Kathleen Martin

It’s become impossible to not have the attention of cryptocurrency and the technology supporting the industry. It’s become mainstream and there seems to be no clear stop of the disruption. It can feel like there are new cryptocurrency projects up popping every day, and that might be because they are. Entrepreneurs are quickly recognizing opportunities to build within this wild west-type financial technology landscape.
A new wave of possibilities for entrepreneurs has risen and the rush to innovate creative solutions for business sectors is just starting. Cryptocurrency and the industries surrounding it have paved the way for real-world contributions, calling for even more disruption in industries that have lacked technological progression in the past. This innovation is everywhere and it’s enabling flows of information and calling for more transparent and secure business solutions.
Now more than ever is the time to be building cryptocurrency application solutions. Entrepreneurs are not acting slowly on real-world change, rather they are expediting how business is being connected across all industry sectors around the globe. These contributing factors are proving real-world use cases in the world of business.
 Let’s explore how blockchains are enabling decentralized applications on the internet today.
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
These digital social tokens have become the latest craze. From collecting the most valuable artwork to raising money for charities, NFTs have facilitated the commoditization of media assets. NFTs are digital assets which represent digital content on blockchains. Currently, the most common NFT use cases are media assets such as artwork, music and in-game items. They are minted or created and then can be traded, bought and sold either person to person or through marketplaces. The digital media assets are stored on whichever blockchain they are deployed and are held within a person’s digital cryptocurrency wallet. 
Continue reading: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/380855


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