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Empowering Drone Operators to Help Farmers Grow Profits with “Smart Farming” Technology

American farms increasingly rely on technology to manage the unpredictable aspects of crop and herd operations. However, many farming tasks are still done manually, wasting valuable time and money. Aquiline Drones (AD), a drone and cloud solutions company, has an immediate solution – Smart Farming with Drones, an online training course.  For an introductory price of $99, any drone operator or farmer can now learn how to better manage agricultural business operations through data using drones and artificial intelligence (AI) for immense analysis and revenue-maximizing forecasting.  
A synopsis of the new, innovative instruction module can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-DIjTlN8Sk&t=2s  
AD now offers this insightful and industry-specific course as part of its Flight-to-the-Future (F2F) series of online drone pilot training with more training modules currently being developed. The Smart Farming module sits amongst a collection of advanced ground training courses, tailored for different industries and available to all students after they have completed the basic F2F program and received their FAA Part 107 drone pilot certification.  It can also be purchased a-la-carte directly by anyone who has already obtained their Part 107 license. 
“The educational journey offered here takes the user through the ever-expanding world of drone-based smart farming solutions covering crop, orchard and livestock operations. The course provides a thorough treatment, covering all key topics that one needs to know before becoming a specialized drone service provider within the agricultural industry,” said Barry Alexander, Founder and CEO of AD. “Thought leadership in our industry carries the responsibility of creating vibrant marketplaces where technology can be applied to benefit society, and AD takes this very seriously.” 
Continue reading: https://uasweekly.com/2021/10/19/empowering-drone-operators-to-help-farmers-grow-profits-with-smart-farming-technology/


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What Happens to a Drone Racer’s Heartrate When They Navigate a Hairpin Turn? DRL and Draganfly Partner

The Drone Racing League (DRL) and drone systems developer Draganfly are teaming up to develop innovative drone technologies to power up the racing world as well as to create new drone commercial and public service drone applications.
In a joint statement on Oct. 14, DRL and Draganfly said they would partner to launch DRL Labs, a drone innovation hub, to research and develop next generation drone technology. DRL’s globally broadcast races will provide real-time testing grounds for the technological innovations developed by DRL Labs.
In addition, DRL will integrate Draganfly’s ground-breaking sensor technology into the broadcasts of its 2021-22 DRL World Championship Season starting Wednesday, October 20, at 8 pm EST on NBCSN and Twitter.
With the use of Draganfly’s Vital Intelligence platform, which can utilize a camera to monitor the competing pilots’ vital signs, fans will be able to see in real time the DRL’s pilots’ physiological reactions to the break-neck speeds and hairpin turns encountered in drone-racing competition.
Continue reading: https://dronelife.com/2021/10/18/what-happens-to-a-drone-racers-heartrate-when-they-navigate-a-hairpin-turn-drl-and-draganfly-partner/


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Let’s harness the opportunities that drones present

Drone technology also referred to as unmanned aerial systems (UAS), stands at the forefront of contemporary transportation with the potential to reinforce the efficiency of a range of tasks.
In 2016, Rwanda became the first country to supply commercial drone delivery by shipping life-saving medical supplies to remote rural areas of the country.
In the past year, South Sudan has also leveraged drone technologies towards transporting essential personal protective equipment (PPE) necessary for fighting the Covid-19 pandemic.
A South African firm, Paramount Advanced Technologies (PAT), has been manufacturing drones since the 1970s, and recently announced its intention to create drone swarms “designed for technology transfer and portable manufacturing with partner countries.”
Continue reading: https://www.businessdailyafrica.com/bd/opinion-analysis/columnists/harness-the-opportunities-drones-present-3587146


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DraftKings Marketplace and Polygon announce blockchain collaboration

Ethereum-based scaling platform Polygon has today announced a blockchain collaboration with DraftKings Marketplace, the digital collectibles ecosystem built by DraftKings for mainstream accessibility to support custom NFT drops along with secondary-market transactions. 
The deal provides DraftKings Marketplace with a scalable, eco-friendly blockchain solution that enables added throughput and expanded capabilities. The firm now has the option to potentially contribute to Polygon’s governance and help secure the network as a validator node with its own stake pool.
Paul Liberman, Co-founder and President of Global Product and Technology at DraftKings, commented: “Scalability and sustainability remain among the critical challenges of blockchain technology, so as we lay the groundwork today for the vision of DraftKings Marketplace tomorrow, the vast insights and proven products from Polygon around scalable solutions are invaluable. 
Continue reading: https://www.sbcamericas.com/2021/10/18/draftkings-marketplace-and-polygon-announce-blockchain-collaboration/


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How Nine Women Broke Through Tech’s Glass Ceiling

These female tech leaders in Hawai‘i describe how they navigated through what has been a male-dominated industry and how other women can take advantage of the greater opportunities today.
Filifotu Vaai Executive Director for Consumer Products & Sales, Hawaiian Telcom
“I went to a meeting once with a colleague, and I was his boss, and we flew to meet people at another company. When I went into the office, they asked me if I was his wife,” Vaai says.
“And they welcomed me and asked me if I wanted a cup of tea while I waited outside for them to have a meeting. It really made me think about how people really still can’t quite wrap their heads around” the idea of women leaders in tech, she says.
Vaai says even if it’s an honest mistake, it speaks about pervasive attitudes – even attitudes held by some women. She says many women don’t see themselves in leadership roles, but she hopes to challenge them to rethink their attitudes. She hopes her example and that of other women leaders will normalize society’s attitude about women in decision-making roles.
Early in her career, she was a marketing manager for a wireless internet TV provider in American Samoa. Among her proudest achievements was growing with the company and being promoted to manager of all American Samoa operations.
Continue reading: https://www.hawaiibusiness.com/women-in-tech-industry-glass-ceiling-hawaii/


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Tech's post-hiring diversity problems

Organizations, even some of those focused on getting more people of color and women into technology, say it is past time to focus on the institutional racism and sexism that awaits those women and people of color who do enter the field.
Why it matters: Just getting a more diverse group of college graduates joining tech won't help if harassment and discrimination continue to push qualified people out of the field.
The big picture: As I wrote in this weekend's Axios Deep Dive on systemic racism in tech, the industry loves to talk about its lack of diversity as largely a "pipeline problem" of not enough women and people of color studying technology.
Continue reading: https://news.yahoo.com/techs-post-hiring-diversity-problems-155124933.html


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Five Tips For Women In Tech To Prevent WFH Burnout

Everyone knows that Covid-19 has increased the number of workers working remotely. While much research has been done on the impact of working from home on mental, physical and business productivity, work-from-home burnout, particularly among women in business leadership roles, needs special attention.
A recent CNBC poll found that 66% of working women respondents think the pandemic has damaged their careers. Burnout was common among the more than 3,600 female participants, with about a third considering leaving in the previous year. Due to these factors, just 42% of working women consider themselves "extremely ambitious," down from 54% in a March 2020 Women at Work poll.
This was on top of a 2017 study of female medical faculty at one institution. In this paper, women exhibited higher rates of burnout and poorer levels of job satisfaction compared to male colleagues. Female doctors reported more burnout and less professional satisfaction. Female doctors ranked self-compassion and wellness culture characteristics lower.
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Bringing back women to the workforce

Patrice Williams, HR Manager for Vuram, discusses how to tackle the tech gender gap and elevate women in the workforce
“Being a woman in tech is hard”, “How can women survive in a male-dominated sector?”, ….. Even today, we encounter similar misogynistic points of view in a world that is taking a quantum leap with technologies. Yet, gender equality is one of the most pressing issues shaking up the corporate world.
Even though the percentage of women in the US labor force has reached 47% (Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics), the figures are significantly lower in the technology sector. According to the National Center for Women & Information Technology, women hold only 25% of computing roles.
Understanding the benefits of ensuring diversity and inclusion, upcoming organizations leverage on inculcating a people-friendly and inclusive work culture that contributes to organizational growth and wellbeing. For instance, Vuram leveraged its workforce comprising 54.7% of women to grow into Inc. 5000’s list of America’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies of 2021 witnessing an impressive 2-year growth of 170%. A work culture that values individuals and appreciates equal representation brings new perspectives to the table. An inclusive workforce in an organization comes with a host of benefits:
Continue reading: https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/bringing-back-women-to-the-workforce/122601/


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Audrey McGuckin, CEO, McGuckin Group And Women On Their Way (WOTW)

EMSNOW: As you say in your webinar, the lack of women in leadership positions in the tech industry is getting worse not better, and Covid really has slammed families, resulting in women leaving the workforce. How bad is the situation right now?
2.5M women left the workforce during the COVID-19 crisis. According to a survey by LinkedIn, 74% of women said they are very or somewhat stressed for work-related reasons, compared to just 61% of employed men. I have found that women aren’t dropping out, they’re being pushed out by bad policies and processes. The data backs that up. It’s a dire situation at a time when gender equality is even being mandated in some states.
While the representation of women, across many levels of corporations, has somewhat improved over the past few years, the ‘broken rung’ continues to limit growth and opportunity in the workplace–especially in tech. The World Economic Forum currently predicts that it will take 108 years to close the gender gap and that’s much too long. Companies know they need to change but they don’t know how. They are throwing money at programs that don’t move the needle, but have the right intentions.
Continue reading: https://emsnow.com/emsnow-executive-interview-audrey-mcguckin-ceo-mcguckin-group-and-women-on-their-way-wotw/


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How To Stop Today’s Higher Education Exodus Of Women In Tech

The Covid-19 pandemic wreaked havoc across all industries and continuity relied on technology like never before. While most technology teams have been unknowingly planning for a catastrophic event like this for decades, the jarring pivot to a virtual new normal packed a greater punch than ever imagined. And it keeps on punching.
In higher education, many institutions quickly and smartly put all of their eggs in technology’s basket. Now, eighteen months later, as universities try to return to pre-pandemic normalcy, it is clear that return is even more challenging than the original pivot.
In reality, the demand on the information technology department has heightened today as opposed to lessened. With historically tight budgets and wildly ramped up efforts to attract and retain students, the pace is for many unsustainable.
And as the dust settles for this round, tech teams are running in droves to new opportunities offering more lucrative compensation packages, less stress, bigger responsibilities, better work/life balance opportunities, safer work environments and/or a combination thereof.
This is especially true for female tech leaders.
Continue reading: https://worldnewsfb.com/how-to-stop-todays-higher-education-exodus-of-women-in-tech/


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Women In Tech: Tessa Wijaya Calls On Women To Get Involved In Tech Business

Women leaders in tech are uncommon. This is especially true in fintech, where they hold 7% of leadership positions. But Wijaya said she is hoping that will change by showing more women and girls they can follow the path less traveled.
I really do want to encourage more women to be in tech, the millennial entrepreneur told CNBC Make It.
As an Indonesian woman running a $1 billion financial technology start-up in Southeast Asia, she is a rather rare breed.
A $1 billion female founder
Wijaya is the co-founder and chief operations officer of Xendit, an Indonesian fintech platform that processes digital payments for businesses in Southeast Asia, like Grab, Wise and Traveloka.
Since launching in 2015, Xendit has grown rapidly. Today, it processes more than 65 million transactions worth $6.5 billion annually. It reached the $1 billion  status in September.
The unlikelihood of someone like me a woman born and raised in a small town in Indonesia becoming a co-founder in a tech company invested in by billion dollar funds, does not escape she said.
Continue reading: https://brandspurng.com/2021/10/18/101919/


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How steel giant is using drones to improve

The teams work round-the-clock to supply the steel that modern society is built upon. In 2020, ArcelorMittal shipped 69 million tons of steel in the form of coils to all corners of the world.
Extreme condition at steel factories
The steel industry, by its very nature, is an activity with a number of risks. Every day, workers navigate and operate huge, heavy, loud, and incredibly hot machinery. The manufacturing process sees steel reach temperatures as high as 1,600 degrees, and workers find themselves surrounded by liquid steel, giant buildings and massive moving vehicles. Today, the health and safety of the personnel clearly is the #1 priority at ArcelorMittal and in the steel industry in general. According to global statistics gathered by the World Steel Association, the injury rate per million hours worked has decreased from 4.55 in 2006 to 0.97 in 2017, a reduction of 78.67%.
The steel industry is also conscious of being a large source of CO2 emissions, as it needs a lot of raw combustible materials such as coal to produce steel. According to the World Steel Association, steel is responsible for 7 to 9 percent of all direct emissions from fossil fuels.
All these ingredients put together make a steel factory an extraordinary place to work that can sometimes resemble what it would be like to work on Mars. An industrial site of this size and nature keeps workers humble in the face of such a hostile environment, similar to how a sailor respects the power of the sea, or a mountaineer the immensity of the mountain.
Continue reading: https://www.ukconstructionmedia.co.uk/features/how-steel-giant-is-using-drones-to-improve/


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Braintrust is putting the freelance job market on the blockchain

Many companies are finding it hard to find technical talent, and when they do, they often have to pay high fees to recruiters or job sites. A new decentralized marketplace for talent thinks it can change the traditional recruiting model using blockchain technology and an incentivized community.
Braintrust is a blockchain-based system orchestrated by six separate software companies that takes the middleman out of online recruiting sites like Toptal or Upwork. While crypto and blockchain advocates have promised that decentralized networks can give more power to individual users, many applications that have launched so far have focused on finance, trading and speculation.
But Braintrust could be an example of how blockchain technology can be used to establish a trustworthy community of job seekers, employers and part-time HR personnel.
"It's a decentralized exchange, except for people to get work," said Adam Jackson, co-founder and CEO of Freelance Labs, one of the core teams building Braintrust. "It's not for hedge funds to trade derivatives with each other, it's for freelancers. In our case, we've started with designers, product managers, engineers, but it could work for any knowledge worker."
Continue reading: https://www.protocol.com/fintech/braintrust-job-search-crypto


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$587 million funding and counting for local crypto companies

Investors are lining up for companies in the Indian cryptocurrency and blockchain industry.
The total risk funding in domestic crypto and blockchain startups shot up to $587.16 million as of October 17 this year, compared to $37 million in the previous year, the highest ever, according to data shared with ET by industry tracker Tracxn.
The bulk of the capital has come from international investors eager to cash in on India’s large customer base as they backed companies with significant traction, industry players said.
“We are in a macro bull market rally. There's a lot of capital on the side lines for high traction firms. There's also a lot of liquidity; for example, the Coinbase listing in April generated new wealth, which is looking for new places to be deployed,” said Joel John, an investor at digital asset venture capital firm Ledgerprime.
Crypto exchange platforms CoinDCX and Coinswitch Kuber - the two new crypto unicorns in India -- have alone raked in almost 60% of the capital raised this year.
Continue reading: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/technology/funding-spree-continues-for-local-crypto-companies/articleshow/87095594.cms?from=mdr


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A Step-by-Step Blockchain Creation Tutorial for Beginners

Cryptocurrency trading remains the latest trend in the financial sector. As a digital stepping stone to decentralization, it has piqued people’s interest. The true crypto believers have proliferated over the years despite the skepticism. As such, its global expansion continues amidst the economic downturn. 
In the world of cryptocurrency, blockchain is one of the fundamental components. Blockchain keeps everything intact and organized. To ensure your success in crypto trading, you must know how to create or at least navigate blockchain. Hence, we will discuss the basics of a blockchain and how to create your own from scratch. 
What is Blockchain?
Blockchain is a broad concept in the financial world. In the cryptocurrency market, it is a digital network across independent databases. As such, it enables widespread financial decentralization. In essence, it is simply a digital ledger that accounts for all crypto transactions. Its name Blockchain makes sense, it is composed of blocks of codes chained together and arranged chronologically. 
Each block contains transactions recorded in the user’s ledger. Since multiple participants manage it, everything is recorded with a hash. Every user has his hash to ensure uniqueness. With that, it is difficult or impossible to copy or hack the system. 
Continue reading: https://blogs.sap.com/2021/10/18/a-step-by-step-blockchain-creation-tutorial-for-beginners/


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Solana is a cryptocurrency that made its introduction in the market quite recently. It’s an open source project that uses the framework of blockchain technology to create DeFi solutions. Solano has been in the news recently for a variety of reasons. One of them is that Solana’s price has risen to almost $208 from a low of $1.5. Solana has surpassed a market capitalization of $61 billion since January.
So exactly what is Solana?
Solana is basically a blockchain platform that is focused on developing Decentralized applications. The project is maintained by the Solana Foundation based in Geneva. They are completely open source. The blockchain has been built by the developers at the Solana Labs which is situated in San Francisco.
Solana is a tough competitor of Ethereum, which is the second largest cryptocurrency in the world. It promises faster operations at a relatively low cost. Solana is basically a Proof of Stake blockchain (POS) which is beneficial for the environment as compared to the Proof of Work (POW) blockchain. The native cryptocurrency of Solana goes by the same name, and is available under the tickr called SOL.
In this context, it is important to reflect on what makes a POS blockchain so important. In a decentralized system of Blockchain, a lot of nodes or computers are required to validate the transactions that are being carried out on the platform. In this scenario, someone can add a bunch of nodes in order to gain control of the platform or the network itself. A way of avoiding this nuisance is by simply making sure that the computers can efficiently operate harder mathematical problems. Even though it’s pretty effective, it is also true that the network does consume enormous amounts of electricity.
Continue reading: https://www.blockchain-council.org/cryptocurrency/what-is-solana-blockchain-is-solana-a-better-investment-than-eth-and-bitcoin/


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SenseTime Co-hosts the 3rd International Artificial Intelligence Fair to Nurture AI Talent and Promote a Collaborative Education Ecosystem

On October 16, 2021, SenseTime, a leading global artificial intelligence (AI) software company, co-hosted the 3rd International Artificial Intelligence Fair (IAIF), an annual global AI competition with the Shanghai Xuhui Education Bureau and the Global AI Academic Alliance. Targeting AI enthusiasts from primary and secondary schools around the world, the IAIF aims to cultivate the next generation of AI talent and promote primary AI education globally through tight collaboration between academics and the industry.
Since launching in July this year, the highly anticipated IAIF has attracted 665 project submissions from over 300 schools in 8 countries and regions, with 121 projects from 98 schools selected for the final online presentation and verbal Q&A. During the final competition presentations, the project submissions were reviewed meticulously by 45 professional judges from top-tier universities, enterprises and research institutions, including University of Science and Technology of China, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Nanyang Technological University, Peking University, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Shanghai Technology Art Center. The teaching and evaluation system of martial arts based on body posture recognition and machine learning by Li Lufei from Shanghai Nanyang Model High School and Wu Keyu from the High School Affiliated to Fudan University as well as the drone powered by OpenCV for flood fight and rescue by Huang Pucheng, Wang Bingyang and Lin Yinhang from Zhejiang Wenling High School became the winners of the grand prize.
Besides, the research of rehabilitation assessment and training system powered by 3D hand posture verification by Zhang Yihong from Shanghai World Foreign Language Academy stood out from many excellent projects and won the first prize. Leveraging the 3D hand posture verification, this project aims to design a low-cost and easy-to-operate product for the patient with hand movement disorders, realizing 89.9% accurate in assessment of hand rehabilitation and training.
Continue reading: https://www.sensetime.com/en/news-detail/63994?categoryId=1072&gioIndex=1


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Deep Learning of the “Sea”: Using Artificial Intelligence to Better Understand our Earth’s Climate

Each summer, the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography (GSO) hosts undergraduate students from all over the country to participate in oceanographic research. These Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows (SURFOs) have not only been working with GSO scientists, but they also have spent part of their time learning how to communicate this science to the public.
Madolyn Kelm is a fourth-year undergraduate physics major at Willamette University in her hometown of Salem, Oregon. Over the summer she worked with Peter Cornillon and X. Prochaska exploring a machine learning algorithm designed to recognize extreme events and patterns within sea surface temperature datasets. At my home university, she is a researcher in the Kleinert research lab where they use laser ablation to create a mesh material that can aid in oil-spill clean-ups. Both opportunities have allowed her to honor her values and passion by researching ways to fight climate change and preserve our environment. Once she completes her undergraduate degree, she plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Oceanography.
Understanding our Earth’s climate has never been more crucial. In the last ten years alone, we have seen climate change affect our day to day lives, which has proven to be detrimental and deadly for those unequipped to handle it. One of the most notorious examples is an increase in extreme weather events such as, record breaking temperatures of 115˚F in my Pacific Northwest hometown. One of the ways scientists are moving towards trying to understand these extreme events is to analyze sea surface temperature (SST) data. However, due to the massive size of these datasets it would take millions of years for even a large group of researchers to analyze them without some artificial help. Researchers Peter C. Cornillon, from the University of Rhode Island, and J. Xavier Prochaska, from the University of Southern California, have strived to face this problem and develop a solution.
Continue reading: https://oceanbites.org/madolyn_kelm/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=madolyn_kelm


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Artificial Intelligence for 5G Site Selection

In the next few years, mobile network operators might be using artificial intelligence to put the right infrastructure in the right place, according to research conducted by Bain & Company. Wireless infrastructure has an important place within the universe of mobile network infrastructure, which also includes a core switched network for voice calls and text, a packet switched network for mobile data and the public switched telephone network to connect subscribers to the wider telephony network. Wireless infrastructure includes the radio base stations, antennas and their support structures, and cables and optical fiber that connect antennas, base stations and network cores.
According to IBM Cloud Education, at its simplest form, artificial intelligence combines computer science and robust datasets to enable problem solving. It also encompasses machine learning and deep learning, which are frequently mentioned in conjunction with artificial intelligence, IBM’s description reads. These disciplines are composed of AI algorithms that seek to create expert systems that make predictions or classifications based on input data, IBM said.
Bain & Company said it expects 5G to enter the mainstream during the next five years, gaining popularity through accelerated deployment by telecommunications companies, affordable handsets and other major uses for the technology. According to its analysis, the firm expects the adoption of 5G to be faster in its first seven years — 2018 to 2025 — than the adoption of 4G in the seven years following its market debut in 2009.
Continue reading: https://www.aglmediagroup.com/artificial-intelligence-for-5g-sites/


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Top IoT applications crashing waves in 2020!

Tesla is one of the greatest innovators of smart cars. The automotive that it manufactures is of the highest quality and surrounded by the most cutting-edge technology. So much so that some of the models do not even have a key for opening the car, it can be opened and closed using a key card that looks just like a credit card. Moreover, if they do not have the card by any chance, they can use their phones to get in and out of the car and start it. These features are pretty intriguing and the ability to connect one device with another and transfer data without any human-to-human interaction is the technology of IoT or Internet of Things.
Think of different electronic devices ranging from heartbeat monitors to inventory sensors that are enabled by the internet. Now, what IoT does is, connects all these devices over a web ecosystem where any data can be transferred from any of these devices to the other. This data can be analyzed on different levels and actions are taken by the smart devices based on the information received.
There are a number of IoT platforms and IoT solutions that are creating a buzz in the tech field. Correctly said that if we think that the internet has changed our life, think again. The Internet of Things is about to change it all over again!  — Brendan O’Brien, Chief Innovative Officer and Co-founder at Aria Systems. But, let us look at some of the top IoT applications that are crashing waves in 2020!
Continue reading: https://ai-techpark.com/top-iot-applications-crashing-waves-in-2020/


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IoT set to overtake cloud computing as primary Industry 4.0 technology, Inmarsat research reveals

New research by Inmarsat, the provider of global mobile satellite communications, reveals that investment in the Internet of Things (IoT) is set to overtake cloud computing, next generation security, big data analytics and other digital transformation technologies in the near future.
Respondents drawn from multiple industries reported plans to invest the greatest proportion of their IT budget on IoT projects over the next three years.
IoT has reached a high level of maturity across most organizations, with businesses across all industry sectors now planning to spend an average of $2.8 million (€2.41 million) on their IoT investments through to 2024. While IoT accounted for an average of 7% of an organization's IT budget between 2017 and 2020, businesses are planning to spend 10% of their IT budgets on IoT projects over the next three years.
Continue reading: https://www.iot-now.com/2021/10/14/114699-iot-set-to-overtake-cloud-computing-as-primary-industry-4-0-technology-inmarsat-research-reveals/


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How modern data management helps organizations unlock deeper insights

As business-to-business (B2B) organizations navigate today’s marketplace, they face many of the same challenges as business-to-consumer organizations: siloed functions, fragmented data, and governance and compliance issues — all of which can be addressed with a fresh approach to data management. To that end, several leading companies are utilizing cutting-edge technology to transform their data architecture, streamline compliance activities, empower marketers to drive customer loyalty and develop smarter business insights. 
By standardizing the collection, storage, management, usage and disposal of customer data, B2B companies promote cross-function synergies while also staying one step ahead of customer and regulatory expectations. We believe that marketing teams in particular are better positioned to drive business value and enhance customer touch points when they can consistently track and validate regulatory compliance through the use of modernized data architecture. 
Continue reading: https://www.ey.com/en_ph/alliances/how-modern-data-management-helps-organizations-unlock-deeper-insights


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How to Get More Women in Open Source

The technology sector at large struggles to attract and retain women but in open-source communities, the situation is considerably worse.
Some estimate that just 6% of GitHub contributors are women. On the occasion of Ada Lovelace Day, the annual celebration of women in technology on October 12, this week we look at what is needed to increase gender equality in open source.
Women belong in technology leadership because we think differently. It’s always cool when there’s a project tech lead who is a woman because they come in with a different background and often a new perspective. I think the way we communicate tends to be more collaborative and we think differently: We see the skills of people across different levels of the organization and outside, and so we’re able to loop them into projects.
The gender disparity in the open-source community is massive. When GitHub last surveyed its community in 2017, just 3 percent of the respondents were women. Women say they are interested in making open-source contributions about as much as men (68 percent compared with 73 percent), but fewer say it’s likely they will actually do so (45 percent versus 61 percent).
Continue reading: https://www.influxdata.com/blog/how-to-get-more-women-in-open-source/


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Day of the Girl Celebration recognizes women in technology

Since she was young, Charu Sankar said she remembers her mother always inviting neighborhood kids over to teach them about robotics.
Sankar said her mother wanted to give young girls in her community the chance to find their passion in technology, especially in a world where full gender equality is still not a reality.
“If there isn’t a concrete program for these young girls, you never know who is going to get a chance to even know what these fields in technology are,” Sankar said.
Now, the junior computer science major follows in her mother's footsteps, advocating for women across the globe who are disadvantaged in learning about technology. Assisting in hosting an International Day of the Girl Celebration Monday was one of the ways she did this.
The Day of the Girl Celebration took place in the Student Union's Cape Florida Ballroom, where 10 clubs and nearly 100 students celebrated the accomplishments women have made in the 21st century. The event focused on how students can improve the state of gender equality in the world of technology.
Continue reading: http://www.nicholsonstudentmedia.com/life/day-of-the-girl-celebration-recognizes-women-in-technology/article_73e8cf16-2b04-11ec-928f-7bafe63d4ffb.html


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