Brianna White

Staff member
Jul 30, 2019
Growing up in Baltimore, positive interactions with the tech community helped propel Christabella Palumbi’s career interests.
Palumbi is on her way to the University of Michigan and its school of engineering. As the 19-year-old looked back and reflects on her journey to college through Baltimore, it was her formative experiences at the Federal Hill-based Digital Harbor Foundation tech center and summer internships at Hunt Valley-based Big Huge Games with mentors like gaming entrepreneur Tim Train that set her on this trajectory.
“So many of the things I’m talking about come back to having affirming and confidence-boosting experiences with technology,” said Palumbi. “Tech is hard, coding is hard and it’s so easy to feel like you can’t do it or you’re not good enough. As a technology community — businesses, tech centers, makerspaces — we have an obligation to make sure people get affirming experience in technology because that is the only way they’re going to want to pursue a career in that field.”
Showing curiosity and plenty of ability, Palumbi has been working on tech side projects from an early age. Back in 2016, covered Palumbi while she was in middle school. She was already earning plaudits after learning skills in 3D printing at Digital Harbor and creating mobile games with Unity. And she picked up a nomination for a 2017 Baltimore Innovation Award along the way.
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