In a little more than a decade since it was first introduced, blockchain has emerged into the mainstream as a cost-effective, secure and rapid way to conduct a wide variety of business transactions, from tracking the movement of funds and goods to smart contracting, identity and credentialing. It has the potential to fundamentally change the way we govern ourselves, do business and conduct our personal lives online.
Australia is positioning itself to take full advantage of the economic benefits associated with blockchain by challenging researchers and companies to devise innovative applications and solutions as part of the National Blockchain Roadmap. The Australian government is one of the earliest adopters of this approach, which is one that other nations might examine for their benefit. Let’s take a look at it.
Before we get into the details, it’s worth knowing the economic stakes, which are high. Blockchain is expected by 2025 to generate a global business value of more than US$175 billion per year; by 2030, that figure will reach at least US$3 trillion. Given the rapid development of blockchain technologies worldwide and Australia’s relatively recent participation in developing the technology, it is perhaps not surprising that the national government’s approach is one of applied strategy — investing in the ecosystem, conducting trials and experimenting with new applications.
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Australia is positioning itself to take full advantage of the economic benefits associated with blockchain by challenging researchers and companies to devise innovative applications and solutions as part of the National Blockchain Roadmap. The Australian government is one of the earliest adopters of this approach, which is one that other nations might examine for their benefit. Let’s take a look at it.
Before we get into the details, it’s worth knowing the economic stakes, which are high. Blockchain is expected by 2025 to generate a global business value of more than US$175 billion per year; by 2030, that figure will reach at least US$3 trillion. Given the rapid development of blockchain technologies worldwide and Australia’s relatively recent participation in developing the technology, it is perhaps not surprising that the national government’s approach is one of applied strategy — investing in the ecosystem, conducting trials and experimenting with new applications.
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