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The increase of use of Internet of Things in car manufacturing and how it can help the industry

It’s safe to say that the car manufacturing industry has changed drastically in the last few decades. The main reason for this is the advancement in technology. The latest development in this industry is the appearance of, so-called smart cars and vehicles that use the Internet of Things technology or the IoT for short. How exactly did this new technology change the car manufacturing industry and what are the benefits that it brings to the table?
How Does IoT In Cars Work?
Well, this is a little bit of a loaded question, but, fortunately, there is a simple answer that will paint you a picture of how this technology works. The car manufacturers integrate certain sensors in the cars and via those sensors, cars can communicate with each other and interact with the smart signs and roads. This is all made possible by the shared network all of the cars, signs, and roads use.
The Main Benefits Of IoT In Car Manufacturing
As you can probably assume, there are a lot of benefits this new technology can bring. Here are some of them.
Continue reading: https://www.androidguys.com/promoted-news/the-increase-of-use-of-internet-of-things-in-car-manufacturing-and-how-it-can-help-the-industry/


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This Hotshot AI Drone Can Speed Through Complex Environments Thanks To New Kind Of Virtual Training

A team from the University of Zurich has trained an artificial intelligence system to fly a drone in a virtual environment full of obstacles before setting it loose in the real world, where it was able to weave around obstacles at 40 kph (25 mph), three times as fast as the previous best piloting software. Lead researcher Davide Scaramuzza, Director of the Robotics and Perception Group, says the work, carried out in partnership with Intel INTC -2.3%, could revolutionize robotics by enabling machines to learn virtually.
A paper describing the project, Learning high-speed flight in the wild, was published this month in the journal Science Robotics.
“Our approach is a stepping stone toward the development of autonomous systems that can navigate at high speeds through previously unseen environments with only on-board sensing and computation,” the paper concludes.
Scaramuzza’s group previously demonstrated the first autonomous drone able to beat human racing pilots around a course using sophisticated path planning with help from external sensors. The new work takes a somewhat different approach and is self-contained: the machine-learning AI effectively has an apprenticeship with an all-knowing master in the virtual world, and learns to imitate the master’s technique. (A bit like the Sparring Program in The Matrix … except that the student is an AI.)
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2021/10/25/omniscient-master-teaches-ai-drone-real-flying-skills-in-virtual-world/?sh=7ebaabb320c7


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Boots on the Ground or Drones in the Air?

Allen Geomatics helps compare the differences between traditional and Drone LiDAR surveying methods
Rome, NY- Down to Earth, a surveying reality series, heads into the woods of North Carolina to compare traditional and drone surveying methods on a 15-acre design survey for a development project. In these 4 informative episodes, Allen Geomatics, a land surveying, and consulting firm located in Advance, NC, utilizes a 3 man crew to collect their ground shots and survey the site while Robert Chrismon, PLS, takes a different approach high in the sky with Drone LiDAR.
To see the results and learn about the differences between the two surveying methods CLICK HERE
“Down to Earth” is a reality series that shows how real surveyors collect data and turn it into real deliverables, despite challenging terrain, rough weather, and hidden dangers.
These days, many surveying professionals are considering adding drone surveying equipment to their toolbox. In these episodes of Down to Earth, we meet Jeff Allen, owner of Allen Geomatics P.C., a land surveying and consulting firm located in Advance, NC, who is also curious to see if drone surveying methods can enhance his practice.
Continue reading: https://www.suasnews.com/2021/10/boots-on-the-ground-or-drones-in-the-air/


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How Australia’s National Blockchain Roadmap sets an example for the world

In a little more than a decade since it was first introduced, blockchain has emerged into the mainstream as a cost-effective, secure and rapid way to conduct a wide variety of business transactions, from tracking the movement of funds and goods to smart contracting, identity and credentialing. It has the potential to fundamentally change the way we govern ourselves, do business and conduct our personal lives online.
Australia is positioning itself to take full advantage of the economic benefits associated with blockchain by challenging researchers and companies to devise innovative applications and solutions as part of the National Blockchain Roadmap. The Australian government is one of the earliest adopters of this approach, which is one that other nations might examine for their benefit. Let’s take a look at it. 
Before we get into the details, it’s worth knowing the economic stakes, which are high. Blockchain is expected by 2025 to generate a global business value of more than US$175 billion per year; by 2030, that figure will reach at least US$3 trillion. Given the rapid development of blockchain technologies worldwide and Australia’s relatively recent participation in developing the technology, it is perhaps not surprising that the national government’s approach is one of applied strategy — investing in the ecosystem, conducting trials and experimenting with new applications. 
Continue reading: https://forkast.news/australia-national-blockchain-roadmap-example/


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The Polymesh Blockchain Has Arrived

Nearly two years after the release of our whitepaper, the Polymesh Blockchain has finally arrived. Polymesh is an institutional-grade, permissioned blockchain built specifically for regulated assets. It streamlines antiquated processes and opens the door to new financial instruments by solving regulatory challenges with public infrastructure around identity, compliance, confidentiality, governance, and settlement through key design principles built into the base layer of the chain, rather than as external add-ons.
When it comes to creating and managing digital securities, Polymesh’s specificity gives it—and the applications built on it—a distinct advantage over those leveraging general-purpose blockchains. The purpose-built infrastructure addresses the gaps in Ethereum’s architecture to align the functioning of the blockchain with the requirements of modern capital markets.
Continue reading: https://www.theblockcrypto.com/post/121750/the-polymesh-blockchain-has-arrived


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15 Applications for Blockchain Technology

The idea of a blockchain was first conceived as the mechanism supporting Bitcoin (CRYPTO:BTC). To solve the double-spending problem associated with digital currencies, Satoshi Nakamoto devised an immutable ledger of transactions that chains together blocks of data using digital cryptography.
While the idea works extremely well for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, there are loads of other useful applications of blockchain technology. Here are 15 of them.
1. Money transfers
The original concept behind the invention of blockchain technology is still a great application. Money transfers using blockchain can be less expensive and faster than using existing money transfer services. This is especially true of cross-border transactions, which are often slow and expensive. Even in the modern U.S. financial system, money transfers between accounts can take days, while a blockchain transaction takes minutes.
2. Financial exchanges
Many companies have popped up over the past few years offering decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges. Using blockchain for exchanges allows for faster and less expensive transactions. Moreover, a decentralized exchange doesn't require investors to deposit their assets with the centralized authority, which means they maintain greater control and security. While blockchain-based exchanges primarily deal in cryptocurrency, the concept could be applied to more traditional investments as well.
Continue reading: https://www.fool.com/investing/stock-market/market-sectors/financials/blockchain-stocks/blockchain-applications/


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Blockchain Could Be the Future for Electronic Health Records

Blockchain is a technology with seemingly infinite possibilities in a digital age; as a peer-to-peer ledger network, it has the ability to store any kind of data that might have privacy concerns in a decentralized space. One such industry that could benefit from blockchain use and is actively exploring the potentials is the medical field, reports Pharmacy Times.
Blockchain is most commonly known for bitcoin and ether, two tokens from their respective networks that trade on exchanges. Bitcoin is only the cryptocurrency on its blockchain for now, but ether is native to the Ethereum platform, which hosts a wide variety of decentralized finance apps on top of its blockchain.
Because of the way that blockchain technology works, with each block containing a time-stamped set of data that links to the block before it and uses cryptography to ensure privacy and anonymity, it seems to be a reasonable step to consider this particular technology for confidential medical records.
Continue reading: https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/blockchain-could-be-the-future-for-electronic-health-records-2021-10-25


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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Play a Role in Endpoint Security

Long before the pandemic, K–12 cyberattacks were a serious concern. The shift to remote learning has only increased the danger. “Supporting digital transformation initiatives and a remote work model has led to a dramatic increase in the exposed edges of the network,” says Bob Turner, field CISO of higher education at Fortinet. “At the same time, malware, ransomware and other threats continue to challenge schools by exploiting inconsistently protected endpoint devices.”
The effects of an attack can be significant. IBM’s “2021 Cost of a Data Breach Report” notes that it can take an average of 287 days to identify and contain a data breach — and the longer it takes to identify, the more costly it becomes.
K–12 institutions have discovered an emerging solution: machine learning–enhanced endpoint protection. A type of artificial intelligence, machine learning uses immense computer power and algorithms trained on large amounts of data. It learns comprehensively to apply the knowledge it gains to monitor and render insights at a scale beyond human ability.
Traditional endpoint protection is reactive, responding once something has happened. Endpoint protection with machine learning is proactive, capable of studying an almost limitless amount of network traffic, logging information and app installations for anomalous activity. “Security technologies with artificial intelligence capabilities have the potential to anticipate attacks and counter them in real-time,” says Turner. “Given that cyberattacks occur in seconds, the speed brought by AI-driven security technologies is crucial.”
That’s not the only benefit. Here are three more: 
Continue reading: https://edtechmagazine.com/k12/article/2021/10/artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning-play-role-endpoint-security


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How AI Drives the Future of Personalized E-commerce

Customers love convenience. Quarantine and stay-at-home orders highlighted just how much so – as they accelerated the at-home shopping trend. Despite the rise in vaccinations and some city restrictions lifting, safety concerns remain. Deloitte believes it created a new kind of consumer: the “cocooning consumer” – consumers who plan to cocoon at home post-pandemic to save money and stay safe. 
These shoppers have higher expectations than ever before. While nine out of 10 consumers say they expect online shopping to be equal or better than in-store, half are experiencing crushing disappointment according to our study. If retailers don’t address this experience gap, more bad news awaits. Almost three-quarters of customers say they will abandon a brand after three negative experiences.
I view artificial intelligence as the crucial piece of the new customer puzzle. It can help e-commerce brands deliver on these high expectations and create a personalized e-commerce experience for every consumer. 
Continue reading: https://aithority.com/machine-learning/how-ai-drives-the-future-of-personalized-e-commerce/


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How artificial intelligence impacts business transformation

The impacts of artificial intelligence (AI) in today’s businesses can be far-reaching. Organizations can leverage AI tools and solutions to achieve benefits such as more streamlined communications through digitization that helps to achieve greater process efficiencies. However, one of the most significant impacts of AI is its impact on the human side of the equation, especially when it comes to its uses in contact centers.
AI can have significant impacts and benefits for the human contact center workforce. While previously contact center agents may have been concerned that AI would replace the human element, businesses can benefit by leveraging AI to support human agents rather than replace them. In addition, using AI can enhance both the agent and customer experience (CX) in contact centers.
On average, contact center agents spend 14% of their working time looking for information required to do their jobs. In an average eight-hour workday, this equates to more than an hour a day of productivity costs due to inefficient processes. However, AI tools like virtual assistants, automation, and machine learning can improve efficiencies across the board.
Continue reading: https://itbrief.com.au/story/how-artificial-intelligence-impacts-business-transformation


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Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Energy

Innovative advances in artificial intelligence (AI) in energy are improving the way the world consumes, sells, and creates energy at a time when the environmental impacts of the global power grid are under constant scrutiny. 
Companies are using AI and machine learning (ML) to take deep dives into data that can drive better decision making, cost advantages, and predictions that can stave off energy disasters and expensive downtime. 
On the whole, the global energy sector produces an incredulous amount of data — so much so that it would be virtually impossible for humans to manually extract and analyze enough of these data stores to arrive at meaningful conclusions and predictions. AI, in particular, machine learning AI, is taking on a vital role in making sense of massive amounts of energy-related data. 
AI-enhanced software platforms and smart tools can dig into energy data to create predictions about potential outages and equipment failures and run energy companies more efficiently and profitably. 
AI in energy is being wholeheartedly embraced by companies around the world. Emergen Research reports that the global AI in the energy market reached a market size of $3.8 billion in 2020 and the market will grow by nearly 24% through 2028, when the research firm estimates a market value of $20.8 billion. 
Here, we take a look some ways artificial intelligence is being used in the energy, including within the oil and gas industry and renewable energy sector.
Continue reading: https://www.datamation.com/artificial-intelligence/artificial-intelligence-in-energy/


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The Coming Convergence of NFTs and Artificial Intelligence

Non-fungible tokens (NFT) are becoming one of the most important trends in the crypto ecosystem. The first generation of NFTs has focused on key properties such as ownership representation, transfer, automation as well as building the core building blocks of the NFT market infrastructure.
The hype in the NFT market makes it relatively hard to distinguish signal versus noise when even the most simplistic form of NFTs are able to capture incredible value. But, as the space evolves, the value proposition of NFTs should go from static images or text to more dynamic and intelligent collectibles. Artificial intelligence (AI) is likely to have an impact in the next wave of NFTs.
We are already seeing manifestations of NFT-AI convergence in the form of generative art. However, the potential is much bigger. Injecting AI capabilities into the lifecycle of NFTs opens the door to forms of intelligent ownership that we haven’t seen before.
Continue reading: https://www.coindesk.com/business/2021/10/25/the-coming-convergence-of-nfts-and-artificial-intelligence/


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IoT Africa Launches Sigfox in Nigeria to Enhance Network Connectivity

IoT Africa Networks Limited one of the emerging leaders of internet of things in Africa, has signed an agreement with Sigfox, the world’s leading IoT service provider, to become the official Sigfox Operator in Nigeria.
Launched in 2019, IoT Africa’s mission is to enable and power the Internet of Things (IoT) in Africa through the provision of affordable and reliable IoT network connectivity and solutions, and to empower homes and industries to have full visibility and control of their assets.
CEO of IoT Africa, Mr. Lare Ayoola, while speaking about the partnership with Sigfox, said: “IoT Africa is the exclusive partner of Sigfox France in Nigeria. This means that we will build the low power wide area network, and we will allow connectivity of Sigfox compliant devices to connect on the network. The relationship is one of over 65 relationships in the world. Over 65 countries today have Sigfox technology running in their IoT. Nigeria is one of the 65 countries, as IoT Africa is now the Sigfox operator for Nigeria.”
Continue reading: https://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2021/10/25/iot-africa-launches-sigfox-in-nigeria-to-enhance-network-connectivity/


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Internet of Things (IOT) Healthcare Market - Improving quality care in IoT healthcare, create a positive impact on patient

𝐂𝐨𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 has recently genuine information on the "Internet of Things (IOT) Healthcare Market" to its database. This research paper examines several viewpoints from the inside out, such as market patterns, elements of the entire industry, drivers, restraints, and opportunities. It provides an investigative perspective to help organizations make more informed decisions. It contains in-depth information on a variety of prominent players from around the world. Internet of Things (IOT) Healthcare Market reports spread a total unassuming perspective with the market stake and company profiles of the significant contenders working in the overall market. The Internet of Things (IOT) Healthcare Market offers a rundown of detail, generation examination, innovation, product type, considering key highlights, for example, net edge, income, cost.
Continue reading: https://www.openpr.com/news/2439609/internet-of-things-iot-healthcare-market-improving-quality


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Drone swarms find beneficial use

The concept of an army of drones that Mysterio used to trick Spider Man in the movie Spider Man: Far From Home, or the swarm of drones moving like birds in the popular video game Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, isn't far from reality.
In the virtual world, the bad guys use drones to attain sinister objectives.
But a Bangalore-based startup — VFLYX India which carries out research and development on unmanned aerial vehicles in the country  — has found noble civilian goals to use drone swarms in the areas of geo-mapping, agriculture sector, disaster management and even aerial entertainment.
The Telegraph spoke with Rohit Dey chief technology officer and Vishal Saurav chief executive officer of VFLYX, who said changing regulations have unlocked myriad opportunities for the indigenous development of the sector in India.
Born in Calcutta, Dey (24) is a former Nasa scientist who has studied aerospace science from University of Central Florida, US and a B.Sc. CME (advanced computer electronics and theoretical mathematics) from Christ University Bangalore.
He said that the list of use cases for drones is growing by the day and VFLYX has a differentiated objective to customize a basic drone platform for different end-uses. Governments and enterprises are at present the main users for hi-tech drones.
Continue reading: https://www.telegraphindia.com/business/drone-swarms-find-beneficial-use/cid/1835791


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PM wants drones to deliver postal packages to remote areas: Garuda Aerospace

Agnishwar Jayaprakash, the 31-year-old Managing Director of the Chennai-based Garuda Aerospace, a Drones-As-A-Service (DaaS) startup, is on cloud nine after meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
"Well-informed about drone usage, Modi wants drones to connect the remote areas of the country. Apart from delivery of medicines and others to people living in remote places, he also said drones could also deliver postal packages to them," Jayaprakash told IANS.
"I was astonished over how hands-on he was on drones. He was keen on knowing the industry's reaction to the recent policy initiatives. I said India will become the drone capital of the world soon. The Prime Minister also said the services offered by drones should be affordable," he added.
Continue reading: https://www.business-standard.com/article/companies/pm-wants-drones-to-deliver-postal-packages-to-remote-areas-garuda-aerospace-121102400303_1.html


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Skydio’s New Head of Security: Tackling Cybersecurity for Drones

Cybersecurity for drones: in an introductory blog post, Skydio’s new Head of Security Jeff Horne explains why he thinks data security is critical to the future of autonomous systems.
by DRONELIFE Staff Writer Ian M. Crosby
Skydio, the leading U.S. drone manufacturer and leader in autonomous flight, recently appointed Jeff Horne as it’s new Head of Security.
Horne, who began his security career with Internet Security Systems in Atlanta at the age of 18, has been heavily involved in addressing a multitude of cybersecurity issues over the course of his career—ranging from conducting security vulnerability analysis via patch differentials and making exploits more reliable, to antivirus engine research and malicious code detection. Horne served as a security consultant for a number of years, assisting large companies in managing security breaches involving malicious code. “Often in these instances I would find myself in the position of leading their security operations in the interim—a position I really enjoyed—and ultimately decided to leave consulting and pursue security leadership,” Horne said. He has since served as head of security for such companies as SpaceX and Optiv.
“My years in the industry showed me that strong cybersecurity has to be at the core of any company’s values—a fact that is even more true when it comes to drones,” said Horne. “As drones have expanded in scope from being consumer toys to critical tools for infrastructure and national security, we’re seeing increasing demand for trustworthy solutions. This is particularly relevant as the cybersecurity and privacy demands of mature and highly regulated industries now extend to the cloud and security models like zero trust architecture are quickly being adopted.”
Continue reading: https://dronelife.com/2021/10/24/skydios-new-head-of-security-tackling-cybersecurity-for-drones/


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Entity Academy, an edtech startup that trains, mentors and places women in tech roles, secures $100M

Women have made great strides in the world of technology in recent years, but there is still a long way to go to reach a truly equitable situation in labor, compensation and product development called edtech startup Entity Academy — Provide training to women in areas such as data science and software development. Mentoring; and finally Job Coaching — raised $ 100 million following strong business growth and ambitions to improve its proportions.
This money will be used by students to raise funds for Entity Academy tuition (usually $ 15,000).It comes from Raif, Is itself a startup that provides lending services to the edtech platform, allowing students to offer income share agreements (also known as ISAs, which do not require students to repay tuition until they find a job).
Jennifer Schwab, founder and CEO of Entity, has been building its business since 2016 with virtually no external funding, but this latest funding is the company’s first, more traditional VC. He said it was a precursor to working on a led equity round.
The entity does not build the e-learning content itself, but from the providers of Springboard and Lambda School, a 24-33 week long “boot camp” style course of data science, software development, fintech engineering, technology sales. Aggregate online courses. Up to Columbia University (Courses from the university tend to be presented as being created by the institution, while other courses are tailored to the student by the entity itself).
Continue reading: https://californianewstimes.com/entity-academy-an-edtech-startup-that-trains-mentors-and-places-women-in-tech-roles-secures-100m-techcrunch/550466/


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Girls said coding is ‘boring.’ This Miami nonprofit wants to change that perception.

On any major job board, you’ll find hundreds of high-paying opportunities in technology. Yet, women hold only about 25% of the jobs in tech nationally. And with women seeking degrees in the field at only half the rate of their male counterparts, how can these numbers improve?
Sobering statistics like these are why Amy Renshaw founded Code/Art five years ago. The Miami-based nonprofit aims to increase the number of girls studying computer science by inspiring them with the creative possibilities of computer programming.
“Looking at the research, the quest is so important because the numbers have really dropped for women in computer science even though the opportunities are so much better,” said Renshaw. Indeed, according to the National Center for Women and Information Technology, women in the field peaked at 36% of the U.S. workforce in 1991 and then fell. For the past decade, the percentage has barely budged.
There are reasons, Renshaw said: Boys tend to get an introduction to coding earlier than girls. Once computers were cheap enough to be in the homes, everything was marketed more toward the boys and girls fell behind, she said. “Google did this study about how girls who had never taken a coding class described coding — and the number one word was ‘boring’.”
Continue reading: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/article255220911.html


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How to help girls stick with STEM? Utah teachers normalize science careers early

Women are still few in science and technology fields, and the women working in those fields want young girls to know there is plenty of room for them.
Amy Jenkins, a material science and engineering major at Salt Lake Community College, thinks girls would be less hesitant to pursue STEM studies if teachers and parents normalized the opportunities rather than prefacing them as being difficult or far-reaching.
“There is a misconception that [girls] have to be super nerdy or extra smart,” Jenkins said, comparing studying STEM to driving a car. “Everyone can learn to drive. It’s not a ‘man thing’ or a ‘nerdy girl’ thing to do.”
A recent study by Pew Research shows women continue to be underrepresented in technology fields despite efforts by colleges and businesses to create an inclusive environment. To see more than a small handful of girls in any college science, technology, engineering or math class would be unique at many universities. Educators believe lack of female support may be a contributing factor. Women seem to have their minds made up before they set foot on college campuses, and lack of exposure in early education may be the cause.
A more in-depth look at the study done by Pew shows the STEM gap is closing, with women making up 50% of technical careers in 2019. While this number seems promising, 74% of these women hold a job in health care, while fields such as math, technology and engineering continue to fall short, holding at less than 25% female.
Continue reading: https://www.sltrib.com/amplify-utah/2021/10/24/how-help-girls-stick-with/


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Don't be afraid of mistakes: An interview with Renee Hawkins, Thoughtworks

"I failed in one role. Eight years later, I'm in a more senior version and I'm rocking it"
We all fear failure, whether it's in our personal or professional lives. But Women in Tech Excellence Awards finalist Renee Hawkin, of Thoughtworks, says we should embrace the possibility.
Why do you support Computing's Women in Tech Excellence Campaign?
Hardworking women are often overlooked for their contributions to business success. I often see friends and colleagues who are silent about their roles in driving change and results in the technology industry. I believe that it is really important to acknowledge and celebrate these amazing achievements.
McKinsey's Women in the Workplace 2021 report states, 'The path forward is clear. Companies need to take bold steps to address burnout. They need to recognize and reward the women leaders who are driving progress. And they need to do the deep cultural work required to create a workplace where all women feel valued.'
Continue reading: https://www.computing.co.uk/sponsored/4039157/afraid-mistakes-interview-renee-hawkins-thoughtworks


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The Future Of Blockchain In Healthcare

One of the biggest buzzwords being thrown around the field of medical technology is “blockchain.” This is for good reason. Simply put, blockchain holds the potential to revolutionize healthcare. With its full deployment, patients can be truly focused on at the center of all operations, which in turn will also be entirely overhauled with better security, privacy and accessibility. But how exactly does blockchain enable all this? How is the health industry fully utilizing this vastly capable cutting-edge technology? 
What Is Blockchain?
First, let’s dive deeper into what blockchain really is. 
A blockchain is a distributed system that generates and stores data records. It maintains a digital ledger of connected “blocks” of information that represent how data is shared, changed or accessed on its peer-to-peer network.
All devices on the same blockchain system will generate identical blocks when a connected device is involved in any kind of transaction. If one computer’s data is accessed, changed, shared or otherwise manipulated in any way, a block is generated to locally record that information on every device. This way, changes to data can be easily identified. It’s a decentralized approach that allows data parity to be achieved by comparing every connected device’s blocks.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/10/25/the-future-of-blockchain-in-healthcare/?sh=2e6da9ef541f


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Three questions to ask before buying cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency, once an obscure corner of the financial world, is going mainstream.
It made its debut on the New York Stock Exchange on Oct. 19 in a ProShares exchange-traded fund tied to bitcoin futures. Artists are making millions selling “tokenized” digital works. And crypto exchanges are advertising on prime-time TV alongside banks and insurers.
But individual investors considering crypto are likely to encounter a world different from what they’ve seen in traditional finance. Prices can fluctuate wildly amid rapid trading in assets backed only by blocks of computer code.
Despite the complexity, experts following the sector say the approach to investing in cryptocurrency isn’t so different from other investments that have a high-risk profile: Don’t invest money you can’t afford to lose, make sure you’ve got your other financial bases covered and remain patient.
“Most of the information that people come across is about crypto trading. It’s about how to buy the next hot crypto. It’s about how to identify the next coin that’s going to the moon,” says Steve Larsen, a certified financial planner in Washington state. “Crypto investing is very different. It’s about buying something that has some fundamentals that you think are going to have value over the long term.”
Continue reading: https://www.cleveland.com/news/2021/10/three-questions-to-ask-before-buying-cryptocurrency.html


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Which blockchain is the most decentralized? Experts answer

Almost 13 years ago on Oct. 31, 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto published Bitcoin’s (BTC) white paper. As a “purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash,” the first cryptocurrency was deployed with a consensus mechanism called “proof-of-work” that allows networks to agree on which transactions are valid in order to verify them without the involvement of a third party. Three years later, a new approach dubbed “proof-of-stake” was proposed to address the inefficiencies of the PoW consensus mechanism and lower the amount of computational resources required to run a blockchain network.
During those 13 years of existence, we’ve already seen the rise and fall of initial coin offerings in 2017, which became “an alternative means of acquiring funding for business projects using the new, evolving digital financial market for tokens”; the significant growth of the decentralized finance, or DeFi, sector in 2020, which is changing the old financial systems and paving the way for a brand-new type of finance; the tremendous popularity of nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, which have taken the cryptocurrency sector by storm in 2021; and the ongoing development of central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs, all over the world. 
Blockchain technology, which is at the core of this technological revolution, has become one of the most discussed topics not only within the financial sector but also far beyond it. Blockchains are being deployed in enterprise use casescharity and philanthropy, responses to the global environmental crisishealthcare and longevitygovernment services, and so on. 
Continue reading: https://cointelegraph.com/explained/which-blockchain-is-the-most-decentralized-experts-answer


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5 Benefits of Applying Blockchain Technology In Any Industry

Nowadays, blockchain technology is being utilized for almost every other service to find new customers and reach profitability levels not seen since 1995. Furthermore, as cryptocurrencies grow in popularity, so does the use of blockchain technological developments. This allows one entity to tighten its grip on the market by capitalizing on user trends and feedback.
At BestBitcoinExchange, you will get firsthand information on Blockchain technology and how it can be implemented in any industry. Blockchain technology is being implemented in many industries because it offers many benefits. Below are 5 of the benefits it offers:
  • Convenience
  • Decentralized structure
  • Peer-to-peer networks
  • Affordable operations
  • Improved security protections
The convenience benefits of blockchain technology have been debated for a long time, but the truth is that they are very real. For example, the food industry will benefit from using blockchain technology to trace where produce is from, where it has been and how it was produced.
IBM has recently developed a digital platform that uses blockchain technology to track farmers' food to the supermarket shelf. This system has been used in China since 2016. Therefore, it's not surprising that many people consider using this platform for other supply chain applications.
Continue reading: https://www.devdiscourse.com/article/technology/1780760-5-benefits-of-applying-blockchain-technology-in-any-industry


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