Brianna White

Staff member
Jul 30, 2019
The progress made to improve equality in the workplace over the past decades has been encouraging. However, these six amazing women in tech are demanding more – especially when it comes to women in STEM.
And it all starts from the roots. Equal opportunities, apt resources and funding, and support for women in STEM will help breed the next future generation of inspirational women in tech.
As a young female leader in the workplace, I feel the keys to helping more women feel empowered is when it’s set as a standard from the top. 
When you employ leaders whose actions demonstrate good values, especially equality, empathy, integrity and wit, you’re setting a standard for those on their way up. 
It’s inspirational to see the progress of equality in the workplace, but I feel we need to move past this conversation and let our actions continue to demonstrate the change. 
Regardless of gender, when an organization has good role models and provides adequate resources or funding for education and pathways to support progression, especially in STEM, you’re helping set up future generations for success and creating a standard for what empowered leaders should be like.
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