Kathleen Martin

One of the biggest concerns of humanity is the future development of artificial intelligence (AI). Real artificial intelligence improves the speed, precision and effectiveness of human efforts.
What is Wrong with Artificial Intelligence?
According to Bernard Marr, since artificial intelligence algorithms are built by humans, they can have built-in bias by those who either intentionally or inadvertently introduce them into the algorithm. 
The stimulation of human intellect in digital computers and controlled robotic machines that learn from big data (experiences) and are encoded to think like humans to solve human problems in a range of different frameworks and environments is a significant threat to humankind.
Such a human-like AI is fast emerging as narrow-minded automated “superintelligences” outperforming humans in any narrow cognitive tasks. 
Never Has Human Life Been So Senseless, “Hopeless, Desperate and Insignificant”
Learned helplessness is a socially massive phenomenon today, as "real or perceived absence of control over the outcome of a situation".
Technology is faster, stronger, and smarter every day, thus diminishing human value, relationships, deeds, and legacy.
Machines as computers and computerized equipment, like robots, programmed to learn, like humans, come with better, more efficient, cost-effective solutions.
Today robots read the entire internet, run a factory, play games, translate languages, compose music, paint pictures, clean houses, drive our vehicles, disable bombs, provide prosthetic limbs, spot cancer, support surgical procedures, manufacture products, entertain, teach and train us.
Factory floors deploy robots that are increasingly driven by machine learning algorithms such that they can replace costly human labor, making it easier, faster, and less expensive to create, deliver, and capture value for the companies that employ the machines.
Humans, in Amazon’s trade mega-factory, having more than 480,000,000 items on its “shelves”, do the picking and packing of goods while 100,000 robots move orders around the giant warehouses.
AI, robots will replace humans for most jobs, just as innovative farming equipment replaced humans and horses during the industrial revolution.
The only hope is that an increase in overall productivity might create more consumer demand, which has created more jobs.
Still, AI and robotics and automation are also finding that the best, most efficient, cost-effective solutions include humans and machines working together, but as a GLOBAL HUMAN AI PLATFORM: A Digital SuperMind of Human Minds and Machine Intelligence
The Real-World AI vs. Anthropomorphic and Anthropocentric AI (AAAI)
The whole idea of Anthropomorphic and Anthropocentric AI (AAAI) as the narrow or general ones, aimed at simulating human intelligence, cognitive skills, capacities, capabilities, and functions, as well as intelligent behavior and actions in computing machines is raising a number of undecidable social, moral, ethical and legal dilemmas.
It (sic) consequences could be much worse than human cloning, which is prohibited in most countries, and massive technological unemployment without any compensation effects is just the beginning of the end.
Continue reading: https://www.bbntimes.com/technology/the-real-world-ai-why-we-need-it-now-more-than-before?fbclid=IwAR2vJQknoFdXDoKU7B1gY25BhrBzvm1x_v3UaDNd_ioPEPv1eZVzr_RYyw4


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