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5 IoT Security Challenges That Keep CISOs up at Night

New IoT technology empowers businesses to innovate, scale, and become more efficient in their daily operations. As cellular IoT expands to reinvent every corner of the corporate world, hackers are also innovating, experimenting with new methods to exploit overlooked security gaps.
CISOs are always one vulnerability away from chaos. They face constant looming threats that are always evolving. In Q3 of 2020, Check Point Research saw a 50% increase in the daily average of ransomware attacks, compared to the first half of the year. CISOs must think ahead and plan holistically for any vulnerabilities that arise as their IoT deployments grow in complexity.
Here are five challenges that CISOs face and what can be done to mitigate risk in the ever-evolving landscape of cellular IoT.
Continue reading: https://www.iotforall.com/5-iot-challenges-that-keep-cisos-up-at-night


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Blockchain: The Use Outside Of Crypto

This November, The Fintech Times is looking to broaden the understanding of digital currencies, ranging from blockchain’s use outside of crypto to CBDCs, in an attempt to replace the notion that digital currencies are a synonym for crypto.
Talking to industry experts, we will be looking at the use of blockchain outside of crypto and how the adoption of the technology could revolutionize multiple industries.
“Blockchains can serve many purposes besides issuing and transferring cryptocurrencies,” said Rob Viglione, the co-founder of Horizen and CEO of Horizen Labs. “A blockchain can be used to authenticate data and verify proof of origin. This makes it useful for tracking and tracing goods across global supply chains, ensuring transparency throughout the entire process while minimizing the number of intermediaries required to maintain data integrity.”
Use in Healthcare
When moving to a new city, you must consider the transfer of their medical records to a new GP or doctor, however, this process takes time. The transfer is often low on a doctor’s priority list which means it can take a lot of time.
Continue reading: https://thefintechtimes.com/blockchain-the-use-outside-of-crypto/


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Seven Ways To Secure Your Cryptocurrency Investments This Diwali

With time, the Diwali investment portfolio has expanded, from gold and diamond to stocks and real estate, and now cryptocurrencies. The virtual currency has been successful in capturing the otherwise conservative Indian market so much so, that as per recent reports, even top Bollywood stars like Amitabh Bachchan have jumped on the bandwagon. As per the latest reports, the 79-year-old megastar has been roped in as the brand ambassador for CoinDCX, while another TV commercial by CoinSwitch is already live with superstar Ranveer Singh promoting crypto trading.
But before you trade your hard-earned money online, you should ensure the safety of your crypto transactions. Just this week, those invested in Squid digital token lost around $3 million when it crashed by around 99 per cent to less than half a cent.
How secure are your cryptocurrency transactions?
Cryptocurrencies are digital tokens that are encrypted for secure transactions and control the creation of new units. Time and again, it has been emphasized that cryptocurrencies are powered by highly secure blockchain technology.
The technology is known to secure the transactions into “blocks” with cryptographic algorithms like hash functions that make it harder for hackers to crack it. Moreover, the transactions are further secured with an additional layer of security–two-factor authentication.
Continue reading: https://www.outlookindia.com/website/story/business-news-seven-ways-to-secure-your-cryptocurrency-investments-this-diwali/399636


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5 Reasons Why MSPs Should Get Excited About Drones

The market for drones and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) is growing—including commercial opportunities for MSPs and solution providers to integrate the technology into their current offerings. Drones are a great topic to start a conversation with customers, many of whom may not even be aware how they can be used to solve their current business problems.
But many MSPs are in the same boat—they don’t realize how drones can be used in the field. Now’s the time to learn how UAV can make businesses more productive, efficient, and profitable, according to Adam Gittins, general manager of HTS Ag and a member of CompTIA’s Drone Advisory Council.
“Most of the time, customers are aware of one or two things they can do with the drone and are really excited about it, but after discussing with them, we usually uncover much more than they even knew was possible,” Gittins said. “I think this is much like any other technology sale. A customer might want a computer for email, but then they learn that it can also be used for spreadsheets, PowerPoint, surfing the internet, etc.”
The potential opportunity for MSPs entering the UAV market is significant. The UAV market is expected to reach $58.4 billion by 2026, with a CAGR of 16.4%, according to a Markets and Markets report. If they can deliver UAV services successfully, MSPs will generate more revenue and increase their perceived value with customers.
Here are five reasons why MSPs should consider offering UAV services to customers, explained by members of the Drone Advisory Council.
1. Integration with IT Networks, Systems, Security
In some ways, UAVs are similar to other nodes on the network.
“Solution providers such as IT solution providers and MSPs are often experts at handling data and creating and managing systems for the data and information,” said Robert Dahlstrom, CEO of Appelix and member of the Drone Advisory Council. “They should look to drones as just another component on the network. As a node on the network, a drone needs MSP support and an MSP’s expertise to set up systems and the security of those systems for the drone node.”
That said, a drone is not a typical network node, Dahlstrom said. UAVs should be treated slightly differently than other pieces of hardware on a client’s network, for it has some unique needs.
“First, it is mobile and travels in the real world, often gathering vast quantities of data in the form of video and images,” he said. “Second, the data from the drone may be transmitted while it is flying via mobile phone or other networks or services or it may upload data post-flight. MSPs need to support these needs from these somewhat unique mobile network nodes.”
Continue reading: https://connect.comptia.org/blog/5-reasons-why-msps-should-get-excited-about-drones


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How Women in Tech Can Crossover the Gender Gap: Tech Talk With cnvrg.io’s CTO

Leah Kolben, chief technology officer and co-founder at cnvrg.io, joins Neha Pradhan for a little serious and light-hearted conversation on this special episode for the state of women in tech. They discuss why the gender gap in technology exists and how more women can cross the gender gap to continue their careers in data science and AI. Leah and Neha talk about promoting pay equity in the tech industry, championing gender-responsive tech, overcoming imposter syndrome in a male-dominated industry, and more.
Read more: https://www.toolbox.com/tech/it-careers-skills/videos/how-women-in-tech-can-crossover-the-gender-gap-tech-talk-with-leah-kolben-cnvrg-io/

The synthetic data that will help build AI and the metaverse

Synthetic data — the generation of artificial images to train AI and computer vision — will be key to building out a future metaverse.
Why it matters: AI has long been trained on images — including human faces — captured from the real world, but doing so can create serious privacy concerns.
  • Using synthetic data instead can help sidestep that issue, though it brings new worries about accuracy and authenticity.
Driving the news: Facebook announced on Tuesday that it plans to shut down its decade-old facial recognition system and delete the facial scans of more than a billion users, out of what it said were privacy concerns.
Between the lines: Increasingly, privacy concerns will lead companies to move from capturing real faces and other images to train AI as they transition to using synthetically generated data.
  • Tel Aviv-based synthetic data company Datagen does high-quality level digital scans and motion capture of real people and objects and then uses AI to generate realistic but not real versions.
  • Gartner predicted recently that by 2024, 60% of the data used for the development of AI and analytics projects will be synthetically generated.
The big picture: Since images of real people aren't being used directly, privacy and bias are less of a concern.
  • Early computer vision systems were often trained on datasets taken from the internet that were disproportionately white and male, which meant they were less accurate in recognizing faces from other races and genders.
  • With synthetic data, "you can incorporate the real distributions of the real world, so there's no bias among age, gender and more," says Gil Elbaz, co-founder and CTO of Datagen.
The catch: Some experts worry synthetic data may not be as valid as the real thing, which could damage the performance of AI models trained on it.
  • Many of the same tools used to generate synthetic faces for AI training could also be used to create convincing deepfakes, though Elbaz notes technical tools like smart contracts could be used to separate synthetics from fakes.
Continue reading: https://www.axios.com/synthetic-data-facebook-ai-metaverse-73b9a651-d462-467f-9f24-4f07e243373a.html


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AI Is The New Internet, But DIY AI Can Leave Most Enterprises Reeling

Some business functions are suitable for a “do it yourself” approach, and some aren’t. AI clearly isn’t. A DIY approach to AI is expensive, time-consuming and a better fit for experimentation than organization-wide deployments. Instead, innovative and forward-looking organizations are thinking more holistically about their approach to enterprise AI, turning to outside experts to unlock new efficiencies and accelerate time to market.
The Rise Of Enterprise AI
For years, AI was characterized as a futuristic technology — something out of sci-fi films like The Matrix but not a tool for businesses to wield. However, that perception has dramatically changed in recent years.
According to McKinsey’s State of AI in 2020 report, organizations are increasingly using AI to generate value. Half of the respondents said their company has adopted AI in at least one business function, indicating AI will soon become more common than not. And these organizations aren’t just hopping on the latest tech bandwagon; they’re seeing real value across their businesses.
Nearly a quarter of respondents attributed more than 5% of their organization’s earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) to their use of AI. The AI high performers — companies that said 20% or more of enterprise-wide EBIT in 2019 was attributable to their AI use — reported better overall performance and better overall leadership compared to respondents who haven’t been as successful at embedding AI in their organizations.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/11/03/ai-is-the-new-internet-but-diy-ai-can-leave-most-enterprises-reeling/?sh=15e648374d77


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Why the iBuying algorithms failed Zillow, and what it says about the business world’s love affair with AI

Just because a business process can be automated, doesn’t necessarily mean it should be automated. And maybe — just maybe — there are components of business that are not better served with AI algorithms doing the job.
That’s a key takeaway after Zillow Group made the unexpected decision on Tuesday to shutter its home buying business — a painful move that will result in 2,000 employees losing their jobs, a $304 million third quarter write-down, a spiraling stock price (shares are down more than 18% today), and egg on the face of co-founder and CEO Rich Barton.
Zillow’s move also represents a big loss for the algorithms that powered its nascent iBuying business, and it is a warning sign to other businesses — both in real estate and other industries — that rely heavily on the almighty algorithm.
In Zillow’s third quarter conference call with investors and an appearance on CNBC on Tuesday, Barton made reference to the company’s lack of confidence in its home buying algorithm’s ability to accurately predict fluctuations in home prices. Even still, the company used its algorithms to buy 9,680 homes in the third quarter.
 All the AI and machine learning in the world isn’t yet up to the task of the complexity of valuing a home in a rapidly changing market, and this move by Zillow is proof.
He said Zillow could have blamed the iBuying failure on “Black Swan events” — the pandemic or unprecedented labor shortages, for example — and then “tweak” the company’s models and press on.
But Barton — one of the tech industry’s most respected and accomplished entrepreneurs — said that was too risky. And while the company eventually could have solved forecasting and operational problems with iBuying, it’s the algorithm itself where Barton placed the most uncertainty.
“But what we can’t solve is what the model is going to tell us about how much capital we need to raise, deploy and risk in the future in order to achieve a scale that we think is necessary to offer a fair price to customers for their homes in a competitive way,” he said.
In other words, the algorithm used to predict home prices just didn’t work to the level that Barton was going to risk the entire company on it.
And that gets into the bigger discussion: Are businesses too reliant on algorithms?
Research has long showed these computer models are loaded with biases and flaws. This is causing a backlash against AI and machine learning algorithms, and you can see it playing out in some of the chatter following Zillow’s decision.
Continue reading: https://www.geekwire.com/2021/ibuying-algorithms-failed-zillow-says-business-worlds-love-affair-ai/


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Clearview AI ordered to delete all facial recognition data belonging to Australians

Controversial facial recognition firm Clearview AI has been ordered to destroy all images and facial templates belonging to individuals living in Australia by the country’s national privacy regulator.
Clearview, which claims to have scraped 10 billion images of people from social media sites in order to identify them in other photos, sells its technology to law enforcement agencies. It was trialled by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) between October 2019 and March 2020.
Now, following an investigation, Australia privacy regulator, the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC), has found that the company breached citizens’ privacy. “The covert collection of this kind of sensitive information is unreasonably intrusive and unfair,” said OAIC privacy commissioner Angelene Falk in a press statement. “It carries significant risk of harm to individuals, including vulnerable groups such as children and victims of crime, whose images can be searched on Clearview AI’s database.”
Said Falk: “When Australians use social media or professional networking sites, they don’t expect their facial images to be collected without their consent by a commercial entity to create biometric templates for completely unrelated identification purposes. The indiscriminate scraping of people’s facial images, only a fraction of whom would ever be connected with law enforcement investigations, may adversely impact the personal freedoms of all Australians who perceive themselves to be under surveillance.”
The investigation into Clearview’s practices by the OAIC was carried out in conjunction with the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). However, the ICO has yet to make a decision about the legality of Clearview’s work in the UK. The agency says it is “considering its next steps and any formal regulatory action that may be appropriate under the UK data protection laws.”
Continue reading: https://www.theverge.com/2021/11/3/22761001/clearview-ai-facial-recognition-australia-breach-data-delete


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Are Fleet Management Services the Key to Scaling Up UAS Programs?

By removing some of the work involved with keeping drones up and running, Fortress Solutions hopes to help companies think bigger.
Implementing drone workflows can be straightforward when there are only a few platforms to manage but scaling to work with a fleet of drones across various company locations can pose additional challenges. Rather than dedicating in-house personnel to maintain, deploy, charge, or refuel drones, Fortress Solutions offers an alternative for fleet management. By taking over the repair, refueling and logistics, Fortress Solutions’ business model allows companies to scale up their drone programs without dedicating additional staff. At the Commercial UAV Expo, we spoke to Fortress Solutions about their services and their partnership with Doosan to provide hydrogen fuel cells for their long-distance drones.
Continue reading: https://www.commercialuavnews.com/infrastructure/are-fleet-management-services-the-key-to-scaling-up-uas-programs

Amazon Drone Delivery Was Supposed to Start By 2018. Here's What Happened Instead

Amazon’s squadron of delivery drones was supposed to be in full flight by now. And the fall of 2021 would have been an opportune time to have little automated flying machines delivering packages to customers—what with all the trouble human workers are causing around the country with strikes and labor shortages. Amazon announced an experimental drone delivery service with great fanfare as part of a 60 Minutes feature in 2013. Amazon’s promise was quite remarkable: Your packages—containing anything from toothpaste to a new smartphone—would arrive right at your doorstep (or on your lawn) by way of a drone that lands, drops your parcel and flies away.
Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s then-CEO, said in the televised segment that it would likely take “four to five years” to turn the “R&D project” into a reality.
Nearly eight years later, the world’s leading online retailer is struggling to make progress with its Prime Air program. So, what happened?
“Prime Air is committed to making our goal of delivering packages by drones a reality,” Amazon said in a statement to TIME. “We are pioneering new ground and it will continue to take time to create the right technology and infrastructure to safely deliver packages to customers.”
Continue reading: https://time.com/6093371/amazon-drone-delivery-service/


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Crop Spraying Drones: This Small U.S. Manufacturer is Taking on the Global Market

Mark Twain once said, “Buy land; they’re not making it anymore.” If he were alive today, he probably would have added that buyers of agricultural land should also look into using drone technology in order to improve the value of their investment.
Arthur Erickson, CEO and co-founder of Hylioan agricultural drone maker, predicted that there would be a boom in the agriculture technology space in the next several years, as farmers take advantage of advances in drone, robotic and software technology to improve crop yields and reduce their use of pesticides harmful to the environment.
“I urge people to look into the ag tech space as an investment sector,” he said. “We’re into some really cool things, but, it’s not just us. There are other great ag companies.”
Founded in 2015, the Richmond, Texas-based company has quickly grown to become a successful U.S.-based manufacturer of agriculture-related drones and software.
Continue reading: https://dronelife.com/2021/11/02/crop-spraying-drones-this-small-u-s-manufacturer-is-taking-on-the-global-market/


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Autonomous drone networks are a faster route to sustainable supply chains

Edward Fu Director, Global Policy Development and Policy Counsel, Zipline
  • New forms of infrastructure are needed to relieve over-burdened and unsustainable supply chains.
  • In Rwanda and Virginia, US, drone-based logistics networks have proved their efficiency and sustainability.
  • Using drones alongside existing logistics system will increase supply chain resiliency.
The combination of the COVID-19 pandemic and worsening climate change have strained supply chains past their breaking point, and the challenge of resiliency and access to life-critical goods is more important than ever. Supply chains all over the world are failing under the weight of increasing demand, limiting access to goods and services. And as customers increasingly expect on-demand, next-day or same-day delivery, our existing ground vehicle-based logistics network is growing increasingly inefficient and unsustainable. Investment in new forms of resilient and sustainable infrastructure is critical to the long-term success of global logistics.
Today, we can invest in sustainable, long-term infrastructure that requires no additional roads, embraces green spaces and brings massive reductions in carbon emissions. These benefits aren’t hypothetical or futuristic: Drone logistics companies are already moving goods around the world, providing on-demand, just-in-time access, while imposing a fraction of the carbon footprint of a ground-based network.
We’ll examine two: Rwanda and Virginia, US, both of which benefit from drone logistics networks operated by two leading companies in the field, Zipline and Wing, who have made 200,000 and 100,000 commercial deliveries respectively.
Continue reading: https://www.suasnews.com/2021/11/autonomous-drone-networks-are-a-faster-route-to-sustainable-supply-chains/


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4 Ways the Internet of Things Is Enhancing Customer Experience

The Internet of Things is transforming business in manufacturing and product development. And now with help from the pandemic, it's helping organizations create better and safer customer experiences, according to data from Capegemini. For example, contactless delivery and touchless interactions are one area where IoT's impact has been felt. "The trend towards touchless interactions is reflected strongly in retail spending patterns over the course of the pandemic,” the report said.
CapGemini also predicted that by the 2030, more than 125 billion IoT devices will be in service. Many organizations are developing Internet of Things sensors, devices or other technologies that can communicate independently with customer support and provide immediate feedback to customers. 
Below are four ways IoT devices are being used to enhance CX today:
1. Transportation and Logistics
Track Supply Chain Movement
IoT now allows customers to more transparently track the location of orders and their movement along the supply chain and identify "weak links" in it, said Evgeniy Altynpara, CTO for Cleverload.
Continue reading: https://www.cmswire.com/customer-experience/4-ways-the-internet-of-things-is-enhancing-customer-experience/


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Leading by example: 7 women taking the lead in shaping the Dutch tech ecosystem

If the tech industry wants to play a meaningful role in shaping society, then the people working in that industry need to be a representation of those in society. That means we need – for starters – a significant portion to be women. Strides are being made to create more diversity, but especially at C-level it is slow progress. These women set an example and successfully take up leadership roles in the startup ecosystem.
Ingeborg van Harten – Head of People at Payaut
‘A bit of magic’. That is what Ingeborg van Harten aims to infuse in startups and scaleups. She does so by making sure the people in the organisation are happy, engaged and motivated. Up until recently, she worked her magic as Head of People and Places at Mollie. For two years, she was responsible for making the fintech a popular place to work, contributing to its rise to become a unicorn.
That’s not where the journey ends for Van Harten. She founded her own HR consultancy and is currently responsible for creating a stellar team at another fintech. Amsterdam-based Payaut is rapidly growing, heading to Europe with their payment solution for online marketplaces and with Van Harten as Head of People on board could become the next big thing.
Continue reading: https://siliconcanals.com/news/startups/women-in-tech-leaders-amsterdam/


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The U.S. Navy Is Finally Getting Carrier Drones. It Only Took 60 Years.

Naval observers were befuddled when, after years of exciting experimentation ending in 2015, the U.S. Navy seemed to give up on acquiring a high-performance, combat-capable drone for its carrier air wings.
Now, years later, the U.S. Navy finally is coming back around to the idea of a carrier-compatible combat drone. The sailing branch’s new aviation strategy confirms that the MQ-25 robotic tanker, the only unclassified air vehicle to come out of the earlier experiments, will pull double duty as a surveillance system.
The MQ-25 could help the fleet to work out procedures for future drones. If and when the fleet’s next-generation stealth fighter reaches carrier decks around 2035, it could operate with a bunch of sophisticated robotic wingmen.
The Navy experimented with carrier-launched drones as far back as the Vietnam War. The service bought a few Model 147 reconnaissance drones from Ryan Aeronautical and, in late 1969, launched the subsonic vehicles 28 times from the deck of the carrier USS Ranger sailing off the coast of North Vietnam.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2021/11/02/the-us-navy-is-finally-getting-carrier-drones-it-only-took-60-years/?sh=ce1c3fc3dfd7


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Autonomous drone networks are a faster route to sustainable supply chains

The combination of the COVID-19 pandemic and worsening climate change have strained supply chains past their breaking point, and the challenge of resiliency and access to life-critical goods is more important than ever. Supply chains all over the world are failing under the weight of increasing demand, limiting access to goods and services. And as customers increasingly expect on-demand, next-day or same-day delivery, our existing ground vehicle-based logistics network is growing increasingly inefficient and unsustainable. Investment in new forms of resilient and sustainable infrastructure is critical to the long-term success of global logistics.
Today, we can invest in sustainable, long-term infrastructure that requires no additional roads, embraces green spaces and brings massive reductions in carbon emissions. These benefits aren’t hypothetical or futuristic: Drone logistics companies are already moving goods around the world, providing on-demand, just-in-time access, while imposing a fraction of the carbon footprint of a ground-based network.
We’ll examine two: Rwanda and Virginia, US, both of which benefit from drone logistics networks operated by two leading companies in the field, Zipline and Wing, who have made 200,000 and 100,000 commercial deliveries respectively.
Continue reading: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/11/drone-delivery-supply-chains/


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Skydio Drones, Axon Evidence: New Integration Streamlines Public Safety Operations

Skydio and Axon Launch New Integration of Skydio Drones with Axon Evidence
Today, industry leader Skydio, alongside global public safety leader Axon, announced that public safety agencies operating Skydio drones and employing Axon’s digital evidence management platform, Axon Evidence, will now be able to automatically upload photos and video captured on their drones to Axon Evidence as part of an early access program.
“Drones hold the promise of massive positive impact for public safety, but physically transferring and manually cataloguing photos and video footage from drones into a digital evidence management system is time consuming and error prone,” said Adam Bry, CEO of Skydio. “As part of Skydio’s strategic partnership with Axon, we’re excited to unveil this critical next step in helping public safety agencies quickly and easily organize their data via this new integration with Axon Evidence.”
Continue reading: https://dronelife.com/2021/11/02/skydio-drones-axon-evidence-new-integration-streamlines-public-safety-operations/


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Will the U.S. Become the Global Hub for Crypto and Blockchain?

The introduction of a bitcoin futures ETF in the U.S. was a telltale sign that the world's top economy could be the global hub for cryptocurrencies and blockchain if it wanted to be.
While other countries were already early adopters in the digital currency space, the U.S. could prove that being first doesn't always translate to market dominance. The sheer size of the U.S. GDP alone could help propel crypto and blockchain usage to the next level in terms of adoption.
Of course, it will take help from a receptive U.S. government, and lately, that help has been there. The bitcoin futures ETF from ProShares itself faced an upward climb on the SEC's legal mountain to approval, but its entry into the New York Stock Exchange showed that the U.S. wasn't averse to crypto.
"On Oct. 6, Gary Gensler, head of the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), confirmed during a House Committee on Financial Services hearing that the regulator will not ban cryptocurrency, potentially blazing the path for the world’s largest economy to become the global leader in the development of decentralized finance (DeFi) and blockchain technologies," a Cointelegraph article said.
Continue reading: https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/will-the-u.s.-become-the-global-hub-for-crypto-and-blockchain-2021-11-01


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Bull Of The Day: Riot Blockchain (RIOT)

It's time to gain exposure to the skyrocketing cryptocurrency market as a tidal wave of curious individual and institutional investors alike pour into this booming asset class.
Riot Blockchain RIOT, now one of the world's largest public bitcoin miners following its recent acquisition of Whinestone US, is positioned to provide us with the rare and exciting opportunity to profit off the surging crypto market's already prolific rally. 
Bitcoin BTC rallied 125% in just three months (lows on July 20th and highs on October 20th) to notch a fresh all-time high just over $67,000 a coin, remaining buoyantly above $60K today. Roughly $1.5 trillion of value is being added to this legitimizing asset class as deep-pocketed institutional investors begin to deploy capital into this ambiguous market. The opportunity cost of not being a part of this rapidly appreciating asset class is just too great not to have some exposure.
RIOT, which is closely tied to the performance of bitcoin, had initially overshot the crypto rally in the first month and a half of the year as momentum chasing traders such as the (self-proclaimed) "degenerates" on r/WallStreetBets (WSB) drove this leading miner's shares far above their intrinsic value. RIOT surged as much as 385% at the beginning of 2021, but its momentum-driven valuation bubble has since deflated. The stock is now trading over 65% below its highs to the value opportunity we see today.
Continue reading: https://news.yahoo.com/bull-day-riot-blockchain-riot-110011278.html


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Growing Your Business Through AI-Powered Language

Words matter. Your organization knows it, and so do your customers; they engage with your business only when you clearly communicate how you can help them.
Getting your signal through the noise has never been more challenging. Businesses are sending out an estimated seven trillion messages a month, most of them ignored—or worse, actively avoided; the customers who receive them may cut off contact entirely.
Why are so few messages hitting the mark? Because it’s difficult to tailor marketing campaigns and messages to thousands or millions of customers at once while incorporating the complex data, channels, and other inputs that give these messages the authenticity that drives outcomes.
With cookies and other third-party customer data on the way out, companies need to make better use of their proprietary data and get a competitive advantage from their content. Organizations need to personalize their customer experiences at scale and focus on strategic decisions that drive growth instead of using their human capital in an inefficient effort to continually recalibrate campaigns.
Continue reading: https://hbr.org/sponsored/2021/11/growing-your-business-through-ai-powered-language


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Machine Learning Strategies That’ll Significantly Increase Business Efficiency

Technology has rapidly advanced in the last few decades, to the point where the line between science and science-fiction has been blurred. All the books and movies that conceptualized the idea of artificial intelligence assisting humans by handling various tasks have come true. Perhaps the most impressive development that seems too futuristic to be true is machine learning, where an AI teaches itself and gets better as it keeps on learning, completely independent of human intervention. To many people, this might seem like the beginning of a dystopian horror story, however, for businesses, it’s no less than a new resource to use and invest in.
The benefits of machine learning for businesses are immense, and this is the reason why a lot of huge companies are turning towards this technology. While smaller companies are yet to adopt this technology, the ones that do claim that it has revolutionized the way they work. In this article, we’re going to take a look at some of the most significant impacts of AI and ML on business efficiency and why you should learn to utilize them as well. By the end of this article, you’ll be aware of the multitude of benefits that ML can have for your business’s growth and day-to-day operations. So let’s get started without further delay and discover the ML strategies to skyrocket your business’s growth.
1. Automation
One of the most renowned and well-documented uses of AI is in automating daily tasks. The tasks that are automated don’t necessarily have to be mundane either, ML can even automate routine tasks like data recovery, auditing, reporting, monitoring, and much more, Traditionally, these tasks needed to be handled by a human team member, but the advancements in ML have made it possible for businesses like yours to dedicate one less human resource for these routine tasks.
Continue reading: https://techbullion.com/machine-learning-strategies-thatll-significantly-increase-business-efficiency/


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Why You Should Make Artificial Intelligence Part Of Your Digital Strategy

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the world. It's transforming the way we work and live. It's doing tasks that humans used to do. But this isn't a story about robots taking over our lives and stealing our jobs. Instead, this is a story about how AI can help make businesses and their employees more innovative, creative and efficient.
AI is already enhancing our lives in many ways. For example, it's helping doctors diagnose cancer, teachers personalize lessons for their students and lawyers win cases. And it's not just large companies like Google, Facebook and Apple that are using AI to turbo-boost their businesses — everyday entrepreneurs and startups are trying to harness its power as well. The most common areas in which companies and entrepreneurs use AI include online advertising, human resources, customer service and retail.
Which business functions are ripe for AI?
Many companies in various industries are already seeing the benefits of using AI in their businesses. They've reported better decision-making, fewer errors, greater accuracy and increased efficiency. Let's go through some of the business functions that can benefit from digital transformation using AI.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/11/02/why-you-should-make-artificial-intelligence-part-of-your-digital-strategy/?sh=8d9390720146


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The AAUW NM Tech Trek helps young New Mexico women in STEM

How does the educational world address the lost time and missed opportunities to encourage young women to pursue the exciting and well-paying fields of science, technology, engineering and math?
Today, women make up only 28 percent of the current STEM — roughly defined as science, technology, engineering and math — workforce in the United States. While that might be an improvement over 8 percent in 1970, an increase of 20 percent in 50 years does not exactly demonstrate dynamic growth.
Not to be ignored, of that 28 percent, black women represent only 9 percent of the STEM workforce and Hispanic/Latina women 7 percent. While some may be encouraged to know 21 percent of college engineering majors are now women, as are 19 percent of computer science majors, lucrative STEM fields remain heavily male dominated. And for their reward, women currently working in STEM fields earn 74 to 87 percent of what men earn.
Continue reading: https://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/education/the-aauw-nm-tech-trek-helps-young-new-mexico-women-in-stem/article_9a91762c-3a90-11ec-b332-ff52db605e5e.html


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Overcoming The Challenges Women Of Color Face In Tech

Lean In and McKinsey recently published a report that confirmed what we already knew. Some of those findings include that women are better leaders, stronger people managers, and care more about diversity, equity and inclusion. It feels both infuriating and validating to read on paper what many of us have been sharing out loud for years — the fact that women of color face a wider range of “othering” microaggressions that undermine them professionally.
After working in tech for over two decades, I often get asked how I was able to put up with all the inequalities and make it to the C-suite. My answer is as clear as water: If I don’t do it, who will do it? As a female, Latina and member of the LGBTQ+ community, I knew that my journey required a ton of grit and the understanding that it was my responsibility to honor the women who came before me and open the door to the ones coming behind me. It is time for us all to create an environment in which there are no longer questions or doubts on the ability of women to flourish in this industry, especially women of color.
The tech industry is not going to change overnight, and we need to be strategic and realistic at the same time. The workplace is not the way it should be, so how can we navigate this world while keeping our authenticity and rise to the top? Here is what worked for me:
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