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Supercomputers Flex Their AI Muscles

Scientific supercomputing is not immune to the wave of machine learning that's swept the tech world. Those using supercomputers to uncover the structure of the universe, discover new molecules, and predict the global climate are increasingly using neural networks to do so. And as is long-standing tradition in the field of high-performance computing, it's all going to be measured down to the last floating-point operation.
Twice a year, Top500.org publishes a ranking of raw computing power using a value called Rmax, derived from benchmark software called Linpack. By that measure, it's been a bit of a dull year. The ranking of the top nine systems are unchanged from June, with Japan's Supercomputer Fugaku on top at 442,010 trillion floating point operations per second. That leaves the Fujitsu-built system a bit shy of the long-sought goal of exascale computing—one-thousand trillion 64-bit floating-point operations per second, or exaflops.
But by another measure—one more related to AI—Fugagku and its competitor the Summit supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have already passed the exascale mark. That benchmark, called HPL-AI, measures a system's performance using the lower-precision numbers—16-bits or less—common to neural network computing. Using that yardstick, Fugaku hits 2 exaflops (no change from June 2021) and Summit reaches 1.4 (a 23 percent increase).
By one benchmark, related to AI, Japan's Fugaku and the U.S.'s Summit supercomputers are already doing exascale computing.
But HPL-AI isn't really how AI is done in supercomputers today. Enter MLCommons, the industry organization that's been setting realistic tests for AI systems of all sizes. It released results from version 1.0 of its high-performance computing benchmarks, called MLPerf HPC, this week.
Continue reading: https://spectrum.ieee.org/ai-supercomputer


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Zipline Delivers for Walmart: Drone Delivery Launches in Pea Ridge, Arkansas

Today, Walmart and Zipline announced the launch of their new instant delivery service in Pea Ridge, Arkansas, where the service will make on-demand deliveries of select health and wellness and consumable items from the Walmart Neighborhood Market.
“Zipline’s autonomous aircraft present an incredible opportunity to offer customers an on-demand delivery option for the items they need now, such as a thermometer, non-prescription medication or an emergency pack of diapers,” said Tom Ward, senior vice president, Last Mile Delivery, Walmart U.S. “Even more, Zipline’s aircraft can help provide immediate access to needed items for both hard-to-reach and at-risk populations, such as rural communities and elderly customers. By bringing this game-changing technology to the rural community of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, we’re continuing to look for ways to make shopping with Walmart convenient and easy – for everyone.”
Zipline Delivers for Walmart
Following the service’s initial announcement last fall, Walmart and Zipline have been collaborating on the construction of a first-of-its kind 25-foot platform which serves as the infrastructure for take-off and landing. Located directly behind the Neighborhood Market, the platform houses several of Zipline’s autonomous aircraft as well as its flight operations crew. Zipline’s aircraft are capable of servicing a 50-mile radius at full capacity.
Continue reading: https://dronelife.com/2021/11/20/zipline-delivers-for-walmart-drone-delivery-launches-in-pea-ridge-arkansas/


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Future of food: People, planet and economy

Innovation in agriculture is one of the hottest topics at the moment due to the industry facing a number of challenges in the past years, including rising suppliers’ costs, labor shortage and major changes in consumer preferences for more transparency and sustainability.
According to Crunchbase data, venture capitalists invested more than $4 billion into the AgTech space in both 2018 and 2019, with 2020 not showing any signs of slowing down. Seana Day from Better Food Ventures also added that “COVID-19, with its disconnect between demand signals and supply, has reminded the world about the food supply chain.”
Agricultural technology (or agritech, or AgTech) represents the use of technology and innovation to increase the efficiency, productivity and output of agricultural activities, such as farming and growing of crops. There are many applications of AgTech, however, the main aim is to grow more food while using less space and/or fewer inputs. Technological advances in agriculture also save farmers time and money by, for example, implementing task automation, while replacing manual labor, which often represents the highest cost input in farming. Major innovations in agriculture have focused around areas, like urban farming, robotics and automation of processes, livestock tech, modernized greenhouses, precision agriculture, AI and blockchain.
Urban farming, including indoor vertical farming
Indoor vertical farming is gaining interest due to its ability to thrive in limited space. Its advantages include reduced labor costs, increasing crop yields, overcoming limited land area by enabling food production in urban environments and reducing the impact that farming has on the environment due to the decreased distance travelled in the supply chain, therefore being more sustainable. Due to the fact that vertical farming can precisely control variables such as light, humidity and water, food production is increased with reliable harvest times all-year-round. In certain setups, vertical farms do not even require soil for plants to grow (such as hydroponic farms, where plants are grown in nutrient-dense bowls of water), while using 70% less water than traditional farms, and therefore optimizing energy conservation.
Farming processes automation or “smart farming”
Farm automation refers to technology that makes farming more efficient, while automating the production cycle of crops or livestock. This can be done via robotics innovation, such as drones, autonomous tractors, robotic harvesters, automatic watering and seeding robots. Automatic watering and robotic harvesters are already being commonly used in vertical farming. The main goal of farm automation is to cover easier and monotonous tasks. However, it also contributes to tackling such issues as labor shortages, environmental footprint of farming and rapidly changing consumer preferences.
Continue reading: https://www.foodengineeringmag.com/articles/99818-future-of-food-people-planet-and-economy


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Drones offer alternatives to traditional spraying

With prices and availability of agricultural chemicals questionable for 2022, precise and timely field applications could be more important than ever to crop producers’ bottom lines.
For overcoming wet fields, limited applicator availability and in-field obstacles, one Missouri-based company has the answer.
Agri Spray Drones was founded by Taylor Moreland in January 2020 near Centralia, Mo., after years of research into the agricultural drone marketplace and a career as a crop consultant and dealer for Pioneer.
“New technology, knowledge of agriculture and the applications these drones could have, as well as customer support — those were all key things I wanted to bring to the table,” Moreland said.
“When we make claims about efficiency or durability we want those claims to have been field-tested and grounded in truth.”
How it works
Drones are increasingly more common, even in rural America. Chances are a friend or neighbor has a small quad-copter model piloted by a joystick or an iPad application. Agri-Spray’s drones are different in size, quality and application than any small personal drone on the market.
“The initial reaction to these drones for people who are used to traditional ground rigs is to think it will take all day to spray 20 acres,” Moreland said. “And if these were designed to do the same type of application as a ground rig it probably would. But, these are much more similar to airplane or helicopter applications.”
Agri-Spray drones can be more efficient for small, tree-lined fields, wet ground or for areas where it may be dangerous to transport a traditional spray rig from field to field.
While the tank still needs to be mixed appropriately and the batteries must be kept charged, the drones Agri Spray offers do just about everything else on their own.
“The beauty of our drones is that they’re completely autonomous,” Moreland said. “You set your field boundaries and the drone maps out a route across the field. Once you’ve filled the spray tank and put in the battery you’re essentially ready to go.”
The software used for Agri Spray drones can be used in a variety of different applications, including variable rate applications for applying fertilizer or broadcasting seed, but their primary function is to efficiently navigate even complex fields.
“The software is quite a bit different than most traditional tractor-based field mapping software and that’s a good thing,” Moreland said.
Continue reading: https://www.enidnews.com/news/ag_energy/drones-offer-alternatives-to-traditional-spraying/article_4a37edc8-48b9-11ec-8eae-63b8708743eb.html


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IoT in Ecommerce: 3 Ways Connected Things Reshape Online Trade

According to Mordor Intelligence estimations, the worldwide IoT market reached $761.4 billion in 2020 and will rise to $1,386.06 billion by 2026. The CAGR (compound annual growth rate) is predicted to be 10.53% during this period.
Growth of the global IoT market in billions of dollars
 The Internet of Things is essential for the future of various sectors. And online trade business is not an exception. IoT in retail examples include:
    • smart shelves with automatic heating and lighting;
    • smart factories, monitoring industrial processes to discover faults; among other things.
This article will go over the top three ways IoT technology is affecting the ecommerce business.
3 IoT Applications in Business and Ecommerce
1. Discovering new shopping platforms
Today’s vendors provide customers with a unique online experience and extend store accessibility beyond phones and computers. The only thing users need to do is press a button and get what they need in no time.
Continue reading: https://www.toolbox.com/tech/iot/guest-article/three-ways-connected-things-reshape-online-trade/


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"It can be isolating": An interview with Lowell's Sophie Hussey, Women in Tech Excellence Awards finalist

"Be you. If you’re anything other than authentic in a leadership role, you won’t bring people along with you"
STEM subjects - those especially valued in the tech trade - tend to be much more popular among school-age boys than girls. Whether that is down to social pressure or a lack of representation, the fact remains that the pipeline for females into IT is a thin one.
That is why it is so important for potential applicants to the industry to have strong role models, who are both visible and visibly accepted. That is why we have not just one, but four Role Model of the Year categories at the upcoming Women in Tech Excellence Awards.
Sophie Hussey, head of service management at financial services firm Lowell, is a finalist in the Role Model of the Year: Financial Services category, and prior to the Awards on the 24th November, we talked to her about her own route into the sector.
Continue reading: https://www.computing.co.uk/sponsored/4040622/sophie-hussey-women-tech-excellence-awards


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Why The Exclusionary Attitude Towards Women In Tech Needs To Go Away

Why the Tech world needs to change its approach and  fix its exclusionary attitude towards women in tech. In 2021 women make up 34% of the IT workforce in India and the country is now almost at a 50:50 gender parity rate in STEM graduates.
Do we still need to have the “women in tech’’ conversations?
Nobody says men in tech!
And yet, the answer is yes, albeit nuanced.
While as a society we must strive to reach a point where such distinction serves no purpose, we’re not there yet. Even though women’s participation in any sphere of economic activity and innovation is not a novelty, from Whitney Wolfe Herd, Anjali Sud to Falguni Nayar women’s contribution to technology is ubiquitous, their role and potential are often overshadowed by an army of male names and voices. Every generation of women bears responsibility in changing this mindset starting from schools to leadership roles.
Gender-based narratives around ability I have been fortunate in ways a lot of my non-male peers weren’t. I  grew up in a supportive family where almost all the women of my mother’s generation worked as teachers, doctors, biochemists, and more. I was never told I couldn’t do something because I was a girl, I was shown how to do it. Interests and hobbies weren’t forced on me based on my gender. Resultantly, I never learnt to doubt myself in the context of gender. My upbringing instilled in me the courage to pursue my goals and the confidence that I had the capability to overcome challenges I may face. But I am painfully aware that I am the exception, not the rule. Young girls are still being subjected to tropes that suggest that girls are somehow inherently weaker at math than boys or the science equivalents of it. Women are still being told that they must choose better suited “easier” options while every year high school results prove that girls are just as good, if not better.
Continue reading: https://www.shethepeople.tv/personal-stories/exclusionary-attitude-women-in-tech-seema-chawla/


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5 Barriers Women Face Entering Tech And How To Overcome Them

The field of technology is shaping the future, but that future is missing a very important perspective: from women.
A study in 2020 revealed that women make up less than 30 percent of the tech workforce, and of students graduating with bachelor's degrees in computer sciences, that number drops to only about 18 percent.
From bachelor's degrees to managers and CEOs in the industry, there is a funnel effect with women being represented less and less in top positions.
What are the barriers to women entering tech? Women in tech report feeling intimidated by the masculine culture and having a hard time finding female role models and mentors. With this information, they are also changing that culture by creating safe spaces for learning and growing the industry.
These are 5 barriers that women face in tech, and how to overcome them. Barriers are only made to be broken down. While it may be difficult, it is essential to close the gender representation gap with women changing the future of tech.
Continue reading: https://www.thetalko.com/5-barriers-women-face-entering-tech-and-how-to-overcome-them/


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Women in crypto: Raise your hands (so we can see you)

Boardrooms and banks have historically been dominated by men. But with a brand new industry like the cryptocurrency market — one that is built on the openness of the internet — are there more women at the virtual table?
After the 2008 financial collapse, Bitcoin was created as an alternative to traditional banking. But that promise of financial equity somehow did not translate into diversity. A recent report by consultancy Gemini titled “The State of US Crypto” revealed that 75 percent of crypto investors are men. Ladies, where you at?
Ola Doudin has established herself as a key player in the nascent crypto scene in the Middle East and North Africa. She is the CEO and co-founder of BitOasis, a bitcoin consumer wallet and instant exchange focused on cash-based emerging markets. BitOasis was established in the UAE in 2015 and is recognized as the largest and most-trusted crypto platform in the region today.
“There’s been a lot of talk about the crypto space being male dominated, but unfortunately that’s been the case with traditional financial services and technology industries too,” said Doudin.
Continue reading: https://www.arabnews.com/node/1970931


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ARCHEthic: a Blockchain Solution for Scalability, Speed and Security

Blockchain technology is undoubtedly on a trajectory toward mainstream adoption, with a wide range of advantages that can benefit all other industries in some form or another. In fact, the global blockchain market size is expected to reach USD 56.7 billion by 2026, growing at a cumulative annual growth rate (CAGR) of 56.9% from USD 6 billion in 2021.
However, the rapid growth of the blockchain industry has also put the limitations of the technology into the spotlight. Existing blockchains face challenges with scalability and security. They are also slow, complex to use and damaging to the environment. These drawbacks are all dire issues which are now drawing skepticism and frustration from a public preparing to put the technology to mainstream use.
ARCHEthic is a decentralized consensus protocol blockchain that solves all of these problems. Built with cutting-edge technology based on four years of research and development, ARCHEthic uses a unique consensus protocol and security layer to deliver on their promise of being extremely safe and environmentally friendly, as well as infinitely faster and more scalable than other blockchains on the market.
Continue reading: https://techbullion.com/a-solution-to-blockchains-questions-about-scalability-speed-and-security/


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The Blockchain Solution for Secure Contactless Payments

The year 2020 forever changed the way we work and perform routine tasks. With the emergence of the deadly coronavirus and the resultant adoption of social distancing, even as the virus approaches its second anniversary, the concept of digital, contactless payments remains prevalent.
Prior to the pandemic, the digital payment sector had seen significant growth with the rise of mobile payment applications like PayPal and Apple Pay.
Contactless payment instruments like digital wallets and payment cards offer secure and fast transactions with less physical interaction, such as a tap of a mobile app or a payment card.
Still, these payments can become more secure, efficient, and faster with blockchain technology.
With Convenience Comes Risk
As contactless payment technology is steadily being integrated in devices, its demand has also increased. However, digital payments have their own setbacks that can lead to online fraud and security loopholes.
Data privacy and mobile security risks accompany the convenience of contactless payments. Since the user does not need a PIN, a stolen device or lost credit card can allow a criminal to easily access the account. A phone that has no security features in place can make it very convenient for anyone to make purchases without being detected.
Continue reading: https://www.technewsworld.com/story/the-blockchain-solution-for-secure-contactless-payments-87337.html


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The 5 Biggest Blockchain Trends In 2022

Blockchain is one of the most exciting tech trends at the moment. It is a distributed, encrypted database model that has the potential to solve many problems around online trust and security. Many people know it as the technology that underpins Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general. However, its potential uses are far broader, encompassing digital “smart” contracts, logistics and supply chain provenance and security, and protection against identity theft. There are countless others – blockchain evangelists say it can potentially be used to improve security and integrity in any system that involves multiple parties sharing access to a database.
During 2022, spending on blockchain solutions by businesses is forecast to hit $11.7 billion. Here are some of the trends that will be driving this and some thoughts on how this will impact more and more lives over the course of the next year.
Green blockchain initiatives
Blockchains can potentially use a lot of energy and create high levels of carbon emissions – this fact was behind Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s decision to temporarily stop accepting Bitcoin in payment for his cars earlier in 2021. For this very good reason, during 2022, we are likely to see a great deal of emphasis on attempts to “greenify” blockchain. There are a few ways this can be done, including carbon offsetting, although many people consider that this often equates to simply patching up a wound that shouldn’t have been caused in the first place. Another is by moving to less energy-intensive models of blockchain technology – typically those that rely on “proof-of-stake” algorithms rather than “proof-of-work” to generate consensus. Ethereum – the second best-known blockchain after Bitcoin – plans to move to a POS model during 2022. Another route to a greener operating model is the one championed by Cathy Wood, CEO of tech-focused hedge fund Ark Invest. This posits the view that growing demand for energy will lead to greater investments into generating renewable energy, which will then be used for other applications as well as operating blockchains.
Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2021/11/19/the-5-biggest-blockchain-trends-in-2022/?sh=7c26d4bf247a


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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, and 5G Will Be the Most Important Technologies in 2022, Says New IEEE Study

IEEE, the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for humanity, today released the results of "The Impact of Technology in 2022 and Beyond: an IEEE Global Study," a new survey of global technology leaders from the U.S., U.K., China, India, and Brazil. The study, which included 350 chief technology officers, chief information officers, and IT directors, covers the most important technologies in 2022, industries most impacted by technology in the year ahead, and technology trends through the next decade.Learn more about the study and the impact of technology in 2022 and beyond.
The most important technologies, innovation, sustainability, and the future
Which technologies will be the most important in 2022? Among total respondents, more than one in five (21%) say AI and machine learning, cloud computing (20%), and 5G (17%) will be the most important technologies next year. Because of the global pandemic, technology leaders surveyed said in 2021 they accelerated adoption of cloud computing (60%), AI and machine learning (51%), and 5G (46%), among others.
It’s not surprising, therefore, that 95% agree—including 66% who strongly agree—that AI will drive the majority of innovation across nearly every industry sector in the next one to five years.
When asked which of the following areas 5G will most benefit in the next year, technology leaders surveyed said:
  • Telemedicine, including remote surgery and health record transmissions (24%)
  • Remote learning and education (20%)
  • Personal and professional day-to-day communications (15%)
  • Entertainment, sports, and live event streaming (14%)
  • Manufacturing and assembly (13%)
  • Transportation and traffic control (7%)
  • Carbon footprint reduction and energy efficiency (5%)
  • Farming and agriculture (2%)  
As for industry sectors most impacted by technology in 2022, technology leaders surveyed cited manufacturing (25%), financial services (19%), healthcare (16%), and energy (13%). As compared to the beginning of 2021, 92% of respondents agree, including 60% who strongly agree, that implementing smart building technologies that benefit sustainability, decarbonization, and energy savings has become a top priority for their organization. 
Continue reading: https://www.darkreading.com/vulnerabilities-threats/artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning-cloud-computing-and-5g-will-be-the-most-important-technologies-in-2022-says-new-ieee-study


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Here's Where MLOps is accelerating enterprise AI adoption

n the early 2000s, most business-critical software was hosted on privately run data centers. But with time, enterprises overcame their skepticism and moved critical applications to the cloud.
DevOps fueled this shift to the cloud, as it gave decision-makers a sense of control over business-critical applications hosted outside their own data centers.
Today, enterprises are in a similar phase of trying out and accepting machine learning (ML) in their production environments, and one of the accelerating factors behind this change is MLOps.
Similar to cloud-native startups, many startups today are ML native and offer differentiated products to their customers. But a vast majority of large and midsize enterprises are either only now just trying out ML applications or just struggling to bring functioning models to production.
Here are some key challenges that MLOps can help with:
It’s hard to get cross-team ML collaboration to work
An ML model may be as simple as one that predicts churn, or as complex as the one determining Uber or Lyft pricing between San Jose and San Francisco. Creating a model and enabling teams to benefit from it is an incredibly complex endeavor.
In addition to requiring a large amount of labeled historic data to train these models, multiple teams need to coordinate to continuously monitor the models for performance degradation.
There are three core roles involved in ML modeling, but each one has different motivations and incentives:
Data engineers: Trained engineers excel at gleaning data from multiple sources, cleaning it and storing it in the right formats so that analysis can be performed. Data engineers play with tools like ETL/ELT, data warehouses and data lakes, and are well versed in handling static and streaming data sets.
Continue reading: https://techcrunch.com/2021/11/18/heres-where-mlops-is-accelerating-enterprise-ai-adoption/


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Google Cloud encourages more conversational AI with Bot-in-a-Box

Google’s business platform services just became a lot more conversational.
Google Cloud announced yesterday a new AI-powered service product, Bot-in-a-Box, which is a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Business Messages feature designed to assist enterprises in initiating conversations with customers. GCP Business Messages is a conversational messaging service designed to enable organizations to connect with people to answer questions that come through Google Search, YouTube, Gmail, Google Maps, or their own business channels.
Bot-in-a-Box uses natural-language understanding and Google’s Dialogflow software to create chatbots that can understand and respond to customer questions without developers needing to write code. Using machine learning to understand a customer’s request, Bot-in-a-Box features Custom Intents, which finds the information a customer needs without human intervention.
Dialogflow CX is a virtual agent that handles concurrent conversations with a company’s users. The module is designed to understand the nuances of human language. Dialogflow translates end-user text or audio during a conversation into structured data that apps and services can understand. Bot-in-a-Box users can design and build a Dialogflow agent to handle the types of conversations required for their business. A Dialogflow agent, similar to a human call center agent, can be trained to handle expected conversation scenarios, and training does not need to be overly explicit, according to Google.
Custom Intents is a Google product that aims to allow marketers to target people currently researching specific topics, products, and solutions on the web, using display or YouTube video ad campaigns.
While in the process of serving a customer, a Bot-in-a-Box also can display an existing customer FAQ document, whether it’s from a web page or an internal document, to keep the service simple and easy to follow.
Beta users of Bot-in-Box have included Walmart, Tango Technology, Levi’s, and Albertsons. They have utilized AI-powered Business Messages since its launch on all platforms in February, Google said, reporting that the automation of customer conversations has helped employees save time.
Continue reading: https://venturebeat.com/2021/11/18/google-cloud-encourages-more-conversational-ai-with-bot-in-a-box/


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Croatia's seed-scattering drones replant forests hurt by fire

Seed-scattering drones are crisscrossing Croatia's skies in an airborne attempt to replant remote forests damaged by fire, an initiative its backers aim to promote internationally.
The tactic is not new, but the venture in Croatia disperses seeds in larger containers than those seen elsewhere -- the size of a golf ball -- releasing ingredients to form a favorable micro-environment for a seed to take root, its creators say.
"Besides an acorn we also put sand, grass, clay and chili inside", said Goran Ladisic, one of the leaders of the Magic Forest company running the project.
"Importantly, we put chili because, in this way, the wild animals -- in case of an oak it refers to wild boars -- will not eat the seeds."
Continue reading: https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/croatias-seed-scattering-drones-replant-forests-hurt-by-fire-2021-11-17/


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Walmart drone delivery has started tests, dropping orders from the sky in 30 minutes

If someone living in a rural area near the small town of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, feels sick and needs a new thermometer or some Advil, they can now place an order to be delivered to their home by drone instead of getting in a car and driving to a store. Zipline, the drone delivery startup that first launched with emergency medical deliveries in Rwanda, is partnering with Walmart to make drone deliveries around Pea Ridge, near Walmart’s headquarters.
The vision is that eventually the service could be combined with telemedicine and make prescription deliveries. “You could take something like a person seeing their doctor on their iPad [and] take them out of that situation where they have to then get out of bed, put clothes on, drive to the pharmacy, and potentially stand in line with other sick people or healthy people who they might risk getting sick,” says Liam O’Connor, Zipline’s COO. Instead, someone can “have that experience where their prescription shows up on their doorstep 15 minutes after the hangout with a doctor,” he says.
Continue reading: https://www.fastcompany.com/90698552/walmart-drone-delivery-has-started-tests-dropping-orders-from-the-sky-in-30-minutes


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Percepto’s New Drone Brings Automated Inspection to the Next Level with AI-Powered Analytics

Today, Percepto, the leading autonomous inspection and monitoring solution provider, announced the launch of its upgraded 2022 Autonomous Inspection & Monitoring (AIM) platform, as well as its new Air Mobile drone. Percepto, recently listed in TIME magazine’s 100 Best Inventions of 2021, provides the only end-to-end AI-powered solution to collate and streamline all visual data for accurate actionable insights.
Percepto AIM 2022’s new Insight Manager provides AI-powered packaged solutions for sector-specific use cases, including industries such as solar, mining, energy, oil & gas and more. By drawing upon tens of thousands of hours collected by autonomous robot missions at industrial facilities, Percepto’s AI change detection framework delivers unified visual data and critical business insights for each of the sector-specific solutions. AIM 2022 is able to be integrated with autonomous drones and robots in addition to other visual data collectors, such as DJI drones, and fixed cameras. Reports and insights are generated automatically based on the combined visual data. Any issues or faults are distributed to relevant stakeholders via mobile device and geotagged and displayed on a map, allowing for effective action before they grow into larger problems.
Continue reading: https://dronelife.com/2021/11/17/percepto-new-drone-brings-automated-inspection-to-the-next-level-with-ai-powered-analytics/


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The business case for more women in tech

It's estimated that women make up 19% of the tech workforce on average. As women make up 47.7% of the global workforce overall, it's clear that tech is falling behind other industries in its efforts to recruit and retain women.
While many tech business leaders are showing good intent to work towards a more diverse industry, it doesn't often translate into specific actions and the outcome is undoubtedly lacking.
This situation is unfortunate as it actually limits the growth and capabilities of tech businesses. 
On a general level, a more diverse team has more diverse perspectives, so is better equipped to innovate and consider new approaches to challenges. But there is also a strong business case for encouraging more women to pursue tech roles.
Continue reading: https://www.computing.co.uk/blog/4040609/business-case-women-tech


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Women in Tech: “Don’t let the male-dominated environment intimidate you”

Today’s Woman in Tech: Gilli Haizler, COO of Razor Labs
Haizler is an attorney at law with a bachelor’s and master’s degree in law from Bar-Ilan University as well as a master’s degree in business administration from Tel Aviv University’s Kellogg-Recanati School of Management. In her most recent position, she served as CEO of Promarket, an Israeli marketing and production company. She has over 15 years of hands-on experience in marketing and acted as project director specializing in strategy, marketing, commercial and legal negotiation, legal advisory, new business and business development, crisis management, finance and operation management, leading the company to finalize advantageous and sensitive deals, winning bids, and increases efficiency in the budget.
When did you become interested in technology?
I was interested in technology from a young age and even became an early adopter of new features and technologies as I grew up. Until recently a period though my career took me on a path that veered away from technology.
How did you end up in your career path? What obstacles did you have to overcome?
Upon concluding my military service, I attended law school and participated in an Excellence program. By 24, I had both my Bachelors and Masters in Law. I spent 2 years working as a lawyer for the bigger law firms, and then felt I wanted to shift gears.
Continue reading: https://jaxenter.com/women-in-tech-haizler-175920.html


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Women Already Have What it Takes to Succeed in Tech

As the tech industry evolves and women find greater representation, there are more opportunities than ever to help lift each other up. Having just experienced one of those pivotal moments when the startup I co-founded completed a Series C funding round, propelling us to the coveted status of unicorn, I want to pause to reflect on three qualities that have powered my professional trajectory, in the hope that sharing them will be a source of affirmation or inspiration for other women as they unlock their own success.
Be Fearless
Stripping the fear out of decision-making—whether that comes naturally or is a more intentional practice—can have a huge impact on your career. I find that fearlessness is like a muscle that grows stronger with use. Sometimes there will be a lot of learnings involved, sometimes there won’t, but ultimately, you’ll know that if you put your mind to something, you can get there.
Showing up in the workplace without fear didn’t happen for me overnight. It was a journey I started when I was 16 and moved to the U.S. from Iran. I’m the youngest of five siblings and my goal became to go to college in America, where my sister was living. When she had to return to Iran just four months after I arrived, I was given the choice to go home or remain in the U.S. I had worked very hard to get where I was and the fearless part of me rose up and I chose to stay. 
Continue reading: https://swaay.com/women-already-have-what-it-takes-to-succeed-in-tech


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Inspiring women in technology at Unilever

Unilever have made great progress in terms of gender representation, achieving 50:50 gender balance split in management in 2020 compared to only 38% women in management 10 years ago.
This progress has been mirrored within our Unilever Operations function (UniOps), which is our Global Business Service Unit looking after many of the core processes that run Unilever today. We have a team of over 4,500 colleagues with approximately 50% focused on Technology.  Our overall Gender balance within UniOps is 54% (44% specifically within the Technology Teams).
We believe that Unilever's achievement in gender representation can be partially attributed to Unilever's strong agenda for building a future-fit workforce, reskilling and upskilling our people and looking at new flexible and personalized employment models.  Whilst also helping equip young people with essential skills to prepare them for job opportunities.
Continue reading: https://www.computing.co.uk/blog/4040608/inspiring-women-technology-unilever


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More than half of female tech workers think the industry lacks opportunities for advancement

The tech industry is still a long way from gender equality, a new study indicates.
One in three women who work in the industry say they've experienced gender bias at their workplace, according to the study from New View Strategies, a Milwaukee-based business consulting firm. Some 43% believe there's a disparity in pay at their companies between men and women.
About 10% of respondents had experienced gender-based harassment over Slack or email, while another 10% said they had experienced harassment over Zoom or other video conferencing systems.
Some 52% said that a lack of opportunities for advancement was among the biggest challenges women face in the industry; 48% pointed to a lack of female role models. And a whopping 81% percent of the study's participants their companies need to make improvements.
Continue reading: https://www.bizjournals.com/bizwomen/news/latest-news/2021/11/female-tech-workers-lack-advancement-opportunities.html?page=all


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IoT Security Challenges: Why Enterprise Must Assess Them Now

Enterprise dependence on the Internet of Things (IoT) is growing, not just as a means to push services to users but to maintain links to employees, partners, contractors and even competitors. But concern is growing that organizations are rushing to reap the rewards of the IoT without fully comprehending its risks or taking steps to address even basic security challenges.
If the past few years have shown anything, it is how vulnerable our data and critical systems are to theft and manipulation. Organizations that do not take bold steps to protect user privacy and ensure that systems are operating in a protected environment run the risk not only of severe loss of business and damage to reputation but civil and even criminal penalties as well. 
IoT Security Considerations
Pushing the network edge to the IoT and beyond, however, increases security threats by dramatically increasing the number and variety of attack vectors that criminals can exploit to break into vital systems - it expands the attack surface. The top prizes are data "at rest" within storage systems and data "in motion" across network and processing resources, not to mention the management and metadata that can be used to take systems offline or crash them entirely.
IoT World Today’s Chuck Martin notes that the rapid and dramatic scale of the IoT is increasing the need for greater security on the edge, while at the same time adding to the complexity and cost of the challenge. With some 50 billion IoT units projected to be online by the end of the year, fairly routine tasks like discovery and monitoring are placing significant burdens on IT departments around the world. 
Continue reading: https://www.techopedia.com/iot-security-challenges-why-enterprise-must-assess-them-now/2/34560


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