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The 10 Biggest Mistakes Companies Make When Creating An AI Strategy

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a game-changer in the business world, and this emerging technology offers a level of power and potential that's simply too good to ignore. Regardless of the sector, having a robust AI strategy is no longer an optional extra — it's a non-negotiable necessity.

As an AI strategy consultant, I've seen companies of all sizes stumble and falter over many of the same challenges.

This post spotlights the ten most prevalent mistakes I've seen companies make as they're planning and implementing their AI strategy. Take heed of these missteps and pave the way for a well-executed, strategic approach to AI that can give your company a competitive edge.

1. Lack of Clear Objectives​

Diving into the AI pool without a clear set of objectives is like embarking on a cross-country road trip without a map. While some companies are quick to adopt AI technology, they often fail to define what they hope to achieve with it.

The power of AI lies in its ability to solve complex problems, improve efficiency, and generate insights — but without specific goals, these advantages can quickly become wasted potential.

Consider a healthcare organization that implements AI to improve patient care. Without clear objectives, they might scatter their resources across a broad range of AI projects with no coherent focus. By setting specific goals like reducing patient wait times or improving diagnosis accuracy, they can steer their AI strategy toward the outcomes that will make the biggest impact.

2. Failure to Adopt a Change Management Strategy​

Adopting AI isn't simply about integrating new technology into existing processes. It requires a comprehensive shift in organizational culture and operations. Without a suitable change management strategy, AI implementation can get bogged down due to resistance from employees and low adoption rates.

Clear, consistent, and transparent communication about the AI adoption process can help alleviate fears and misconceptions and make the change process easier. All stakeholders — from top-level management to employees — need to understand what AI is, what its benefits are for the organization, why it is being adopted, and how it will affect their roles.

3. Overestimating AI Capabilities​

AI is powerful, but it's not a magic wand. Overestimating what AI can do often leads to unrealistic expectations and disappointment. Like any technology, AI has limitations, and the technology requires substantial input and management to work effectively.

For example, a retailer that adopts AI to predict customer behavior might expect immediate and 100% accurate results — but the team in charge of the implementation will soon realize that AI models need time to learn from data. They will also discover that predictions might not always be perfect due to uncertainties in human behavior.

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernar...when-creating-an-ai-strategy/?sh=aca4ad44b48e

6 Ways Tech Companies Can Open More Doors to Female Developers

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Women have made a lot of inroads into the tech world, but we are still underrepresented in computer and engineering fields. In recent years, many top brands have given lip service to the idea of diversity and inclusion. Some have even put dollars behind recruitment programs or benefits designed to help females, like 23andMe’s 16 week paid leave for new parents or Salesforce’s 16 million dollar investment to address gender pay discrepancies.

Some of these ideas have made a modest impact, while others fall flat. The reasons are as varied as the women behind them, but the reality is that there are still not enough women graduating in computer fields or remaining in the workforce long-term.

As a result, brands who genuinely want to increase female representation on their tech staff may find themselves in a serious competition for the top talent. As a young woman who recently went through the job-seeking process in the developer world, let me share some of the things I looked for in a company. Perhaps some of these ideas will spark changes that help more tech brands even out the gender gap.

  1. Actions, not words. Anyone can say they are supportive of women in tech. I wanted to work for a company that backed up those words with real actions. The company I ultimately landed at, Smarty, already had initiatives in place that told me they take women seriously. As an example, shortly after the NCAA changed their rules on athletes monetizing their name, image and likeness, Smarty entered into an agreement with all 300 athletes at the local university, Brigham Young University. That is the kind of championing of women that says something about a brand.
  2. Women who work there. Most women aren’t interested in being a token or symbol of diversity for a company. They want what all developers want––a chance to be creative, solve challenges and contribute new things to tech. So if there are no other women working at the company, or the ones who are there have negative things to say, it was a hard pass for me. Luckily, companies may be able to quickly tackle this issue by hiring a “class” of female developers all at once, helping to address diversity numbers without making one woman hold up an unfair burden of representation.
Continue reading: https://newsroom.siliconslopes.com/...ies-can-open-more-doors-to-female-developers/

How to Use Blockchain Technology to Secure Business Transactions

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In this digital age, the security and reliability of business transactions are of paramount importance. Companies need to ensure that their data remains confidential, their transactions are transparent, and the trust between parties is established without intermediaries.

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses face numerous challenges when it comes to securing their transactions. Traditional systems often lack the necessary security measures to protect sensitive data and ensure trust between parties. However, with the advent of blockchain technology, businesses now have a powerful tool at their disposal to enhance the security and integrity of their transactions.

Understanding blockchain technology

In this digital age, the security and reliability of business transactions are of paramount importance. Companies need to ensure that their data remains confidential, their transactions are transparent, and the trust between parties is established without intermediaries.

Blockchain technology offers a decentralized and immutable solution that can revolutionize the way businesses conduct transactions.

What is blockchain?

Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that enables the secure and transparent recording of transactions. It consists of a chain of blocks, each containing a set of transactions.

These blocks are linked together using cryptographic hashes, ensuring the integrity of the data. Blockchain operates on a decentralized network of computers, known as nodes, which collectively maintain and validate the ledger.

How does blockchain work?

When a transaction occurs, it is broadcasted to the network and validated by the nodes through a consensus mechanism. Once validated, the transaction is added to a new block, along with other transactions.

This block is then added to the existing chain, creating an immutable record of all transactions. The decentralized nature of blockchain ensures that no single entity can control or manipulate the data, making it highly secure and resistant to tampering.

Read more at: https://yourstory.com/2023/07/how-to-use-blockchain-technology-business

6 Ways Small Business Owners Can Get Their Employees to Use AI


One of the most pivotal innovations that artificial intelligence offers small businesses is the ability to change the rules of engagement — a more level playing field. And its adoption in this size category has been stunning: According to Unbounce's recent Break Free: The State of AI Marketing for Small Business report, approximately 30% of small and medium-sized businesses are leveraging some form of artificial intelligence.

One overriding challenge, however, is that implementing the right tools is only half the battle: To be successful in applying this new technology, it's critical to equip employees with the guidelines and skills to make it both effective and profitable.

Some pathways for achieving that:

1. Set clear team expectations​

As with any new technology, AI presents both advantages and potential risks, so it's critical to ensure that proper guardrails are in place to protect you, your company and its customers. This includes a clear and accessible policy, which should outline how AI can and should be used within an organization, which platforms are approved for its use and who is authorized to leverage it. This policy can and will evolve: Feel free to start simple and expand it as you implement more AI tools into existing processes.

2. Training, training, training​

While younger generations may be more intuitive when it comes to technology, this isn't the case for all employees. Before rolling out AI tools, it's important to provide a general overview of what it is and how it works. This training should include common terminology, understanding the differences among types (such as machine learning, deep learning and robotics), data cybersecurity, ethics and the challenges associated with AI biases.

In addition, a team needs to understand this tech's current limitations. Too many people are jumping in blindly without grasping flaws or shortcomings that the human user needs to accommodate or otherwise address. For example, many platforms lack contextual understanding or the ability to incorporate human emotion, which can cause them to misinterpret input.

Continue reading: https://www.entrepreneur.com/leadership/6-ways-small-businesses-can-use-ai-more/455569

The future of payments: How blockchain is reshaping business transactions and consumer remittances

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Blockchain technology has made significant advancements across various sectors, but it can be challenging to distinguish between real-world applications and lofty promises. Two standout cryptocurrency use cases have begun to showcase their transformative power: business transactions and consumer remittances.

Both areas currently suffer from inefficiencies in the current system, such as high fees and slow transfer times. With blockchain, borderless transactions can be executed within seconds for as little as a fraction of a cent.

This is the power of cryptocurrency transactions. For business payments, this unlocks the ability to stream payments globally, increasing efficiency and reducing costs instantly. For consumer remittances, an estimated 1.4B people worldwide are currently unbanked. Those who aren’t suffer from high fees and slow settlement times. Remittances are a low-hanging fruit for blockchain that will benefit those that need it most.

International Businesses: Leveraging Crypto Payments​

Traditional financial systems fall short in an increasingly borderless world. Foreign exchange fees, lengthy transfer times, and transaction fees are common pain points.

While international wire transfers can take up to five days, cryptocurrencies like Ethereum settle transactions within seconds (12 seconds on average). Others settle even quicker – Stellar within 2-5 seconds and Solana within 400 milliseconds. This speed enhances business flexibility and cash flow.

Blockchain networks offer significantly lower transaction fees. Ethereum currently averages ~$20, which is acceptable for businesses. However, Ethereum scaling solutions, like Arbitrum and Polygon, charge less than $0.10 per transaction. Others, such as Solana, settle for less than a cent.

Last, companies accepting card payments typically incur 2-3% transaction fees. Cryptocurrency payments eliminate such fees, making it a no-brainer, especially for those with large revenue volumes or tight profit margins.

This is all readily available, and businesses will increasingly adopt these forms of payments over the coming years as a natural progression toward improved technology.

Continue reading: https://cryptoslate.com/the-future-...siness-transactions-and-consumer-remittances/

Artificial Intelligence Is Changing The World And Your Business

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Artificial intelligence (AI) was once little more than speculative fiction. Science fiction epics of the past, such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, explored the topic as a prediction of potential futures, which seemed possible but bewilderingly distant. Today, AI has become a conversation topic at the dinner table, an emerging technology as inspiring as it is frightening, and created a very real question: What now?

While it might seem to have happened quickly, in reality, the technology has been evolving for decades. Early computer scientists created problem-solving algorithms, modeling the logic around how both humans and nature itself solved problems.

In the early 1990s, while pursuing a Master's in Computer Science, my research and subsequent thesis was in one such area known as Genetic Algorithms. The idea I was exploring revolved around problem-solving using an evolutionary approach by which solutions improved over the course of many generations. Computing power at that time however presented significant limitations for fast, large-scale modelling.

Fast forward 60 years, and, today, the fastest supercomputer is processing at least one quintillion operations per second (a quintillion is a million trillion). All this time, the science around understanding logic and problem solving has continued to advance, and storage capacity has grown and become much lower cost. This has enabled AI to leave the realm of fantasy and enter our everyday reality.

AI has entered the business world.

Regardless of the industry, whether your company is based around services, manufacturing, consumer or business-to-business, AI will and likely already does play a role in company operations. Major functional areas where AI is playing an ever-growing role include:

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbes...-the-world-and-your-business/?sh=79eadda29006

6 Ways to Protect Your Privacy in the Era of AI

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Artificial intelligence can pose a major threat to our security and privacy. So how can you protect your personal data from AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has slowly but steadily permeated almost every aspect of our digital lives, opening us up to one of the most potent privacy concerns since the rise of social media. But how can we deal with this new threat? How can you retain your privacy in the era of powerful AI algorithms that are making it easier for individuals and corporations to break through your privacy safeguards? Here are six ways to protect your privacy in the era of AI.

1. Don't Share Sensitive Data With AI Chatbots​

It can be tempting to run everything through your favorite chatbot. Need an email written? Need to plan a trip? Need a password suggestion? How about researching a health problem? A lot of people now depend heavily on AI chatbots like ChatGPT to handle tasks like these, but should you?

While AI chatbots can make your life easier by taking such tasks off your hand, they expose you to serious privacy and security problems. For instance, if you're asking ChatGPT for password suggestions, chatting with it about your health or relationship problems, or maybe using it regularly to draft confidential documents for work, your account is already a gold mine of sensitive information that can be used by threat actors against you.

Companies like Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI, who own the most popular AI chatbots in the market, won't likely use your conversations in a malicious way. But hackers don't have the same discretion. AI chatbot profiles, like your ChatGPT account, are a prime target for hackers who understand the kind of information your account could contain. Don't be a victim. Don't share your personal or sensitive info with AI chatbots.

Continue reading: https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-protect-privacy-ai/

Application Of Artificial Intelligence For Implementing Work Tasks

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According to the IDC report, global spending on the artificial intelligence (AI) market will exceed $500 billion in 2023. I will discuss the areas of AI application, the most effective services, and what to expect from AI in the near future.

What is artificial intelligence?

According to experts, artificial intelligence is machine intelligence that imitates human behavior or thinking, and can be trained to solve specific tasks. AI models are trained on vast amounts of data and, according to developers, have the ability to make intelligent decisions, as well as imitate the unique human skill of creativity.

However, analysts believe that the full potential of AI will only be realized when it is available to everyone, and every company can benefit from it. This is facilitated by the growing number of applications and services that provide access to AI capabilities to everyone, regardless of their level of technical skills.

What are some popular AI-based services in 2023?

ChatGPT: An AI-powered chatbot that excels in automating routine tasks such as data entry, chat responses, scheduling meetings, email generation, social media analysis and more.

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbes...-for-implementing-work-tasks/?sh=33d311d24d13
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STEM Careers And Women: How We Can Do More

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In recent years, we've seen a push to bring more women and people of color (POC) into STEM fields. But although industry-wide discrimination against women and minorities has been acknowledged, a lot of work remains to be done.

Thankfully, we’ve seen a proliferation of initiatives aiming to bring more girls and children of color into the stream. Many programs are focused on getting more kids interested in STEM subjects, offering them mentors, creating more scholarships and solving what was deemed to be a pipeline problem.

There have been changes but not enough. Even now, women make up a very small percentage of all the people getting a bachelor’s in engineering, computer and information sciences.

Moving into the workforce, we can see similar numbers in these fields. In computer and mathematical professions, women hold just 28% of all jobs. In engineering and architecture professions, the number falls to a meager 15.9%.

Look up tech CEOs on LinkedIn, and you’ll likely go through multiple pages before you come across a woman. And you’d be lucky to find a woman of color in the C-suite of a tech company. And when it comes to entrepreneurship, in 2021, just 39.9% of businesses were started by women.

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbes...and-women-how-we-can-do-more/?sh=114e225c1c3a

4 Ways to Benefit From Generative A.I.

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Generative A.I. can help your business if you use it in the right way. If you have a big budget to pay for building a GAI application tailored to your unique business requirements--such as providing customer service--you can cut your costs and boost your productivity.

If you want to use free chatbots, you can use ChatGPT and its rivals to boost your productivity by letting the computer write a first draft of a memo or a strategic analysis.
Be wary of thinking that draft is a final product. If you make that mistake, you could be in big trouble, because chatbots are not based on the most recent information, they do not cite their sources, and they sometimes pass off fiction as fact--dubbed hallucinations.

Here are four things you should do to get the most benefit from ChatGPT while minimizing the risks.

1. Protect yourself against chatbot inaccuracies.​

Chatbots can make mistakes. Therefore, users must invest the time to assess the truth of the answers they provide.

According to The Boston Globe, you can protect yourself by double-checking ChatGPT's response to your prompt. In addition, you should ask the same question to more than one chatbot and see whether the answers are substantially the same.

Continue reading: https://www.inc.com/magazine/202303...elp-heres-how-to-hire-a-remote-assistant.html

How Artificial Intelligence Is Revolutionizing Stock Investing

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In recent years, there has been a major shift in the way stock investing is conducted. And it's thanks to the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Investors no longer need to rely solely on human analysis and gut instincts to make investment decisions.

Today, AI has emerged as a game-changer, providing investors with powerful tools and insights to navigate the complex and dynamic world of stock markets. Drawing upon my extensive experience in both AI and stock investing, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative effects of AI on the investment landscape. The integration of AI algorithms into stock analysis and decision-making processes has already begun revolutionizing the way investments are approached at my investment firm.

How AI Is Reshaping The Investment Landscape​

1. Enhanced Data Analysis​

AI algorithms have the ability to process vast amounts of financial data in real time, enabling investors to make data-driven decisions. Traditional stock analysis methods often fall short in capturing and interpreting the sheer volume of information available. This can lead to potential missed opportunities or faulty judgments.

However, AI can quickly analyze large datasets, identify patterns and extract valuable insights that can impact investment strategies. With AI-powered tools, investors can assess market trends, monitor company performance and evaluate risk factors more efficiently than before.

2. Algorithmic Trading​

AI has also revolutionized the world of algorithmic trading, also known as quantitative trading. Algorithmic trading relies on predefined rules and mathematical models to execute trades at high speeds and high frequencies.

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbes...olutionizing-stock-investing/?sh=590ec7146485

Making The Most Of Tech: Considerations For Leveraging AI In Business

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The business world is always affected by technological developments. Some affect some industries more than others, but I see one of the latest developments, artificial intelligence (AI), impacting every industry.

It’s vital for business leaders to stay updated on industry standards. As the owner and founder of a payroll and HR service franchise, I work with new computer technology a great deal. In my line of work, the way we store, send and work with data is a key component of our business operations. Because of this, AI will play an important role in how my company operates, as it will for many companies in many industries.

From the ways I’ve seen AI used, I expect every business will be affected by AI development by 2026 to 2028. According to market research, the market for generative AI is expected to grow 36.1% by 2032. AI suppliers are multiplying, and more businesses are using cloud computing and automation. Meanwhile, PYMNTS reports that major technology companies are developing more AI tools for use with things like ad development, chat apps and customer product recommendations.

Carefully consider how you’ll use AI.​

It’s up to business leaders to decide how they’ll use AI in their operations. An important thing to remember is that technology isn’t intended to replace employees. It’s a tool for them to use. AI can be used to streamline operations, refine them and reduce expenses. Integrating AI into standard processes can significantly slow the need for additional resources.

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbes...or-leveraging-ai-in-business/?sh=47da46fe7a22

AI Is Ready; Are You?


Hey there, MSPs! Yes, we are talking to you over there. We know you're busy managing IT services, infrastructure, network and cybersecurity support for your clients, But, are you keeping up with the times? Unless you have been hiding in the closet for the past 6 months with no connectivity, you couldn’t have missed all the buzz around Generative AI technologies like ChatGPT. Specifically, are you embracing the power of AI? If not, it's time to hop on board the AI train, because this technology is rapidly revolutionizing the business world, and as MSPs you don’t want to miss the train!

Don't you believe us? Well, let us hit you with some statistics. According to a recent survey by Deloitte, 70% of organizations are currently using AI or plan to do so in the near future. That's right, the vast majority of businesses are recognizing the value of AI and are investing in it. And if your clients are using AI, you need to be able to support it.

But it's not just about keeping up with the Joneses. AI can provide tangible benefits for MSPs and their clients. Let's take a look at some key areas where AI is having a major impact, just to name a few (in no particular order):

  1. Sales enablement
  1. Customer Experience / Contact Center
  1. Operations
  1. Data Portability/Mobility
  1. Marketing
  1. HR/People Management/Talent Diversity
  1. Cybersecurity

So, as you can see, AI is a game-changer for MSPs and their clients. But don't just take our word for it—the numbers speak for themselves. There are several statistics out there including a few examples listed here - a report by the Harvard Business Review, indicating that the AI market value is expected to reach a value of $267 billion by 2027, a report from PwC found that AI technology is expected to contribute $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030 and last but not least, a study by Accenture found that AI could increase labor productivity by up to 40% by 2035. Sure, the numbers are interesting & BIG, but think about this from a competitive perspective for a minute. Many people are concerned AI will replace them or make their jobs obsolete. That’s not necessarily true. What is true in fact, is that people (and companies) using AI will replace those that aren’t. That is a fact you can bank on as much as any study cited above!

However, we know what you're thinking: "That's all well and good, but implementing AI is going to be expensive and time-consuming, or Will I need to have real in-house expertise?" And yes, there is an upfront investment required to implement AI. But the long-term benefits are worth it. AI can help MSPs provide better service to their clients, reduce costs, enhance topline and stay ahead of the competition.

And the good news is that implementing AI doesn't have to be a daunting task. There are plenty of tools and platforms available that make it easy for businesses to get started with AI and how to use it effectively and responsibly. For example, each of the cloud providers offer multiple services associated with AI & Machine Learning - AWS has a suite of offerings ranging from text-to-speech, MLops, analyze images and videos; Google's AI platform offers similar functionality, with pre-built models for image recognition, natural language processing, and more and Microsoft's Azure AI platform provides pre-built AI models that can be easily integrated into existing applications. Additionally, there are technology vendors like IBM, Oracle, Nvidia and a growing list of emerging startups that offer cloud and application services for AI and Machine Learning. And there are many more tools and services launched by vendors both large and small who are willing to work with you and your staff to help guide the integration and oversight of these AI models. And if you’re worried about doing it responsibly and ethicly, there are global standards, such as ISO, that are being released this year. So you shouldn’t have any excuses to hold you back!

In conclusion, MSPs need to care about AI. It's not just a passing trend - it's a powerful technology that can provide tangible benefits for both MSPs and your clients. Whether you're looking to enhance your cybersecurity measures, improve customer service, reduce maintenance costs, or simply grow your business, it's about time you paid attention to the AI bandwagon! Frankly, if you don’t, somebody else will, and you’ll find yourself quickly falling behind, and your clients will be looking for a more innovative partner to help them grow their business.

Before you finish, please take a few minutes to complete our member survey as we would like to capture your interests on AI to help us guide on future blogs/webinars that our council can focus on (CompTIA) Click here for AI Member Survey

Also, if you missed our first Fireside Chat on AI Literacy – Debunking AI Myths, click here to watch it ON-Demand!

We will continue to post blogs like these in the upcoming months. Please provide us with your feedback on the content and we will curate future posts to address your questions or inputs.

Posted on behalf of "AI Advisory Council"

How we can better support women in tech

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Diversity and inclusion initiatives have helped support the growth of women in tech, but more work is needed to achieve equality in the workplace; According to the Women in Tech Network, “at the current pace of change it will take 132 years until the economic gender gap is closed.”

So what can be done to close that gap? There are a lot of actions that can be taken to support women in tech, and for International Women in Engineering Day – an annual holiday hosted by the Women’s Engineering Society on June 23 that recognizes and celebrates the accomplishments of women in the industry – we spoke with several women to learn what initiatives are most impactful.

For example, companies can create guilds or special groups for women or other minorities that can help provide a support system and networking opportunities.

Aviva Peisach, head of R&D for Wix’ Identity company, says that if a group doesn’t exist within your organization, you can create one. “We’re now establishing one internally in Wix,” she said. “We didn’t have that before, and we had an engineer that joined and said, ‘Why don’t you have it? Let’s do it.’ So we did.”

Women can also seek out groups external to their organization. Peisach is a member of an internal guild at Wix, but she’s also a part of a larger group called Women in Tech Israel. “We do a meetup every two months or so,” she said. “And every meetup includes two talks. One is about diversity and empowerment, and this is where we give tools for career growth, preparation for interviews, promoting yourself or your career, and advancing your career. And the second talk would typically be about technology because this is what we’re passionate about.”

Continue reading: https://sdtimes.com/softwaredev/how-we-can-better-support-women-in-tech/
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Women In Tech Share 5 Helpful Tips On Eliminating Mom Guilt

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The momentum surrounding women in the workforce continues to increase despite unparalleled representation loss throughout the pandemic.

Bloomberg reports that 77.5% of women between the ages of 25-54 are either working or in the employment market, which is the highest level in reported history. Black women’s workforce representation has increased 2.5% over the past year, tipping past 60%, as their unemployment rates hit a record low 4.2%.

Despite the upward momentum, women in the workforce have more to battle than the typical challenges of a widening gender pay gap, mid-career plateaus, occupational segregation, caregiving disparities and the impacts of the gender-unique health woe of menopause.

It’s called mom guilt.

70.6% of mothers with children under 18 are working. That's 23.5 million moms. Oftentimes the largest work hurdle for moms is mom guilt; that inner voice that constantly compares mom performance and child needs in terms of physical presence, pushing quantity over quality.

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/paigef...mom-guilt-from-women-in-tech/?sh=4b66c2266d03

Navigating The Storm: AI Regulation And The Future Of Business

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Artificial intelligence is here, and it is transforming the world in ways we are only beginning to grasp. As businesses incorporate generative AI into their operations, many will find themselves in an uncharted frontier—a landscape filled with potential but also fraught with political, legal and reputational challenges.

AI's rapid evolution has drawn the attention of Congress, foreign governments and the European Union regarding concerns about AI advancing at such a pace that they can't keep up. This can leave businesses that rely on AI in a potentially precarious position. As someone who helps companies navigate risks, I believe that while regulators might try to narrowly regulate the technology, the rush to regulate could stifle the opportunity for AI to boost productivity. Yet, in the absence of defined rules and guardrails, businesses must make complicated ethical, privacy and other contentious decisions on their own.

Policy And Legal Questions Businesses Should Consider Before Adopting AI​

Bias And Discrimination​

One concern about AI is its potential to unintentionally perpetuate and amplify human bias and lead to discrimination. The Biden Administration incorporated discrimination protection into their proposed AI Bill of Rights, which puts the onus on businesses to ensure they have rigorous processes in place to detect and eliminate bias in AI system outputs. In addition, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, U.S. Justice Department, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Federal Trade Commission recently asserted their intent to fight AI bias with existing authorities.

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbes...n-and-the-future-of-business/?sh=1a623f6237f1

Four Ways Generative AI Can Be Incorporated To Accelerate Business Strategies And Operations


Generative AI (gen AI) was born on November 30, 2022, with the release of ChatGPT, and it’s been moving 100 miles an hour ever since, drawing in 100 million people and counting. As new and surprisingly powerful as gen AI is, we can already see how companies will incorporate gen AI capabilities into their businesses’ strategies and operations. Our experience with two earlier, explosive technologies show you how.
  1. The BYO explosion of the late 2000s taught us how to incorporate employee-led disruption. We learned that when employees brought personal technology to solve customer and business problems. We empowered, guided, and protected employees and the firm while taking advantage of the new value that personal technologies in business brought.
  2. The mobile, social, original internet explosions taught us how to respond to and take advantage of customer-led disruption. We built mobile apps to help customers in their mobile moments of need; we adopted social media communications to improve engagement and collaboration; and we tooled up to take full advantage of the business models shaped by the internet.
Technology executives should prepare for generative AI to follow both paths and sprint into your business through four doors:

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forres...ss-strategies-and-operations/?sh=4f6f7faa57c6

AI Awareness Now A Must On Any Business Resume

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You don’t have to be a data scientist or artificial intelligence developer to feel the impact that AI is having on career opportunities. AI is opening paths in many and often unexpected ways — and a rudimentary knowledge of the power of the technology is now a must.

Succeeding in business — across all occupations — will require at least some working knowledge of AI, industry experts concur. “In today’s global business environment, you’d be hard-pressed to find many roles that don’t require digital skills to complete daily tasks,” says Maureen Lonergan, vice president for training and certification at AWS.

A study out of Gallup and AWS finds “nearly two-thirds of U.S. employers believe emerging technologies—such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and robotics—will become a standard part of their business in the near future,” she adds, citing an Gallup survey commissioned by AWS. ‘For both technical and non-technical staff, it’s an ideal time to build a basic understanding of how AI is being applied to real world applications.”

Similarly, a recent survey of 31,000 executives out of Microsoft finds 82% say their employees will need new skills to be prepared for the growth of AI. ‘Working alongside AI—using natural language—will be as inherent to how we work as the internet and the PC,” the report’s authors point out.

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/joemck...-must-on-any-business-resume/?sh=40fd5125ce91

How AI Is Changing The Future Of Work

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We’ve been hearing for years the warning that a robot might take over our job. More recently, a report by Goldman Sachs suggested that artificial intelligence (AI) could replace a staggering 300 million full time jobs. Yet for many people, work has seemed to mostly chug along as normal.

Is it all just hype? Or are we finally hitting the inflection point with recent advances in AI? And will AI replace us, or actually make us better and faster at what we do?

I sat down with leading experts and investors to get their take on how AI will change the future of work. These soundbites paint a good picture of how they perceive AI affecting our jobs, and where they see the biggest opportunities ahead.

#1: Expect a role reversal: we'll soon be the ones assisting machines, not vice versa
“I believe we will see a paradigm shift from machines assisting humans to humans assisting machines in the next decade.”

#2: AI's impact will be as big as the Industrial Revolution, empowering one to do the work of many
“AI is a force multiplier for human intelligence and productivity. Like the Industrial Revolution brought with machines and factories, AI is a means of production that will empower one to do the work of many. It’s hard to imagine change on that scale, yet it’s likely bigger than what we anticipate. AI won’t just boost efficiency for coding, marketing, legal or healthcare admin work — but entirely evolve how businesses and organizations of all types are built and run.”

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/marenb...-changing-the-future-of-work/?sh=4134b8e572e0

The Benelux Community championing women in tech

The CompTIA Benelux Community: We are dedicated to supporting and advancing women in the tech industry. Our goal is to bridge the gender gap, provide equal opportunities, and foster an inclusive environment for women to thrive in the technology sector. Through various initiatives, programs, and partnerships, we aim to empower women with the necessary skills, networks, and resources to succeed in technology-related careers.
We operate as a non-profit organization within CompTIA Benelux, driven by a passionate team of industry professionals, experts, and advocates. Our primary focus will be to provide mentorship, training, networking opportunities, and support systems for women at all stages of their tech journey. We will collaborate with companies, educational institutions, and other organizations to create a diverse and inclusive tech ecosystem.

Share your essential insights and best practices so that we can collectively enhance our knowledge and grow together.


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CompTIA 2023 MSP Member AI Adoption Survey (Open for Submissions!)

CompTIA's AI Advisory Council would like to hear from you! This survey will take no longer than a few minutes to complete. Chick here to take the survey!

The targeted audience for this survey is for all MSP member organizations and individual members, excluding vendors.

AI Definition:

The process of augmenting or mimicking human behaviors & tasks by machines using techniques such as – machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), computer vision (CV), robotic process automation (RPA), predictive analytics, large language models (LLM) etc. is defined as Artificial Intelligence

We would like to understand what MSPs/members would find the most valuable to their businesses if AI or ML could help.

The results of this survey will be used to inform our upcoming blog posts/ webinars about how MSPs/members can adopt these techniques to differentiate your offerings, improve efficiency, or increase value to your customers and your organization.
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Acceptable Use Policy for AI Tools (overview)

In today's world, technology has made our lives easier in many ways, especially when it comes to work. There are countless AT (Assistive Technology) tools that can help increase productivity and make it easier to perform daily tasks. However, with the rise of AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools, companies need to be careful about how these tools are used in the workplace. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of having an acceptable use policy in place for AI tools and how companies can create one. We will also highlight some of the most popular AI tools available today, including ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, and Notion.

Importance of Acceptable Use Policy​

An acceptable use policy is a set of guidelines that outlines how a company's technology should be used by employees. It is important to have an acceptable use policy in place for AI tools because they can potentially be misused. For example, an employee could use an AI tool to gather sensitive information about a client or customer without their consent. Having a clear policy in place can help prevent this type of misuse.
To create an effective acceptable use policy for AI tools, companies should consider the following:
  1. Clearly define the acceptable uses of AI tools in the workplace.
  2. Outline the consequences of misusing AI tools.
  3. Train employees on the proper use of AI tools.
  4. Regularly review and update the policy as needed.
Popular AI Tools
There are many AI tools available today that can help increase productivity in the workplace. Here are three of the most popular:
  1. ChatGPT – This AI tool uses natural language processing to generate human-like responses to text-based conversations. It can be used for customer service, chatbots, and more.
  2. Microsoft Copilot – This AI tool is designed to help developers write code more efficiently. It uses machine learning to provide suggestions and autocomplete code.
  3. Notion – This AI tool is a productivity platform that can be used to organize tasks, projects, and more. It uses AI to help automate repetitive tasks and provide suggestions for improving productivity.
Creating an acceptable use policy for AI tools can be challenging, especially if you are not familiar with the technology. That's why we have created a sample policy that you can use as a starting point. This policy outlines the acceptable uses of AI tools in the workplace, the consequences of misusing them, and more. You can download the sample policy for free on our website.

4 Topics to consider for your Acceptable Use Policy for AI
  1. AI tools may only be used to carry out company business and must be used in accordance with company policies and legal requirements.
    • At our organization, we believe that AI tools are valuable resources that can enhance productivity and help us deliver high-quality products and services to our customers. However, it's important to note that these tools must be used for company business only and in accordance with company policies and legal requirements. This means that employees should not use AI tools for personal reasons or in any way that could potentially compromise sensitive data or violate legal regulations.
  2. AI tools are an important part of the organization’s commitment to providing high quality products and services to its customers. As such, the use of these tools by our employees is subject to company policies that support the delivery of high quality products and services.
    • As an organization, we are committed to providing high-quality products and services to our customers. To support this commitment, we recognize that AI tools can play an important role in enhancing our capabilities and improving our operations. However, it's important that the use of these tools by our employees is subject to company policies that support the delivery of high-quality products and services. This means that employees should be trained on the proper use of AI tools and be aware of the consequences of misusing them.
  3. It is the employee's responsibility to ensure that the use of AI tools does not compromise company data or the privacy of our employees and clients.
    • While AI tools can be incredibly useful in enhancing productivity and improving operations, they can also pose a potential threat to sensitive data and the privacy of our employees and clients. It is the responsibility of each employee to ensure that the use of AI tools does not compromise the security and confidentiality of this information. This means that employees should be aware of the company's acceptable use policy for AI tools and be vigilant in their use to prevent any accidental or intentional compromise of sensitive information.
  4. The use of AI tools for personal reasons (such as playing games) is not allowed.
    • It's important to note that AI tools are intended for use in carrying out company business and should not be used for personal reasons. This includes playing games or any other non-work-related activity. All employees should be aware that the use of AI tools for personal reasons is strictly prohibited and can result in disciplinary action. By following this policy, we can ensure that our AI tools are being used in a responsible and productive manner, ultimately benefiting the organization as a whole.
In conclusion, AI tools can be incredibly useful in the workplace, but it is important to have an acceptable use policy in place to prevent misuse. By clearly defining the acceptable uses of AI tools, outlining the consequences of misusing them, and regularly reviewing and updating the policy, companies can help ensure that their employees use these tools in a responsible and productive manner. If you need help creating an acceptable use policy for AI tools, or if you have any questions about the popular AI tools mentioned in this post,

{source https://compliancerisk.io/2023/04/acceptable-use-policy-for-ai-tools/}

Women in Tech: "If you have an idea, say it. If you have a question, ask it"


Women in technology continue to lag behind their male counterparts in terms of representation, leadership roles, and pay. Many systemic issues must be addressed for women to achieve greater equality in technology, and devmio wants to help by providing an opportunity for inspiring women to introduce themselves and share their stories about why they chose a career in technology.

Every Wednesday, we celebrate women in the tech world. This week, we’d like to introduce you to Alexis Roizen Harris, Principal Product Designer at Sysdig.

Today's Woman in Tech: Alexis Roizen Harris, Principal Product Designer at Sysdig​

What first got you interested in technology?​

It’s funny, I’m not innately interested in technology. In fact, I’m a bit analog, but what I’ve always been interested in are tools – how people use them and for what ends. So from that perspective, I landed in technology through a back door since some of the world's most powerful tools these days are digital.

We tend to arrive at first solutions by answering the question “what can we build?” In a digital world, this amounts to being an engineering-driven organization. Whatever the new “thing” is we build, the people who use it must bend and mold to fit the tool.

But as a designer, I’m more interested in what someone wants to do and then build a tool to solve that problem. Design is historically late to the product development game. Instead of having a person mold to the tool, I want to shape the tool to be designed to the person. So, these are some of the interesting things I see in my work.

What path did you take to get to your current position?​

Today, I am a principal product designer but spent a lot of my career in graphic design, web design and design work for startups. My mother was a professional painter, but she never made much money. She encouraged me to try graphic design so that I could grow up and support myself. After one class in college I was hooked, and started doing freelance work even before I graduated.

Continue reading: https://devm.io/careers/women-in-tech-roizen

Five Ways Entrepreneurs Can Use Artificial Intelligence

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Last year saw the release of one of the biggest technological marvels of my lifetime: ChatGPT. After it publicly launched on November 30, my companies had all-hands meetings to discuss how we can adopt this artificial intelligence chatbot to streamline how we do business. Since then, ChatGPT (and its recent successor, GPT-4) has made its presence felt in virtually all aspects of our workplace.

Because ChatGPT is capable of producing human-like text and code, and other OpenAI creations like DALL-E 2 can generate original artworks, many of the creative tasks typically assigned to humans can now be delegated to AI programs. Does that mean entrepreneurs should clean house and send their entire human workforce home? Not at all. At least that’s not what I did. Instead, I’ve leveraged these technologies to streamline our output and make every human on the team more efficient.

Entrepreneurs of tomorrow will have to accommodate AI in their workflow. If they don’t, I don’t think they’ll be competitive enough to go up against those who do. Here are some of the ways in which entrepreneurs can harness AI systems to make their companies more productive and competitive.

Blog Writing​

ChatGPT is more than capable of authoring full-length blog posts all on its own, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Why? The text usually turns out to be dry, repetitive and humorless. An AI author is still no match for a skilled human one—at least for now.

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/theyec...-use-artificial-intelligence/?sh=51cf9ec61f63

Artificial Intelligence’s Higher Value: Spurring New Managerial Thinking

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There has been no shortage of panicky headlines in the mainstream media about how artificial intelligence will eliminate jobs. But the nuance is that AI will influence many, if not most jobs, in some way, rather than replace them wholesale. Managers and professionals, in turn, will be empowered and encouraged to look at business problems in new ways. This, in turn, will recast careers and workplaces in the months and years ahead in unexpected ways.

“Almost all jobs will be affected by AI because the core tools of the business world are going to be AI-enhanced at some point, if they aren’t already," says John Behrens, Ph.D., professor and digital technologies leader at the University of Notre Dame. "This will increase productivity across the board and eventually change what work looks like for most of us.”

With jobs focused on AI, ‘organizations are not just pulling from computer science backgrounds,” says Diane Gutiw, vice president of analytics, AI and machine learning for CGI. “Nurses are being brought in as data analysts to help understand the implications of AI on healthcare. Accountants and financial analysts are able to provide specific insights into how AI can be utilized to make the organization more profitable. Having a wide range of backgrounds is useful because there is such a wealth of understanding in the data of how people actually work and helps bring in a more focused, human element to yield the best results.”

However, there’s a twist to this. While the internet led to replacing manual processes with digital ones, the incorporation of AI into jobs means rethinking ways of working as many tasks are eliminated — while new ones are created. "AI will bolster decision-making and automate repetitive chores thereby altering work roles and responsibilities,” says Vrinda Khurjekar, senior director at Searce. “Professionals and managers ought to learn how AI may be incorporated into their workflow and how it can improve their productivity and judgment. This might require changing their professional objectives to positions that can benefit from AI, such as emphasizing the development of strategic thinking, creativity, adaptability, and emotional intelligence.”

Continue reading: https://www.forbes.com/sites/joemck...create-new-higher-level-ones/?sh=2b5a67b20937
