Kathleen Martin

Regardless of industry, if you’re a business or IT leader today, you’re seeing the emergence of the digital transformation divide: a gap between those organizations who’ve sprinted ahead and those being left behind. Despite major investment in digital transformation, 67% of CEOs feel they’re losing ground, according to KPMG, while top performers have doubled their profits in the last 12 months, according to McKinsey. In a word, digitalization has become ‘do or die.’
What’s driving this transformation divide? Data. It’s the lifeforce of the modern enterprise. Data-first modernization is key to activating next-gen operating and business models that drive your business forward, faster — across the transformation divide. Unlocking the value of data for supply chains, distribution models, product development, manufacturing, marketing, sales, and more enables you to accelerate decision velocity, speed innovation and time to market, reimagine customer experiences, and improve operational efficiency.
But there’s a catch, and you probably already know what it is.
Unleashing the power of data requires that you first confront and eliminate the operational complexity, data silos, specialized tools, and constant fire-fighting that have long plagued IT — and inhibited strategic business initiatives. Those challenges have only grown with the advent of IT resources that now span across edge, core, and cloud. As an example, ESG has found that the average organization today relies on 23 different data management tools to handle the lifecycle of their data and data infrastructure. That’s unsustainable.
IT decision makers are well aware of these problems: 93% know that data complexity represents a critical hindrance to the velocity of business transformation — lowering agility, efficiency, and innovation, but also elevating business risk, according to ESG. Moreover, 59% of IT leaders say this situation is only getting worse — and more difficult to rectify as time goes on. By now, it’s clear that simplifying data management and data infrastructure — the essence of data-first transformation — can be the difference between winning and losing market share.
Continue reading: https://www.cio.com/article/303410/storage-as-a-service-more-than-just-on-demand-consumption.html/amp


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