Brianna White

Staff member
Jul 30, 2019
Stony Brook University professor Peng Zhang, a SUNY Empire Innovation professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, is leading a statewide team of collaborators in developing “AI-Grid,” an artificial intelligence-enabled, autonomous grid designed to keep power infrastructure resilient from cyberattacks, faults and disastrous accidents.
The work is part of the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Convergence Accelerator Program, which supports and builds upon basic research and discovery that involves multidisciplinary work to accelerate solutions toward societal impact.
In September 2020, the program launched the 2020 cohort, which included AI-Grid as a phase 1 awardee and grant funding of a $1 million to further AI-Grid research from an idea to a low-fidelity prototype. The Convergence Accelerator recently selected teams for phase 2, to focus on expanding the solution prototype and to build a sustainability plan beyond the NSF funding. Under phase 2, a new $5 million NSF cooperative agreement will fund the AI-Grid project.
“This project led by Professor Zhang is a great example demonstrating the impact of this novel research on essential infrastructure that we rely on daily, and defines a pathway for enhancing the resiliency and security of our electrical grid systems,” said Stony Brook University Vice President for Research Richard J. Reeder.
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