than double last year's number. The survey also finds 37% of teams use AI/ML in software testing (up from 25%), and a further 20% plan to introduce it this year.
An additional survey out of Techstrong Research and Tricentis confirms this trend. The survey of 2,600 DevOps practitioners and leaders finds 90% are favorable about injecting more AI into the testing phase of DevOps flows, and see it as a way to resolve skills shortages they are facing as well. (Tricentis is a software testing vendor, with an obvious stake in the results. But the data is significant as it reflects a growing shift toward more autonomous DevOps approaches.)
Continue reading: https://www.zdnet.com/article/to-alleviate-devops-skills-issues-we-need-more-ai-skills-ironically/


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What Are The Benefits Of Having a Career in Artificial Intelligence In 2022?

Endless Opportunities, Growth, Benefits, and Career: Artificial Intelligence in 2022
Will there be artificial intelligence in the future? According to Statista, $93.5 billion was invested globally in artificial intelligence in just 2021. AI becomes feasible in the future thanks to billions of dollars and quick technological advancements. Depending on whose expert you talk to, superintelligence may or may not exist.
Today, however, we rely on artificial intelligence in some capacity to carry out our daily activities. AI on smartphones facilitates regular tasks, search, and photo-taking. A type of AI that helps with parking, collisions, pedestrians, and even cruise control is also built into cars. Despite the worries that artificial intelligence would replace humans or simply never materialize, there is one lesson to be learned from all of this: the technology has several advantages and practically unlimited uses. The technology has benefitted the customers and safeguarded a lot of data effectively. Let us dive into the pros of AI in 2022:
1. AI Aids in the Resolution of Complex Issues: Businesses’ intense focus on the advancement of AI and their massive investments in the field have contributed to important developments. AI now uses machine learning and deep learning models to handle some challenging issues. For instance, certain corporate sectors increasingly employ artificial intelligence to do things like identify fraud or develop individualized client experiences. Customers can frequently fix their problems without speaking to a live person!
Continue reading: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/what-are-the-benefits-of-having-a-career-in-artificial-intelligence-in-2022/


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Impact of AI in IoT security

The Internet-of-Things (IoT) market has grown rapidly over the past few years, with the pandemic further catalyzing its adoption across geographies. IoT impact can be assessed by the various sectoral use cases, ranging from personalized healthcare (wearable devices, etc.) to infrastructure (smart cities, home automation, etc.), including industrial applications (industrial machinery, process monitoring, etc.). The increasing adoption of IoT presents key cybersecurity concerns and impact potential mainly due to the following:
  1. Importance of data and systems that IoT vulnerabilities may provide access to
  2. Considerable number of potential attack vectors — individual parts of IoT networks susceptible to malicious activity
    According to a survey by Hewlett-Packard, more than 70% of the generic IoT solutions feature security vulnerabilities such as unencrypted data transmissions or rudimentary passwords.
    As the volume and velocity of threats increase, specialists are turning to AI for intelligent real-time protection of these systems. As per the study Reinventing Cybersecurity with Artificial Intelligence by Capgemini Research Institute, 53% of the executives cite leveraging AI in cybersecurity for IoT security, while 69% of the respondents claim they could not respond to cyberattacks without AI. AI use cases in IoT security include the following:
    Continue reading: https://timestech.in/impact-of-ai-in-iot-security/


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‘Artificial intelligence is a tool for human creativity, not a risk’

Cypriot scientist and academic Xenia Miscouridou speaks to PANIS PIERI about artificial intelligence, data science, working with Google, as well as being involved with research and innovation.
It is a fact that Cyprus has amazing scientists around the world. One of these cool but down-to-earth scientists is Xenia Miscouridou.
Xenia has recently been recognized as one of the Forbes 30 under 30 Europe in the sector of science and healthcare.
Xenia is a Lecturer in Statistics and Machine Learning at Imperial College London, within a new research center focusing on interdisciplinary AI research, bringing together academia and industry. 
Xenia is the President of j-ISBA, the early career section of the International Society of Bayesian Analysis. She is active in promoting women in Data Science and Statistics through the organization of events and workshops.
Xenia will be attending as a speaker a couple of events in Cyprus in the next few days. On Saturday (24/9) she will join the EcoxCyprus online meetup Can Cyprus become a global AI and Data Science Hub? and on Thursday (29/9) the Cyprus Forum.
Tell us a little about your story and why you got involved with Artificial Intelligence, mathematics and data science.
I studied Mathematics at Imperial College London, did a Master’s degree in Advanced Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Cambridge and then a PhD in Statistical Machine Learning at the University of Oxford. Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence that caught my curiosity during my Master’s, playing in this way a role in my decision to pursue a PhD in the area. Outside my topic of specialization, I was always keen to learn more about new advancements in AI by studying publications in research journals and going to academic lectures or conferences. Throughout my PhD, in Oxford, I sought opportunities to collaborate with other researchers at NYU, the Alan Turing Institute, and DeepMind, as well as working for a short time as a Data Scientist in Google. After my studies, excited to see in practice the applicability of statistics and machine learning, I worked as a Machine Learning Scientist at AIG where I designed algorithms to give a business decision, which would otherwise be given by experts,  automating in this way some parts of the internal processes.
Continue reading: https://cyprus-mail.com/2022/09/23/artificial-intelligence-is-a-tool-for-human-creativity-not-a-risk/


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Drone Swarms Use 3D Printing to Build Concrete Structures

3D printing is gaining momentum in the construction industry. Both on-site and in the factory, static and mobile robots print materials for use in construction projects, such as steel and concrete structures.
A new approach to 3D printing - led in its development by Imperial College London and Empa, the Swiss Federal Laboratories of Materials Science and Technology - uses flying robots, known as drones, that use collective building methods inspired by natural builders like bees and wasps.
The system, called Aerial Additive Manufacturing (Aerial-AM), involves a fleet of drones working together from a single blueprint.
It consists of BuilDrones, which deposit materials during flight, and quality-controlling ScanDrones, which continually measure the BuilDrones’ output and inform their next manufacturing steps.
The researchers say that in contrast to alternative methods, in-flight 3D printing unlocks doors that will lead to on-site manufacturing and building in difficult-to-access or dangerous locations such as post-disaster relief construction and tall buildings or infrastructure.
The research was Led by Professor Mirko Kovac of Imperial’s Department of Aeronautics and Empa's Materials and Technology Center of Robotics.
Professor Kovac said: “We’ve proved the concept that drones can work autonomously and in tandem to construct and repair buildings, at least in the lab. This scalable solution could help construction and repair in difficult-to-reach areas, like tall buildings.”
Continue reading: https://www.mbtmag.com/best-practices/news/22458449/drone-swarms-use-3d-printing-to-build-concrete-structures


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3D printing drones work like bees to build and repair structures while flying

The advent of 3D printing has changed many industries by allowing researchers, students, entrepreneurs and massive factories to rapidly transform a digital design into a tangible object. Through a collaboration with researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and the Imperial College London, Empa researchers have created a swarm of bee-inspired drones that can collectively 3D print material while in flight, allowing limitless manufacturing for building and repairing structures.
3D printing is increasingly being used within the construction industry. However, challenges to its deployment include that the machines are confined to construction capabilities based on their size and ability to be transported. 
This novel approach to 3D printing addresses these challenges by using flying robots, also known as drones, and utilizes collective building methods inspired by natural cooperative builders like bees and wasps. The drone fleet, known as Aerial Additive Manufacturing, works cooperatively from a single blueprint, adapting its techniques as it goes. They are fully autonomous while flying but are monitored by a human controller who checks progress and intervenes, if necessary, based on the information provided by the drone.
Continue reading: https://penntoday.upenn.edu/news/Penn-Design-Engineering-3D-printing-build-repair-while-flying


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Latinas in Tech provides community for women vastly underrepresented in their field

SALT LAKE CITY — As Massiel Islas has navigated jobs in Utah's tech industry, she has often been the only Latina.
"The industry can be tough. There's not a lot of people that look like you, that sound like you, that have the same background, or that really understand your story," said Islas, who recently accepted a software engineering job at Amazon.
Women and Hispanic workers are underrepresented in Utah's technology sectors. Although Hispanic workers make up 14% of Utah employees, they account for 6.5% of all STEM workers, according to a Utah Women and Leadership Project report.
Likewise, only 2% of employed Hispanic women work in science, technology, engineering and math occupations, compared with 3.4% of all employed women in Utah.
Those trends are particularly concerning due to the prominent role the tech industry plays in the state's economy, the report says. Tech companies, directly and indirectly, supported more than 1 in 7 Utah jobs and almost one-fifth of worker earnings in the state, according to a 2019 University of Utah report.
Empowering one another
The lack of female and Hispanic representation in Utah tech can present challenges for Latinas working in the industry, such as not having their points taken seriously, struggling to negotiate fair pay and promotions, grappling with imposter syndrome, or — for Latina immigrants — adapting to U.S. work culture.
Continue reading: https://www.ksl.com/article/50480564/latinas-in-tech-provides-community-for-women-vastly-underrepresented-in-their-field


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