Cybercrime is powerful and impacts places you may not initially consider a cyberattack target. When unauthorized users access sensitive information, they steal personal data, plant malicious code, or introduce ransomware. In just the first half of 2021, we witnessed two cyberattacks on critical industries operating heavily in the physical realm: fuel pipelines and meat processing. A “phygital” experience is blending the physical and digital worlds like physical access control and video, logical access control, credentials, and wireless devices, including radio frequency identification (RFID), near field communication (NFC), and Internet of Things (IoT)-based systems. The physical and digital world are interchangeable, making verification the currency to ensure people, products, services, and systems fulfill their intended purpose and have access to the right environment at the right time.
Verifying Identity with Credentials
From even the earliest security implementations, a core question stands out: are you who you claim to be? This question persists from old-school and manual verification through cyber and automated security processing. Credentials are available as reusable tokens or as unique, custom identifiers; for example, consider a generic parking pass versus your individual driver’s license. These tokens and identifiers may take different forms in physical or digital devices with varying levels of personalization and are designed to protect physical access and information access. However, regardless of their medium, credentials operate in conceptually similar ways.
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Verifying Identity with Credentials
From even the earliest security implementations, a core question stands out: are you who you claim to be? This question persists from old-school and manual verification through cyber and automated security processing. Credentials are available as reusable tokens or as unique, custom identifiers; for example, consider a generic parking pass versus your individual driver’s license. These tokens and identifiers may take different forms in physical or digital devices with varying levels of personalization and are designed to protect physical access and information access. However, regardless of their medium, credentials operate in conceptually similar ways.
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