Kathleen Martin

What are they really for anyway? Getting the ultimate selfie or shot for your Instagram? Or could they be used for something far better — maybe even saving lives?
Allow me to "drone" on about it!
Here are five things to know:
  1. The drone is an incredible new option for first responders, delivering supplies, support, communication and advice until medical teams can reach the scene. Drones can send medical tools that can check heart rates and temperatures and even defibrillators to help heart attack victims.
  2. Tests have been successful in using drones to deploy buoyancy devices to those trapped at sea, spotting sharks and even helping to pull victims back to shore. Incredible! Drones fitted with Lidar (light detection and ranging) can even create 3D images of a disaster site to make it easier to assess for fire and rescue. There are even drones that can become a small, flying cell tower so that when disasters knock out the phone service, people trapped in buildings can call emergency services.
    Continue reading: https://spectrumnews1.com/ca/la-east/public-safety/2022/01/20/drones-to-the-rescue#


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