Kathleen Martin

People ask me all the time if being a woman in tech is hard because we’re underrepresented in the field. I suppose you could think of it that way — but why would you want to focus exclusively on what it is difficult?
Where does support start? It starts with you.
One of the most important things you can do in your career as a woman in tech is to support yourself, support others and find people to support you. You truly have to believe — deep down — in yourself and that you can reach your goals. Then you need to believe in others and that they can accomplish their goals and it won’t negatively affect you. Finally, you need to find your own cheerleaders to encourage and believe in you.
How can you accomplish all of this? I’ll show you some tactical ways to support, be supported and find support.
Continue reading: https://builtin.com/women-tech/find-your-squad


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