Brianna White

Staff member
Jul 30, 2019
China intends on leveraging blockchain technology to digitize its securities industry. Representatives from the country’s largest stock exchanges and regulatory bodies met recently to discuss the future of the securities industry, and they concurred on blockchain playing a central role.
The event was organized by the China Securities Association (SAC) and brought together securities regulators including the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC). Two of the largest stock exchanges in Shanghai and Shenzhen were also in attendance, with all the attendees delving into how they were using blockchain technology to increase efficiency, reduce costs and increase transparency.
Jiang Dongxing, the deputy director of the Science and Technology Regulatory Bureau of CSRC, called on market participants to double down on their blockchain initiatives, citing benefits such as the building of a trust mechanism that could be the foundation upon which the future of China’s securities and futures industry is built.
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