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3 Questions to Ask Before You Buy Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency, once an obscure corner of the financial world, is going mainstream.
It made its debut on the New York Stock Exchange on Oct. 19 in a ProShares exchange-traded fund tied to bitcoin futures. Artists are making millions selling "tokenized" digital works. And crypto exchanges are advertising on prime-time TV alongside banks and insurers.
But individual investors considering crypto are likely to encounter a world different from what they've seen in traditional finance. Prices can fluctuate wildly amid rapid trading in assets backed only by blocks of computer code.
Despite the complexity, experts following the sector say the approach to investing in cryptocurrency isn't so different from other investments that have a high-risk profile: Don't invest money you can't afford to lose, make sure you've got your other financial bases covered and remain patient.
"Most of the information that people come across is about crypto trading. It's about how to buy the next hot crypto. It's about how to identify the next coin that's going to the moon," says Steve Larsen, a certified financial planner in Washington state. "Crypto investing is very different. It's about buying something that has some fundamentals that you think are going to have value over the long term."
Continue reading: https://www.kenoshanews.com/business/investment/3-questions-to-ask-before-you-buy-cryptocurrency/article_51e06b07-10ef-5cc7-854b-54cc38f39728.html


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Here’s how blockchain has revolutionized the regional financial sector

Blockchain is rapidly growing in adoption in the GCC region, driven largely by the push by regional governments to digitize operations.
Recently Gulf Business had a chance to sit down for an exclusive interview with Juwan Lee, chairman and group CEO of Nexchange Group who discussed and shared his insights on the current market trends.
Is blockchain worth the hype?
Blockchain hype has its ups and downs. But beyond that, the fact that the world is moving away from centralization to decentralization, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution is underway – thanks to many emerging technologies like blockchain that see relatively slow, but progressive adoption. Blockchain is ready to be implemented today because so many technologies are already in place, like mobile phones, the internet and the cloud. Moreover, the pricing structure in the centralized world has become too high, and it’s the reason why blockchain is a great tool for disruption.
Continue reading: https://gulfbusiness.com/heres-how-blockchain-has-revolutionised-the-regional-financial-sector/


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Study: AI Predicts Immediate Rainfall Better than Existing Systems

British researchers say they have created an artificial intelligence (AI) model that is highly effective at predicting rainfall within the next 90 minutes.
The model was built by scientists at Google-owned research company DeepMind in London. The company partnered with researchers at the University of Exeter in Britain and the Met Office, the British government’s national weather service.
The team says tests of the system showed it produced more accurate predictions, or forecasts, for short-term rainfall than other existing systems. The paper recently appeared in the publication Nature.
The scientists centered on a kind of weather prediction known as “precipitation nowcasting.” This is defined as the prediction of precipitation, like rain, within the next 1-2 hours. Making forecasts of this kind has traditionally been very difficult.
Continue reading: https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/study-ai-predicts-immediate-rainfall-better-than-existing-systems/6278480.html


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Researchers Warn Against False & Misleading Perceptions About AI

Artificial intelligence is a buzzword that is on everyone’s lips. The downside of this is that people take the liberty to call almost anything AI. Going by their claims, every company in the world seems to be AI-driven; whether they have a strong AI component or not is notwithstanding. And this seems to irk the researchers and puritans of the field to a great extent. 
One such researcher is Michael I Jordan, who did not hold back his displeasure about how the term AI was being thrown around so casually. “People are getting confused about the meaning of AI in discussions of technology trends,” he said. He believes that computers do not have the capabilities currently to compete with humans but people talk about it as they do.
Problem with terming everything as AI
Jordan is one of the leading researchers in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. He is working as a professor in the electrical engineering and computer science department and the department of statistics at the University of Berkley. He is one of the leading authorities on machine learning. One of his most significant contributions to the field is the transformation of unsupervised machine learning to help find structure in data without pre-existing labels. His work has helped transform unsupervised machine learning from a collection of algorithms to an intellectually coherent field. Unsupervised learning is an important component of several scientific applications but suffers from an absence of labelled training data; Jordan’s contribution helps remediate this challenge to a great extent.
Continue reading: https://analyticsindiamag.com/researchers-warn-against-false-misleading-perceptions-about-ai/


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AI, Race, And Architecting More Inclusive Social Spaces

The effects of AI on society are not just limited to the workplace. Recently, there has been a lot of talk about how AI will affect our social interactions and how we create and experience social spaces.
AI-driven architecture for social spaces presents us with new opportunities as well as challenges. In his work, Babar Kasam Cazir explores the implications of how artificial intelligence could change socioeconomic dynamics - specifically in event spaces - through its ability to analyze patterns at scale. 
Cazir is a prominent Moorish American architect who has spent many years working in and around the entertainment and hospitality industry as the founder of AV hospitality, a casting associate at Sony Pictures, a brand ambassador at Armand de Brignac, and an event organizer. 
Cazir’s vast experience in design and social events has placed him in a prime position to understand the interactions between race and the design of social spaces and how AI is poised to affect this interaction. 
“Every facet of our society is becoming increasingly aware of how little things can affect the balance of society with regards to equality and inclusiveness” Cazir explains; “Artificial Intelligence is playing an increasing role in how architecture works and so it stands to reason that if design and construction has any role to pay in building a more inclusive society, then AI has to be at the forefront of that endeavor as well.”
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/anniebrown/2021/10/21/ai-race-and-architecting-more-inclusive-social-spaces/?sh=6e0ecc141c89


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Evaluating Technology Support For The Internet of Things

Though the devices used in many Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) projects may not be entirely new, the architectures used to facilitate IIoT levels of data aggregation, sharing, and analysis tend to be of a more recent vintage. So, even though you may be experienced in working with the types of controllers, sensors, and I/O systems used for IIoT initiatives, having access to quality support from your technology supplier(s) is critical to your project’s success.
But how do you go about assessing the level of support you should expect from a technology supplier for an IIoT project? 
First, it’s important to realize that the evaluation should go far beyond knowing who will pick up the phone when you call—though this is an important aspect. The supplier’s support team should also be able to help you figure out the value proposition of the IIoT project you’re looking to implement. They should be able to help guide you in understanding what you can realistically expect to get out of the project, in operational terms, as well as the return on investment (ROI).
Continue reading: https://www.automationworld.com/business-intelligence/article/21771801/evaluating-technology-support-for-the-internet-of-things#previous-slide


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IoT devices threaten corporate IT security, new survey finds

Connected coffee makers, fitness devices and even pet accessories could potentially pose a threat to enterprises, and businesses must adapt their security practices to protect corporate networks, a new survey has found.
The research, from Palo Alto Networks, found that 86 per had seen a rise in security incidents involving connected devices - also known as Internet of Things (IoT) devices as the Covid-19 pandemic caused a shift to remote working.
But IT-decision makers in Ireland are among the most confident in the Europe, Middle East and Africa region that they have visibility of such devices connecting to their organization's network, and also their employees’ home networks.
IoT security visibility is critical to allow companies to scan for anomalies across its network, Palo Alto Networks’ country manager Paul Donegan said..
Continue reading: https://www.irishtimes.com/business/technology/iot-devices-threaten-corporate-it-security-new-survey-finds-1.4705498


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IoT Brings Connectivity to Fresh Food Vending

Glory is piloting two smart vending machines that enable consumers to purchase and reserve fresh salads, wraps or yogurts with their smartphones, then pick up their orders when they arrive, while the machine's 4G connectivity helps providers monitor conditions remotely.
Oct 20, 2021Commuters who pass through two railway stations in Germany are using Internet of Things (IoT)-connected vending machines to access fresh, locally sourced food, such as sandwiches and snacks. The solution is being provided by global technology company Glory as a way to bring fresh food products from neighborhood vendors to their customers without requiring a manned store. The solution, which is being deployed by Deutsche Bahn, is an IoT-based cellular-connected machine that cools, stores and dispenses food for customers.
The Glory solution includes a Web-based shopping site that customers can use to pay for and reserve food on their smartphone before reaching the vending machine. Cellular connectivity in the machine enables it monitor its own conditions and address any changes that might occur, such as increased temperatures or approaching expiration dates.
Continue reading: https://www.rfidjournal.com/iot-brings-connectivity-to-fresh-food-vending


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Drone Organizations Partner for Public-Safety Coordination in Florida

The Airborne International Response Team (AIRT) partnered with the Association of Unmanned Vehicles Systems International (AUVSI) Florida Peninsula chapter to launch a new public-safety initiative to support Florida’s first responders.
Under an agreement of cooperation, the two organizations are creating a model for supporting statewide public-safety and emergency services organizations using unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and other uncrewed, remotely piloted and autonomous technologies used to help save lives and protect property.
Branded under AIRT’s DRONERESPONDERS non-profit program, the DRONERESPONDERS Florida Public Safety Coordination Group will establish the framework for public-safety agencies and emergency services organizations to directly collaborate with industry, government, and academia through the combined expertise of AIRT and AUVSI members at the regional level.
Continue reading: https://www.rrmediagroup.com/News/NewsDetails/NewsID/21081


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HevenDrones to use Plug Power’s Hydrogen Power to Fly its Heavy Drones

HevenDrones, an Israeli developer of heavy drones announced an alliance with US-based Plug Power (NASDAQ: PLUG), for the development and commercialization of hydrogen fuel-cell-powered heavy-lift drones and related support equipment and infrastructure required for their operation. Together, the companies plan to provide an integrated solution to power and refuel HevenDrones’ next-generation fleet with the key objective of providing extended flight times and range.
HevenDrones is developing such drones under the Israel Ministry of Defense Directorate of Defense Research and Development (DDR&D). The company designs its own proprietary operating systems and is the exclusive company selected by the Israeli Ministry of Defense to develop a customized fleet of hydrogen-fueled drones.
Bringing together HevenDrones capabilities in developing and manufacturing actionable heavy lift drones with Plug Power’s fuel cell stack technology and systems capabilities, the companies aim to develop hydrogen-powered drones of varying sizes capable of lifting heavy weights and flying for extended periods of time. HevenDrones’ proprietary stabilizing technology provides the capability to lift and move heavy and unbalanced and kinetic loads with applications across a variety of industries and markets.
Continue reading: https://defense-update.com/20211020_hevendrones-to-use-plug-powers-hydrogen-power-to-fly-its-heavy-drones.html


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CodeGirls experience the rich potential of coding and computing science at Argonne

Through exposure to supercomputers and female scientists, middle school students discovered the diverse possibilities of computing and became engaged in pursuing science, technology, engineering and mathematics pathways.
A group of 6th- and 7th-grade girls had a unique summer camp opportunity this year: experiencing cutting-edge computing and meeting leading scientists at the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory. As part of the lab’s ongoing efforts to create pathways for the next generation of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) leaders, the Lab held its fifth annual five-day-long CodeGirls @ Argonne summer camp.
“What makes CodeGirls @ Argonne Camp unique from other coding or technology camps is the students’ introduction to the jaw-dropping technology and scientific mission of our national laboratory,” said Argonne’s Learning Center instructor Kelly Sturner, who helps run the camp. “It’s one thing to learn the fundamentals of coding and find it fun and interesting, but quite another to connect coding with changing the world. Our aim is for students to see coding as a useful skill that will help them solve the world’s grand challenges.”
Continue reading: https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/932046


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Bridging the digital divide to empower girls

Sadaffe believes that Internet and digital literacy are basic human rights today and saw the gender gap in tech with an increasing number of girls in Pakistan who had no access to tech education. That’s when she introduced ‘Tech Karo’, which teaches girls from underprivileged backgrounds to code. Tech Karo has now produced more than 300 graduates who are working in the tech industry as freelance or full-time jobs.
Sadaffe also reaches out to women from underserved communities who have home-based enterprises, teaching them to use smartphones for checking WhatsApp message for business, email ids, Instagram, Facebook, Google Maps, etc. Most women report increased income post-training.
Increasingly across Asia and the Pacific, innovative initiatives like these are opening up new opportunities to empower women and girls with knowledge, support and services and help them lead safe, productive, fulfilling lives.
CodeGirls Pakistan is a similar, female-only coding boo camp working towards achieving gender balance in the tech industry as well as in the economy, helping achieve three main Sustainable Development Goals. CodeGirls started as a passion project and brainchild of Shamim Rajani, Faiza Yousuf, and Hasnain Walji and their organizations, ConsultNet Corporation, WomenInTechPK, and United Global Initiative. CodeGirls has more than 700 students graduated from its training program with over 110 industry placements, in a period of less than 3 years.
Continue reading: https://tribune.com.pk/story/2325392/bridging-the-digital-divide-to-empower-girls


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Women in Tech: “You need to hustle, be adaptable, be curious about technology”

Today’s Woman in Tech: Eva Pittas, co-founder and COO of Laika
Eva is co-founder and COO of Laika, leading customer experience and internal operations at the company. Before Laika, Eva founded BRCG, a boutique consulting firm after a 20+ career at Citigroup where she was a Managing Director leading IT control, compliance, and vendor management.
Eva enjoys playing tennis, traveling, and spending time with her large extended family. She is a graduate of NYU’s Stern School of Business and has a passion for supporting women’s professional growth initiatives.
When did you become interested in technology?
Early in my career, I was in a finance role for a bank and trust company, which hinged on the security of technology. The increase in cloud technology and security brought me toward a more tech-focused position, and eventually led me to start a tech business with my co-founders.
My origin story is like a lot of founders’. I was fresh out of college and responsible for month-end close functions that were critical for closing the books. It took our team over eight days to close the books, which required many late nights into early morning hours and monthly Saturdays to complete the required processing.
Continue reading: https://jaxenter.com/women-in-tech-pittas-175755.html


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HC3: Applications, Benefits of Blockchain in Healthcare

Blockchain technology is the basis of most cryptocurrencies, but the Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center’s (HC3) latest brief suggested that blockchain has a multitude of useful applications in the healthcare sector.
A blockchain is a tamper-resistant, secure, and collaborative ledger that maintains transactional records, HC3 explained. A block is a unit of data, or one record, that contains a collection of transactions. When arranged with other blocks in a specific order, a blockchain is formed.
Each block contains data, a hash, and a previous hash. The purpose of the blockchain dictates the type of data. A hash is a digital fingerprint that identifies the block, and a previous hash links the current block to the previous block, providing an extra security measure.
“A block is connected to the previous one by including a unique identifier that is based on the previous block’s data. As a result, if the data is changed in one block, it’s unique identifier changes, which can be seen in every subsequent block (providing tamper evidence),” the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) explains on its website.
Continue reading: https://healthitsecurity.com/news/hc3-applications-benefits-of-blockchain-in-healthcare


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Blockchain, Stablecoins Set to Deliver ‘Tangible’ Value to B2B Payments, Financial Services

The blockchain can be the underpinning for the financial services ecosystem to give rise to assets that have real tangible value — including stablecoins and other cryptocurrencies.
In a panel moderated by Paul Purcell, co-founder and partner at Continental AdvisorsVisa Head of Crypto Cuy SheffieldCoreChain CEO Chris AguasBakkt CEO Gavin Michael and The Clearing House (TCH) Executive Vice President of Product and Strategy Russ Waterhouse said those assets will drive change for B2B payments and the financial services ecosystem at large.
As Aguas noted, firms that are embracing blockchain “are looking at a new realm of technology that lets us do new and different things, technically, than using traditional technologies or paper-based processes.”
The emergence of the crypto ecosystem, he said, is similar to the development of the internet decades ago.
Blockchain, he said, “is about distributed ledger technology. It’s about network-based architectures. There’s a lot you can read into these terms … Helping the broader industry understand what dimensions of crypto are relevant for them and how they can play are keys to driving wider adoption over time.”
Continue reading: https://www.pymnts.com/blockchain/2021/blockchain-stablecoins-deliver-tangible-value-b2b-payments-financial-services/


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Blockchain Ecosystem Winners Network Launches Rewards Platform For Internet Users

Winners Network, a blockchain ecosystem that connects traditional customer loyalty programs and point systems to one chain of value, on Wednesday announced the launch of its partner-agnostic rewards and loyalty platform, which will incentivize a network of participants across the blockchain, gaming, merchant loyalty and the rewards landscape.
Through the browser extension, users can earn ‘WN Gold rewards’ by making transactions on participating partners’ sites. These partners stretch beyond just e-commerce and include crypto-related transactions such as investing in new DeFi projects and gaming.
The WN Gold rewards allow members to use them to their maximum potential and to enter the DeFi and crypto realm smoothly and easily. The rewards can also be redeemed for $WINS tokens, which can be swapped in swap pools for other cryptocurrencies.
Continue reading: https://www.outlookindia.com/website/story/business-news-blockchain-ecosystem-winners-network-launches-rewards-platform-for-internet-users/398196


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Resistant AI scores $16.6M for its anti-fraud fintech tools

Resistant AI, which uses artificial intelligence to help financial services companies combat fraud and financial crime — selling tools to protect credit risk scoring models, payment systems, customer onboarding and more — has closed $16.6 million in Series A funding.
GV (formerly Google Ventures) led the round, with participation from existing investors Index Ventures (led by partner Jan Hammer), Credo Ventures (led by Ondrej Bartos and Vladislav Jez) and Seedcamp, plus several unnamed angel investors specializing in financial technology and security.
The 2019-founded, Prague-based startup says the funding will be used to meet rising demand from global financial institutions, including by building out its product, engineering, and sales operations teams beyond its existing footprint — which also includes offices in London and New York.
Continue reading: https://techcrunch.com/2021/10/20/resistant-ai-scores-16-6m-for-its-anti-fraud-fintech-tools/


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AI projects to tackle racial inequality in UK healthcare, says Javid

Artificial intelligence is to be used to tackle racial inequalities in the NHS under government plans to “level up” healthcare. It is hoped that millions of black, Asian and minority ethnic Britons will benefit from revolutionary computer techniques designed to transform care and speed up diagnoses of potentially deadly conditions. Sajid Javid, the health secretary, has given the green light to a series of hi-tech initiatives aimed at tackling health disparities in the UK. It comes amid mounting concern over the issue among senior ministers.
New projects include drawing up fresh standards for health data inclusivity amid fears that the datasets at the moment fail to adequately represent people from ethnic minority backgrounds. Another project will use computer algorithms to investigate factors behind adverse maternity incidents involving BAME mothers. The results could lead to recommended changes, which could include new training for midwives and nurses. Black women are five times more likely to die in the UK due to complications during pregnancy compared with white women.
Continue reading: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/oct/20/ai-projects-to-tackle-racial-inequality-in-uk-healthcare-says-javid


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The burger chain Krystal operates 300 restaurants. Most of these are in the Southeast, particularly four states: Tennessee, Georgia, Florida and Alabama.
Thus, the artificial intelligence the chain is about to start testing in its drive-thrus can’t just pick up the English language. It needs to pick up the many different accents of that language in the chain’s markets.
“We’re a Southeast brand,” Chief Marketing Officer Alice Crowder said in an interview. “We are in some heavily rural markets with lovely Southern accents. We need something to understand our customers.”
Thus, Crowder said, Krystal’s A.I.-enabled drive-thru menu boards, which the company will start testing next month, will be able to understand those accents.  
It’s part of a strategy by the Dunwoody, Ga.-based chain to evolve nearly a year after its sale out of bankruptcy court.
Krystal under its new owners is moving aggressively to shift its direction after a tough couple of years. The company filed for bankruptcy in January last year, before the pandemic, amid unit closures and sales challenges. Krystal closed 18 locations last year and 63 since 2017, according to data from Restaurant Business sister company Technomic. The chain was sold to one of its lenders last year.
Continue reading: https://www.restaurantbusinessonline.com/technology/krystal-works-ai-can-understand-southern-accents


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Inside Mailchimp’s push to bring AI to content marketing

Earlier this month, Mailchimp released Content Optimizer, a new product that uses artificial intelligence to help improve the performance of email marketing campaigns.
Thanks to its vast trove of data, Mailchimp is in a unique position to discover common patterns of successful marketing campaigns. Content Optimizer taps into that data and uses machine learning models and business rules to predict the quality of email campaigns and provide suggestions on how to improve content, layout, and imagery.
This is not Mailchimp’s first foray into using AI for content marketing, but it might be its most impactful effort in the field. Leading the effort to develop Content Optimizer is John Wolf, Product Manager of Smart Content at Mailchimp. Wolf was the founder of Inspector 6, a startup acquired by Mailchimp in 2020. The technology and experience that Inspector 6 brought to Mailchimp played an important role in the development of Content Optimizer.
In an interview with TechTalks, Wolf provided some behind-the-scenes details on the vision and development process of Content Optimizer and shared insights on how AI is changing the future of content marketing.
Continue reading: https://bdtechtalks.com/2021/10/18/mailchimp-content-optimizer-ai/


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Four examples of how artificial intelligence is used in education

Today, we will look at another area, namely education. Here, too, artificial intelligence has and will have great applications. Here are some examples.
Personalized education
You may remember this from your student days, or if students follow me, they will know it first-hand. You're taking on new learning. Some students grasp it in a few minutes and get bored in class, others don't catch up and don't decipher the new material at all. In other lessons, the tables may turn. Those who couldn’t keep up are now on top and vice versa. There is nothing wrong or abnormal about this. Each of us has a knack for something different. Somewhere nature has given, somewhere else it has taken away. I, for example, am quite good with computers. However, when it comes to practical skills, things don't look rosy for me. The problem is not the pupils, the problem is the school system. It treats all students the same. This is partly because of tradition, partly because of capacity; there simply aren't enough teachers, let alone enough to treat everyone individually. This is what artificial intelligence has the potential to change.
Continue reading: https://spectator.sme.sk/c/22751039/four-examples-of-how-artificial-intelligence-is-used-in-education.html


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DJ Esports – Where Esports Meets the Blockchain

The world of e-sports has changed dramatically over the last 10 years, with gaming and streaming becoming some of the biggest industries. Now that these events are attracting more and more spectators and investors, the prize pools are getting bigger and bigger.
Blockchain technology has played a massive role in creating an easy, fast, and secure way for fans and players to interact with streamers or place bets on the outcome of esports events like the League of Legends World Championship starting on October 5.
DJ Esports is the leading esports betting and cryptoanalysis platform, with over 3,000 active members in its Discord community. The platform supports all major е-sports titles including League of Legends, Dota 2, CS:GO, NBA 2K, and many more.
However, DJ Esports is much more than just a betting site – they’re also a news platform for all major titles, with the company’s social media outlets providing news about the industry, cryptoanalysis, and insights, as well as up-to-date odds. DJ Esports generates their odds with the help of one of the most robust AI-driven analytics matrices on the market. Based on comprehensive data collected over the last ten years, DJ Esports’ odd matrix is a revolutionary tool for any esports fan.
Continue reading: https://www.cryptoglobe.com/latest/2021/10/dj-esports-where-esports-meets-the-blockchain/


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Argo Blockchain’s Texas Mining Facility Will Propel Shares Higher, Analysts Say

Five Wall Street firms, including Jefferies and Barclays, initiated research coverage of Argo Blockchain (NASDAQ: ARBK) on Monday with buy ratings – all of them expecting the company’s Texas crypto mining facility to be a catalyst for the shares to move higher.
Jefferies analyst Jonathan Petersen has the highest 12-month price target of $30 per share for the London-based miner. “BTC mining should remain a high margin business, and ARBK’s margin should improve as they build out in Texas, where power rates (largest OpEx) are half the rate of the in-place portfolio,” Petersen wrote. He also thinks Argo’s investment in sustainable energy and decentralized finance (DeFi) is the differentiating factor versus its mining peers.
The flood of Argo initiations comes after the expiration of a 25-day “quiet period” where investment firms must hold off on issuing ratings until a set time after a given initial public offering (IPO).
Continue reading: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/argo-blockchain-texas-mining-facility-164235509.html


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The growth of IoT and integration of digital technologies will provide profitable opportunities for the smart factory market

A smart factory is a high-tech and digitized manufacturing plant that uses smart manufacturing techniques. Most factories have long depended on manual automation, but high-end smart factories can run virtually completely on their own without human involvement and even without automation. The benefits of smart factories are many, including being able to improve the efficiency of your manufacturing process. Smart factories improve quality control system that reduces errors and increases the production of a high volume of products. These machines also use the latest tools, software, and data sources to provide the highest levels of efficiency.
Coherent Market Insights is celebrating 𝟓𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐲 and offering 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐭 𝟮𝟎𝟎𝟎𝐔𝐒𝐃 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓. Offer is valid for all CMI reports. Let’s celebrate with us. The increasing adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) across the manufacturing sector is a prime factor driving the market growth of the smart factory. International Data Corporation estimates that the IoT global market revenue is expected to reach approximately US$1.1 trillion by 2025. The growing popularity of industrial robots in the manufacturing sector coupled with the increasing mass production in order to cater to demand from a growing population around the globe is again contributing to the market growth of smart factories. The growing need for smart manufacturing processes for improving productivity and reduce human errors is further projected to accelerate the market growth of the smart factory.
Continue reading: https://www.openpr.com/news/2432706/the-growth-of-internet-of-things-iot-and-integration-of-digital


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ARM tries to solve the IoT’s fragmentation problem … again

Arm, the company behind the semiconductor design for much of the IoT (and all of the worlds’ smartphones) has announced three projects to help make developing for the internet of things faster, easier, and potentially more secure. It’s announcing all three under the grand name of Arm Total Solutions for IoT.
First, Arm will provide a set of pre-defined hardware capabilities common to the IoT chip manufacturers called Arm Corstone. Then, Arm is launching an abstraction layer for its IP based on Cornerstone that will reside in the cloud. This lets developers access the chip virtually before it exists in hardware. It will also launch Project Centuari, which will let developers use cloud-native software across all of many variations of IoT chips.
This is the second time Arm has tried to solve the many challenges associated with fragmentation in the IoT world. The first time it tried was back in 2014 with the mbed OS. Back then, Arm was trying to unify the many real-time operating systems in use across microcontrollers used in the IoT. That didn’t take.
Continue reading: https://staceyoniot.com/arm-tries-to-solve-the-iots-fragmentation-problem-again/


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