Kathleen Martin

Accelerated digitalization is a boon for the healthcare industry. With electronic healthcare records (EHRs), provider organizations can more easily manage population health and meet the needs of stakeholders. However, the increased use of electronic records also means that providers need to adjust their data management strategies to meet patient expectations and ensure integrity, interoperability, and security while complying with policies and regulations. To do that, they need to move away from data silos and leverage holistic care models and secure data.
Overcoming healthcare data challenges through connected enterprise data management
Disconnected healthcare data results in poor accessibility to records and translates into fragmented care delivery for patients. One must navigate from a primary care physician to a specialist, from labs to pharmacies, and from claims to payers—all across uncoordinated systems that often have little visibility into the conditions of the patients they’re treating. The result is hundreds—if not thousands—of disconnected systems across the industry. Bringing them all together, analyzing data records, and making sure these systems communicate with each other present major issues for today’s healthcare industry. 
The key challenges that healthcare enterprises face while implementing successful data management capabilities are captured in the four V’s of big data: 
– Volume: The amount of global healthcare data is huge, with numerous sources, patients, departments, and care settings. Projections indicate that there could be as much as 2,314 exabytes of new data generated in 2020.
Continue reading: https://hitconsultant.net/2021/09/21/moving-enterprise-data-management-to-health-cloud/#.YUtDZbhKg2w


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