Brianna White

Staff member
Jul 30, 2019
Africa loses a good percentage of its food after harvest and most farmers are still using rudimentary technologies to grow and take care of their crops. These scenarios have hampered the continent’s quest to be food secure over the years.
Fortunately, the situation is slowly changing as the youth in the continent take up innovative agribusinesses to offer solutions to farmers.
Some of the technologies were on display at an ongoing Africa Green Revolution Forum in Nairobi, Kenya, hosted by the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa.
“Africa does not really lack food security. We produce in plenty. What is missing are storage and processing facilities and technologies,” said Tracy Kimathi, managing founder of a firm that offers cold storage solar services. Her company provides pay-as-you-go services that are ideal for both farmers and traders in urban and rural areas.
“Our affordable solar storage facilities enable people to store meat, fruits and vegetables overnight at a small fee to avoid spoilage,” she said.
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