Kathleen Martin

Using artificial intelligence (AI) for day-to-day tasks used to seem like a far-off science fiction concept.
Now, AI is proving to be a valuable and versatile tool that many businesses are embracing. From what I’ve seen, companies that are integrating AI tend to fall into two categories: those that wholeheartedly embrace AI and those that strive to maintain a human element in their company or brand and don’t want to cut down their labor force.
Many companies have already begun integrating AI, whether it’s through automated scheduling, payment processing, or something else. Even McDonald’s is on board. The company’s use of strategic AI will help automate drive-thru lanes, hopefully giving customers a smoother experience.
I believe we are only seeing the beginning of all that AI can do for our businesses. In recent years, we’ve seen the pieces begin to fall into place as companies increasingly turned to this technology. In 2020, McKinsey & Company found that a number of the companies surveyed attributed 20% or more of their organizations’ earnings (before interest and taxes) to AI.
We can’t ignore it any longer—AI truly is the future. So how can companies integrate AI systems while retaining a human touch? Here’s what I’ve learned from working with numerous B2B tech clients on the cutting edge of AI and automation.
Even small businesses with budget constraints have a number of AI-driven solutions worth considering. This especially applies to the restaurant industry, which as a whole took a pretty big hit during the pandemic, with more than 110,000 restaurants closing.
Continue reading: https://www.fastcompany.com/90713197/the-power-of-automation-how-ai-can-help-you-exceed


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