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Bitcoin (BTC) Blockchain Hits Major Milestone with 700,000th Block

The Bitcoin blockchain network has added 100,000 blocks in the last two years. Miners continue to remain active despite several attacks of environmental concerns.
The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain network has attained a major milestone last week on September 11. Last Saturday, Bitcoin, the world’s largest crypto network, produced its 700,000th block that processed nearly 1,276 transactions.
As the Bitcoin blockchain continues to add more and more blocks, the total number of Bitcoin in circulation increases. As of now, the total circulating supply for Bitcoin stands at 18,812,950. This is nearly 89% of the maximum Bitcoin supply of 21 million.
Every two years, the Bitcoin blockchain has been adding 100,000 blocks to the network. This rate will certainly reduce with time as it gets more and more complex to block the remaining blocks. It is because of the inherent Proof-of-Work (PoW) algorithm of the Bitcoin blockchain that increases the mining difficulty.
Continue reading: https://www.coinspeaker.com/bitcoin-btc-700000th-block/


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China doubles down on blockchain to digitize securities industry

China intends on leveraging blockchain technology to digitize its securities industry. Representatives from the country’s largest stock exchanges and regulatory bodies met recently to discuss the future of the securities industry, and they concurred on blockchain playing a central role.
The event was organized by the China Securities Association (SAC) and brought together securities regulators including the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC). Two of the largest stock exchanges in Shanghai and Shenzhen were also in attendance, with all the attendees delving into how they were using blockchain technology to increase efficiency, reduce costs and increase transparency.
Jiang Dongxing, the deputy director of the Science and Technology Regulatory Bureau of CSRC, called on market participants to double down on their blockchain initiatives, citing benefits such as the building of a trust mechanism that could be the foundation upon which the future of China’s securities and futures industry is built.
Continue reading: https://coingeek.com/china-doubles-down-on-blockchain-to-digitize-securities-industry/


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The Next Frontier For US Sports Betting Is Crypto And Blockchain Technology

Following a successful September launch, Wyoming became one of the latest states to offer a regulated sports betting market to those within state lines. Yet, while Wyoming is the least populous state in the country, it is catching the attention of sportsbook operators, largely thanks to its decision to allow the use of blockchain technology for sports betting transactions.
The federal ban on sports betting was repealed on May 14, 2018, when the United Supreme Court struck down the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA). Three years later, some form of sports betting is now regulated in now legalized in 26 states and Washington, D.C.
While most states where sports betting is legal allow for a similar framework, this rapid expansion has seen each jurisdiction attempt to find the perfect formula needed to offer consumers a competitive marketplace while capitalizing off of the taxable revenue.
Interestingly enough it took more than three years for a state to draft legislation that would permit the use of cryptocurrencies.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/zackjones/2021/09/12/blockchain-adoption-the-next-frontier-for-us-sports-betting/?sh=660a93974edf


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The economics of artificial intelligence

The brain is a generator of automatisms, which allow us to do things even though we can’t explain how we do them. The goalkeeper who dives to clear that ball in the corner, the gymnast who throws the ribbon and catches it without looking after several somersaults, the tennis player who connects the passing shot on the run. None of them think about (or know), while executing these movements, the mathematical model or the laws of physics that determine these trajectories, yet nevertheless, based on some basic concepts and millions of repetitions, they are capable of doing them.
But sometimes, something happens that truncates that ability. Like Simone Biles at the Tokyo Olympics, sometimes the brain loses its automatisms. The gymnasts lose their axis, the golfers their swing, the tennis players their serve. The concepts have not been forgotten, but the automatisms fail. And if you have to think, it no longer works. To recover, they have to slowly rebuild their automatisms, until they are able, once again, to play without thinking.
Computers, unlike the brain, need explicit models. In order to send a rocket to the Moon, complex trajectories are designed with high precision. And to study the effect of an economic policy measure, a mathematical model is designed that simulates the functioning of the economy. Computers need instructions, they do not know how to generate automatisms. That’s how they differ from humans.
Continue reading: https://english.elpais.com/economy-and-business/2021-09-13/the-economics-of-artificial-intelligence.html


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Why robotics and artificial intelligence will be bigger than the discovery of the New World | Column

Having spent more than 25 years working with industry partners to educate and prepare the future workforce, it is not surprising to see that Florida has experienced growth in the technology sector.
Across the nation, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that computer and information technology occupations are projected to grow 11 percent from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations. Additionally, demand for skilled professionals in robotics and artificial intelligence is growing. The World Economic Forum estimates that while 85 million jobs will be displaced, 97 million new jobs will be created across 26 countries by 2025 due to the growth of artificial intelligence technology.
From my conversations with industry leaders to the research and data I’ve studied, all signs lead me to believe that robotics and artificial intelligence will be a significant economic driver, surpassing the impact of Christopher Columbus’ exploration of the New World in 1492.
Continue reading: https://www.tampabay.com/opinion/2021/09/12/why-robotics-and-artificial-intelligence-will-be-bigger-than-the-discovery-of-the-new-world-column/


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Can artificial intelligence make software development more productive?

In May 2020 OpenAI, an artificial research laboratory, released a new type of AI model called GPT-3. This large language model was trained on a corpus of hundreds of billions of words, with the goal of predicting what text comes next given a prompt by the user. The model quickly gained media attention for its ability to be applied to a wide variety of language tasks with minimal prompt required from the user, known as ‘few-shot learning’. For example, it was demonstrated that the model could translate from English to French with a good level of efficacy through the user providing a few examples beforehand. It also performed well in text summarization, classification, and question-answering tasks.
Moving on from the initial buzz, which was coupled with growing concerns around AI use in decision-making, GPT-3 went quiet as it remained in private beta and it wasn’t clear if this model was ready to be incorporated into software production and what its use cases might be beyond general entertainment.
However, it seems that events are accelerating and Microsoft has begun commercializing this technology, which is not too surprising given the company’s significant investment into OpenAI. Microsoft subtly incorporated GPT-3 into its low-code application, Power Apps, by allowing users to type in natural language what their intention is and the application will then return the appropriate syntax.
Continue reading: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/businessreview/2021/09/13/can-artificial-intelligence-make-software-development-more-productive/


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Could Artificial Intelligence Diagnose Skin Cancer?

Artificial intelligence sounds futuristic, but it’s already all around us (yes, talking about you, Alexa). It powers a variety of sometimes-amazing, sometimes-annoying aspects of everyday life, like autofill and Amazon product recommendations. It’s also a burgeoning area in health care—so what does that mean for your life?
How AI can be used in health care
Here’s an example of how AI works to make time-consuming tasks simpler for people: In radiology, physicians are trained to analyze x-rays, CT scans, and other images for abnormalities; this requires individual study of hundreds of thousands of images to become familiar with what’s normal and what’s not. Computers can now be used to translate an image into data, compare that data against a larger data set comprised of both normal and abnormal images, and produce a quantitative assessment of potential abnormalities. Recent studies have shown that some AI algorithms perform as well as radiologists in analyzing mammograms for breast cancer, and when used by radiologists as an aid, they can enhance diagnostic accuracy.
In dermatology, another specialty that relies on image recognition, there is similar enthusiasm for the use of AI in diagnosing serious skin conditions, including cancer. Melanoma is the fifth most common invasive cancer in the US, and it is the leading cause of death from skin cancer. Early detection is crucial, and most lesions are identified when a dermatologist performs a total body skin examination as a screening test. One study showed that a computer algorithm that had been trained with a data set of almost 130,000 images successfully distinguished malignant melanoma from benign lesions with accuracy comparable to a human dermatologist.
Continue reading: https://www.prevention.com/health/a36476297/could-artificial-intelligence-diagnose-skin-cancer/


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Understanding the Blockchain Opportunity—and Legal Ramifications—of NFTs

Blockchain technology is starting to get leveraged to solve business problems and serve as the foundational technology for many digital assets and applications—perhaps most notably now in the form of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). But as the technology, and its use cases, start to mature there are still plenty of gaps and loopholes that need to be addressed—both financially and legally. Any tech company using or considering blockchain technology to help companies support NFTs should make sure they’re protected.
For example, let’s say one of a rock band’s biggest fans just purchased NFTs representing 50 unreleased songs from the band through a reputable blockchain marketplace. But there’s a problem. The songs were hacked from a server owned by the band and now you, the owner of the blockchain marketplace, is hit with a $1.5 million contributory copyright infringement lawsuit. In this article, I’ll provide an overview of what is an NFT, who owns the digital asset represented by the NFT, and how do you protect yourself or your customers as an intermediary from such a lawsuit if you process NFTs or run a marketplace that leverages blockchain.
It is important to understand the relationship between an NFT and a blockchain. The NFT is an idiosyncratic cryptographic hash or asset. There is not another one like it. This means the NFT cannot be exchanged for other NFTs, in that regard they are non-fungible. However, there are blockchain marketplaces where you can register, buy, and sell NFTs.
What is an NFT?
Think of an NFT as a digital certificate of ownership. For example, when the rock band registers a musical composition they created with the U.S. Copyright Office, including the musical notes, the certificate represents to the public the band’s ownership of the song. When you purchase an NFT on a particular blockchain, it means you are the sole owner—or should be the sole owner—of that NFT.
Think of a blockchain as a digital ledger—like an Excel spreadsheet. Every transaction is recorded. The difference between Excel and the blockchain is that a change in one part of the blockchain changes the rest of the entries on it—thus making it immutable. Another example: a poem is put on the blockchain and is worked on by several people at once. In this case, any change made by one person would change the way the poem is structured. If someone makes a change to the poem and it doesn’t rhyme, the out-of-sequence change would be obvious. Similarly, each entry on the chain would generally represent an idiosyncratic cryptographic hash, a number like #12n4387901h59. Anyone who conducts business on such a chain typically will use an idiosyncratic hash number like the one above to represent their account. Think of the identifying idiosyncratic hash like an avatar—an electronic image that represents the user’s identity on the blockchain.  Some blockchains confirm subscriber identity, but others do not.
There are several benefits to NFTs. At the top of the list, according to many users, are transparency and accounting. For example, Kings of Leon is one of the first major bands to offer its limited edition album “When You See Yourself” as an NFT. Accounting and royalty streams can run smoothly via a blockchain. This brings efficiency to the sometime opaque accounting associated with recording and song royalties.
Who owns the digital asset in the NFT?
The answer is… it depends. Some copyright registrants don’t own the underlying assets for which the copyright is filed with the U.S. Copyright Office. It would be akin to The Beatles seeking to file a copyright over the song, not a particular recording of the song, even though the song is owned by The Rolling Stones. Copyright registration, like the deed to a house, represents ownership of the underlying asset—but sometimes it does not.
Continue reading: https://connect.comptia.org/blog/understanding-the-blockchain-opportunity-and-legal-ramifications-of-nfts


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Dawn of Drones Podcast: Let's Talk Safety Culture

This event is 11AM EST. 
Dawn of Drones | Episode 7: Patricia Mathes and Dave Krause
Join us on Wednesday Sep 15th 11 am ET, the Dawn of Drones Podcast continues our month-long homage to UAS/AAM industry “Movers and Shakers.” It’s the FAA’s National Drone Safety Week - join Dawn Zoldi and guests Patricia Mathes, the National Program Manager for the FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) and Dave Krause, Co-Owner of Influential Drones and volunteer FAASTeam Industry Member, as we talk about their efforts to support the drone community and the importance of an aviation safety culture!"  


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“Women in AI today is a bit like women in engineering in the early ’90s”: Spriha Biswas

Spriha Biswas was the first person from her hometown Jamshedpur to become a national topper in the ICSE class 10 board exams (the year was 2011 and she scored 98.8 percent). Ten years later, having completed her degree in metallurgical engineering and material sciences from IIT Bombay, she is among the very few women working in artificial intelligence (AI) in India and is already heading a product portfolio.
As the young chief product officer of Augnito, an AI-based speech-to-text tool to help doctors maintain accurate medical records in a much faster and efficient manner, Spriha’s area of expertise is ‘human factors in AI’ or ‘human-centric thinking in AI’.
She talks to us about the challenges women face in her field, and how AI can be made more gender-neutral.
As one of the very few women in AI in India, what are some of the challenges you have had to face in your profession due to your gender?
I think fundamentally gender-based challenges for women in tech are very systemic. It starts from the time you are a child. Boys and girls are raised differently, end up getting unequal opportunities and as a society we are still far from having a level-playing field for all genders.
Continue reading: https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/trends/features/women-in-ai-today-is-a-bit-like-women-in-engineering-in-the-early-90s-spriha-biswas-7457971.html


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How flying drones will boost your curious mind

I was waking up every day at 6:00 am during my holidays. It was just the right time to ride my bike to some beautiful small beaches in the cozy coast of Alicante and experience a stunning sunrise. I was completely alone, and I could fly my drone to capture some beautiful vertical shots of the coast line, where blue and orange merge with each other.
I could not explain the reason behind my proactive daily exercise of “sleep deprivation”. Why I would sacrifice resting in the bed for such a physically exhausting experience?
While talking about it with a great mentor and friend, he answered to me straight forward: “you do it because that is your nature, you always love to see the world from a different angle and then spread the word about what you have observed”.
Ups, I never thought about my passion for aerial photography in such way, but moreover, I had never reflected before on that to be the reason and the fundamental link between the main areas of expertise during my professional career: MarketingStrategic PlanningInnovation, and Customer Experience.
But my mentor had no doubt: that was the backbone of what I have been doing along the years: observingempathizingmodelling and taking action. And everything started with a sense for deep observation, whether it was analyzing a market, a technology, a customer or a competitor.
Continue reading: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-flying-drones-boost-your-curious-mind-alberto-terol-conthe/?trk=articles_directory


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The Drone Rules, 2021: India gears up for the next technological revolution

The Indian government recently released the draft of The Drone Rules, 2021 with an aim to strike a balance between safety and operability of drones. These Drone Rules aim at replacing the four-month-old Unmanned Aircraft System Rules, 2021 (UAS Rules) which were issued on March 12, 2021.
This is unquestionably a move in the right direction. The UAS Rules added numerous levels of operational complexity for all drone industry players. They required a multi-tiered license and pricing structure for practically any type of drone-related activity. The stakeholders raised various concerns regarding the UAS Rules. In response to their concerns, the government released the draft Drone Rules and had asked for suggestions from stakeholders by August 5, 2021. Thereafter, the Ministry of Civil Aviation notified the Drone Rules, 2021 on August 25, 2021.
In this article, we aim to discuss some of the salient features of the Drone Rules, 2021 and analyze its impact on the foreign investment regime in India.
Continue reading: https://www.barandbench.com/columns/the-drone-rules-2021-next-technological-revolution


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What Is the Blockchain Trilemma?

Since Bitcoin’s launch in 2009, blockchain technology has proven that it has the potential to revolutionize the world, with new use cases been discovered by the day. However, blockchain technology is still in its infancy and has to overcome several challenges before its widespread adoption.
This led Vitalik Buterin to create the concept of the “blockchain trilemma” as a way to better understand how these challenges are co-related by bringing them together under an umbrella term. But, what is the blockchain trilemma? Is it really a trilemma? And, can it be solved?
The Blockchain Trilemma Explained
Even as blockchain technology continues to revolutionize just about every industry it comes into contact with, even Visa bought a CryptoPunk for nearly $150,000 in ether, the very way in which decentralized networks are structured present them with unique challenges. Especially when compared to centralized structures.
Continue reading: https://www.makeuseof.com/blockchain-trilemma-explained/


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The UAE's growing appetite for crypto and blockchain

Two months ago, in a survey, five in 10 UAE citizens said they plan to use cryptocurrencies within the next year. And 63 per cent admitted they are more open to using them now than they were a year ago. This came as no surprise. The Middle East has established itself as a global hub for innovation in financial technology, due in large part to the policies framed by regulators in the UAE who understand that the world is increasingly adopting cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.
This progressive approach for fostering innovation has been a major influence for blockchain startups setting up in Abu Dhabi. Regarding it as the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, the UAE government is a leading advocate of blockchain technology. In 2018, in order to advance this adoption, the UAE launched the Emirate’s Blockchain Strategy 2021, essentially creating a deadline for migrating at least 50 per cent of all government transactions onto decentralized technology.
In 2018, the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) of the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) introduced a framework for operating crypto asset businesses that, with continuous engagement and refinement, represents an attractive and permissive regulatory apparatus. This has allowed Abu Dhabi to become an attractive jurisdiction for blockchain, fintech, and crypto companies, both large and small. For example, the FSRA is one of the first regulators in the world to recognize stablecoins and define fiat tokens, with the Digital Asset Exchange receiving the green light for operations under that formulation.
Continue reading: https://www.thenationalnews.com/opinion/comment/2021/09/12/the-uaes-growing-appetite-for-crypto-and-blockchain/


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Blockchain: A driver for social impact in Africa

With the features offered by blockchain technology, it begs the question why this disruptive technology isn’t adopted heavily across the continent of Africa as a driver for social impact. Could it be a lack of understanding of the technology?
With the challenges existing in Africa around corruption, lack of social justice and the lack of transparency in regards to humanitarian aid, blockchain is very well suited to help alleviate these challenges.
Recently, the United Nations was recognized for its use of blockchain technology in several areas such as in the disbursement of funds to refugees that have no access to a bank account or in the identity storage of same refugees. Another good reference in the drive for social impact was the most recent #EndSARS event that took place in Nigeria. Blockchain technology offered a platform to support social justice through the use of cryptocurrencies to support the protests.
Continue reading: https://nairametrics.com/2021/09/12/blockchain-a-driver-for-social-impact-in-africa/


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These blockchain questions are coming at your interview!!
Blockchain is one of the hottest topics in the field of digital technology. Every aspirant of this field will face interview questions on blockchain one way or another. Here is the list of questions on blockchain that one should be aware of.
How are transactions and blocks encrypted in the Bitcoin implementation?
Bitcoin blocks are not encrypted in any way: Every block is public. What prevents modifications and guarantees data integrity is a value called the block hash. Block content is processed using a special hash function—in the case of Bitcoin, it’s SHA256—and the resulting value is included in the blockchain.
Explain why a blockchain needs tokens to operate.
Coins/tokens are used to implement changes between states. When somebody does a transaction, this is a change of state, and coins are moved from one address to another. Apart from that, transactions can contain additional data, and a change of state is used to mutate data—the only way to do this is in an immutable-by-definition blockchain. Technically, a blockchain doesn’t need coins for its essential operations, but without them, some other way needs to be introduced to manage states of the chain and to verify transactions.
Continue reading: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/top-blockchain-interview-questions-one-should-know-about/


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The Top Five Trends In AI: How To Prepare For AI Success

The strategic importance of AI is growing at an accelerating pace. Many companies are reaping the rewards of AI now and will increase their investments as a result.
Every board member and every senior executive must understand the key trends in AI that will impact their businesses.
The Top 5 Trends in AI are as follows:
1)   Increasing investments
2)   Rapid response
3)   Risk management
4)   Job changes
5)   Organizational transformation
Trend 1:
Companies are increasing their investments in AI and will continue to do so
According to ResearchAndMarkets.com, the global artificial intelligence market is expected to grow from $40 billion in 2020 to $51 billion in 2021 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 28%. The market is expected to reach $171 billion in 2025 at a CAGR of 35%.
Companies that are AI leaders are building an AI flywheel that will enable them to strengthen the lead they already have over their competitors. The flywheel effect comes primarily from AI systems that perform well and then produce more data, helping the system continually improve its performance. Eventually, a competitor will never be able to catch up. (See The AI Threat: Winner-Takes-All)
Continue reading; https://www.forbes.com/sites/glenngow/2021/09/12/the-top-five-trends-in-ai-how-to-prepare-for-ai-success/?sh=751f5cdc625a


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Can we really rely on AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a series of systems, developments and techniques that enable machines to calculate actions and data sets. It is a constellation of many different technologies that work together to enable machines to sense, understand, act, and learn at a human intelligence level. AI systems are becoming increasingly complex as they are used in more and more areas of our lives to create forecasts and prediction models.
Popular search engines now make recommendations based on the text users enter. The search engine uses AI to predict what they are trying to find to give them better information. When one uses maps apps on their phone to navigate, AI reads numerous data points and provides the user with updated traffic information in real time. Statistical machine translation methods are used to find patterns in billions of words of translated text, such as United Nations books and records, and then applies these patterns to new translations.
Several companies are using technological advancements in Machine Learning (ML), natural language processing and other forms of AI to make relevant and immediate recommendations for their customers. Modern technologies based on ML and AI are being adopted by the robotics industry to develop robots that can work autonomously and overcome all the challenges they face on the move.
Continue reading: https://timesofmalta.com/articles/view/can-we-really-rely-on-ai.899924


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AI in the UAE

From Siri to Amazon to Tesla, artificial intelligence is moving forward at full tilt. Artificial intelligence includes various technologies, including fairly basic robotic instruments to profound learning networks that can yield significant and dependable insights. AI encompasses anything and everything from smartphone assistance to consumer-client interactions to deep fakes.
Governments worldwide are implementing further technical developments to improve operation and service quality. One of these is artificial intelligence. AI will significantly impact education, science, agriculture, healthcare, entertainment, manufacturing, marketing, security, transportation, and finance. As innovative as it may sound, AI comes with several obstacles and risks, such as managing human behaviors and privacy, as well as automation that will force humans out of many of today’s jobs.
Since its inception, the United Arab Emirates has been looking for new ways to improve the quality of its citizens’ life. As a result, the UAE has launched several initiatives. Two of the most interesting are E-government and M-government.
Continue reading: https://intpolicydigest.org/the-platform/ai-in-the-uae/


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Technologically, we are evolving with every passing day. Progress in the field of Artificial intelligence and machine learning has transformed our lives for the better. Today, these magnificent technologies are used to optimize systems and meet the desired organization’s goals. AI and machine learning not only boost the performance of the system but also address the problems of the business like never before. Additionally, problems are addressed efficiently and faster than before. All in all, implementing the latest applications of AI and machine learning might end up being a path for achieving greater heights. Computer engineering systems and electrical engineering systems generate huge volumes of data. Thus, we can apply data mining to discover new relationships in these systems. With the advent of deep neural networks – thanks to the advancement in technology, we can learn new mappings between inputs and output of these systems. On that note, have a look at some of the greatest applications of AI and machine learning in the field of Computer engineering and electrical engineering that have simplified our lives.
Power systems
One of the best applications of AI when it comes to computer engineering has been on power systems. Right from identifying malfunctions to forecasting, AI has covered it all. Artificial intelligence has done a magnificent job in reducing the workload of human operators by taking up tasks such as data processing, routine maintenance, training, etc.
Continue reading: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/applications-of-ai-and-machine-learning-in-computer-science-and-electrical-engineering/


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Artificial intelligence in filmmaking might sound futuristic, but we have reached this place. Technology is already making a significant impact on film production.
Today, most of the outperforming movies that come under the visual effects category are using machine learning and AI for filmmaking. Significant pictures like ‘The Irishman’ and ‘Avengers: Endgame’ are no different.
It won’t be a wonder if the next movie you watch is written by AI, performed by robots, and animated and rendered by a deep learning algorithm.
But why do we need artificial intelligence in filmmaking? In the fast-moving world, everything has relied on technology. Integrating artificial intelligence and subsequent technologies in film production will help create movies faster and obtain more income. Besides, employing technology will also ease almost every task in the film industry.
Continue reading: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/artificial-intelligence-in-film-industry-is-sophisticating-production/


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Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Solve Scientific Problems in the U.S.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) advanced Computational and Data Infrastructures (CDIs) – such as supercomputers, edge systems at experimental facilities, massive data storage, and high-speed networks – are brought to bear to solve the nation’s most pressing scientific problems.
The problems include assisting in astrophysics research, delivering new materials, designing new drugs, creating more efficient engines and turbines, and making more accurate and timely weather forecasts and climate change predictions.
Increasingly, computational science campaigns are leveraging distributed, heterogeneous scientific infrastructures that span multiple locations connected by high-performance networks, resulting in scientific data being pulled from instruments to computing, storage, and visualization facilities.
However, since these federated services infrastructures tend to be complex and managed by different organizations, domains, and communities, both the operators of the infrastructures and the scientists that use them have limited global visibility, which results in an incomplete understanding of the behavior of the entire set of resources that science workflows span.
Continue reading: https://opengovasia.com/leveraging-artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning-to-solve-scientific-problems-in-the-u-s/


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This nonprofit empowers girls from underrepresented backgrounds to work in tech

Growing up in Virginia, Dominique Meeks Gombe idolized her family physician — a young Black woman who inspired Meeks Gombe to pursue her passion for chemistry.
While Meeks Gombe began her career working in an environmental chemistry lab, after observing multiple inefficient processes in and around the lab, she took the initiative to teach herself to code in order to automate and streamline those issues.
That sparked her love for coding and imminent career shift. Now a software engineer at Capital One, Meeks Gombe wants to be a similar role model to her childhood mentor and encourage girls to pursue any career they desire.
"I'm so passionate about technology because that's where the world is going," Meeks Gombe said. "All of today's problems will be solved using technology. So it's very important for me, as a Black woman, to be at the proverbial table with my unique perspective."
Continue reading: https://www.upworthy.com/girls-for-a-change


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Women are slowly getting ‘azadi’ from the patriarchal style of investing

Wealth Management is also getting digitized like other businesses. Fintechs are changing the global investment landscape completely as data analytics, AI/ML, and AR/VR tools are getting significantly deployed over the last couple of years.
This can be experienced from the unique gamification seen in investing, insuring, and lending platforms, and the steady rise in fully automated or robo-advisory models. Domestically too we are seeing rapid growth of such technology driven platforms driven by new generation individual investors – both retail and HNIs.
It goes without saying that women are equal contributors in this evolving trend as they constitute almost 50 percent of India’s population.
Women’s participation in the labor force has also been on the rise, driven by rising awareness around education. This has created opportunities for women to earn for themselves and become financially independent.
Continue reading: https://yourstory.com/herstory/2021/08/women-azadi-patriarchal-style-investing/amp


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