Kathleen Martin

AgWeb talks with a futurist and former naval intelligence officer about what he sees impacting agriculture in the new year.
As we prepare to ring in a new year, what trends will shape 2022? Sara Schafer at AgWeb talked with Jack Uldrich, a futurist and former naval intelligence officer, about what he sees impacting agriculture in the new year. He said there are four trends:
1. Blockchain technology
“What it allows businesses to do is have a secure, trustworthy and transparent view of the supply chain. With blockchain, in the not-too-distant future, both consumers and businesses are going to know exactly where their crops came from, how they were grown, how they were shipped, how they were stored, etc.,” Uldrich says.
It will also enable companies such as Cargill, PepsiCo, General Mills and their customers to hold farmers accountable for production practices and resource use.
2. Regenerative Agriculture
Big food companies are betting on regenerative agriculture to thwart climate change which is paying farmers to sequester carbon by adopting conservation practices.
“We’re seeing European governments be more aggressive on requiring agribusinesses and farmers to get more serious about regenerative agriculture, and the Biden administration will likely provide financial incentives for farmers to store carbon in their land. This is a huge opportunity for farmers; it’s not too soon for every farmer to begin getting up to speed on this issue.”
Continue reading: https://www.precisionfarmingdealer.com/articles/4886-4-trends-that-will-shape-agriculture-in-2022


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